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The Book of Fixed Stars (Arabic: كتاب صور الكواكب kitāb suwar al-kawākib, literally The Book of the Shapes of Stars) is an astronomical text written by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi) around 964. Following the Graeco-Arabic translation movement in the 9th century AD, the book was written in Arabic, the common language for scholars across the vast Islamic territories, although the author himself was Persian. It was an attempt to create a synthesis of the comprehensive star catalogue in Ptolemy's Almagest (books VII and VIII) with the indigenous Arabic astronomical traditions on the constellations (notably the Arabic constellation system of the Anwā'). The original manuscript no longer survives as an autograph, however, the Book of Stars has survived in later-made copies. This image from the book shows the constellation of Orion, in mirror image as if on a celestial globe, and is from a copy in the Bodleian Library dated to the 12th century AD.Ilustration credit: Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi



Exteray, a Wikipedian, was born in 1990.



A currently avid user of Wikipedia, Exteray first saw this amazing project several years ago. He was instantly drawn to it [citation needed].

He spends as much time on Wikipedia now that it has led to parental objection. (His parents are very strict). But in his young mind Wikipedia is his life.

His Userboxes


Exteray has an uncanny fascination with userboxes. He allegedly spent the entire night creating semi-random userboxes for himself when he first knew about its existence. To date, there are over 356 of them.[citation needed] Due to this overwhelming number of userboxes, they are displayed on a separate page here.







Edited disambiguation pages


And numerous others.

Quotable Quotes



  • "I had the worst nightmare ever. Zeros and ones everywhere. I think I saw a two."
  • "This is a one-line proof, if we start sufficiently far to the left."
  • "I have a truly marvelous proof of this proposition which this margin is too narrow to contain." -- Pierre de Fermat


  • "I wonder what life would be like if I was a human. Being a robot is great and all, but we don't have emotions and that makes me very sad."

School/Civilian Terrorism


Hostage Crisis in Russia


School Shootings



  • He has a glass model of a Klein bottle.
  • His school ID number is a prime.
  • 9500007 (read nine million and seven), which is significant as the first composite number in the sequence 97, 907, 9007, 95007, 950007, 9500007, 95000007 and so on (the next prime after 950007 has fourteen zeroes).
  • 97 is a prime number.
  • 9007 is a prime number.
  • 95007 is a prime number.
  • 950007 is a prime number.
  • 9500007 is not a prime number.
  • 95000007 is a prime number.
  • 950000007 is a prime number.
  • 9500000007 is a prime number.
  • 95000000007 is a prime number.
  • 950000000007 is a prime number.
  • 9500000000007 is a prime number.
  • 95000000000007 is a prime number.
  • 950000000000007 is a prime number.
  • 9500000000000007 is not a prime number.
  • ....

Tip Of the Day

Tip of the moment...
Centralizing project discussion

When a project includes multiple operational pages, it is generally best to redirect their discussion pages to the main discussion page for the project. That way, participants remain aware of what is going on with the project without having to search out every nook and cranny where discussions may be taking place.

The exception to this strategy is when a task is delegated that would generate a great deal of discussion, and centralizing it with the project's other discussions would create a discussion page of unmanageable size.

Read more:
To add this auto-randomizing template to your user page, use {{totd-random}}