Map of Local Government Areas in Western Australia

The Australian state of Western Australia is divided into 142 Local Government Areas (including Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands). Their mandate and operations are governed by the Local Government Act 1995. [1]

There are three classifications of local government in Western Australia:

  • City (predominantly urban, some larger regional centres)
  • Town (predominantly inner urban and three medium sized rural centres)
  • Shire (predominantly rural or outer suburban areas)

Historically, two types of local government existed - municipalities, which represented towns or condensed urban areas, and road boards, which represented all other regions. The Perth Road Board, for instance, was the precursor to the City of Stirling. Only a few cities - Perth, Fremantle, Subiaco, South Perth and Nedlands - existed prior to 1961. On 1 July 1961, all road boards became shires, and all municipalities became towns.

Table of areas


Name Council Seat [2] Formed [3] Origin [3] Population [4] Area Map
City of Albany Albany 1998 Albany Municipal Council (1871 - later Town of Albany) and Albany Road Board (1896 - later Shire of Albany) merged on 1 July 1998 to form the City of Albany. 33,545 4312.3 km²
(1,665.0 sq mi)
City of Armadale Armadale 1985 Prior to 1894, the area was part of the Canning Road District. In 1894, the Kelmscott Road Board was gazetted - renamed to Armadale-Kelmscott in 1910. Became Town of Armadale on 1 July 1979, and City of Armadale on 16 November 1985. 53,445 559.5 km²
(216.0 sq mi)
Shire of Ashburton Tom Price 1972 Ashburton Road Board (1887) and Tableland Road Board (1896) merged on 27 May 1972 to form West Pilbara Shire. Renamed Ashburton in December 1987. 6,477 101,240 km² (39,089 sq mi)  
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River Margaret River 1891 Augusta Road Board (1891) was renamed to Augusta-Margaret River in 1926. 11,360 2242.6 km²
(865.9 sq mi)
Town of Bassendean Bassendean 1975 West Guildford Road Board (1901) renamed Bassendean in 1922. Became a Town in 1975. 14,218 10.4 km²
(4.0 sq mi)
City of Bayswater Morley 1983 Bayswater Road Board (1897) became a City on 29 October 1983. 59,100 32.8 km²
(12.7 sq mi)
City of Belmont Belmont 1898 Belmont Road Board (1898) was gazetted. In 1907, it was renamed to the Belmont Park Road Board. On 17 February 1979 it attained City status. 32,548 39.8 km²
(15.4sq mi)
Shire of Beverley Beverley 1871 The Beverley Road Board (1871) was created to manage a territory with immense boundaries, taking in land all the way east to Eucla on the South Australian border. Over the years, each of the major towns developed their own road board, and by 1923 the present boundaries were established. 1,679 2372.2 km²
(915.9sq mi)
Shire of Boddington Boddington 1925 A road board had been convened at Marradong 8 km to the south in 1903, but it was relocated to Boddington in 1925 after the arrival of the railway and construction of suitable buildings. Was finally renamed to Boddington on 1 July 1961. 1,505 1,900.6 km²
(733.8 sq mi)
Shire of Boyup Brook Boyup Brook 1896 Upper Blackwood Road Board (1896) changed name to Boyup Brook on 1 July 1961. 1,552 2,829.2 km²
(1,092.4 sq mi)
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Bridgetown 1970 Nelson Road Board (1887 - renamed Bridgetown in 1917) and Greenbushes Road Board (1900) merged on 26 March 1970. 4,194 1,339.8 km²
(517.3 sq mi)
Shire of Brookton Brookton 1906 On 10 September 1906, the Brookton Road Board met for the first time after Mr Samuel Williams broke away from the Beverley Road Board. 1,040 1,601.6 km²
(618.4 sq mi)
Shire of Broome Broome 1918 Broome Municipal Council (1904-1918) and Broome Road Board (November 1901, dissolved into West Kimberley Road Board in 1908) merged in 1918, with wards for the previous town (Broome) and road district (Dampier). 15,259 55,795.6 km²
(21,542.8 sq mi)
Shire of Broomehill Broomehill 1892 The Broomehill Road Board was gazetted in 1892 497 1,172.8 km²
(452.8 sq mi)
Shire of Bruce Rock Bruce Rock 1918 East Avon Road Board (1913) renamed to Bruce Rock in 1918. 1,107 2,726.9 km² (1,052.9 sq mi)  
