var rmCloser = {};
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rmCloser.callback = function rmCloserCallback(e) {
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rmCloser.Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 450);
rmCloser.Window.setTitle( "Close requested move" );
rmCloser.Window.addFooterLink('RM Closing instruction', 'WP:RMCI');
rmCloser.Window.addFooterLink('Script documentation', 'User:TheTVExpert/rmCloser');
rmCloser.Window.addFooterLink('Give feedback', 'User talk:TheTVExpert/rmCloser');
var form = new Morebits.quickForm(rmCloser.evaluate);
var resultField = form.append({
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label: 'Moved',
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event: function() {
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numberOfMoves ;
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numOldMoves ;
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numOldMoves ;
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var oldMovesText = oldMovesPresent[0].wikitext;
numOldMoves ;
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from = '|from' numOldMoves '=' rmCloser.title;
var newTextToAdd = '|date' numOldMoves '=' date from '|destination' numOldMoves '=' destination '|result' numOldMoves '=' result '|link' numOldMoves '=' link '}}';
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if(result == "moved"){
from = '|from=' rmCloser.title;
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oldMovesText = '|destination1=' oldMovesPresent[0].parameters[i].value;
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from = '|from2=' rmCloser.title;
var newTextToAdd = '|date2=' date from '|destination2=' destination '|result2=' result '|link2=' link '}}';
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text = text.replace(oldMovesPresent[0].wikitext, oldMovesText);
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var oldMovesText = '{{Old moves';
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oldMovesText = '|date' numOldMoves '=' oldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
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oldMovesText = '|name' numOldMoves '=' oldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
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oldMovesText = '|destination' numOldMoves '=' oldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
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text = text.replace(oldMovesPresent[i].wikitext, "");
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var dest;
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otherArchives = otherText.match(/{{[Aa]rchivebox/);
if(otherArchives == null){
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var isValidFormat = false;
var isListFormat = false;
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isListFormat = true;
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isValidFormat = true;
numOldMoves ;
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numOldMoves ;
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var oldMovesText = otherOldMovesPresent[0].wikitext;
numOldMoves ;
if(result == "moved"){
otherFrom = '|from' numOldMoves '=' OMcurr;
var newTextToAdd = '|date' numOldMoves '=' date otherFrom '|destination' numOldMoves '=' otherDestination '|result' numOldMoves '=' result '|link' numOldMoves '=' link '}}';
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oldMovesText = '|name1=' otherOldMovesPresent[0].parameters[i].value;
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oldMovesText = '|destination1=' otherOldMovesPresent[0].parameters[i].value;
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oldMovesText = '|result1=' otherOldMovesPresent[0].parameters[i].value;
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oldMovesText = '|link1=' otherOldMovesPresent[0].parameters[i].value;
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if(result == "moved"){
otherFrom = '|from2=' OMcurr;
var newTextToAdd = '|date2=' date otherFrom '|destination2=' otherDestination '|result2=' result '|link2=' link '}}';
oldMovesText = newTextToAdd;
otherText = otherText.replace(otherOldMovesPresent[0].wikitext, oldMovesText);
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var oldMovesText = '{{Old moves';
var numOldMoves = 1;
