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edit- Cabala S >> Kabbalah JE, Masseket Azilut JE 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The specific term for the esoteric or mystic doctrine concerning God and the universe, asserted to have come down as
- De la Caballeria JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Marano family of Aragon, Spain, widely ramified, and influential through its wealth and scholarship, especially in Saragossa. The family descended ......
- Bonafos Caballeria JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Anti-Jewish writer of the fifteenth century; son of Solomon ibn Labi de la Caballeria of Saragossa; assumed the name of ......
- Cabret JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish translator; lived in Spain toward the end of the fourteenth century. The surname "Cabret" or "Cabrit," borne by several ......
- Cabul (Kabul) JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A city on the boundary-line of Asher (Josh. xix. 27), identical with the modern Kabul (Buhl, "Geographie," p. 221). Josephus ......
- Caceres - our article is unrelated dab (JE | WP GWP G) A family, members of which have lived in Portugal, Holland, England, Mexico, Surinam, the West Indies, and the United States. ......
- Cadenet JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Small village in the department of Vaucluse, France. Like all places situated along the river Durance, Cadenet had a Jewish ......
- Caecilius of Calacte (JE | WP GWP G) Rhetorician, critic, and historian; flourished in the first century B.C. at Calacte, a town on the northern coast of Sicily. ......
- Caius Julius Caesar (JE | WP GWP G) Roman dictator, consul, and conqueror; born July 12, 100 B.C. (according to Mommsen, 102 B.C.); assassinated March 15, 44 B.C.
- Caesarea S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Ancient city of Palestine; called in early times "Strato's Tower" (????????? ??????, Josephus, "Ant." xiii. 11, � 2; xiv. 4, ......
- Cage - our page is long dab, but it doesn't include JE's meaning (JE | WP GWP G) A rendering for V03p489006.jpg in Jer. v. 27; but it is doubtful whether this translation is accurate. The Hebrew word ......
- Cagliari S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the island of Sardinia. It had a Jewish community in early times. When a Christianized Jew named ......
- Abraham da Cagliari JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi at Cagliari, Sardinia, in the eighth century. He is mentioned by Antonio di Tharos, the historian of that epoch, ......
- Abraham Cahan S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian-American novelist and labor leader; born in Podberezhye, government of Wilna, July 7, 1860. His grandfather was a rabbi
- David Cahana S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K17: Kahana
- Eliezer Cahana S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K18: Kahana, Eliezer b. Reuben
- Jacob Abraham Cahana (JE | WP GWP G) see Jacob ben Abraham Kahana
- Cahana (Rab) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K20: Rab Kahana
- Cahana ben Tachlifa (Cahana ben Tahlifa) (JE | WP GWP G) see Kahana b. Tahlifa
- Albert Cahen JE (JE | WP GWP G) French composer; born at Paris Jan. 8, 1846; a pupil of Cæsar Franck (composition) and Mme. Szarvady (pianoforte). He made
21 – 40
edit- Coralie Cahen (JE | WP GWP G) French philanthropist; born at Nancy, 1832; died at Paris March 12, 1899; wife of Mayer Cahen, chief physician of the ......
- Isidore Cahen (JE | WP GWP G) French scholar and journalist; born at Paris in 1826; died there March 6, 1902. After having brilliantly completed his education ......
- Samuel Cahen JE (JE | WP GWP G) French Hebraist and journalist; born at Metz Aug. 4, 1796; died at Paris Jan. 8, 1862. He was brought up ......
- Arnold Cahn (JE | WP GWP G) German physician; born at Worms April 11, 1858. After completing his course at the gymnasium, he studied medicine at the ......
- David Léon Cahun JE (JE | WP GWP G) French Orientalist and writer; born June 23, 1841, at Haguenau, Alsace; died at Paris March 30, 1900. Cahun's family, which ......
- Caiaphas (JE | WP GWP G) (καïάφας, a Greek word; in the Hebrew original, probably not V03p493001.jpg, but V03p493002.jpg; compare Mishnah Parah iii. 5; Derenbourg, "Essai ......
- Cain (JE | WP GWP G) First-born of Adam and Eve, named "Cain" ("Ḳayin") because "gotten" (root, "ḳanah") "with the help of Yhwh." He became a ......
- Cainan JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K32: Kainan
- Cairo (JE | WP GWP G) -- See E67: Egypt
- Hayyim ben Joseph Calabrese (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H430: Vital, Ḥayyim
- Calabria S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See I369: Italy
- Calah S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Name of a city mentioned in Gen. x. 11 et seq., and forming with Nineveh, Re?oboth 'Ir, and Resen ......
- Calahora (Calahorra) (JE | WP GWP G) A family of Spanish descent, resident in Cracow from the sixteenth century up to the present time, of which the ......
- Joseph Abraham ben Simchah Calamani (Joseph Abraham ben Simhah Calamani) (JE | WP GWP G) Italian Talmudist; born at Venice in 1704. The surname "Calamani" is, according to Steinschneider, derived from the German "Kalman" or ......
- Calamus our article is disambig which doesn't mention JE's meaning (JE | WP GWP G) One of the ingredients (Ex. xxx. 23) of the oil made specially for anointing the tabernacle (Ex. xxx. 26), its ......
- Calatayud (Calatal-Yehud) >> History of the Jews in Calatayud JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) City of Aragon, which had a large Jewish community as early as the reign of 'Abd al-Ra?man III. In 1882, ......
- Calatrava (JE | WP GWP G) Fortified city in the former province of La Mancha, in Castile. In 1146, when it was captured from the Moors ......
- Judah Calaz (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K41: Kalaẓ, Judah
- Calcol (JE | WP GWP G) A man famous for his wisdom, since the Biblical writer attests the wisdom of Solomon by saying that he surpassed
- Calcutta (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of Bengal, and seat of government of British India. The Jews of Calcutta now number about 2,150, of whom ......
41 – 60
edit- Caleb (JE | WP GWP G) According to the Biblical text, Caleb was of the tribe of Judah. He represented that tribe among the twelve spies ......
- Calebites (JE | WP GWP G) A branch of the Edomite clan of Kenaz (compare Judges i. 12 with Gen. xxxvi. 11, 15, 42) that, before ......
- History of the Jewish Calendar (JE | WP GWP G) The history of the Jewish calendar may be divided into three periods—the Biblical, the Talmudic, and the post-Talmudic. The first ......
- Jewish Calendar JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A systematic arrangement of the days of the year. The Jewish calendar reckons the days from evening to evening, in ......
- Golden Calf S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A portable image overlaid with gold, made by Aaron at Mount Sinai (Ex. xxxii.). As the text stands, it narrates ......
- Calf-Worship (JE | WP GWP G) Among the Hebrews, as among the other agricultural Semites, the bull was associated with deity in a sacred character (see ......
- California >> History of the Jews in California (JE | WP GWP G) One of the United States of America on the Pacific coast. There exists no authenticated record of the activities of ......
- Califs (Caliph) (JE | WP GWP G) The attitude of the first Mohammedan rulers toward their Jewish subjects was as much regulated by circumstances as had been ......
- Caligula (JE | WP GWP G) Third emperor of Rome; born Aug. 31, 12 C.E. ; assassinated at Rome Jan. 24, 41. He soon displayed the ......
- Baruch Calimani (JE | WP GWP G) Italian publisher; lived in the second half of the sixteenth and at the beginning of the seventeenth century at Venice. ......
- Simchah Simon ben Abraham Calimani (Simhah Simon ben Abraham Calimani) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Venetian rabbi and author; died at Venice Aug. 2, 1784. He was a versatile writer, and equally prominent as linguist, ......
- Calitas (JE | WP GWP G) Levite who had married a foreign wife, but, at the solicitation of Ezra, repudiated her (I Esd. ix. 23). ......
- Calixtus II (Guido of Burgandy) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) One hundred and sixty-seventh pope (1119-24); born at Quigney, near Besan�on, France; died at Rome Dec. 12, 1124. His attitude ......
- Johann Heinrich Callenberg JE (JE | WP GWP G) Professor of theology and philology, and promoter of conversionist enterprise among the Jews; born of peasant parents at Molschleben Jan. ......
- Calling Up (Aliyah) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1239: Aliyah
- Callirrhoe (JE | WP GWP G) Hot springs on the western side of the Dead Sea, near the Zerka Maim (Buhl, "Geographie des Alten Palästina," p. ......
- Callisthenes JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A Syrian who was believed to have been concerned in the burning of the gates of the Temple during the ......
- Marie Calm JE (JE | WP GWP G) German authoress and advocate of women's suffrage; born at Arolsen, Germany, April 3, 1832; died at Cassel, Germany, Feb. 22, ......