City of Bunbury Bunbury 1979 In 1871, the Bunbury Municipal Council was gazetted, and in 1899 the Bunbury Suburban Road Board (which became the Bunbury Road Board in 1908) followed. The two entities merged in 1950, and attained City status in 1979. 31,638 65.7 km²
(25.4 sq mi)
Shire of Busselton Busselton 1951 Busselton Municipal District (1871) and Sussex Road District (1871) merged in 1951. 27,500 1,454.8 km² (561.7 sq mi)  
Town of Cambridge Floreat 1993 Historically the area was part of the Nedlands municipality, gazetted in 1901, which was absorbed into the City of Perth in 1915 after becoming unsustainable as an autonomous political entity. In 1993 the Government of Western Australia decided to split up the Local Government Area(LGA) of the City of Perth, creating three additional LGA's and retaining a smaller City of Perth. The new LGA's were Town of Vincent, Town of Cambridge and the Town of Victoria Park. 25,400 22.0 km²
(8.5 sq mi)
City of Canning Cannington 1978 In 1871, the Canning Road Board was gazetted, covering a very wide area to the southeast of Perth. On 1 July 1907, it was abolished and split into the Queen's Park Municipal District and Gosnells Road Board (later to become the City of Gosnells). In 1921, Queen's Park was renamed to Canning Road Board, and two years later received a large amount of land from Jandakot Road Board when that entity was abolished. On 1 July 1961, Canning Road Board became a Shire Council following changes to the Local Government Act. In 1970 it became a Town and in 1978 it attained City status. 83,006 64.8 km²
(25.0 sq mi)
Shire of Capel Capel 1907 Capel was initially constituted as the Bunbury Road Board in 1894 (as distinguished from the Bunbury Municipal District). In 1907, it was renamed to Capel. 11,250 557.6 km²
(215.3 sq mi)
Shire of Carnamah Carnamah 1923 The Carnamah Road Board was formed out of land previously managed by the Irwin and Mingenew Road Boards in 1923. On 19 April 1962, it lost three-fifths of its area when the Shire of Coorow was created. 789 2,876.4 km²
(1,110.6sq mi)
Shire of Carnarvon Carnarvon 1965 Carnarvon started as three entities - the Carnarvon Municipal District, which governed the town of Carnarvon and was constituted in 1891; the Lower Gascoyne Road Board (1887) and the Minilya Road Board (1893). In 1911, the two Road Boards merged to form the Gascoyne-Minilya Road Board. On 1 March 1965, the two entities merged to form the Shire of Carnarvon. 6,085 46,663.5 km²
(18,016.9 sq mi)
Shire of Chapman Valley Nabawa 1958 The Upper Chapman Road Board was established in 1901. In 1958, it was renamed to Chapman Valley Road Board. 982 3,964.7 km²
(1,530.8 sq mi)
Shire of Chittering Bindoon 1896 Gazetted as Chittering Road Board in 1896. 3,892 1,221.8 km²
(471.7 sq mi)
Shire of Christmas Island Christmas Island 1992 The island was previously a British territory administered through Singapore but was transferred to Australia in 1945. After 1958, it was managed by the Christmas Island Assembly and Christmas Island Services Corporation. On 1 July 1992, the Federal Government's Territories Law Reform Act came into place, applying Western Australian law to the island. An ordinance subsequently created the Shire of Christmas Island out of a merger of the two previous entities. The first elections were held in May 1993. 1,448 (2001 census) 136.7 km²
(52.8 sq mi)
Town of Claremont Claremont 1898 The Claremont Municipal Council was gazetted in 1898. 9,535 4.9 km²
(1.9 sq mi)
City of Cockburn Spearwood 1979 Fremantle Road Board (1871) gazetted to cover the area to the south of Fremantle. In 1923, it received a large amount of land from Jandakot Road Board when that entity was abolished. In 1955, it was renamed to the Cockburn Road Board (later Shire Council). In 1970 it became a Town and on 26 October 1979 it attained City status. 80,921 167.5 km²
(64.7 sq mi)
