// vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ai
// <nowiki>
( function () {
if( mw.config.get( "wgAction" ) === "view" ) {
// If someone's already using the "D" access key, clear that
mw.loader.using( [ "mediawiki.util" ], function () {
var hasOurAccessKey = document.querySelectorAll( "a[accesskey=d]" );
for( var i = 0; i < hasOurAccessKey.length; i ) {
hasOurAccessKey[i].setAttribute( "accesskey", "" );
$( hasOurAccessKey[i] ).updateTooltipAccessKeys();
} );
// Wrap every section in its own div
var linkMapping = {}; // zone IDs to link elements
var editSectionSpans = document.querySelectorAll( "span.mw-editsection" );
if( !editSectionSpans.length ) return;
var headerEl, currEl, container;
for( var i = 0; i < editSectionSpans.length; i ) {
headerEl = editSectionSpans[i].parentNode;
if( headerEl.matches( "h1.firstHeading" ) ) continue;
// Insert container into DOM
container = document.createElement( "div" );
container.className = "hover-edit-section";
container.dataset.hoverId = i;
headerEl.parentNode.insertBefore( container, headerEl );
// Insert all elements in the section into our container
var currEl = headerEl.nextSibling;
container.appendChild( headerEl );
var nextEl;
while( currEl && ( currEl.nodeType !== 1 || currEl.tagName.toLowerCase().indexOf( "h" ) !== 0 ) ) {
nextEl = currEl.nextSibling;
container.appendChild( currEl );
currEl = nextEl;
// Register "edit section" link
linkMapping[i] = editSectionSpans[i].children[ editSectionSpans[i].children.length - 2 ];
mw.loader.addStyleTag( "div.hover-edit-section { margin-bottom: -1.6em; padding-bottom: 1.1em }" );
$( "body" ).append( $( "<a>" )
.attr( { href: "#", accesskey: "d" } )
.css( { position: "fixed", opacity: "0" } )
.text( "hover-edit-section" )
.click( function ( e ) {
var hoverId = document.querySelector( "div.hover-edit-section:hover" ).dataset.hoverId;
linkMapping[ hoverId ].click();
return false;
} ) );
} )();
// </nowiki>