- Jacob Jacques Calmanson (Jacob Calmanson) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P401: Poland
- Liefmann Calmer JE (JE | WP GWP G) Baron of Picquigny, an important personage in French Jewry of the eighteenth century; born in Aurich, Hanover, in 1711; died ......
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edit- Augustin Calmet S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) French Catholic theologian, historian, and Biblical scholar; born 1672 at Mesnil-la-Horgne in Lorraine; died 1757 in Paris. In 1688 he
- Calneh REF:JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) City, mentioned together with Babylon, Erech, and Accad as forming part of the Babylonian kingdom of Nimrod (Gen. x. ......
- Samuel ben Moses Calñi (JE | WP GWP G) Turkish rabbi of the fifteenth century; born at Arta in the Morea. Calñi is the author of responsa entitled "Mishpeṭe ......
- Calno (JE | WP GWP G) A city mentioned with Hamath and Samaria, and compared to Carchemish (Isa. x. 9). Its identity is doubtful. It is ......
- Calumny (Lashon hara) (JE | WP GWP G) Evil-speaking; a sin regarded with intense aversion both in the Bible and in rabbinical literature. The technical term for it ......
- Thomas Calvert (JE | WP GWP G) English Hebrew scholar; born 1606; died at York March, 1679. He wrote "The Blessed Jew of Morocco" (York, 1648), an ......
- Emanuel Calvo JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian physician and Neo-Hebraic poet; born at Salonica toward the end of the seventeenth century; died before 1772. In early ......
- Casper Calvör (JE | WP GWP G) Lutheran theologian; born Nov. 8, 1650, at Hildesheim, Prussia; died at Clausthal May 11, 1725. He became master of arts ......
- Meïr Calw (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M346: Meïr Calw
- Cambridge S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) University town of England, and one of the earliest English towns inhabited by Jews. Fuller ("History of Cambridge," p. 8) ......
- Camel (JE | WP GWP G) The well-known ruminant, native in Asia and Africa. The word "camel" (Hebrew, V03p520001.jpg, gamal) is the same in the Assyrian, ......
- Camondo S 2007-03-04 >> Abraham Salomon Camondo JE (JE | WP GWP G) Well-known family of Jewish financiers and philanthropists of Spanish-Portuguese origin. Several centuries ago it established itself at Venice, where some ......
- Camp S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A collection of tents (Judges vii. 13), or booths and huts (Neh. viii. 14), pitched or erected to give shelter ......
- Campanator (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S377: Schulklopfer
- Isaac ben Jacob Campanton JE (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish rabbi; born 1360; died at Penafeel in 1463. He lived in the period darkened by the outrages of Ferran ......
- John van Campen JE (JE | WP GWP G) Christian professor of Hebrew at Louvain and Cracow; died at Freiburg in Breisgau Sept. 6, 1538. He compiled a Hebrew ......
- Camphire (JE | WP GWP G) A shrub growing to a height of between eight and ten feet, and bearing cream-colored and very fragrant flowers. The ......
- Canaan (JE | WP GWP G) Name of the son of Ham, and a brother of Cush (Ethiopia), Mizriam (Egypt), and Put (Phut), occurring in the
- Canaanites (JE | WP GWP G) The expressions "Canaan" and "Canaanite" (V03p524004.jpg) are applied in the Old Testament sometimes to the collective non-Israelitish population west of ......
- Canada >> History of the Jews in Canada JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A federation of provinces in British North America. The earliest authentic records of the Jews in Canada go back to
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edit- Canaim of Cagliari (JE | WP GWP G) Italian archeologist of the eighth century, of whom nothing is known except that, like his contemporary towns-man Abraham di Cagliari, ......
- Cancellation of documents (JE | WP GWP G) An instrument in writing may be canceled by cross-lines or by other marks obliterating it, or by burning or tearing ......
- Cancer S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A malignant growth of new tissue; usually in the form of a tumor. Whether removed or not, it tends to ......
- Candia S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C886: Crete.
- Isaac ben Saul Chmelniker Candia JE (JE | WP GWP G) Hebrew poet; lived at Warsaw, Poland, in the first half of the nineteenth century. He is the author of an ......
- Candle tax (JE | WP GWP G) -- See T93: Taxation.
- Candlestick (JE | WP GWP G) Mentioned as a secular object only in II Kings iv. 10. The candlestick in the Temple, however, is frequently referred ......
- Abraham Levi Caniso (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B315: Barrios, Daniel Levi (Miguel) de.
- Jacob Canizal (JE | WP GWP G) Flourished probably in the fifteenth century. He was the author of notes on Rashi's commentary to the Pentateuch, which were ......
- Cankerworm S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See L512: Locust
- Canneh (JE | WP GWP G) A city mentioned in the long list of the contributors to Tyrian greatness and commercial power (Ezek. xxvii. 23).
- Canon S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A rule for the inclusion of certain books within a certain degree of sanctity; hence also the word "canonical." See ......
- Bridal canopy (Chuppah) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H973: Ḥuppah.
- Cansino JE (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish-Jewish family, famous in history for its wealth and influence, its scholars and poets.Jacob Cansino I. served as an interpreter ......
- Abraham ben Jacob Cansino JE (JE | WP GWP G) Poet; lived in the seventeenth century. He is the author of "Aguddat Ezob" (A Bunch of Hyssop), a collection of ......
- Isaac ben Chayyim Cansino (Isaac Cansino) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Poet and prominent member of the Jewish community of Oran; died in 1672; probably a brother of Jacob Cansino II. ......
- Jacob Cansino JE (JE | WP GWP G) "Vassal of his Catholic majesty and interpreter of languages in the places of Oran" (so styled by himself); died Sept. ......
- Karl Friedrich Canstatt JE (JE | WP GWP G) German physician and medical author; born at Regensburg July 11, 1807; died at Erlangen March 10, 1850. He was one ......
- Cantarini (JE | WP GWP G) A distinguished family of Italian Jews tracing their descent from Gherescion (Grassin) Cantarini, who, when one year old, was driven ......
- Azriel ben Samuel ha-Kohen Cantarini (Azriel Angelo ben Samuel Simon ha-Kohen Cantarini) (JE | WP GWP G) Italian rabbi; born 1577 at Padua; died there 1653. He was rabbi and preacher in his native city, and directed ......
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edit- Chayyim Moses Angelo ben Isaiah Azriel Cantarini (Hayyim Moses Angelo ben Isaiah Azriel) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian physician, rabbi, poet, and writer; lived in the second half of the seventeenth and the first half of the ......
- Isaac Chayyim Cantarini (Isaac Hayyim Cantarini) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian poet, writer, physician, and rabbi; born Feb. 2, 1644, at Padua; died there June 8, 1723. He studied Hebrew ......
- Judah ben Samuel ha-Kohen Cantarini JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian physician and rabbi; born about 1650 at Padua; died there April 28, 1694. He had a large practise among ......
- Kalonymus Aaron ben Samuel ha-Kohen Cantarini (JE | WP GWP G) Italian physician; born in 1593 at Padua; died there July 30, 1631, of the plague. He was famous as a ......
- Samuel ben Gerson ha-Kohen Cantarini (JE | WP GWP G) Official procurator of the Jewish community of Padua; born about 1561; died 1631 during the plague, to which also two ......
- Canterbury S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Large town in Kent, England, containing the metropolitan cathedral. Jews were settled here in the twelfth century. They seem to ......
- Cantheras (JE | WP GWP G) Surname of Simon, the son of Boethus, the high priest, according to Josephus "Ant." xix. 6, §§ 2, 4; compare ......
- Book of Canticles S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) - dont delete yet, redirected to Song of Soloman, but needs to be checked if it's the same
- Cantillation S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Mode of intonation used in public recital of prayers and Holy Scripture. The infinite gradations of tone in ordinary speech ......
- Isaac Berechiah Canton (JE | WP GWP G) Italian Talmudist; flourished about the middle of the eighteenth century in Turin, in which city he established a yeshibah. He ......
- Lelio Cantoni JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian rabbi; born in 1802 at Gazzuolo (dukedom of Mantua); died in 1857 at Turin. In 1829 he went ......
- Cantonists S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Sons of Russian private soldiers who from 1805 to 1827 were educated in special "canton schools" for future military service; ......
- Cantor (Hazzan) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H458: Ḥazzan
- Georg Cantor S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) German mathematician; born at St. Petersburg, Russia, March 3, 1845. He is distantly related to Moritz Cantor. He was only ......
- Jacob A. Cantor (Jacob Cantor) (JE | WP GWP G) American lawyer and politician; born in New York city Dec. 6, 1854; grandson of Agil Hanau, cantor of Dukes Place ......