Shire of Cocos Home Island 1992 From the 19th century onwards, the islands were owned by the Clunies-Ross family, and in 1886 were granted to them in perpetuity by Queen Victoria. On 23 November 1955 the islands were transferred to Australian control. In 1978, Australia entered a form of purchase of the islands with the Clunies-Ross family, and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands Council came into existence in July 1979 as a representative of the Cocos Malay community. On 1 July 1992, the Federal Government's Territories Law Reform Act came into place, applying Western Australian law to the islands. An ordinance subsequently created the Shire of Cocos, replacing the earlier Council and transferring all the Council's assets to the new body. The first elections were held in May 1993. 621 (2001 census) 14.1 km²
(5.4 sq mi)
Shire of Collie Collie 1951 Collie Road Board (1900) and Collie Municipal District (1901) merged on 2 March 1951 to form the Collie Coalfields Road Board. Renamed to Collie Shire Council on 1 July 1961. 9,067 1,710.9 km²
(660.6 sq mi)
Shire of Coolgardie Coolgardie 1921 Coolgardie Municipal Council (1894) and Coolgardie Road Board (1896) merged into the latter in 1921. 4,078 30,400 km²
(11,737.5 sq mi)
Shire of Coorow Coorow 1962 Historically, the area was managed by the Carnamah Road Board. On 19 April 1962, the Shire of Coorow was gazetted. 1,196 4,193.9 km²
(1,619.3 sq mi)
Shire of Corrigin Corrigin 1914 From 1891 until 1913, different parts of the area was managed by Morambine (Pingelly), Greenhills and Brookton Road Boards. The Kunjinn Road Board (1913) was renamed Corrigin in 1914 after a change of venue. 1,213 3,095 km²
(1,195.0 sq mi)
Town of Cottesloe Cottesloe 1907 The Cottesloe Road Board was gazetted in 1895 and became a Municipal Council in 1907. 7,888 3.9 km²
(1.5 sq mi)
Shire of Cranbrook Cranbrook 1926 The Cranbrook Road Board was gazetted in 1926. 1,120 3,276.8 km²
(1,265.2 sq mi)
Shire of Cuballing Cuballing 1902 The Cuballing Road Board was gazetted in 1902. 829 1,195.4 km² (461.5 sq mi)  
Shire of Cue Cue 1912 Cue initially existed as two entities - the Cue Road Board (1895), and the Daydawn Municipal Council(1894). In 1912, they merged to form the Cue-Daydawn Road Board, which was renamed Cue in 1930. 362 13,622.9 km²
(5,259.8 sq mi)
Shire of Cunderdin Cunderdin 1894 The Meckering Road Board (1894) was renamed Cunderdin in 1944. 1,274 1,864.2 km²
(719.8 sq mi)
Shire of Dalwallinu Dalwallinu 1916 Initially, the area was managed by the Moora and Upper Irwin Road Boards. In 1916, the Dalwallinu Road Board was gazetted. 1,387 7,235.8 km²
(2,793.8 sq mi)
Shire of Dandaragan Jurien Bay 1890 The Dandaragan Road Board was gazetted in 1890. 3,097 6,716.3 km²
(2,593.2 sq mi)
Shire of Dardanup Eaton 1894 The Dardanup Road Board was gazetted in 1894. 11,418 526.6 km²
(203.3sq mi)
Shire of Denmark Denmark 1911 The Denmark Road Board was gazetted in 1911. 4,982 1,860.1 km²
(718.2 sq mi)
Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Derby 1884 The West Kimberley Road Board (1884) was renamed in 1983. 7,917 104,080 km²
(40,185.5 sq mi)
Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup Donnybrook 1970 The Upper Capel Road Board (1899 - renamed Balingup in 1905) and Preston Road Board (1896 - renamed Donnybrook in 1961) were merged on 26 March 1970. 5,092 1,560.3 km²
(602.4 sq mi)
Shire of Dowerin Dowerin 1911 The Dowerin Road Board was gazetted in 1911. 740 1,846.7 km²
(713.0 sq mi)
Shire of Dumbleyung Dumbleyung 1909 The Dumbleyung Road Board was gazetted in 1909. 662 2,540.1 km²
(980.7 sq mi)
Shire of Dundas Norseman 1929 The Dundas Road Board (1895) merged with part of Esperance to become the Norseman Road Board in 1918, but reestablished as Dundas in 1929. 1,153 93,179 km²
(35,976.6 sq mi)
Town of East Fremantle East Fremantle 1897 The East Fremantle Municipal Council was gazetted in 1897. 7,079 3.1 km²
(1.2 sq mi)
Shire of East Pilbara Newman 1972 Bamboo Road Board (1896 - renamed Marble Bar Road Board in 1904) and Nullagine Road Board (1898) merged on 27 May 1972 to form East Pilbara Shire. 7,500 379,571 km²
(146,553.2 sq mi)
Shire of Esperance Esperance 1908 The Esperance Road Board (1895) and the Esperance Municipal Council (1895) were merged into the former in 1908. 14,170 42, 546.9 km²
(16,427.4 sq mi)
Shire of Exmouth Exmouth 1964 Exmouth was initially managed by the Shire of Carnarvon and its precedent bodies. The Shire of Exmouth was formed on 1 January 1964 2,224 6,502.8 km²
(2,510.7 sq mi)
