* Highlights the bolded title in the lead if it does not match the
* capitalization of the actual page title.
* Written by [[User:Rublov]], January 2022
* This script is developed on GitHub: https://github.com/rublovwiki/scripts
$(function () {
if (!isMainspace()) {
const titleElement = getTitleElement();
const leadTitle = (titleElement ? titleElement.textContent : "").trim();
const articleTitle = getArticleTitle().trim();
// Ignore first letter, which may be lower-case in running text but otherwise
// match the title.
if (differsOnlyInCase(leadTitle.slice(1), articleTitle.slice(1))) {
// Unhighlight the element when clicked.
titleElement.addEventListener("click", () => {
function isMainspace() {
return mw.config.get("wgCanonicalNamespace") === "";
function getTitleElement() {
// Return the first bolded element in the first paragraph of the article's
// text. Not fool-proof, but generally matches the bolded title in the lead.
return document.querySelector("#mw-content-text p b");
function getArticleTitle() {
return mw.config.get("wgTitle");
function highlightElement(e) {
e.style.color = "red";
function unHighlightElement(e) {
e.style.color = "initial";
function differsOnlyInCase(s1, s2) {
return s1 !== s2 && s1.toLowerCase() === s2.toLowerCase();