- Moritz Cantor S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) German historian of mathematics; born at Mannheim, Germany, on Aug. 23, 1829. He comes of a family that emigrated to ......
- Joshua dei Cantori JE (JE | WP GWP G) Assailant of the Talmud at Cremona in 1559. According to Steinschneider, he belonged to the family Cantarini (V03p552001.jpg). In consequence ......
- Abraham Capadoce JE (JE | WP GWP G) Convert to Christianity; born at Amsterdam 1795; died there Dec. 16, 1874. His parents, who were Portuguese Jews, gave him ......
- Joseph Çapateiro JE (JE | WP GWP G) Portuguese traveler of the fifteenth century. After a so-journ in Bagdad, he returned to Lisbon to present a report to ......
- Cape Town S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S988: South Africa
121 – 140
edit- Jean-Baptiste Honoré-Raymond Capefigue (JE | WP GWP G) French Christian publicist and historian; born at Marseilles 1802; died at Paris Dec. 23, 1872. Among many historical works, Capefigue ......
- Caper-berry REF:JE (JE | WP GWP G) The feminine "abiyyonah" does not express "desire," but "the desiring thing," sc. "soul" [so Ḳimḥi]. The Septuagint, Vulgate, Peshiṭta, and ......
- Capernaum S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Small town by the Lake of Gennesaret, mentioned in the Gospels as the home of Jesus, where he resided after ......
- Capestang (JE | WP GWP G) Village in the department of Hérault, near Béziers, France. Several official documents testify to the presence of many Jews there ......
- Caphar-Salama (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K160: Kefar-Salama
- Caphtor S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Original country of the Philistines before their emigration into Palestine, whence their name, "Caphtorim" (Deut. ii. 23; Amos ix. 7; ......
- John of Capistrano S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Franciscan monk; born at Capistrano, Italy, 1386; died 1456. Owing to his remarkable power as a popular preacher, he was ......
- Capital Punishment (JE | WP GWP G) Warrants for the infliction of capital punishment, as opposed to private retribution or vengeance, are found in the Pentateuchal codes ......
- Wolfgang Fabricius Capito S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) German Hebrew scholar; born at Hagenau, Alsace, in 1478; died Nov., 1541. In 1515 he was appointed professor of theology ......
- Cappadocia S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Ancient province of Asia Minor. It was known to the Jews in its Greek form also, and is often mentioned ......
- Louis Cappel (Ludovicus Cappellus) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Christian theologian and Hebrew scholar; descended from an old aristocratic French Hugue-not family; born Oct. 15, 1585; died June 18, ......
- Capsali >> Moses Capsali JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Family of scholars in European Turkey during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, which came originally from Greece, where a certain ......
- Captain S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) One at the head of, and in command over, others; a chief or officer; the head man of a clan; ......
- Captives (JE | WP GWP G) The Bible makes no provision for the treatment of captives taken in war. Captives were considered as slaves, and as ......
- Captivity S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) By "exile" is meant any form of forced emigration in which the selection of his new habitation is left to ......
- Princes of Captivity S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See E548: Exilarch
- John of Capua JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J372: John of Capua
- Carabajal >> Francisca Nuñez de Carabajal JE, Luis de Carabajal y Cueva JE, Luis de Carabajal the younger JE (JE | WP GWP G) The name of a family of Maranos in Mexico at the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning ......
- Caracalla S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Roman emperor (211-217); son of Septimius Severus. It is said that as a boy of seven he had a Jewish ......
- Caracas S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S990: South America
141 – 160
edit- David Samuel Carasso JE (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish traveler; born at Salonica, Turkey. On the occasion of a business trip to Yemen, Arabia, in 1874, he studied ......
- Caravan S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A convoy of travelers or merchandise. As the commerce of the Israelites was chiefly inland trade, products from regions that ......
- Victor of Carben JE (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish convert; lived at Cologne (1442-1515). Like most converts, Victor endeavored to show his zeal for his new religion by ......
- Carcas (JE | WP GWP G) One of the seven chamberlains serving Ahasuerus and ordered by him to bring Queen Vashti into the royal presence (Esth. ......
- Carcass (JE | WP GWP G) The carcass of a clean animal that had not been properly slaughtered, or that of an unclean animal of the ......
- Carcassonne S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the department of Aude, France; the Carcaso or Carcassio of the Romans. It is variously transcribed in Hebrew ......
- Adolphe Joseph Carcassonne JE (JE | WP GWP G) French poet; born at Marseilles, 1826; died Sept. 22, 1891. His principal works are: (1) "Premières Lueurs," a selection of ......
- David Carcassonne JE (JE | WP GWP G) French physician; born Dec. 20, 1789, at Remoulins, a small town in the Gard department, France; died Nov. 15, 1861, ......
- Léon Carcassonne JE (JE | WP GWP G) French physician, municipal councilor, and member of the Academy of Nîmes. Son of David Carcassonne; died at Marseilles May 7,
- Carchemish S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) City of northern Syria, on the Euphrates. Its importance seems to have been based on its situation at the end ......
- Card-Playing (JE | WP GWP G) -- See G59: See Games
- Judah ben Isaac Cardinal (Cardineal) JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Translator; lived at the end of the twelfth century and the beginning of the thirteenth, probably in southern France. At ......
- Cardinal Virtues need to incorporate JE's content (JE | WP GWP G) Virtues regarded as fundamental, and under which, as heads, all others may be arranged. The term "cardinal virtues" is first ......
- Elijah Aboab Cardoso JE (JE | WP GWP G) Philanthropist and founder of the Hamburg synagogue; lived in that city in the first half of the seventeenth century. He ......
- Isaac Cardoso JE (JE | WP GWP G) Physician, philosopher, and polemic writer; born of Marano parents at Celorico in the province Beira, Portugal, before 1615; died at ......
- Miguel Cardoso JE (JE | WP GWP G) Shabbethaian prophet and physician; born in Spain about 1630; died at Cairo 1706. He was a descendant of the Maranos ......
- Don Aaron Cardoza JE (JE | WP GWP G) Consul for Tunis and Algiers at Gibraltar about 1805. He was a descendant of a Portuguese-Jewish family. Cardoza promoted the ......
- Cardozo S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) American Sephardic family, doubtless connected with the Cardozos of Amsterdam and London, though the connection has not been made out. ......
- David de Jahacob Lopez Cardozo JE (JE | WP GWP G) Dutch Talmudist and prominent communal worker; born in Amsterdam, Holland, May 21, 1808; died there April 11, 1890. He was ......
- Carians not clear if our article is about same people (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C426: Cherethites
161 – 180
edit- Isaac Carillo (JE | WP GWP G) Lived in Amsterdam in the latter part of the seventeenth century; member of the Academia de los Floridos, founded by ......
- Carinthia need to incorporate JE's content (possibly in separate article) (JE | WP GWP G) A crownland of Austria. It has but a small number of Jews, whose ancestors, with the Jews of the neighboring ......
- Carites (JE | WP GWP G) People mentioned in II Kings xi. 4, 19. The Kari (R. V., "Carites"; margin, "executioners", A. V., "captains") are mentioned ......
- David Cohen Carlos (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish writer; lived at Hamburg in the first half of the seventeenth century. He translated into Spanish the Song of ......
- Carlsruhe (Germany) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K118: Karlsruhe
- Carlstadt (Croatia) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K119: Karlstadt
- Carmanians (JE | WP GWP G) A people mentioned in II Esd. xv. 30. The Carmanians are represented as joining battle with the "nations of the ......
- Carmel S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The title of a German and a Hungarian Jewish weekly. See Periodicals. ......
- Mount Carmel S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A well-known mountain ridge in Palestine; V03p578001.jpg ("the garden" or "garden land," with the definite article) is usually given in ......
- Carmi S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) 1. A son of Reuben who came to Egypt with Jacob (Gen. xlvi. 9; Ex. vi. 14; I Chron. v. ......
- Carmi S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Title of a small Hebrew review, published for some months in 1882 at Adrianople, under the editorship of Baruch Mitrani.Bibliography: ......
- Carmi S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K122: Karmi
- Mordecai ben Abraham Carmi Crémieux (Mordecai ben Abraham Carmi) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C173: Crémieux, Mordecai b. Abraham
- Eliakim Carmoly JE (JE | WP GWP G) French scholar; born at Sulz (then in the French department of the Upper Rhine) August 5, 1802; died at Frankfort-on-the-Main ......
- Isaachar Bär ben Judah Carmoly JE (JE | WP GWP G) Alsatian rabbi; born at Ribeauville, Alsace, Sept. 15, 1735; died at Sulz May, 1781. At the age of ten he ......
- Carmona (JE | WP GWP G) City in the archbishopric of Seville, Spain, where Jews resided in very early times. In an old "Fuero de Carmona" ......