City of Fremantle Fremantle 1929 The Fremantle Municipal Council (1971) was declared a city on 3 June 1929 - Western Australia's second after Perth. 26,777 19.0 km²
(7.3 sq mi)
City of Geraldton-Greenough Geraldton 2007 Geraldton Municipal Council (1871 - later City of Geraldton) and Greenough and Geraldton Road Boards (1871 - later Shire of Greenough) merged on July 1, 2007 35,727 1,798.3 km²
(694.3 sq mi)
Shire of Gingin Gingin 1903 Gingin Road Board (1893) and Gingin Municipal Council (1893) merged in 1903. 4,629 3,211.1 km²
(1,239.8 sq mi)
Shire of Gnowangerup Gnowangerup 1912 Gnowangerup was initially gazetted as a Road Board in 1912, taking in eastern sections of Broomehill and Tambellup. 1,410 4,268.2 km²
(1,648.0 sq mi)
Shire of Goomalling Goomalling 1927 In 1927, the Goomalling Road Board was gazetted out of land previously administered by the Wyalkatchem and Mount Marshall Road Boards. 1,003 1,837.2 km²
(709.3 sq mi)
City of Gosnells Gosnells 1977 Gosnells Road Board was created out of the abolished Canning Road Board on 1 July 1907. In 1923, it received land from Jandakot Road Board when that entity was abolished. In 1955, it was renamed to the Cockburn Road Board. On 1 July 1973 it became a Town and exactly four years later it attained City status. 97,408 128 km²
(49.4 sq mi)
Shire of Halls Creek Halls Creek 1915 The Kimberley Goldfields Road Board (1887) was renamed to the Halls Creek Road Board in 1915. 3,620 143,030 km²
(55,224.2 sq mi)
Shire of Harvey Harvey 1894 From 1841, the Harvey District was controlled by the Wellington Road Board. The Brunswick Road Board (December 1894) was renamed to Harvey in 1909. 21,310 1,728.3 km²
(667.3 sq mi)
Shire of Irwin Dongara 1897 The Irwin Road Board was gazetted in 1871, and in 1916 received a large land area from the Upper Irwin Road Board shortly before that entity's dissolution. In the 1920s, the Carnamah and Three Springs districts were split away from Irwin. 3,347 2,374.4 km²
(916.8 sq mi)
Shire of Jerramungup Jerramungup 1982 The Jerramungup Road Board was gazetted in 1982, on land previously managed by the Shire of Gnowangerup. 1,185 6,507.1 km²
(2,512.4 sq mi)
City of Joondalup Jondalup 1998 Until 1998, the area had been controlled by the City of Wanneroo and its predecessors. An independent commission suggested the creation of Joondalup out of the coastal areas of Wanneroo, and the City of Joondalup came into existence on 1 July 1998. 157,203 98.9 km²
(38.2 sq mi)
Shire of Kalamunda Kalamunda 1897 The Darling Range Road Board (1897) was renamed Shire of Kalamunda on 1 July 1961. 52,360 324.2 km²
(125.2 sq mi)
City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder Kalgoorlie 1989 30,903 95,575.1 km²
(36,901.8 sq mi)
Shire of Katanning Katanning 1892 The Katanning Road Board was gazetted in 1892. 4,482 1,518.5 km²
(586.3 sq mi)
Shire of Kellerberrin Kellerberrin 1908 The Kellerberrin Road Board (1908) originally included large parts of what are now Tammin, Wyalkatchem and Trayning. 1,270 1,916.8 km²
(740.1 sq mi)
Shire of Kent Nyabing 1922 The Kent Road Board was formed and gazetted in 1922. From 1955 until 1972, it was known as Nyabing-Pingrup. 604 5,633.8 km²
(2,175.2 sq mi)
Shire of Kojonup Kojonup 1871 The Kojonup Road Board was gazetted in 1871. 2,212 2,932.2 km²
(1,132.1 sq mi)
Shire of Kondinin Kondinin 1925 The Kondinin Road Board was formed from the portions of the Roe Road Board, Corrigin Road Board and Narembeen Road Board on 19 June 1925. The first election was held on 5 September 1925, with the first meeting taking place in the Kondinin Hall a week later. 1,030 7,376 km²
(2,847.9 sq mi)
Shire of Koorda Koorda 1927 In 1927, the Koorda Road Board was gazetted out of land previously administered by the Wyalkatchem and Mount Marshall Road Boards. 452 2,835.7 km²
(1,094.9 sq mi)
Shire of Kulin Kulin 1918 The Roe Road Board (1918) was renamed to the Kulin Road Board in 1926. 900 4,713.7 km²
(1,820.0 sq mi)
Town of Kwinana Kwinana 1954 Kwinana Roads Districts (1954). Municipality of Kwinana (1960). Town of Kwinana (1977) 25,109 118 km²
(45.6 sq mi)
Shire of Lake Grace Lake Grace 1961 The Lake Grace Road Board was gazetted in 1922. 1,530 10,379.2 km²
