
I'm the female half of Lelek. kthnxbye.

This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they're worse than their own children at spelling!
;This user is addicted to semicolons; they use them frequently.
ANAL 5This user is incredibly stringent with professional grammar.
SYNThis user is a synaesthete.
This user's home is overrun with cats.
This user is a mutt lover.
A giant panda.This user's favourite animal is the giant panda.
This user thinks sheep are cute.
This user does not eat fish. Ever.
This user is an omnivore.
This user believes that tomatoes are fruits.
This user likes waffles.
This user eats at Taco Bell.
MEADThis user drinks mead.
This user drinks beer.
C2H5OH-1This user drinks relatively infrequently. they are probably the better for it.
This user is a Sudoku addict.
This user passed GO!
(…so where is my $200?)
This user prefers the Wii & Xbox 360 over the PS3.
This user is a Nintendo fangirl.
ACThis user plays the Animal Crossing series.
This user knows where in the world Carmen Sandiego is.
This user is a Guitar Hero, which is way more impressive than real guitar.
GURPSThis user plays GURPS.
This user is interested in
ancient civilizations.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages
This user is interested in the Renaissance period.
This user is interested in the Victorian period.
1 1=3?This user does not understand mathematics.
This user thinks the
global warming issue has been immensely exaggerated
This user finds censorship offensive.
PC This user is pro-choice.
This user knows that there are
2,000,000 reasons why the
2003 invasion of Iraq was wrong.
This user is interested in religion.

SCAThis user is a member of the
Society for Creative Anachronism.
This user enjoys heavy metal music.
This user likes to crochet.
This user enjoys dancing.
This user enjoys writing.
This user writes poetry.
This user writes short stories.
This user does not smoke.
This user loves the Autumn.
This user loves rainy days.
This user is, or once was, a Girl Scout.
GITSThis user's cyberbrain was hacked.
FLCLThis user's head is an N.O. channel.
This user enjoys reading fiction.
Quoth this user, "Nevermore."
This user is a fan of the Odyssey.
This user is right-handed.