Flyer337 Shan Raffel AFSM EngTech CFIFireE. Churchill fellow 2009. Brisbane Australia. 38 year student of international firefighting strategies and tactics. Shan has served as a career firefighter in Brisbane since 1983. After the death of two colleagues in 1994, and the serious injury of two others from the effects of extreme fire behaviour in 1996, he submitted a proposal for an intensive international study of compartment fire behavior training (CFBT). This was successful and he was sent to the United Kingdom and Sweden in 1997 to study the most advanced teaching methods and training facilities. On his return he developed nationally recognized training packages and has since assisted numerous fire services in Australia with the development of their training facilities and teaching materials. He regularly lectures and provides practical training at numerous international events. His national and international awards include the Australian Fire Service Medal, Fellow of the Institution of Fire Engineers, Companion of the Institution of Fire Engineers and a national bravery award, the “Commendation for Brave Conduct”. In 2009 he was awarded a “Churchill Fellowship” to research “Planning Preparation and Response to Emergencies in Tunnels” which led to intensive study over a period of 10 weeks in the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland.

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Contributing author to Fire Rescue Magazine