Diverse astronomy
editPhilosophy, Religion & Science
editConstellations and archaeoastronomy
editChemistry and physics
editTo be used
editUse Astronomical and geographical essays by George Adams for ole `stro sårciŋ.
WP formating fixups
editMíkmaq language usat <αβ> markups per orthographia, quo probabil ‹αβ› sed possibil ⟨αβ⟩ es intendat. Etiam: /αβ/ es usat per phonetix, donec [αβ] es standard. Sed standardes per marking up es complicatat materia, un templatu would be preferred, and then a conversion function in the editors (human) editor (program) is preferrable.
editSeminole - glorious true Americans. (Dunno whatto do with that except read and learn).
Trash from Swedish Wikipedia
editSick'n'tired on the Swedish mentality, I'm going to delete myself there, here a temporary store for material that might still be usable:
editSoon to come in English version:
- Pawel Artymowicz: Planetary systems and their changing theories - privat pärmdräp no.5
- NASA: Twinkle, twinkle, magnetar...
- BBC: The view from Vulcan (40 Eri)
- Karolinska Institutet: Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap
- Karolinska Institutet: Sömn, kognition och hälsa, bl.a. prof. Torbjörn Åkerstedt - blyga garboar på det stället...
- NASA: Asteroids have Seasons, Too...
- NASA: "Rise and shine" Microgravity Research,
- NASA: The lifestyles of hurricanes
- Periodic Comets
- Yoegl abt K.G.
- K.G. auktoritet
edit- Torbjörn Åkerstedt professor in sleepology and stressology.
Landmark edu
editOn the wish list of a EN:WP guy:
- Swedish homepage - no courses in sv, glorious confessions about how incredibly un-cultic LE is from a former cop, FBI-agents, and a spychologist twice (alter ego?),
- Landmark Forum “One of the most rewarding experiences in my life”. Described by participants in Landmark Forum. 90% pleased and 95% very pleased! No refunds! Per contract LE is not guilty to any psychoses that might occur: per contract all psychoses is the participant's own fault! Landmark Forum leaders are ranked as the best within the area of education. Absolutely - depending on how the "area" is defined ... and depending on how "best" is definied,
- Susning.nu, with maybe some interesting links,
- The Rick A. Ross Institute - the proficient cult hunters about LE,
- RickARoss: LE Visitor Comments,
- st.nu a darnd nifty clarification about LE's metods, correct acc2 my experiences,
- cultnews: msg from RickARoss, why they left France,
- cultnews: legal uppercut in NJ - LE vs. RickARoss for alleged witness forgeries, the good guy won (take care with cults, they may become very aggressive if you threaten their image,
- holysmoke.org: d:o,
- religion.nu: links -, pretty many anti,
- RickARoss-forum: a witness abt a suicide,
- RickARoss-forum: someone lost his fiancé,
- RickARoss-forum: someone incited his ex-brother-in-law to suicide,
- holysmoke.org: LE, short summary of techniques,
- DN: someone got a reactive psychosis,
Livets ord
editSwedish links:
- Är Livets ord en sekt? - is wof a cult?
- Livets Ord - kristen förnyelserörelse eller sekt? - woff - christian renewal or cult?
- Livets Ord och dess ledare Ulf Ekman på PerKornhall.se (reknowned former member of destructive cult sv:woff),
- katolik.nu: Sekter, esoteriska grupper, hemliga sammanslutningar (länksamling) cults, esoteric groups, secret clubs (link collection)
- Religion: Livets Ord-sekt eller inte? (woff sect or not?)
- Maranata, Livets Ord och religiös fanatism (Maranata, woff and religious fanatism)
- klassiska manipulativa metoder (classic manipulation methods),
- Uppsatser.se: om sekter (about cults)
- Dagen about sw:woff, they are of course positive, as woff-influenced as they are,
- Allmänt och träffande skrivet om sekter i allmänhet (General and still precisely written about cults in general)
- A neutral observer describing Ulf Ekman as a dictator (which is merely an objective truth, as regards to what sw:woff preaches, i.e. blind obedience to UE),
- Trosförkunnelsen - inget evangelium (Bok) by Torbjörn Swartling on solascriptura.se, with an extremely complete analysis (although from partially faulty premisses), gives a very clear image of endorphine narcomania and negative effect seeking, like some gnostics were alleged to do (which might explain why sw real christians faultily (?) use to refer to woff as gnostics, while they in real life are anti-mystical in clear contrast to the true gnostics),