Kaiser Kitkat (talk·contribs) -Chicago resident, I grew up on the border between Tower Grove East and Fox park, Interested in Saint Louis Architecture, Saint Louis demographics, and copyediting. Native English speaker.
Astuishin (talk·contribs) -Student (Washington U), interested in St. Louis History, Architecture, and Geography
Davidkevin (talk·contribs), born in St. Louis City, raised in both St. Louis City and County, with children in St. Louis Public Schools. History; demographics; some aspects of south-side culture; plus a casual interest in other subjects.
Gamer83 (talk·contribs) -Downtown St. Louis Resident, interested in St. Louis History, Architecture, Culture, Rebirth, and Geography
Joncnunn (talk·contribs) - Duel Resident of Maryland Heights, MO & Jefferson City, MO, interested in History, Transportation, and census data.
Jdcaust (talk·contribs) - Transplant from Kansas City, now residing in St. Louis, tied there by both school and wife, interested in the universities and colleges of the area.
Discordanian (talk·contribs) - Transplant from elsewhere, now living in Webster Groves. I'm a big fan of urban renewal, and enjoy downtown and the loop a great deal.
Bhockey10 (talk·contribs) - Transplant from elsewhere, now living in St. Louis County for years. Hockey player, sports management major, college student.
Alan.A.Mick (talk·contribs) - Long time, but not current, resident of the metropolitan St. Louis area, with a long family history in the area. I am interested in local history that may have genealogical significance.
Cadastral (talk·contribs) - City resident and researcher specializing in public housing, transportation, public works, and suburbanization. My historical focus is mid-20th century. I have good working relationships with several local archives that can provide high quality images (many of which are public domain) from this time period. Feel free to ask me for an image for any STL-related article you'd like to work on; there's a good chance I can find one... esp. if the focus is between 1945-1970.
Brps311 (talk·contribs) - Resident of Southwest Gardens, almost on "the hill." I am interested in history and anything in the St. Louis Region. I have lived in various parts of St. Louis during my life.
Taram (talk·contribs) - With the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet for the past 30 years. Special interest in Carondelet, Cahokia, and special education between 1836-present