edit- The skull
- The cranial bones (8)
- The occipital bone
- The parietal bones (2)
- The frontal bone
- The temporal bones (2)
- The sphenoid bone (sometimes counted as facial)
- The ethmoid bone (sometimes counted as facial)
- The facial bones (15)
- The nasal bones (2)
- The maxillae (upper jaw) (2)
- The lacrimal bone (2)
- The zygomatic bone (2)
- The palatine bone (2)
- The inferior nasal concha (2)
- The vomer
- The mandible (lower jaw)
- The hyoid bone (sometimes not counted as facial)
- The cranial bones (8)
- In the middle ears (3 x 2)
Vertebral column
edit- The spinal vertebrae of the vertebral column (26 bones)
- The cervical vertebrae (7)
- The thoracic vertebrae (12)
- The lumbar vertebrae (5)
- The sacral vertebrae (5 at birth, later fused into one)
- The coccygeal vertebrae (4 at birth, later fused into one)
- The total = 33
edit- The sternum (1)
- The ribs (24, in 12 pairs), including:
- (7) pairs called "true ribs" directly attached to the sternum (1st-7th pairs)
- (3) pairs (8th,9th and 10th pairs), also known as False ribs are attached anteriorly to each other and to the 7th rib by cartilages and synovial joints
- (2) pairs of floating ribs (11th and 12th pairs), have no anterior attachment.
edit- The bones of the upper arm
- The hand (54 bones, 27 in each hand)
- The carpus
- scaphoid bone (2)
- lunate bone (2)
- triquetrum bone (2)
- pisiform bone (2)
- trapezium (2)
- trapezoid bone (2)
- capitate bone (2)
- hamate bone (2)
- The metacarpus (5 × 2)
- The phalanges of the hand
- proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
- intermediate phalanges (4 × 2)
- distal phalanges (5 × 2)
- The carpus
edit- The hip bone, comprising the fused ilium, ischium, and pubis (2)
- The sacrum and the coccyx attach to the two hip bones to form the pelvis
- The femur
- The patella or knee cap
- The tibia
- The fibula
- The foot (52 bones in total, 26 per foot)
- The tarsus
- calcaneus or heel bone (2)
- talus (2)
- navicular bone (2)
- medial cuneiform bone (2)
- intermediate cuneiform bone (2)
- lateral cuneiform bone (2)
- cuboid bone (2)
- The metatarsus
- The phalanges of the foot
- proximal phalanges (5 × 2)
- intermediate phalanges (4 x 2)
- distal phalanges (5 x 2)
- The sesamoid bones
- The tarsus