- Carmona (JE | WP GWP G) A family of Jewish financiers prominent in Turkey at the beginning of the nineteenth century. It is of Spanish ......
- Carnabat (JE | WP GWP G) Town of eastern Rumelia or southern Bulgaria. According to tradition, Jews first established themselves at Carnabat about 1580; but the ......
- Carniola (JE | WP GWP G) -- See L19: Laibach
- Carnival (JE | WP GWP G) Among the Romans, a period of gaiety during the weeks before Lent, in which the Jews were made to play ......
181 – 200
edit- Abraham ben Raphael Caro JE (JE | WP GWP G) Turkish rabbi; flourished at Adrianople in the first half of the eighteenth century. He was a descendant of R. Joseph ......
- Aryeh Löb ben Chayyim Caro (Aryeh Löb ben Hayyim Caro) (JE | WP GWP G) Preacher at Posen in the second half of the eighteenth century. He was the author of a work, "El ha-Millu'im" ......
- David Caro JE (JE | WP GWP G) Prussian pedagogue; born about 1782 at Fordon, grand duchy of Posen; died Dec. 25, 1839, at Posen. He belonged to ......
- Ezekiel Caro (JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi and historian; born Nov. 26, 1844, at Pinne, near Posen; son of the exegete and homiletic writer Joseph ......
- Georg Martin Caro (JE | WP GWP G) Lecturer on history at the University of Zurich, Switzerland; born Nov. 28, 1867, at Glogau, Prussia. Caro received his education ......
- Isaac ben Joseph Caro JE (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish Talmudist and Bible commentator; flourished in the second half of the fifteenth century and the first half of the ......
- Jacob Caro JE (JE | WP GWP G) German historian; born at Gnesen, province of Posen, Prussia, Feb. 2, 1836; son of Joseph Ḥayyim Caro. After several years ......
- Joseph Caro (Joseph ben Ephraim Caro) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The last great codifier of rabbinical Judaism, born in Spain or Portugal in 1488; died at Safed, Palestine, March 24, ......
- Joseph Chayyim ben Isaac Selig Caro (Joseph Hayyim ben Isaac Selig Caro) JE (JE | WP GWP G) German-Russian rabbi; born 1800; died in Wloclawek, government of Warsaw, April 21, 1895. He was educated as an Orthodox Talmudist, ......
- Carpentras (JE | WP GWP G) Chief town of the arrondissement of that name in the department of Vaucluse, France. Jews settled at Carpentras at a ......
- Judah ben Tzebi Carpentrasi (Judah ben Zebi Carpentrasi) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C191: Judah b. Ẓebi Hirsch of Carpentras
- Leone Carpi JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian political economist; born 1820 at Bologna, Italy. He was the first deputy elected to the Italian Parliament by the ......
- Solomon Joseph ben Nathan Carpi (JE | WP GWP G) Italian writer; born Dec. 27, 1715; lived at Leghorn. He engaged in the controversy with regard to Ḥayyon's book on ......
- Zachariah Carpi JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian revolutionist; born at Revere in the second half of the eighteenth century. After the French Revolution he appears to ......
- Johann Benedict Carpzov II JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) German Christian theologian and Hebraist; born 1639; died 1699. He was a member of a family which, like the Buxtorfs, ......
- Johann Gottlob Carpzov JE (JE | WP GWP G) German Christian Old Testament scholar; born Sept. 26, 1679, in Dresden; died April 27, 1767, at Lübeck; nephew of Johann ......
- Carrasco JE (JE | WP GWP G) Apologist; born at Madrid about 1670, of Marano parentage. At first an Augustin friar at Burgos and an excellent preacher, ......
- Chayyim Moses ben Abraham Carregal (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi and editor; flourished in Palestine at the beginning of the eighteenth century, but lived in Holland for a time, ......
- Raphael Chayyim Isaac Carregal (Caregal, Carigal, Carrigal, Karigal, Karigel, Karigol, Kargol, Kragol) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Itinerant rabbi and preacher; born in Hebron, Palestine, Oct. 15, 1733; died at Barbados, West Indies, May 5, 1777. He ......
- Ludovicus Carretus JE (JE | WP GWP G) Convert to Christianity; lived at Florence in the middle of the sixteenth century. He was a native of France and ......
201 to 300
edit201 – 220
edit- Carriage S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C370: Chariot
- Carriera (JE | WP GWP G) -- See G210: Ghetto
- Carrion de los Condes JE (JE | WP GWP G) Ancient city of Castile inhabited by Jews at an early date. Although superior to the Christians both in numbers and ......
- Santob de Carrion (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C204: Santob de Carrion
- Carsono, Corsono JE (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish astronomer of the fourteenth century. He was commissioned by King Pedro IV. of Aragon to translate from Catalonian ......
- Cart S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A translation of V03p593001.jpg ('agalah). The cart was generally drawn by two oxen, or sometimes by cows, harnessed with cords ......
- Cartagena S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Ancient city on the eastern coast of the Spanish province of Murcia, referred to in the Talmud. The Cartagena mentioned ......
- Carthage S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Ancient city and republic in northern Africa; of special interest to Jews on account of the Phenico-Semitic origin of its ......
- Carthagena S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S990: South America.
- Don Alfonso de Carthagena JE (JE | WP GWP G) Convert to Christianity; son of Paul of Burgos; diedat Burgos in 1456. He was baptized when quite young by his ......
- Cartography S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C378: Chartography
- Antonio Fernandez Carvajal JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Portuguese merchant, and first endenizened English Jew; born about 1590, probably at Fund�o, Portugal; died in London Nov. 10, 1659. ......
- Mordecai Baruch Carvalho (Mordecai Baruch Carvallo) JE (JE | WP GWP G) A wealthy Tunisian merchant; died Jan., 1785, at an advanced age. He devoted part of his time to rabbinical studies, ......
- Jules Carvallo JE (JE | WP GWP G) French engineer; born at Talence, Gironde, France, in 1820. After having graduated with the highest honors at the Ecole Polytechnique ......
- Casablanca S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Port of Morocco, Africa, on the Atlantic ocean. The Jewish community, numbering 6,000, in a total population of 20,000 inhabitants, ......
- Casal Maggiore (JE | WP GWP G) Town in Italy, about twenty-two miles east-southeast of Cremona. In Sept., 1485, Joshua Solomon and Moses, sons of Israel Nathan ......
- Case JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) One of the foremost Polish rabbis and Talmudists of the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the ......
- Cases DAB (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish Italian family that included among its members rabbis, physicians, and scholars. The more numerous branch of the family lived ......
- Michael Cashmore UNR (JE | WP GWP G) Australian communal worker; born in 1814; died at South Melbourne Oct. 17, 1886. He was one of the oldest colonists ......
- Casimir II the Just S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) King of Poland; born 1138; ascended the throne on the deposition of his brother Mieczyslaw III., 1177; died 1194. He ......
221 – 240
edit- Casimir III the Great S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) King of Poland; born 1309; succeeded 1333; died in Cracow Nov. 5, 1370. He was a peaceful ruler, and, ......
- Casimir IV Jagellon S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Grand duke of Lithuania and king of Poland; born 1427; died at Grodno 1492. He succeeded to the grand duchy ......
- Casiphia (JE | WP GWP G) The residence of the Nethinim, who were under the leadership of Iddo (Ezra viii. 17). Ezra sent them a message ......
- Caslari JE (JE | WP GWP G) Name of a family originally from Caylar (Latin, "Castalarium"), a village in the department of Hérault, France. A rather important ......
- Abraham ben David Caslari JE (JE | WP GWP G) Physician; lived at Besalu, Catalonia, in the first half of the fourteenth century. Caslari was considered one of the most ......
- Crescas Caslari (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C227: Crescas Vidal De Caslari.
- Israel ben Joseph Halevi Caslari JE (JE | WP GWP G) Physician and poet, lived at Avignon in 1327. He was the author of a liturgic poem for Purim, beginning with ......
- Joshua Caslari JE (JE | WP GWP G) Liturgical poet; lived at Avignon about 1540. He wrote four elegies which are inserted in the manuscript Maḥzor of Avignon; ......
- Casluhim JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) According to Gen. x. 14 (= I Chron. i. 12), the Casluhim are sons of Mizraim; i.e., a part or ......
- Charles Paul Caspari (JE | WP GWP G) German Semite and Biblical scholar; born at Dessau 1814; died 1892. His parents were Jews, and he was reared in ......
- Joseph ben Abba Mari ben Joseph ben Jacob Caspi (JE | WP GWP G) Provençal exegete, grammarian, and philosopher; born in 1297 at Largentière, whence his surname "Caspi" (= made of silver); died at ......