(4,007.4 sq mi)
Shire of Laverton Laverton 1906 The Mount Margaret Road Board was gazetted in 1906. It absorbed the Mount Morgans municipality in 1913, and in 1925 received some land from neighbouring road districts, most notably Lawlers. In 1950 it was renamed Laverton 786 179,797.8 km²
(69,420.3 sq mi)
Shire of Leonora Leonora 1898 Leonora started as part of the North Coolgardie Road Board's area when that entity was gazetted in 1898. The town of Leonora was gazetted as a municipality with its own mayor in 1900. In 1912, the North Coolgardie Road Board was dissolved and the Mount Malcolm, Kookynie and Menzies Road Boards were formed. Mount Malcolm absorbed the Leonora Municipal Council in 1917 and became the Leonora-Mount Malcolm Road Board. In 1929, a neighbouring district, Lawlers, was dissolved and split between Mount Margaret (later Laverton) and Leonora-Mount Malcolm, which was renamed to simply Leonora a year later. 1,620 32,189.3 km²
(12,428.4 sq mi)
City of Mandurah Mandurah 1990 The Mandurah Road Board held its first meeting on 1 September 1949, became the Shire of Mandurah in 1961, and gained Town status on 1 July 1987 and City status on 14 April 1990. Prior to 1949, it was part of the Murray Road District. 60,560 174 km²
(67.2 sq mi)
Shire of Manjimup Manjimup 1909 The Shire area was first included in the Plantagenet, Wellington and Sussex Road Districts in 1871. Later the area was included in the Nelson Road Board District. On 3 July 1908, the Warren Road Board was gazetted, initially consisting of 7 elected members, and in 1925 it was renamed Manjimup. 9,187 7,027.3 km²
(2,713.3 sq mi)
Shire of Meekatharra Meekatharra 1909 The Meekatharra Road Board was gazetted in 1909. 1,296 100,789 km²
(38,914.9 sq mi)
City of Melville Booragoon 1968 In 1900, the East Fremantle Road Board was gazetted, and the following year was renamed to Melville Road Board. In 1923, it received a large amount of land from Jandakot Road Board when that entity was abolished. In 1962 it became a Town and in 1968 it attained City status. 99,713 52.73 km²
(20.4 sq mi)
Shire of Menzies Menzies 1895 The Menzies Municipal Council was gazetted in 1895. It was dissolved and included in the North Coolgardie Road Board in 1912, which was itself dissolved the same year to form the Menzies, Kookynie and Mt Malcolm Road Boards. In 1918, Kookynie was merged into Menzies. 249 124,635 km²
(48,121.8 sq mi)
Shire of Merredin Merredin 1921 The Merredin Road Board was gazetted in 1921. 3,427 3,299.7 km²
(1,274.0 sq mi)
Shire of Mingenew Mingenew 1901 The Shire of Mingenew was initially constituted as the Upper Irwin Road Board in 1901, over a much larger area. By 1919, it had adopted for the most part its present area and was renamed to the Mingenew Road Board. 494 1,939.4 km²
(748.8 sq mi)
Shire of Moora Moora 1908 The Moora Road Board was gazetted in 1908 out of land from Victoria Plains. 2,550 3,766.9 km²
(1,454.4 sq mi)
Shire of Morawa Morawa 1928 Morawa was gazetted as a Road Board in 1928. 894 3,515.8 km²
(1,357.5 sq mi)
Town of Mosman Park Mosman Park 1962 The Buckland Hill Road Board was gazetted in 1899. From 1909 until 1930, it was known as the Cottesloe Beach Road Board. It was renamed to Mosman Park Road Board in 1937 and became a town in 1962. 8,894 4.3 km²
(1.7 sq mi)
Shire of Mount Magnet Mount Magnet 1896 Mount Magnet was gazetted as a municipality in 1896, with the surrounding area gazetted as a Road Board in 1901. The former merged into the latter in October 1918 580 13,691.6 km²
(5,286.4 sq mi)
Shire of Mount Marshall Bencubbin 1923 In 1923, the Mount Marshall Road Board was gazetted out of areas formerly managed by Ninghan (Trayning) and Nungarin. 655 10,189.5 km²
(3,934.2 sq mi)
Shire of Mukinbudin Mukinbudin 1933 Initially, Mukinbudin was governed by the Merredin Road Board. In 1921, the Nungarin Road Board was gazetted, and in 1933 Mukinbudin, which had grown considerably in the intervening years, was gazetted separately. 588 3,437.1 km²
(1,327.1 sq mi)
Shire of Mullewa Mullewa 1911 The Shire of Mullewa was gazetted in 1911 950 10,827.2 km²
(4,180.4 sq mi)
Shire of Mundaring Mundaring 1903 The Greenmount Road Board (1903) was renamed to Mundaring in 1934. 37,039 644.9 km²
