| This user believes in freedom of all types of information for all. |
* | This user can be found on most, if not all, IM networks! |
| This user contributes using Notepad . |
This user browses with JavaScript disabled. Everyone should.
X | This person uses Xen for virtualization. |
JV | This user is a slave to the works of Jhonen Vasquez and proud of it! |
W3C | This user validates the mark-up on their webpages. |
| This user is a frequent poster at 4chan. |
レイン | This user is connected, wherever they are... |
FLCL | This user's head is an N.O. channel. |
H | This user is a member of the Hellsing Organization. |
no G
This user only uses Google products as a last resort.
| This user uses DuckDuckGo as a primary search engine. |
.me | This user has an email account with their own domain name. |
cvg-5 | This user is a professional gamer. |
| This user believes that video games are not as dangerous as parental ignorance of the rating system. |
7h15 d00d |2 1337 t3h pwnz l0l0l0l!!11!
This user plays CS:S.
LaTeX | This user can typeset using LaTeX. |
| This user writes valid XHTML. |
| This user is a combat-disabled veteran. |
| This user has visited 5 countries of the world. | 5 |
| This user does not contribute by using a web browser. Rather, they upload material directly to the internet by using the awesome power of their mind. |
| This user used to live on Earth, but didn't like it much, so they left. |
| Go slowly insane as you sit and stare... |
This user knows that because English is a living language, grammar and syntax are not fixed. |
Majority ≠ right
This user recognizes that even if 300,000,000 people make the same mistake, it's still a mistake.
… | This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately... |
; | This user knows how to use a semicolon correctly. |
ANAL 3 | This user will not correct you're bad grammar. |
CREO | This user is a member of the Campaign for Real English Online. |
MistEYk | This user does not always see their grammar mistakes. It would be nice of you to correct them. |
USage decline | This user uses American English, but is appalled at its rapid and continuing deterioration. |
Mix | This user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently. |
Oh shit! | This user thinks profanity does not exist. They believe that such words are the same as any other words and should be treated as such. |
| This user likes to sleep. |
| This user spends most of his free time thinking about random things... |
This user has one too many screws loose. We warned you.
| For some reason this user always chooses the lift that doesn't want to go anywhere. |
| This user believes that caffeine is necessary in large doses daily. |
| This user drinks tea. |
This user eats food.
| This user eats at SUBWAY and eats fresh. |
| This user prefers to play games on a PC. |
| This user built their own PC. |
This user owns 14 working computers.
ATI | This user uses an ATI graphics card in their PC. |
| This user has an AMD processor. |
| This user is a really, really, low bass. |
This user uses FLAC.
Yupp tspp tsupp burreevick durridullan dick dully dillun ditsdundulla ribbee dubbee dulla roop buddyroobyrung goory gung gook gaya geeree gung goo!
Hanlon's Razor | This user never attributes to malice that which is best explained by stupidity. † |