- Nathanael ben Nehemiah Caspi JE (JE | WP GWP G) Provençal scholar; lived at the end of the fourteenth century and at the beginning of the fifteenth. He was a ......
- Cassel (JE | WP GWP G) City in the Prussian province of Hesse-Nassau. There was a persecution of the Jews at Wolfshagen, near Cassel, during the ......
- David Cassel JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) German historian and theologian; born March 7, 1818, at Gross-Glogau, Silesia, Prussia, where he graduated from the gymnasium; died Jan.
- Hartwig Cassel JE (JE | WP GWP G) Journalist and chess editor; born Nov. 2, 1850, at Konitz, West Prussia, where his father, Dr. Aaron Cassel, was rabbi. ......
- Jacob Cassel (JE | WP GWP G) German physician; born at Schwerin-on-the-Warta, province of Posen, Prussia, May 25, 1859. He was educated at the universities of Berlin ......
- Paulus Stephanus Cassel JE (JE | WP GWP G) Convert to Christianity and missionary to the Jews; born Feb. 27, 1821, in Gross-Glogau, Silesia; died Dec. 23, 1892, in ......
- Cassia our article is about a plant (JE | WP GWP G) The term given as the translation for "ḳiddah" (Ex. xxx. 24; Ezek. xxvii. 19) and "ḳeẓi'ot" (Ps. xlv. 9). Ancient ......
- Cassius Longinus (JE | WP GWP G) Questor of Crassus in Syria in 53 B.C. After the unfortunate battle of Carrhæ, Syria, he became independent governor of ......
- Judah Cassuto JE (JE | WP GWP G) Ḥazan of the Portuguese-Jewish community of Hamburg; born in Amsterdam 1808; died at Hamburg March 10, 1893. In 1827 he ......
241 – 260
edit- Abraham Castanho JE (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish poet; lived at Amsterdam in the middle of the seventeenth century. He was the author of an elegy on ......
- Samuel di Castel d’Ajano (JE | WP GWP G) Italian physician and philosopher; lived at Mantua in the sixteenth century. A philosophical work of his on the articles of ......
- Joel Rodrigo Castel-Branco JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J577: Juan Rodrigo
- Castel-Sarassin (JE | WP GWP G) Chief town of the department of Tarn-et-Garonne, France. A somewhat important Jewish community existed here in the Middle Ages. When ......
- Castellaccio da Asola (JE | WP GWP G) Locality near Mantua, Italy, where there was a great slaughter of Jews in 1547. Gershon Cantarini, the ancestor of the ......
- Castellazzo JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian-Jewish family which settled at the beginning of the sixteenth century in Cairo, where several members occupied the rabbinate with ......
- David Castelli JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian scholar; born at Leghorn, Tuscany, Dec. 30, 1836; died 1901. He was educated at the rabbinical college of Leghorn, ......
- Abraham Isaac Castello (Abraham Isaac Castilho) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi, preacher, and poet; born at Ancona 1726; died at Leghorn Aug. 1, 1789. At the age of thirteen he ......
- Jacob Castello (Jacob Castelo) JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Poet at Amsterdam; died after 1684. He was a member of several academies of poetry in his native city, and ......
- Joseph Castello (Jospeh Castilho) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Physician; born at Leghorn about 1746; son of Abraham Isaac. After studying medicine at Pisa, he returned to his native ......
- Castellon de la Plana S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) City of Valencia. In 1320 the Jews of Castellon obtained permission to lay out a cemetery; and in 1432 to ......
- Samuel di Castelnuovo JE (JE | WP GWP G) Secretary of the Jewish community of Rome; lived at the end of the sixteenth century and at the beginning of ......
- Castles S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See D205: 205
- Adolf de Castro JE (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish historian; member of the Academia de la Historia of Madrid; lived in Cadiz; died there Oct., 1898. He wrote ......
- De Castro family JE >> Isaac Orobio de Castro JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The various branches of this family are all of Spanish and Portuguese origin. Soon after the establishment of the Inquisition, ......
- Jacob de Castro Sarmento JE (JE | WP GWP G) Physician, naturalist, and poet; born about 1691 in Bragança, Portugal; died at London in 1761. At the age of seventeen ......
- David ben Abraham Castro Tartas (JE | WP GWP G) Printer in Amsterdam from 1663 to 1695, and publisher of a number of rabbinical writings, including prayer-books and ritualistic works, ......
- Isaac de Castro Tartas JE (JE | WP GWP G) Marano and martyr; born at Tartas, Gascony, about 1623; died at Lisbon Dec. 15 (22), 1647. He was a brother ......
- Castrojeriz (JE | WP GWP G) Town in southern Castile, 18 miles west of Burgos. Jews lived there as early as the period of the Moorish ......
- Casuistry (Pilpul) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See L148: Legalism
261 – 280
edit- Cat (JE | WP GWP G) There is no reference to the cat in the Old Testament, the domestication of that animal being later than the ......
- Catacombs (JE | WP GWP G) Underground galleries with excavations in their sides for tombs or in which human bones are stacked. The term is derived ......
- Abraham Catalan (JE | WP GWP G) Well-known Talmudist of the seventeenth century. He and his son, Abraham Catalan, and his brother, Elijah Catalan, were contemporaneous with ......
- Abraham Catalan (Abraham Catalano) (JE | WP GWP G) Physician in Padua; died 1642. He is the author of "'Olam Hafuk," an unpublished manuscript treatise on the plague of ......
- Abraham Solomon ben Isaac ben Samuel Catalan JE (JE | WP GWP G) born in Catalonia; died 1492; author of a work treating of the eternity of the world, Providence, prophecy, immortality, and ......
- Gerson ben Solomon Catalan JE (JE | WP GWP G) Author; lived at Arles in the middle of the thirteenth century; died (possibly) at Perpignan toward the end of the ......
- Moses Chayyim Catalan (Moses Hayyim Catalan) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Italian poet; born in Padua; son of the physician Abraham Catalan. He was rabbi in his native town, and died ......
- Solomon Catalan (JE | WP GWP G) Probably a grandson of Gerson b. Solomon Catalan. He was rabbi in the city of Coimbra in 1360.Bibliography: Kayserling, Gesch. ......
- Catalogues of Hebrew Books (JE | WP GWP G) These were of frequent use among the Jews in the Middle Ages. Judah ibn Tibbon (about 1200) speaks in loving ......
- Catalonia >> History of the Jews in Catalonia (JE | WP GWP G) Duchy of Aragon in the north-west of Spain. Jews settled in Catalonia (which included originally the county of Barcelona; the ......
- Shemariah Catarivas JE (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudic writer of the eighteenth century. He was originally from Tiberias, and went to Tunis in 1750 as alms-collector, settling ......
- Catechisms (JE | WP GWP G) Manuals for religious instruction. The name as well as the form of Jewish catechisms has been adopted from the Christian ......
- House of Catechumens (JE | WP GWP G) A Roman institution for converting Jews to Catholicism, which the Jews, by means of taxes, were compelled to support. The ......
- Category S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A term introduced by Aristotle into the philosophical vocabulary, signifying "attribute," "predicate." According to him every word containedin a proposition ......
- Catherine II S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Empress of Russia; born in Stettin May 2, 1729; died in St. Petersburg Nov. 17, 1796. She was the wife ......
- Cathua (JE | WP GWP G) Name of a family of Nethinim returning from Babylon with Zerubbabel (I Esd. v. 30). In the order of enumeration ......
- Carlo Cattaneo S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Italian Christian jurisconsult; born in Milan June 15, 1801; died at Castagnole, near Lugano, Feb. 5, 1869. Although Cattaneo was ......
- Cattle (JE | WP GWP G) Term used to denote all domestic animals, the principal possession of nomadic and pastoral peoples.Cattle were very important in the ......
- Caucasus >> History of the Jews in the Caucasus (JE | WP GWP G) A division of Russia, bounded on the north by European Russia; on the east by the Caspian sea; on the ......
- Caul (JE | WP GWP G) Nowadays applied to the membrane surrounding the human fetus; used also in other senses. In the Bible:1. A rendering of ......
281 – 300
edit- Caution S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Warning given to witnesses before testimony. Neither Biblical nor rabbinical law requires a witness to confirm his testimony by an ......
- Cavaillon S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Small town in the department of Vaucluse, France. In his book, "R�ponses de Rabbins Fran�ais et Lorrains" (Vienna, 1881), Jo�l ......
- Cavallero, Cavagliero (JE | WP GWP G) Name of a family, with branches in Provence, Africa, Turkey, and Italy.1. Abraham ben Judah Cavallero: Lived at Fez between ......
- Caves in Palestine (JE | WP GWP G) By "me'arah" (V03p633003.jpg) the Hebrew designates natural caves. The mountains of Palestine, which for the greater part are formations of ......
- Cayenne (JE | WP GWP G) An island of South America, and a town of the same name situated on this island that lies at the ......
- David Cazès JE (JE | WP GWP G) Moroccan educator and writer; born at Tetuan in 1851. Sent to Paris in his early youth, he was educated by ......
- Cedar (JE | WP GWP G) A tree of the pine family frequently mentioned in the Old Testament, where the "cedar of Lebanon" is generally meant. ......
- Cedron S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Name of the brook Kidron as given in John xviii. 1. Near the stream was the garden in which Jesus ......
- Celibacy S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Deliberate renunciation of marriage. In the Old Testament there is no direct reference to the subject. The prophet Jeremiah was ......
- Celsus S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Greek polemical writer against Christianity; flourished in the second century. He was the first pagan who denounced Christianity, and in ......
- Cemetery S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A place for the burial of the dead. The word "cemetery" is derived from the Greek ???????????, "the place where ......
- Censer S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) An implement shaped like a bowl or a pan, intended for the burning of incense. In the English Bible the ......
- Censorship of Hebrew Books (JE | WP GWP G) Censorship is the regulation, first decreed by the Church and then carried out either by that institution or by the ......
- Census S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A numbering of the people. Several cases are given in the Bible. The first mentioned is that in Num. i. ......
- Cento S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) City of 8,000 inhabitants in the province of Ferrara, central Italy. If the statement is correct that the Ha-Me'ati ......
- Nathan da Cento JE (JE | WP GWP G) See Me'ati, Nathan ha-. ......
- Samuel da Cento (JE | WP GWP G) See Me'ati, Samuel ha-. ......
- Solomon da Cento (JE | WP GWP G) See Me'ati, Solomon ha-. ......
- Central America >> History of the Jews in Central America (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S990: South and Central America
- Central Conference of American Rabbis S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C300: Conferences of American Rabbis
301 to 400
edit301 – 320
edit- Centralanzeiger für Jüdische Litteratur (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
- Cephas S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C925: Peter
- Ceremonies and the Ceremonial Law (JE | WP GWP G) Symbolic rites and observances, expressive of certain thoughts or sentiments. As social life demands forms of etiquette (see Greetings), so ......
- Karl Friedrich Cerf JE (JE | WP GWP G) German theatrical manager; born at Unterreissheim-on-the-Main in 1782; died at Berlin Nov. 6, 1845. He embraced Christianity when very young, ......
- Herz Cerfbeer of Medelsheim JE (JE | WP GWP G) French philanthropist; born at Bischheim, Alsace, in 1730; died at Strasburg in 1793. He was a contractor to the army, ......
- Max-Théodore Cerfbeer JE (JE | WP GWP G) French officer and deputy; born at Nancy, Meurthe, Dec. 9, 1792; died Jan. 15, 1876. He entered the army at ......
- Anatole Cerfberr JE (JE | WP GWP G) French journalist and author; born at Paris 1835; died at Neuilly 1896. Under various pseudonyms, among which were "Arthur Clary," ......
- Auguste Édouard Cerfberr JE (JE | WP GWP G) French author; born at Epinal in 1811; died in 1858. Having completed his studies in law, Cerfberr entered the service ......
- Frédéric Cerfberr JE (JE | WP GWP G) French consul; born at Strasburg Oct. 27, 1786; died at sea Sept. 18, 1842, on a voyage from New York ......
- Maximilien Charles Alphonse Cerfberr of Medelsheim JE (JE | WP GWP G) French journalist; born at Epinal July 20, 1817; died at Paris Dec. 16, 1883. After traveling extensively in Algeria and ......
- Samson Cerfberr of Medelsheim JE (JE | WP GWP G) French soldier and author; born at Strasburg about 1780; committed suicide at Paris, 1826. He led an erratic and adventurous ......
- Cervera (JE | WP GWP G) Hill-town in Catalonia, Spain, which in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries had a Jewish community. In 1328 a quarter ......
- Cesena S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) City of the Pontifical States. In early times a Jewish community existed here, of which the tosafist Eliezer is ......
- Cestius Florus (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C314: Florus Cestius
- Chabad S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H349: Ḥasidim
- Chabar (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H9: Ḥabar
- Chabazeleth (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
- Chaber (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H13: Ḥaber
- Chabib (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H16: Ḥabib
- Chabris (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Gothoniel, and one of the three governors of Bethulia, a city besieged by Holofernes. Toward the end of ......
321 – 340
edit- Chacham (Chacham the Wise) JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B884: Ḥakam
- Chacham Bashi S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) See Ḥakam Bashi.
- Chacham Tzebi (Chacham Zebi) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) See Ashkenazi,Ẓebi Hirsch b. Jacob.
- Chad-Gadya (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H30: Ḥad Gadya
- Chadad (JE | WP GWP G) See Ḥadad.
- Chaeremon S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Stoic philosopher and anti-Jewish writer (Origen, "Contra Celsum," i. 59; Eusebius, "Hist. Eccl." vi. 19), Egyptian priest (Porphyry, "De
- Chaff (JE | WP GWP G) Separated husks of grain. The Bible frequently compares things evanescent to chaff blown away by the wind (Zeph. ii.
- Jacob Chagis (Moses Chagis) (JE | WP GWP G) See Hagiz, Jacob; Hagiz, Moses, etc.
- Chaibar, Arabia (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K193: Khaibar
- Moses Avigdor Chaikin (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi and author; born at Sklow, government of Mohilev, in 1852, and removed at an early age with his father
- Chains S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A word employed in English versions of the Bible as an equivalent for the various Hebrew terms applied to devices
- Zebi Hirsch b. Meir Chajes (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudist, literary historian, and rabbi; born at Brody Nov. 20, 1805; died at Lemberg Oct. 12, 1855. His father, a
- Chajun (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H437: Ḥayyun
- Chalafta (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H105: Ḥalafta
- Chalcis S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the island of Eubœa in the Ægean sea; under Greek dominion since 1832. Benjamin of Tudela found 200
- Chaldea JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The Hebrew "Kasdim" (generally without the article) usually designates the Chaldeans as a people sometimes also their country (Jer. l.
- Phoebus Chalfan (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H130: Ḥalfon
- Chalilah (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H136: Ḥalilah
- Châlons-sur-Marne S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the department of Marne, France. Little is known of the Jews of this city. In 1292 Davy and
- Châlons-sur-Saône S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the department of Saône-et-Loire, France. Jews were established in the city at an early period; the council that
341 – 360
edit- Chalphi (JE | WP GWP G) Father of Judas. The latter was one of the two captains who remained when all the others under Jonathan had
- Chaluqqah (Chalukkah) JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H147: Ḥaluḳḳah
- Chalyzians (JE | WP GWP G) A people who, according to the Byzantine historian, John Cinnamus (twelfth century), accepted the Mosaic law. They fought, together with
- Rab Chama (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H149: Ḥama
- Chamai (Chamai Gaon) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H155: Ḥamai
- Chamberlain (JE | WP GWP G) The English rendering of V03p663006.jpg. This Hebrew word is also translated "officer" (Gen. xxxvii. 36; II Kings viii. 6). If
- Houston Stewart Chamberlain S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Anglo-German musical critic and anti-Semitic writer; born Sept. 9, 1855, at Portsmouth, England; son of Admiral W. C. Chamberlain. He
- Chambéry (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the department of Savoy, France. When the Jews were driven from France by Philippe Auguste in 1182, many
- Chameleon S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) An animal of the genus Chamœleon, the only genus of the tribe Dendrosaura (also Chamœleonida, Rhiptoglossa, Vermilinguia), of the Chamœleontidœ
- Chamois (JE | WP GWP G) The rendering of the Hebrew V03p665002.jpg (zemer), both in the A. V. and in the R. V., probably on the
- Champagne S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A former province of France, now known as the departments of Marne, Haute-Marne, Aube, and Ardennes, with part of Seine-et-Marne,
- Rab Chana ben Chanilai (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H197: Ḥana b. Ḥanilai
- Chanan, Chananeel, Chananya (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H200: Hanan
- Löb Chaneles (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H258: Ḥaneles, Judah Löb
- Chanilai (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1534: Anilai
- Chanina JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B229: Ḥanina
- Chanoch S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See E383: Enoch
- Chanting (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C109: Cantillation
- Chanukkah S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H265: Ḥanukkah
- Chao Yng-Cheng (Zhao Yingcheng, Chao Ying-ch'eng) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Chinese mandarin; flourished about 1653. After the sack of K'ai Fung-Foo, which followed the fall of the Ming dynasty in
361 – 380
edit- Chaplet (JE | WP GWP G) See Crown, Diadem, and Miter.
- John Chapman DAB (JE | WP GWP G) English educationist and communal worker; born 1845. Educated at Jews' College, London, he became an assistant master in that institution,
- Charaathalan (JE | WP GWP G) Name occurring in I Esd. v. 36. It is a corruption of "Cherub," "Addan," and "Immer" (Ezra ii. 59 =
- Characa (JE | WP GWP G) A city about 750 stadia distant from Caspis. It was the seat of the Jews called "Tubieni." Judas Maccabeus went
- Charan S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H274: Haran
- Charashim (JE | WP GWP G) -- See G113: Ge-Ḥarashim
- Charchemish (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C150: Carchemish
- Chares DAB (JE | WP GWP G) Leader of the Zealots in the Judæo-Roman war, and one of the most eminent men of Gamala (Josephus, "B.
- Charger (JE | WP GWP G) A rendering of two Hebrew words and a Greek one: (1) V03p666001.jpg (ḳa'arah), occurring in the list of the donations
- Chariot S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Vehicles are designated in Hebrew chiefly by two expressions, "'agalah" and "rakab," with "merkab" and "merkabah" derived from the latter.
- Charity and Charitable institutions (Tzedakah) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Charity is kindness shown to the needy; Hebrew, "ẓedaḳah"="righteousness" (Deut. xxiv. 13; Isa. xxxii. 17; Prov. xiv. 34; Ps. cvi.
- Charkow (Kharkov) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See: Kharkov ((no article))
- Charlemagne S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) King of the Franks and emperor of the West; born April, 742; died Jan. 28, 814. His attitude toward the
- Elizabeth Jane Caulfield, Countess of Charlemont JE (JE | WP GWP G) Convert to Judaism; born June 21, 1834; died at Roxborough Castle, Moy, County Tyrone, Ireland, May 31, 1882. She was
- Charleston, South Carolina >> History of the Jews in Charleston, South Carolina JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the county of the same name, and chief city of the state of South Carolina in the United
- Charms S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1445: Amulets
- Charoseth (Haroseth, Charoset) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S427: Seder
- Chartography (Cartography) (JE | WP GWP G) The art of making maps. In the development of this art, during the Middle Ages, an epoch is made by
- Chartres S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Chief town of the department of Eure-et-Loire, France. From time immemorial Jews were established at Chartres, occupying a special quarter
- Chasdai (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H332: Ḥasdai
381 – 400
edit- Moses Chaseisch (JE | WP GWP G) German Talmudist; died at Halberstadt in 1793. Chaseisch enjoyed an established reputation among his contemporaries as a Talmudist, and was
- Moses ben Jacob Chaskes (JE | WP GWP G) Neo-Hebrew poet and Russian translator; born in Wilna Sept. 27, 1848; removed later to Odessa. His first collection of Hebrew
- Chashniki S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Vitebsk, Russia, having (in 1897) a population of 4,590, of whom about 4,000 are Jews.
- Chasid (Hasidic Judaism) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M561: Ḥasid
- Chastisement S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P607: Punishment
- Chastity S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Purity in regard to the relations of sex, implied in the commandment, "Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord
- Proof of Chastity (JE | WP GWP G) See Crime and Divorce.
- Château-Thierry (JE | WP GWP G) Chief town of the arrondissement of the same name in the department of Aisne, France. At Château-Thierry, as in general
- Chattanooga >> History of the Jews in Chattanooga (JE | WP GWP G) -- See T138: Tennessee
- Chattels S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) In English and American law property is divided into two kinds: real or landed, and personal or chattels; in Continental
- Isaac Andreyevich Chatzkin JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian physician; born 1832; died at Odessa June, 1902. He settled in that city in 1869, and practised there for
- Chaussy JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) District town in the government of Mohilev, Russia. The Jewish community of Chaussy dates from the seventeenth century, as appears
- Jewish Chautauqua Society (JE | WP GWP G) A society formed in the United States for "the dissemination of knowledge of the Jewish religion by fostering the study
- Chaves (JE | WP GWP G) City in Portugal, which in the fourteenth century had a fairly large Jewish community, and an "aula," or school, "in
- Chaves (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish-Portuguese family that derived its name from its native place of Chaves in Portugal; members of it are found in
- Chavillo (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H21: Ḥabillo
- Chayyim, Chayyug S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) See Ḥayyug.
- Chazak (JE | WP GWP G) See Forti, John.
- Chazan S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H458: Ḥazzan
- Joseph Chazanowicz (JE | WP GWP G) Russian physician, and founder of the Jewish National Library at Jerusalem; born at Goniondz, government of Grodno, Russia, Oct. 22,
401 to 500
edit401 – 420
edit- Chazanuth (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H462: Ḥazzanut
- Chazars (Khazars) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the
- Chebar (JE | WP GWP G) Name of a Babylonian river or canal, by the side of which Ezekiel "saw visions" (Ezek. i. 1, 3; iii.
- Chechelnik (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Podolia, Russia, having (1898) a population of about 7,000, including 1,967 Jews. Their principal occupation
- Chechersk S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Mohilev, Russia, with a population (in 1898) of 2,819, including 1,692 Jews. The latter are
- Chedorlaomer S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Name of a king of Elam (Gen. xiv. 1), who made conquests as far west as Canaan and exercised supremacy
- Cheese (JE | WP GWP G) The curd of milk run into molds and allowed to coagulate. This article of food was known to the ancient
- Raphael Joseph Chelebi (JE | WP GWP G) See Raphael Joseph of Aleppo.
- Chellus (JE | WP GWP G) Place mentioned in Judith i. 9 as lying before Kadesh and the River of Egypt. Reland ("Palæstina ex Monumentis Veteribus
- Chelm S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Kovno, Russia. It has a population of about 4,200, all of whom, with the exception
- Ephraim ben Joseph Chelm (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C411: Ephraim b. Joseph Chelm
- Solomon ben Moses Chelm (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C412: Solomon b. Moses Chelm
- Chelod (JE | WP GWP G) A name occurring in Judith i. 6b, and designating apparently the Chaldeans. In place of the rendering of the A.
- Chelub (JE | WP GWP G) A Hebrew word meaning a cage, as in Jer. v. 27. It is also the name of two men: (1)
- Chelubai S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) This is probably another form of the name Caleb. It occurs in I Chron. ii. 9.E. G. H.G. B. L.
- Chemarim (JE | WP GWP G) Plural of V04p009001.jpg; occurs as transliteration of the Hebrew in the English translation of Zeph. i. 4, and also as
- Chemerovtzy (JE | WP GWP G) Small town in the government of Podolia, Russia, with (in 1898) an almost exclusively Jewish population of 1,282. About 160
- Chemnitz S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Town in Saxony, with a Jewish population of 1,150. Jews first settled there in the latter half of the nineteenth
- Chemosh JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The national god of the Moabites. He became angry with his people and permitted them to become the vassals of
- Chenaanah (JE | WP GWP G) Feminine form of "Canaan"; the name of two men: (1) The fourth-named of the seven sons of Bilham, son of
421 – 440
edit- Chenaniah (JE | WP GWP G) A Levite of the family of Izharites (I Chron. xxvi. 29) and chief of the Temple singers who conducted the
- Chenstochov S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) City in the government of Petrokow, Russian Poland, the Jewish inhabitants of which in 1897 numbered 12,500 in a total
- Chephirah (JE | WP GWP G) City belonging originally to the Gibeonites (Josh. ix. 17), but which, in the apportionment of the land, fell to the
- Cheran S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A name occurring in the genealogy of Seir the Horite (Gen. xxxvi. 26), and in the corresponding list in I
- Cherei (JE | WP GWP G) A small town in the government of Mohilev, Russia, with (1898) about 3,000 inhabitants, of whom 1,300 are Jews. The
- Cherethites JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Probably the name of a part of the Philistines; usually, however, designating the whole nation, as in Zeph. ii. 5,
- Cherikov (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Mohilev, Russia. According to the last census (1897) it has 5,250 inhabitants, including 2,700 Jews.
- Cherith S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The name of a brook or wadi near the Jordan, where Elijah, in the time of drought and famine, was
- Cherkassy S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) District town in the government of Kiev, Russia, situated on the right bank of the Dnieper, about 126 miles from
- Chernevtzy (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Podolia, Russia; it has (1898) a population of about 15,000, including about 2,000 Jews. Of
- Chernigov (JE | WP GWP G) A city in Russia; capital of the government of the same name. The Jewish settlement at Chernigov is one of
- Chernigov (JE | WP GWP G) A government of Little Russia (Ukraine), with a Jewish population (1897) of 114,630 in a total population of 2,298,834, or
- Chernobyl S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Kiev, Russia; it has (1898) a population of 10,759, including 7,189 Jews. Of the latter,
- Cherub S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The name of a winged being mentioned frequently in the Bible. The prophet Ezekiel describes the cherubim as a tetrad
- Chesalon (JE | WP GWP G) A border town of Judah (Josh. xv. 10), also known as "Mount Jearim." It lies in a directly west of
- Chesed S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A son of Nahor and Milcah (Gen. xxii.22). From the name the term "Casdim" (Chaldeans) is clearly derived.E. G. H.