(249.0 sq mi)
Shire of Murchison No council seat 1875 The Murchison Road Board was gazetted in 1875. 127 41,173 km²
(15,897.0 sq mi)
Shire of Murray Pinjarra 1887 The Murray Road Board was gazetted in December 1887. 12,917 1,710.6 km²
(660.5 sq mi)
Shire of Nannup Nannup 1890 The Lower Blackwood Road Board (renamed to Nannup Road Board in 1925) was gazetted in 1890. 1,260 2,934.6 km²
(1,133.1 sq mi)
Shire of Narembeen Narrembeen 1924 The Narembeen Road Board was gazetted in 1924. 908 3,832.9 km²
(1,479.9 sq mi)
Shire of Narrogin Narrogin 1892 The Narrogin Road Board (later Shire Council) was gazetted in 1892. In 1999 and 2004, proposals to merge the council with the Narrogin Town Council were defeated at referendum 880 1,618.8 km²
(625.0 sq mi)
Town of Narrogin Narrogin 1906 The Narrogin Municipal Council (later Town Council) was gazetted in 1906. 4,565 13.1 km²
(5.1 sq mi)
City of Nedlands Nedlands 1959 The Claremont Road Board (1893) was renamed to Nedlands in 1932. It became a municipality (town) on 1 March 1956, and attained city status on 1 July 1959. 21,852 20 km²
(7.7 sq mi)
Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku Warburton 1993 It was formed on 1 July 1993 following a report of the Local Government Boundaries Commission in 1992. The Shire of Wiluna was divided with the eastern area becoming the new Shire. 1,650 159,948 km²
(61,756.3 sq mi)
Shire of Northam Northam 1871 The Northam Road Board (later Shire Council) was gazetted in 1871. Amalgamated with the Town of Northam in 2007 10,381 1,431.5 km²
(552.7 sq mi)
Shire of Northampton Northampton 1887 The Northampton Road Board was gazetted in 1887. 3,412 13,737.8 km²
(5,304.2 sq mi)
Shire of Nungarin Nungarin 1921 Initially, Nungarin was governed by the Kellerberrin Road Board. In 1911, responsibility for the area was transferred to the Merredin Road Board. In 1921, the Nungarin Road Board was gazetted, which extended north into the present Mount Marshall shire. In 1933 it lost over three-quarters of its land area with the formation of Mukinbudin Road District. 259 1,163.8 km²
(449.3 sq mi)
Shire of Peppermint Grove Peppermint Grove 1895 The Peppermint Grove Road Board was gazetted in 1895. 1,662 1.1 km²
(0.4 sq mi)
Shire of Perenjori Perenjori 1916 The Perenjori-Morawa Road Board was gazetted in 1916 on land previously managed by the Upper Irwin Road Board. In April 1928, the entity split in two, creating the Shire of Perenjori and the Shire of Morawa. 540 8,313.0 km²
(3,209.7 sq mi)
City of Perth Perth 1856 The City of Perth was declared on 20 September 1856. In 1915, it absorbed North Perth (1901) and Leederville (1895) municipalities, and on 1 November 1917, Victoria Park was also absorbed. A year later, it absorbed territory from Perth Road Board including the Belmont Park racecourse. By 1962, the council had 27 members representing nine wards. On 1 July 1994, following the passage of the City of Perth Restructuring Act (1993), the City of Perth was broken up and a revised (and significantly reduced) City of Perth, Town of Victoria Park, Town of Cambridge and Town of Vincent were created. 13,486 12.7 km²
(4.9 sq mi)
Shire of Pingelly Pingelly 1891 The Moorambine Road Board (1891) was renamed to Pingelly in 1913. 1,260 1,294.6 km²
(499.8 sq mi)
Shire of Plantagenet Mount Barker 1871 The Plantagenet Road Board (1871) initially included a reasonably large section of the Great Southern region. 4,775 4,792 km²
(1,850.2 sq mi)
Town of Port Hedland Port Hedland 1989 Pilbara Road Board (1891 - renamed Port Hedland Road Board in 1904) became a Shire in 1961 and a Town on 18 March 1989. 13,060 10,587 km²
(4,087.7sq mi)
Shire of Quairading Quairading 1922 Quairading was initially constituted as the Greenhills Road Board in 1892, covering a large area east of York. In 1913, Greenhills was broken up to form Avon, East Avon (Bruce Rock) and Kunjinn (Corrigin). In 1922 the Avon Road Board was renamed to Quairading. 1,098 2,017.8 km²
(779.1 sq mi)
Shire of Ravensthorpe Ravensthorpe 1900 The Phillips River Road Board was gazetted in 1900. Shire of Ravensthorpe (1961). 2,249 13,551.1 km²
(5,232.1 sq mi)
