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                                       **TO VANDALS:**

    *                                                                                       *
    *                   *** A word of advice to potential vandals: ***                      *
    *                     **** This page is watched by me! ****                             *
    *                **** Vandalism to this page will be short-lived, ****                  *
    *            *and will be quickly reverted (usually within seconds/minutes/hours/days)* *
    *                    ** In addition, it may result in a block. **                       *
    *          ** Seriously,  don't even think of doing it, I'm watching you! **            *
    *                                                                                       *
    *                     Although the same policy applies to all pages,                    *
    *     a special warning is placed here because I am such an attractive target.          *
    *                              (and handsome too ;-D)                                   *
    *                                                                                       *
    *                              So please think twice!                                   *
    *                          And try to relax a little, OK?                               *
    *         We are a charitable group trying to do something useful for the world.        *
    *               Consider helping; it is more fun. Honestly, no joke. :-)                *
    *                                    Thank you.                                         *
    * Stolen from     Jimbo Wale's old userpage                                             *