мк-NКорисникот зборува македонски како мајчин јазик.
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
sr-3Овај корисник врло добро говори српски језик.
Ovaj korisnik vrlo dobro govori srpski jezik.
hr-3Ovaj suradnik vrlo dobro govori hrvatski jezik.
bs-3Korisnik dosta dobro govori bosanski.
This user contributes using Firefox.

First and Last name: Milos Stolic
Date of birth: 28.02.1984
Current location: Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Occupation: Fourth year of studies in the Istitute of Informatics in Skopje
Area of interest: Everything about computers, mainly programming (C , C#, Java, PHP), database usage and administration (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL), network administration.