The Other Grey Meat
Author(s)James and June Maillet
Current status/scheduleUpdates Monday and Thursday
Launch date26 August 2009

The Other Grey Meat (abbreviated TOGM) is a science fiction/ humour webcomic written by James Maillet and drawn by June Maillet. This husband and wife team launched TOGM on August 26, 2009.

The plot centers on John, an amnesiac human, and Beth a high functioning formerly human zombie, and zombie limb replacement technician, who shields John’s existence from other zombies. Supporting characters include R.Z., a zombie child who lives with Beth, Sylene, Beth’s neighbor and friend.

Additional characters include the authoritarian leader of the zombies known as Robert, and Robert’s henchmen who include Chuck, a public safety officer (PSO), Karl, another public safety officer and Chad, a physically enhanced public safety officer and, also, Beth’s ex-husband. It was revealed that before the enlightenment (the conversion of humans to zombies) Chad and Sylene were involved in an affair.

The (zombie) public order is threatened by a group of anarchists lead by the Phantom. TOGM uses a modified science fiction lore about zombies, humor about zombies, and sexual humor. The visual style of TOGM has remained consistent over the life of the comic although efforts to increase complexity have been noted by the author.



TOGM has been updated twice per week since its inception on August 26, 2009. TOGM’s 175th strip appeared on July 21, 2011. The Maillet’s support their web comic through other work and merchandise[1] based on the TOGM strip.



The storyline and the visual style of the comic have remained consistent since the web comic’s inception. The authors have indicated that although the storyline of TOGM has been designed to evolve, a tentative conclusion for the strip has been planned.[2] Using the main character’s amnesia as a literary tool, the authors have revealed their unique take on zombie lore and the complexities of living as a zombie.





Although the setting of TOGM, has not been defined, it appears to take place in and around central North America. Frequent settings include the zombie repair clinic where Beth works, an underground anti-zombie shelter that John stumbles upon, Robert’s lair and research centre, and the Phantom’s hideout. Other noted locations include a wasteland that appears desert like.[3]

TOGM is set following a zombie apocalypse in which all humans have become zombies (save for the main protagonist John). In zombie terms, they have gained through the enlightenment (the conversion of humans to zombies) in which personal appearance is important and is maintained by seemingly straightforward surgical/medical means. The only sustaining nutrition required by zombies is human brains. Given that non-zombie humans are believed extinct, the autocratic leader, Robert, earned his rank through the creation of a simulated, edible, and apparently bland[4] brain substance, known as “the other grey meat” (pronounced togum[5]) that reduces a zombie’s craving for human brains.[6]

The Maillet’s atypical presentation of zombie appearance and intelligence differs from typical science fiction accounts. In TOGM zombies are characterized as being vain about their appearance and, also, their [[Intelligence|intelligence}. All zombies are rated by their intelligence on a scale from one (lowest) to five (highest). A standardized zombie categorization (SZC) test[7] is used to measure intelligence.

The least intelligent zombies, level one zombies (or Ones), exhibit traditional sci-fi appearance, cannot read[8], and are single-mindedly focused on sustenance.[9] Level two, and up, zombies (e.g., R.Z.), have a more human appearance but are functionally child like in their intelligence.[10] Level three zombies are more intelligent and are given tasks that moderate the functioning of order in the zombie hierarchy. [11] Level four zombies are given tasks associated with greater intelligence and the ability to learn complex skills.[12] Robert is the only known level five zombie[13] and commands the activities of all lower-level zombies in the manner of a religious leader.[14] All zombies can be tracked through an implanted tracking chip[15][16] and can be controlled by Robert.[17]

Zombies can augment their intelligence level through the consumption of human brains. Although there are no known humans (excluding John) with an intact brain, brains from deceased human beings can be used to enable higher functioning in zombies. This increase in intelligence through the consumption of human brain matter increases enlightenment. The Although zombies cannot procreate[18] they do use limb replacement technology to enhance their lifespan.


  • John (Thomas) is TOGM's main character. John was introduced to the reader in the first strip when he is ejected, bruised and bleeding, from a vehicle in front of Beth’s zombie repair clinic. John suffers from amnesia and, given that he cannot remember his name, is dubbed “John” by Beth when she attempts to replace his injured limbs. Given the short internal chronology of the strip, John spends much of his time learning about the zombie world, avoiding exposure, and finding out about his mysterious past. In latter strips, it is revealed that John lived for some time in a zombie shelter with a Dr. Murphy who killed himself after his love interest was turned into a zombie.
  • Beth is a zombie limb replacement technician who lives with the child zombie R.Z.[19] Although this relationship is not maternal, Beth has a parental role in R.Z.’s care. Beth was previously married to Chad.[20] In the zombie intelligence hierarchy Beth is considered to be a level 4.
  • R.Z. , a level 2 zombie, and apparent child, is Beth’s ward. R.Z.’s age is currently indeterminate. While displaying child-like mannerisms around play and eating, R.Z. is loyal to those that support him, including John[21], who shared “found” brains with R.Z.[22]
  • Robert is an autocratic figure who, through the creation of zombie sustenance (the other grey meat), is the quasi-religious authority in the web comic’s locale. Robert is also the only known level 5 zombie. Robert reveals that he considered John/Thomas to be his best friend.[23]
  • Phantom is the name attributed to Robert’s nemesis. The Phantom, a level three zombie, commands other zombies in covert operations designed to disrupt Robert’s plans. The Phantom believes that John/Thomas has been aiding the Phantom’s subversive activities.[24]
  • Chad is a level four zombie and public safety officer that reports to Robert. Robert’s physical form was upgraded with an XL 15 combat body [25]. Although Chad was previously married to Beth, and had a physical encounter with Sylene,[26] his concerns about himself outweigh personal relationships.[27]
  • Sylene is a level three zombie and neighbor of Beth. She is known to have killed level one zombies using a motor vehicle contrary to the “don’t cause extinction” policy.[28][29] Although seemingly naïve, Beth capably evades difficult situations.[30][31]
  • Chuck is a level three public safety officer charged with investigating situations involving level one zombies. Chuck and Karl have questioned Sylene about her previous assaults on level one zombies and often assume that she is behind other attacks on level one zombies.[32]
  • Karl is another level three public safety officer that works with Chuck. While working for and within Robert’s control system, both Chuck and Carl are willing to work outside operating procedures.[33]