City of Rockingham Rockingham 1988 Rockingham Road Board was gazetted in 1897. On 12 November 1988 it attained City status. 91,702 257.1 km²
(99.3 sq mi)
Shire of Roebourne Karratha 1910 In 1887, Roebourne Municipal Council, Cossack Road Board and Roebourne Road Board were all gazetted. As the Roebourne region's population declined, the three merged into Roebourne in 1910. 18,240 15,234 km²
(5,881.9 sq mi)
Shire of Sandstone Sandstone 1897 The Black Range Road Board was gazetted in 1897, receiving land from North Coolgardie in 1908, and Leonora-Mount Malcolm in 1930. 136 32,882.2 km²
(12,695.9 sq mi)
Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale Mundijong 1894 The Serpentine Road Board was gazetted in December 1894, and in 1913 changed name to Serpentine-Jarrahdale. In 1977, it acquired Byford from Armadale-Kelmscott Shire. 14,914 905 km²
(349.4 sq mi)
Shire of Shark Bay Denham 1904 The Shark Bay Road Board was gazetted in 1904. 917 25,423 km²
(9,815.9 sq mi)
City of South Perth South Perth 1959 The South Perth Road Board was formed in 1892 and the district became a municipality (town) in 1902 and a city in 1959. 41,572 19.8 km²
(7.6 sq mi)
City of Stirling Stirling 1971 The Perth Road Board (1871) became the Shire of Perth in 1961, and gained City status in 1971. 189,083 105.2 km²
(40.6 sq mi)
City of Subiaco Subiaco 1952 The Subiaco Municipal Council was gazetted in 1896, and was proclaimed a city on 1 March 1952. 17,835 7 km²
(2.7 sq mi)
City of Swan Midland 2000 The City of Swan began as three entities: Guildford Municipal Council, the Helena Vale Municipal Council (later Midland Junction Municipal Council) and the Swan Road Board was gazetted. On 1 July 1961, the Guildford and Swan areas merged into the Shire of Swan-Guildford, while Midland became the Town of Midland. They united on 1 April 1970 as the Shire of Swan, and exactly thirty years later, on 1 April 2000, became the City of Swan. 100,593 1,043 km²
(402.7 sq mi)
Shire of Tambellup Tambellup 1905 The Tambellup Road Board was gazetted in 1905. 702 1,436.3 km²
(554.6 sq mi)
Shire of Tammin Tammin 1948 Originally the area was governed by the Meckering Road Board (now the neighbouring Shire of Cunderdin). In 1948, the Tammin Road Board was gazetted. 410 1,103.2 km²
(425.9 sq mi)
Shire of Three Springs Three Springs 1928 The Three Springs Road Board was gazetted in 1928. 698 2,657.4 km²
(1,026.0 sq mi)
Shire of Toodyay Toodyay 1912 The Toodyay Road Board (1871) and Newcastle Municipal Council (1877) merged in 1912. 4,400 1,693.8 km²
(654.0 sq mi)
Shire of Trayning Trayning 1965 Initially, the area was split between the Meckering and Kellerberrin Road Districts. On 30 June 1911, the Korrelocking Road Board was gazetted, covering Trayning, Wyalkatchem and parts of Mount Marshall and Dowerin. Nine monthe later it was renamed the Ninghan Road District. Wyalkatchem split away in 1920 and Ninghan in 1923, and absorbed parts of Nungarin to become Kununoppin-Trayning and Mount Marshall Road Districts. On 1 July 1961, it became the Shire of Trayning-Kununoppin-Yelbeni following changes to the Local Government Act, and then was renamed Shire of Trayning on 10 September 1965. 398 1,651.2 km²
(637.5 sq mi)
Shire of Upper Gascoyne Gascoyne Junction 1887 In 1887, the Upper Gascoyne Road Board was gazetted. 335 57,939 km²
(22,370.4 sq mi)
Town of Victoria Park Victoria Park 1994 Originally governed by a road board in 1894, it was declared a municipality in 1897. It was amalgamated into the City of Perth in 1917 after becoming unsustainable as an autonomous political entity. In 1993 the Government of Western Australia decided to split up the Local Government Area of the City of Perth, creating three additional LGA's and retain a smaller City of Perth. The new LGA's were Town of Vincent, Town of Cambridge and the Town of Shepperton which was later changed to its current name. 30,149 17.62 km²
(6.8 sq mi)
Shire of Victoria Plains Calingiri 1871 In 1871, the Victoria Plains Road Board was gazetted and was responsible for an area as far north as Carnamah and east to the South Australian border. These areas gradually obtained their own local government over the next 40 years. 920 2,569 km²
(991.9 sq mi)