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if (otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].name == "date") {
oldMovesText = '|date' numOldMoves '=' otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
} else if (otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].name == "from") {
oldMovesText = '|name' numOldMoves '=' otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
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oldMovesText = '|destination' numOldMoves '=' otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
} else if (otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].name == "result") {
oldMovesText = '|result' numOldMoves '=' otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
} else if (otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].name == "link") {
oldMovesText = '|link' numOldMoves '=' otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].value;
} else {
oldMovesText = otherOldMovesPresent[i].parameters[j].wikitext;
numOldMoves ;
if(result == "moved"){
otherFrom = '|from' numOldMoves '=' OMcurr;
var newTextToAdd = '|date' numOldMoves '=' date otherFrom '|destination' numOldMoves '=' otherDestination '|result' numOldMoves '=' result '|link' numOldMoves '=' link '}}';
oldMovesText = newTextToAdd;
otherText = otherText.replace(otherOldMovesPresent[0].wikitext, oldMovesText);
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otherText = otherText.replace(otherOldMovesPresent[i].wikitext, "");
otherPage.setEditSummary('Closing requested move; ' result rmCloser.advert);
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rmCloser.movePages = function rmCloserMovePages(curr1,dest1,currList,destList,link){
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rmCloser.talktitle = mw.Title.newFromText(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getTalkPage().toText();
var pageAndSection = link;
var moveSummary = 'Moved per [[' pageAndSection ']]';
var rmtrReason = 'Per [[' pageAndSection ']].';
var form = new Morebits.quickForm();
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label: 'Move pages'
type: 'div',
className: 'rmCloserMovePages' curr1,
label: curr1 ' → ' dest1
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className: 'rmCloserMovePages' curr1,
label: 'Move directly',
event: function() {
for(var i=0; i<document.getElementsByClassName('rmCloserMovePages' curr1).length; i ){
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type: 'button',
className: 'rmCloserMovePages' curr1,
label: 'Submit technical request',
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className: 'rmCloserMovePages' curr1,
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name: currList[i],
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className: 'rmCloserMovePages' currList[i],
name: currList[i],
extra: destList[i],
label: 'Submit technical request',
event: function() {
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document.getElementsByClassName('rmCloserMovePages' this.name)[j].style.display = 'none';
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className: 'rmCloserMovePages' currList[i],
name: currList[i],
extra: destList[i],
label: 'Move directly without leaving a redirect',
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var formResult = form.render();
var moveInterval = setInterval(function(){
if(numberToRemove == 0){
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload() }, 2000);
}, 500);
rmCloser.directMove = function rmCloserDirectMove(curr,dest,suppressRedirect,editSummary) {
var pageToMove = new Morebits.wiki.page(curr, 'Moving ' curr ' to ' dest '.');
pageToMove.setEditSummary(editSummary rmCloser.advert);
rmCloser.submitRMTR = function rmCloserSubmitRMTR(curr,dest,reason) {
var rmtr = new Morebits.wiki.page('Wikipedia:Requested moves/Technical requests', 'Submitting request at WP:RM/TR');
rmtr.load(function(page) {
var text = rmtr.getPageText();
var textToFind = /\n{1,}(==== ?Requests to revert undiscussed moves ?====)/i;
var rmtrText = '{{subst:RMassist|1=' curr '|2=' dest '|reason=' reason '}}';
text = text.replace(textToFind, '\n' rmtrText '\n\n$1');
rmtr.setEditSummary('Add request' rmCloser.advert);
rmCloser.relist = function rmCloserRelist(e) {
if (e) e.preventDefault();
var title_obj = mw.Title.newFromText(Morebits.pageNameNorm);
rmCloser.talktitle = title_obj.getTalkPage().toText();
var talkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(rmCloser.talktitle, 'Relisting.');
var relistingComment = document.getElementById('rmCloserRelistComment').value;
talkpage.load(function(talkpage) {
var text = talkpage.getPageText();
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var sig;
var line;
var templateIndex = -1;
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line = textToFind[i];
if(templateFound == false){
if(/{{[Rr]equested move\/dated/.test(line)){
templateFound = true;
templateIndex = i;
} else if(templateFound == true){
if (/ \(UTC\)/.test(line)){
sig = line;
text = text.replace(sig, sig " {{subst:RM relist}}");
if(relistingComment != ''){
var nextSection = false;
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line = textToFind[i];
if (line.match(/^(==)[^=]. \1/)) {
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var regex = new RegExp('(' escapedLine ')(?![\s\S]*(' escapedLine '))', 'm');
text = text.replace(regex, ':<small>\'\'\'Relisting comment\'\'\': ' relistingComment ' ~~~~</small>\n\n' line);
if (!nextSection) {
text = '\n:<small>\'\'\'Relisting comment\'\'\': ' relistingComment ' ~~~~</small>';
talkpage.setEditSummary('Relisted requested move' rmCloser.advert);
document.getElementById("requestedmovetag").innerHTML = "";
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload() }, 2000);
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if (e) e.preventDefault();
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var wikiProjectTalk = mw.Title.newFromText(wikiProjectTemplates[i].innerHTML).getTalkPage().toText();
if (!wikiProjectNames.includes(wikiProjectName)) {
var wikiProjectBannerShellHeaders = document.getElementsByClassName("wpb-header-combined");
for (var i=0; i<wikiProjectBannerShellHeaders.length; i ) {
var subprojectList = wikiProjectBannerShellHeaders[i];
if (subprojectList.hasChildNodes() && subprojectList.children.length > 2) {
subprojectList = subprojectList.children[2];
if (subprojectList.hasChildNodes() && subprojectList.children.length > 0) {
subprojectList = subprojectList.children;
for (var j=0; j<subprojectList.length; j ) {
var wikiProjectName = subprojectList[j].title;
var wikiProjectTalk = mw.Title.newFromText(subprojectList[j].title).getTalkPage().toText();
if (!wikiProjectNames.includes(wikiProjectName)) {
if(wikiProjects.length == 0){
mw.notify('No WikiProject banners found on this page');
} else{
var Window = new Morebits.simpleWindow(600, 450);
Window.setTitle( "Notify WikiProjects about requested move" );
Window.addFooterLink('Script documentation', 'User:TheTVExpert/rmCloser');
Window.addFooterLink('Give feedback', 'User talk:TheTVExpert/rmCloser');
var form = new Morebits.quickForm(rmCloser.notifyCheck);
type: 'div',
label: 'WikiProjects with banners on this page:'
type: 'checkbox',
name: 'wikiProject',
list: wikiProjects.map(function (wp) {
var wplabel = wikiProjectNames[wikiProjects.indexOf(wp)];
return { type: 'option', label: wplabel, value: wp };
if(wikiProjects[0] != 'none'){
form.append({ type: 'submit', label: 'Notify selected WikiProject(s)' });
var formResult = form.render();
rmCloser.notifyCheck = function(e) {
var form = e.target;
rmCloser.params = Morebits.quickForm.getInputData(form);
var wikiProjectsToNotify = rmCloser.params.wikiProject;
if (wikiProjectsToNotify.length == 0) {
Morebits.status.error('Error', 'No WikiProjects selected');
} else {
var uniqueWikiProjects = [];
var wikiProjectCount = 0;
for (var i=0; i<wikiProjectsToNotify.length; i ) {
var talkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(wikiProjectsToNotify[i], 'Checking ' wikiProjectsToNotify[i] '.');
talkpage.load(function(talkpage) {
var wikiProjectToNotify = talkpage.getPageName();
if (!uniqueWikiProjects.includes(wikiProjectToNotify)) {
wikiProjectCount ;
if (wikiProjectCount == wikiProjectsToNotify.length && uniqueWikiProjects.length > 0) {
rmCloser.notifyGetSection = function(wikiProjectsToNotify) {
var title_obj = mw.Title.newFromText(Morebits.pageNameNorm);
rmCloser.talktitle = title_obj.getTalkPage().toText();
var talkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(rmCloser.talktitle, 'Getting section.');
talkpage.load(function(talkpage) {
var text = talkpage.getPageText();
var line;
var templateIndex = -1;
var rmSection;
var textToFind = text.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < textToFind.length; i ) {
line = textToFind[i];
if(/{{[Rr]equested move\/dated/.test(line)){
templateIndex = i;
for (var i = templateIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
line = textToFind[i];
if (line.match(/^(==)[^=]. \1/)) {
rmSection = line.match(/^(==)[^=](. )\1/)[2].trim();
rmCloser.notifyEvaluate(wikiProjectsToNotify, rmSection);
rmCloser.notifyEvaluate = function(wikiProjectsToNotify, moveSection) {
var wikiProjectsNotified = [];
var wikiProjectCount = 0;
for (var j=0; j<wikiProjectsToNotify.length; j ) {
var talkpage = new Morebits.wiki.page(wikiProjectsToNotify[j], 'Notifying ' wikiProjectsToNotify[j] '.');
talkpage.load(function(talkpage) {
var wikiProjectToNotify = talkpage.getPageName();
var text = talkpage.getPageText();
rmCloser.talktitle = mw.Title.newFromText(Morebits.pageNameNorm).getTalkPage().toText();
var pageAndSection = rmCloser.talktitle "#" moveSection;
var notified;
if(confirm("\"" wikiProjectToNotify "\" may have already been notified of the discussion. Do you wish to proceed?")){
text = "\n\n== Requested move at [[" pageAndSection "]] ==\n[[File:Information.svg|30px|left]] There is a requested move discussion at [[" pageAndSection "]] that may be of interest to members of this WikiProject. ~~~~";
talkpage.setEditSummary('Notifying of [[' pageAndSection '\|requested move]]' rmCloser.advert);
notified = true;
} else{
var cancelNotify = new Morebits.status('Error', 'Notification canceled', 'error');
notified = false;
wikiProjectCount ;
if (wikiProjectCount == wikiProjectsToNotify.length && wikiProjectsNotified.length > 0) {
rmCloser.notifyListOnTalkPage = function(wikiProjectsNotified) {
var discussionPage = new Morebits.wiki.page(rmCloser.talktitle, 'Adding note about notification to requested move');
discussionPage.load(function(discussionPage) {
var discussionPageText = discussionPage.getPageText();
var templateFound = false;
var line;
var nextSection = false;
var textToFind = discussionPageText.split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < textToFind.length; i ) {
line = textToFind[i];
if(templateFound == false){
if(/{{[Rr]equested move\/dated/.test(line)){
templateFound = true;
} else if(templateFound == true){
if (line.match(/^(==)[^=]. \1/)) {
nextSection = true;
var escapedLine = line.replace(/[-[\]{}()* ?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&')
var regex = new RegExp('(' escapedLine ')(?![\s\S]*(' escapedLine '))', 'm');
if (wikiProjectsNotified.length == 1) {
var wikiProjectToNotify = wikiProjectsNotified[0];
discussionPageText = discussionPageText.replace(regex, ':<small>Note: [[' wikiProjectToNotify '|' wikiProjectToNotify.slice(15) ']] has been notified of this discussion. ~~~~</small>\n\n' line);
} else {
var textToInsert = ':<small>Note: ';
for (var j=0; j<wikiProjectsNotified.length; j ) {
var wikiProjectToNotify = wikiProjectsNotified[j];
textToInsert = '[[' wikiProjectToNotify '|' wikiProjectToNotify.slice(15) ']]';
if (j == wikiProjectsNotified.length-2) {
if (wikiProjectsNotified.length == 2) {
textToInsert = ' and ';
} else {
textToInsert = ', and ';
} else if (j != wikiProjectsNotified.length-1) {
textToInsert = ', ';
textToInsert = ' have been notified of this discussion. ~~~~</small>\n\n';
discussionPageText = discussionPageText.replace(regex, textToInsert line);
if (!nextSection) {
if (wikiProjectsNotified.length == 1) {
var wikiProjectToNotify = wikiProjectsNotified[0];
discussionPageText ='\n:<small>Note: [[' wikiProjectToNotify '|' wikiProjectToNotify.slice(15) ']] has been notified of this discussion. ~~~~</small>';
} else {
discussionPageText = '\n:<small>Note: ';
for (var j=0; j<wikiProjectsNotified.length; j ) {
var wikiProjectToNotify = wikiProjectsNotified[j];
discussionPageText = '[[' wikiProjectToNotify '|' wikiProjectToNotify.slice(15) ']]';
if (j == wikiProjectsNotified.length-2) {
if (wikiProjectsNotified.length == 2) {
discussionPageText = ' and ';
} else {
discussionPageText = ', and ';
} else if (j != wikiProjectsNotified.length-1) {
discussionPageText = ', ';
discussionPageText = ' have been notified of this discussion. ~~~~</small>';
discussionPage.setEditSummary('Added note about notifying WikiProject about requested move' rmCloser.advert);
discussionPage.save(Morebits.status.actionCompleted('Note added.'));
setTimeout(function(){ location.reload() }, 2000);