Hi! My name is Aaron, I'm 34 years old. I am a proud American , Floridian , and Christian . I am also what's known as a Disneyphile . I occasionally edit on the Simple English Wikipedia and Commons . In real life, I'm a small-time YouTuber running the channel "Our Disney World Fix ", in which I livestream and vlog at Walt Disney World with my wife. I'm also a sports fan. Baseball, Football, and Hockey are my sports. The professional teams I cheer for are the Tampa Bay Rays , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , and Tampa Bay Lightning . My education is incomplete at the moment, but that is going to be rectified soon. I'm on various social media, like Facebook , Twitter , Instagram and YouTube . I'm also available in IRC Channel whenever I'm on as "TrueCRaysball". My personal blog is here and I ran a Rays blog, which is here . I have tons of userboxes, check them out on my user subpage .