- Chess (JE | WP GWP G) A game of skill, usually played by two persons, with sixteen pieces each, on a board divided into sixty-four squares
- Chest S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1777: Ark
- Chestnut tree S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The rendering of V04p021001.jpg given in the A. V. (Gen. xxx. 37; Ezek. xxxi. 8); the R.V., however, preferring "plane-tree."
- Chevra S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) See Hebra.
441 – 460
edit- Thomas Kelly Cheyne (JE | WP GWP G) English Christian Biblical critic, and Oriel professor of Biblical exegesis at the University of Oxford, England; born at London Sept.
- Luigi Chiarini (JE | WP GWP G) Italian abbé; born near Montepulciano, Italy, April 26, 1789; died at Warsaw Feb. 28, 1832. He was appointed professor of
- Chicago >> History of the Jews in Chicago (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of Cook county, Illinois; the second largest city of the United States. It was incorporated as a city in
- The Chicago Israelite (JE | WP GWP G) An American weekly newspaper devoted to Jewish interests; founded January, 1885, and first issued under the editorship of Leo Wise,
- Chidon (JE | WP GWP G) The owner of the threshing-floor at which Uzza or Uzzah, attempting to steady the Ark of the Covenant, was killed
- Chief S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Term used by the English Bible versions as an approximate rendering of a number of Hebrew words. The leaders of
- Esther Chiera (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K210: Kiera, Esther
- Chigrin (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Kiev, Russia, with a population (in 1897) of 9,870, including about 3,000 Jews. The latter
- Child S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Since the days of Abraham (Gen. xv. 2), to possess a child was always considered as the greatest blessing God
- Child Marriage (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M213: Marriage
- Childbirth S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The following are some of the Biblical and Talmudical details touching the birth of children:In the Bible.The child might be
- Song of the Three Children (JE | WP GWP G) -- See D34: Daniel, Book of
- Children of God S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See G283: God, Children of
- Chile >> History of the Jews in Chile (JE | WP GWP G) A republic of South America, bounded by Peru on the north, Bolivia and the Argentine Republic on the east, and
- Chileab S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A son of David, born to him at Hebron. His mother was Abigail, whom David married after the death of
- Chiliasm S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M621: Millennium
- Chilion S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A son of Elimelech and Naomi, the Bethlehemites who emigrated to Moab because of the severe famine in Judea (Ruth
- Chilmad (JE | WP GWP G) Name occurring in the long list of those nations supplying merchandise for Tyre (Ezek. xxvii. 23). The Septuagint reads
- Chimham (JE | WP GWP G) A son of Barzillai, who supported David while the latter was in exile at Mahanaim. After the death of Absalom,
- Rachel Mironowna Chin (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C460: Khin, Rachel Mironowna
461 – 480
edit- China >> History of the Jews in China JE (JE | WP GWP G) The southeastern and main division of the Chinese empire. The subject of the Jews in China is here treated in
- Chinnereth S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The sea marking the eastern boundary of the Israelitish possessions, whence the boundary proceeded by the River Jordan to the
- Simson of Chinon (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C463: Simson of Chinon
- Chios S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Island in the Ægean Sea; Turkish possession, 344 miles west of Smyrna. It is not known with any certainty when
- Chiquitilla (JE | WP GWP G) -- See G226: Gikatilla
- Chisdai (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H332: Ḥasdai
- Chittim (Kittim) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C948: Cyprus
- Chiun (JE | WP GWP G) A word occurring in connection with "Siccuth" in Amos v. 26. Scholars have long been puzzled to know whether in
- Bogdan Zinovi Chmielnicki (JE | WP GWP G) Hetman of the Zaporogian Cossacks, born about 1595; died at Chigirin Aug. 16, 1675. Unlike many other Little-Russian pupils of
- Choba (JE | WP GWP G) A town included among those which the Jews fortified against the attacks of Holofernes. It is mentioned in two places
- Choir (JE | WP GWP G) A collection of singers with trained voices who take part in divine service and who are separated from the congregation.
- Cholera Asiatica (JE | WP GWP G) A specific and communicable disease, characterized by violent vomiting and purging. It prevails endemically in some parts of India,
- Chor-Ashan (JE | WP GWP G) This is, perhaps, better given, with the earlier manuscripts (Baer), as "Bor-ashan." The Septuagint also confirms the latter spelling,
- Aaron Chorin (Aaron Choriner) JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born at Weisskirchen, Moravia, Aug. 3, 1766; died at Arad, Hungary, Aug 24, 1844. At the age of
- Franz Chorin (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian deputy; grandson of Aaron Chorin; born at Arad May 11, 1842. He studied law at Arad, Budapest, and Vienna,
- Joseph Judah Chorny JE (JE | WP GWP G) Russian traveler; born at Minsk April 20, 1835; died at Odessa April 28, 1880. His parents destined him for the
- Chosaemus (JE | WP GWP G) One of "the sons of Annas" that had "strange wives" (I Esd. ix. 32). The name can not be identified
- Chosen People (JE | WP GWP G) Name for the Jewish people expressive of the idea of their having been chosen by God to fulfil the mission
- Chosroes II (Khosru II) S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) King of Persia from 591 to 628. Chosroes, on the plea of avenging the death of his father-in-law, the
- Joseph Chotzner (JE | WP GWP G) English rabbi and author; born at Cracow, Austria, May 11, 1844; educated at the Breslau rabbinical seminary and the University
481 – 500
edit- Chovevei Zion S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Associations, in Europe and the United States, of persons interested in agricultural settlement of Jews in Palestine and in
- Joseph Choynski (JE | WP GWP G) American heavyweight pugilist; born at San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 8, 1868. His first appearance in the prize-ring was in 1884,
- Christ S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Septuagint translation of Hebrew "Mashiaḥ" ("Messiah"=The Anointed),applied by Christians exclusively to Jesus as the Messiah (see Jesus of Nazareth
- Christian S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) A word denoting a follower of Jesus as the Messiah or Christ. It originated, according to Acts xi. 26, in
- Gustav Christopher Christian (JE | WP GWP G) German author and Christian missionary; born of Jewish parents; baptized in 1719; died at Nuremberg about 1735. He was the
- Friedrich Albrecht Christiani (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish convert to Christianity; born in the middle of the seventeenth century; died at Prossnitz at the beginning of the
- Moritz Wilhelm Christiani (JE | WP GWP G) Author and Jewish convert to Christianity; born at Altorf at the end of the seventeenth century; died at Prague about
- Pablo Christiani JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Jewish convert of Montpellier, France; contemporary of NaḤmanides. After having been baptized, Christiani joined the Order of the Dominicans and
- Christianity in its relation to Judaism (see Judaism#Christianity_and_Judaism for a series of equivalent Wikipedia articles) (JE | WP GWP G) Christianity is the system of religious truth based upon the belief that Jesus of Nazareth was the expected Messiah, or
- Queen Christina S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Queen of Sweden; born at Stockholm Dec. 7, 1626; died at Rome April 19, 1689. She was a daughter of
- Christology S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M510: Messiah
- Ludwig Chronegk (JE | WP GWP G) German actor; born at Brandenburg-on-the-Havel Nov. 3, 1837; died at Meiningen July 8, 1890. He was the stage-manager and "Intendanzrath"
- Chronicles S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H802: Historiography
- Book of Chronicles S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The two books of Chronicles form a history of the Temple and its priesthood, and of the house of David
- Chronogram JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Sentence or verse certain letters of which express a date, while the sentence itself alludes to or is descriptive
- Chronology S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) The science that treats of the computation and adjustment of time or periods of time, and of the record and
- Joannes Chrysostomus (St. John Chrysostom) (JE | WP GWP G) Patriarch of Constantinople, one of the most celebrated of the Church Fathers, and the most eminent orator of the early
- Chudnov (JE | WP GWP G) Town in the government of Volhynia, Russia. A Jewish community existed here before the uprising of the Cossacks in 1648.
- Chuetas S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Names given to the descendants of the secret Jews in Majorca, who at heart were still faithful to Judaism, but
- Chufut-Kale JE S 2007-03-04 (JE | WP GWP G) Suburb of Bakhchiserai, a town in the government of Taurida, Russia. It is called by the Tatars "Kirk-er" (Place of
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