- Born in Munich, Germany,
- Grown up in Cologne and Hannover,
- Student in Hannover, Lawrence, KS, USA, and Munich (physics)
- PhD also in Munich (physical chemistry)
- Jobs throughout my working life in one company:
- cogeneration plants using diesel fuel, natural gas, hydrogen, biogas of all kinds, wood gas (5 years)
- central R D planing, cost controlling, patent evaluation (3 years)
- program management, sales and manufacturing process management of ceramic matrix composites (26 years)
The German Wikipedia knows a few actions from my side. The article about ceramic matrix composites has been my major contribution there and I plan to extend and improve the one in English here. I will need help and will present the article shortly (when I think I have given my best) on the review site, asking for improvements, especially the language. Some contributions on wood gas, ceramics in general, and whatever interest me are in my mind.