Malachite is a highly prized semi-precious green mineral used in the embellishing of fine ornamental objects. The Master stone cutter Michael Baravarian uses it in his craft. He can take a clock or table that has been worn by the passage of time and breath new life and beauty into it. A small antique picture frame becomes an exquisite jewelry box under his knowing hands. A bronze statue transforms into a fanciful fruit bowl glowing with wit and imagination.

Born in Esfahan, Iran, a city noted for its rich and ancient line of artisans, he grew up apprentice to the masters of its trade. After completing school in Iran, he traveled to Paris for a year of study and appreciation of the French Art. Next was New York where he added Architecture to his repertoire, but his heart was still in the arts, which surrounded him in his youth. After viewing the Russian malachite works in the Hermitage, Michael decided to train his creativity and vision in this direction. The stone was unavailable at this time from Russia. So he tracked it to Zaire, Africa where he spent many months amassing enough of a supply to begin.

Working entirely from his own style and inspiration, his art has been refined over a thirty-year period to include works in Manhattans finest art and antique galleries, as well as similar intuitions in Florida, Massachusetts, California, France, Japan, Spain, and the Middle East.

He is but one of a handful of artists in the world who work with this stone keeping it alive. It is an old age tradition that combines the grace and scope of one mans artistic vision with the subtle beauty of the earth’s own treasure.

Malachite Artists - Mike Malachite one of the worlds only Malachite Artisans's work can be seen at the link below.