My Life


I am a college student in a rural place. I come from a small town, where everyone knows everyone and everything about everyone, also the closet Walmart is 30-45 minutes away. The people I grew up with are the same people that come back to their hometown. My hometown didn't even have a McDonald's until 2004. I work as a CNA in a local nursing home. I love the people I take care of and couldn't imagine not getting my start in the work force there. The people I take care of have taught me and continue to teach me so much about life. I love listening to their stories about how everything has changed and the things that have happened in their life. I see the many struggles not only my residents face but also people have daily and wish I could help them overcome those as much as I'd like. My dream is to be a pediatric nurse or a nurse practitioner. My role models in life are the people closest around me. I love animals and everything about them. Kentucky Wildcats are my favorite college basketball team since I was a child. I observe everything around me such as, people’s facial expressions, the color of flowers in the spring. I love to travel; in fact, I'm riding in my first plane in a couple months. The beach has to be my favorite place to be, it's always so peaceful. I've realized there is so many great people around the world so it's hard for me to understand why the world is so corrupt.

When technology started in my life


I started playing around with technology she I was really young because I have an older brother and he was really into getting new technology as soon as it came out. I remember watching him and learning a lot of stuff that way instead of learning it on my own. I also remember playing computer games when I was younger that consisted of learning from Elmo I didn't really start learning software or HTML coding or anything until college because I was never interested in that kind of thing. Only thing about computers I really know about is Social Media such as, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

When I started high school there were many computer classes available that I could've taken but decided against it until I started my sophomore year and then I took a business communications class that was supposed to be more about computers than it actually was. When I started this class I expected something completely different than what the class actually taught. What was taught in the class was basically the type of language to use in a e-mails sent to companies compared to sending e-mails to people you are actually acquainted with.

There were many software certification you could take extra with this type of class such as, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, etc. but many of those were easy for me to comprehend so I didn't feel I needed to take a certification test to show me that. To be honest, I'm not the most intelligent person when dealing with computer software, programming or HTML coding. When I started college, I enrolled in a computer science class and there were certain things that were taught in that class such as, Binary numbers and Scratch; where we made algorithms that a sprite had to follow. In scratch we did some remakes on our favorite movie scenes and we remade our favorite games using the operations given on the page.

So honestly, I really am no computer wiz.

Wikipedia would be better if...


I think wikipedia would be better if it restricted certain users from its use. If the things people post in wikipedia was monitored more often to keep some of the unimportant things off of wikipedia. Although, I think wikipedia is a great source and you can find some interesting things on this site but some of it is not factual and just made up for the users on privilege. The more things are relevant to the topic the more schools would actually allow the use of it. So many people only focus on the negative things wikipedia brings but I believe wikipedia is a fast place and easy to figure out.

  This user loves Pugs.
 This user has blue eyes.

  This user loves their Yorkshire Terrier.
 This user supports autism and asperger's awareness.
 This user likes to wear a crop top.
 This user loves the Spring.
  This user prefers warm weather.
 This user prefers a Tropical Climate
CPRThis user is certified in CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation