editOmnial is a highly euphonic and easy to learn planned language.
The best way to solve the problem of language barrier is to use an constructed auxiliary language,
but Omnial is not intended to supplant or replace any national language.
The design principles of Omnial are phonetically spelled, simple, regular, recognizable,
pleasant in sound, and the target of some aggressive goals for ease of learning
(ability to learn in a weekend).
A a: bag | B b: boy | C c: chin | D d: dog, |
E e: bed | F f : fat | G g: goal | H h: hen, |
I I: machine | J j : jam | K k: kind | L l: lip, |
M m: mix | N n: now | O o: omni | P p: pen , |
Q q: German "Bach", or Scottish "loch" or, Spanish "jamon", or Arabic "qof".
R r: rock | S s: sin | T t: tip , | |
U u: rule | V v: vest | W w: west | X x: ship, |
Y y: yes | Z z: zoo. |
1.-Each letter is pronounced with only one sound, always the same.
2.-The main stress of a multisyllabic word is placed on the vowel preceding the last consonant.
3.-Some ordinary consonant endings does not change the original stress of the word:
a.- The plural morphemes of noun: -s, -es.
b.- The adjectival and adverbial suffixes: -al, -im.
c.- The tense morphemes of verb : -it , -on.
It's definite article 'le' is invariable.
1.-The singular noun can end in any vowel or consonant.
To form the plural are added the endings:
'-s' (after vowel) or '-es' (after consonant).
2.-Nouns that show living beings are epicene.
The sex affixes -in and -ul are used only if necessary.
3.-The noun functions are expressed by prepositions and word
order: subject before verb and object after the verb.
1. First person: 'mi' ('I','me') and 'nos' ('we').
2. Second person:'tu' ('you') and 'vos' (plural)
3. Third person
People: 'Ile' (also:'ilin','ilul','iles','ilines','ilules')
Things: 'It'
4. General subject is expressed by the pronoun 'on'.
5. Reflexive pronoun: 'se' ('oneself').
It is used only to the subject of the verb.
6. Possessives are formed by adding the adjectival
ending '-al': 'mial', 'nosal', 'tual', 'vosal' , 'selal'.
The verb is absolutely invariant in person, number and gender.
The verbs end in:
'-it' in the past tense,
'-on' in the future tense,
'-a' in the present tense, but the verb esar can use 'es' (from esa).
'-us' in the conditional,
'-ek' in the imperative,
'-ar' in the infinitive.
'-im' in the gerund.
'-ante' in the active participle.
'-ed' in the passive participle.
There are :
1-Demonstratives: 'iste', ('tuste'), 'taste', with the reiterative particles 'ci' and 'la'.
Adjectives: 'soni', 'kelke', 'irge', 'altre', 'same', 'cetere', 'cake'.
Quantifiers: 'omni', 'plure', 'poli', 'poke', 'multe', 'ambe', 'asez' and 'trop'.
4-Definit Quantifiers (cardinal numbers)and Personal Pronouns: Both groups also are specifiers.
They can end in any vowel or consonant.
They do not show inflection or agreement in form with the word they modify.
The adjectives can be derived by adding '-al'.
The adverbs can be derived by the addition of the '-im' ending.
Comparison is done analytically:
Superiority is made with the word 'plus'.
Inferiority is made with the word 'minus'
Equality is made with the word 'isus' or 'equal'.
The absolute superlative with 'multe', 'tres', and the suffix '-isime'.
For the comparative is used the conjunction 'kam'.
The superlative of superiority with 'le plus'
The superlative of inferiority with 'le minus'.
The cardinal numbers are:
'nul' (0),
'un' (1), 'du' (2), 'tri' (3), 'tetra' (4), 'penta' (5), 'exa' (6), 'hepta'(7), 'okta'(8), 'nona'(9),
'dece' (10: 100 = 101),
'cente'(10 x 10 = 100: 102),
'mile' (1000 = 103),
'milion' or 'mega'(1000 x 1000 = 106), 'giga'(109), 'tera'(1012), 'peta' (1015)
859 672 431 =
'oktacente pentadek none miliones,
exacente heptadek du miles,
tetracente tridek un.
The suffix of numbers are:
'-esme' for ordinal adjectives.
'-al' for adjectival numerals.
'-im' for adverbial numerals.
'-are' for collective nouns.
'-uple' for multiple nouns.
'-ave' for fractional nouns.
'-foyim' for reiteration: trifoyim = three times.
Vocabulary Expansion
editI).-Word Building:
1.- In all the words the ending vowel has never semantic meaning.
2.-The affixes of the verb are always different to the ones of the noun and the adjective.
3.-To form verbs from nouns the suffixes are used only if necessary because usually
the ending '-ar' is enough .
B).Compound Words:
1.-They are formed by using two words to create a new word by juxtaposition,
the content word appearing last.
1.- When the suffix (or the suffixed word), finishes in 'a', 'e' or 'o', this open vowel will disappear, but if it is `i' or `u' this ending vowel remains:
- `fratal' and `tetruple', from `frate' and `tetra'.
- `mial' and `duesme', from `mi' and `du'.
2.- When the suffix (or the sufixed word), begins with a consonant, the vowel 'o' is added before it (euphonic epenthesis).
- 'semanofine' from `fine' and `semane'
- 'cardiologe' from `cardie' and `cardie'
3.- At both cases, if an infinitive is prefixed, is deleted the `–ar' morpheme.
- 'hacker' from `hackar' and `-er'
- 'ideolingue' from `idear' and `lingue'
A). International Words:
If there are Greek or Latin roots in scientific or technical language, these are taken into our language.
Any other word of any other language, if they are internationally known can be taken as a neologism.
In both cases they adapted to our morphology.
B) Proper Nouns:
They are transcribed as literally as possible,
and within brackets the phonetical transcription.
The stress is indicated with capital letter:
- Dante(dAnte)
- Shakespeare(xEspir)
- Rouseau(gusO)
- Cervantes(serbAntes)
- Fuster (fustEr)
- Sokrates (sOkrates)
Sample text
Multe humanes ambula apud mi, sed mi ne kona iles.
For mi, iles estrane es. Sed tu, ki es lontane
ultra desertes , lakes, insules et planumes
fratim mi parla a tu, sif mial nokte es tual
sif mial okules plora tual lamentum, sif nosal kridumes es ekual
fratim mi parla a tu, malgre diferenteze de nosal paroles
malgre ke tu es nikre et mi es albe, sif nos hava ekual vulnerumes
fratim mi parla a tu, supre omnie le fronteres
supre mures et tankes, sif es ekual nosal somnumes
fratim mi parla a tu: nos hava komun patrie
du lukte, et komun ambe, mi dona a tu mial manue.
Celso Emílio Ferreiro.
See also
Constructed languages
International Auxiliary languages
Universal language
Artistic languages
Fictional languages
Languages of Middle-earth
List of constructed languages
List of fictional languages