Town of Vincent Leederville 1994 On 1 July 1994, the restructure of the City of Perth created three new local governments: the Towns of Vincent, Cambridge and Shepperton (now Victoria Park), plus a smaller City of Perth. 30,117 10.4 km²
(4.0 sq mi)
Shire of Wagin Wagin 1961 In 1887, the Arthur Road Board was gazetted, and was renamed to Wagin Road Board in 1905. In July 1906, the council was split in two, with Wagin Municipal Council representing the town, and Wagin Road Board the district. In 1961, they were reunited, with a new Town Ward created. 1,933 1,948 km²
(752.1 sq mi)
Shire of Wandering Wandering 1874 The Wandering Road Board was gazetted in 1874. 387 1,900.8 km²
(733.9 sq mi)
City of Wanneroo Wanneroo 1998 Prior to 1902, Wanneroo was part of the Perth Road District which eventually went on to become the City of Stirling. The Wanneroo Road Board first convened in 1902, became the Shire of Wanneroo in 1961, and gained City status on 31 October 1985. On 1 July 1998, it lost its coastal suburbs from Kinross southwards to the new City of Joondalup. Wanneroo briefly returned to shire status but regained its city status a year later, on 1 July 1999. 124,887 685.8 km²
(264.8 sq mi)
Shire of Waroona Waroona 1898 The district was originally controlled by the Murray Road Board (from 1887). In 1898, the Drakesbrook Road Board was gazetted. Years after the renaming of the town, on 19 May 1961, the Drakesbrook Road Board was renamed Waroona. 3,697 832.2 km²
(321.3 sq mi)
Shire of West Arthur Darkan 1896 In 1896, the West Arthur Road Board was gazetted. Its name is in relation to the former Arthur Road Board, renamed to Wagin in 1905. 890 2,834.2 km²
(1,094.3 sq mi)
Shire of Westonia Westonia 1916 The Westonia Road Board was gazetted in 1916. 230 3,304.4 km²
(1,275.8 sq mi)
Shire of Wickepin Wickepin 1909 The Wickepin Road Board was gazetted in 1909. 746 2,041.6 km²
(788.3 sq mi)
Shire of Williams Williams 1871 The Williams Road Board was gazetted in 1871. 935 2,305.7 km²
(890.2 sq mi)
Shire of Wiluna Wiluna 1909 The Wiluna Road Board was gazetted in 1909. On 1 July 1993, the eastern half of the Shire abutting the State's border with the Northern Territory was incorporated as the Shire of Ngaanyatjarraku. 770 182,155.8 km²
(70,330.7 sq mi)
Shire of Wongan-Ballidu Wongan Hills 1887 The Melbourne Road Board (1887) was renamed to Wongan-Ballidu in 1926. 1,440 3,368.7 km²
(1,300.7 sq mi)
Shire of Woodanilling Woodanilling 1906 Woodanilling was gazetted as a Road Board in 1906. 432 1,129.0 km²
(435.9 sq mi)
Shire of Wyalkatchem Wyalkatchem 1920 In 1920, the Wyalkatchem Road Board was gazetted out of land previously administered by the Ninghan and Dowerin Road Boards. 580 1,595.4 km²
(616.0 sq mi)
Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley Kununurra 1887 The East Kimberley Road Board (1887) was renamed Wyndham in 1896. It became the Wyndham-East Kimberley Shire Council on 1 July 1961. 7,474 117,514 km²
(45,372.4 sq mi)
Shire of Yalgoo Yalgoo 1896 The original Yalgoo Road Board was gazetted in 1896, and merged with the Shire of Mullewa in August 1911. The Upper Murchison Road Board, gazetted in 1907, was renamed to Yalgoo in 1912. 272 28,214.6 km²
(10,893.7 sq mi)
Shire of Yilgarn Southern Cross 1918 The Yilgarn Road Board (1891) and the Southern Cross Municipal Council (1892) merged in 1918. 1,557 30,720 km²
(11,861.1sq mi)
Shire of York York 1965 The York Road Board (1871) and York Municipal Council (1871) merged on 15 March 1965. 3,352 2,132.7 km²
(823.4 sq mi)


  1. ^ Department of Local Government and Regional Development. "Local Government Act 1995". Retrieved 2008-04-08.
  2. ^ Westerm Australian Local Government Association. "Council Websites: List of all Local Government Authorities in Western Australia". Retrieved 2008-04-08.
  3. ^ a b Western Australian Electoral Commission (31 May 2003). "Municipality Boundary Amendments Register (release 2.0)" (PDF). Retrieved 2008-04-07. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help)
  4. ^ Australian Bureau of Statistics (31 March 2008). "3218.0 - Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2006-07". Retrieved 2008-04-08.

Category:Local Government Areas of Western Australia