* EasyBlock *
* By Animum *
* To use this script, add the following line to your monobook (or other skin) file: *
importScript("User:Animum/easyblock.js"); //[[User:Animum/easyblock.js]]
* Handy-dandy block script *
* Authored by me except where *
* otherwise noted *
* This script has only been tested *
* in Firefox and Google Chrome. It *
* might not work in other browsers. *
* If something needs to be done, *
* feel absolutely free to make the *
* necessary edits yourself. *
// Libraries
function easyblock() {} //So we can have some sanity in the arrangement of this
easyblock.addlilink = function(tabs, href, name, id, title, key) { //By Voice of All
var span = document.createElement('span');
var na = document.createElement('a');
na.href = href;
na.style.cssText = 'cursor:pointer';
na.setAttribute( 'nopopup', '1' ); //to better cooperate with WP:NAVPOP when popupOnlyArticleLinks is set to false.
var li = document.createElement('li');
if(id) li.id = id;
if(key && title)
ta[id] = [key, title];
else if(key)
ta[id] = [key, ''];
else if(title)
ta[id] = ['', title];
return li;
easyblock.addlimenu = function(tabs, name, id, href, position) { //By Voice of All
var na, mn, span;
var li;
if (!id) id = name;
span = document.createElement("span");
span.appendChild( document.createTextNode(name) );
na = document.createElement("a");
na.onclick = href;
na.style.cssText = 'cursor:pointer';
mn = document.createElement("ul");
li = document.createElement("li");
if (id) li.id = id;
li.className = 'blockmenu';
if (position) {
tabs.insertBefore(li, position);
} else {
return mn; // useful because it gives us the <ul> to add <li>s to
easyblock.makeMenu = function(where, id, items) {
if(typeof(where) == 'undefined' || typeof(items) == 'undefined') return;
if(typeof(id) == 'undefined' || id.length === 0) id = where "-submenu";
var ul = document.createElement("ul");
ul.className = "blockmenu";
ul.id = id;
ul.style.left = "114px";
ul.style.top = "-1px";
ul.style.display = "none";
for(i=0; i<items.length; i ) {
var item = items[i];
easyblock.addlilink(document.getElementById(id), item[0], item[1], (typeof(item[2]) != 'undefined' ? item[2] : ""));
where.onmouseover = function() {
ul.style.display = "block";
where.onmouseout = function() {
ul.style.display = "none";
easyblock.zeroPad = function(str) { //By Gracenotes
return ("0" str).slice(-2);
easyblock.formatResponse = function(response) { //By Gracenotes
try {
response = response.query.pages;
for (var property in response)
return response[property];
} catch (e) {
return response.query.pages[-1];
easyblock.textUpdate = function(message, br) {
if(typeof(br) == 'undefined') br = true;
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = (br ? "<br />" : "") "<b>" message "</b>";
easyblock.bgColor = function(color) {
document.getElementById("content").style.backgroundColor = color;
easyblock.isIP = function(ip) { //From [[MediaWiki:Sysop.js]]
return /\b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b/.test(ip);
easyblock.isSensitive = function(address) { //From [[MediaWiki:Sysop.js]]
ips = Array(
ip = address;
if (this.isIP(ip)) {
for (i = 0; i < ips.length; i ) {
if (ip.match(ips[i][0])) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
easyblock.canShowOn = function(where) { //For reading the ebPrefs.showOnPages data
return (ebPrefs.showOnPages.indexOf(where) != -1 ? true : false);
easyblock.syncAjaxGet = function(queryString)
var result;
url: mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') "/api.php?" queryString,
async: false,
dataType: "json",
success : function(data) { result = data; }
return result;
easyblock.syncAjaxPost = function(postData)
var result;
url: mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') "/api.php",
async: false,
type: "POST",
data: postData,
dataType: "json",
success : function(data) { result = data; }
return result;
easyblock.asyncAjaxPost = function(postData, successFunction)
url: mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') "/api.php",
type: "POST",
data: postData,
dataType: "json",
success : successFunction
easyblock.isBlocked = function(name) {
var info = this.syncAjaxGet("action=query&list=blocks&bkusers=" name "&format=json");
if (info.error) return false; //this can happen with syntactically invalid input, like IP CIDR ranges used by User:Splarka/contribsrange.js
return (info.query.blocks[0] ? true : false);
easyblock.getLastBlock = function(user) {
var response = this.syncAjaxGet("format=json&action=query&list=logevents&letype=block&letitle=User:" encodeURIComponent(user) "&leprop=details");
//look for the most recent block log entry that isn't an unblock. We can't filter for both blocks and reblocks, apparently.
for (var i=0; i<response.query.logevents.length; i )
var duration = response && response.query && response.query.logevents[i].params.duration;
return (this.isBlocked(user) ? "blocked" : "last") ": " duration;
return "not blocked before";
// End
// Preferences
if(typeof(ebPrefs) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs = {};
if(typeof(ebPrefs.markWarnAsMinor) == 'undefined' || ebPrefs.markWarnAsMinor == 1) {
ebPrefs.markWarnAsMinor = true;
if(typeof(ebPrefs.showOnPages) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs.showOnPages = ["user_usertalk", "contribs", "diffs", "ipblocklist", "blockip"];
if(typeof(ebPrefs.useAutoWarn) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs.useAutoWarn = true;
if(typeof(ebPrefs.loadPageOnSubmit) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs.loadPageOnSubmit = (typeof ebPrefs.loadCommentOnSubmit == "undefined" ? true : ebPrefs.loadCommentOnSubmit);
if(typeof(ebPrefs.displayStatus) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs.displayStatus = true;
if(typeof(ebPrefs.watchlistEnabled) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs.watchlistEnabled = false;
if(typeof(ebPrefs.showOnClick) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs.showOnClick = false;
if(typeof(ebPrefs.returnTo) == 'undefined') {
ebPrefs.returnTo = "";
// End
// Warn and block functions
// (The heart and muscle of the script)
easyblock.edit = function(page, comment, summary, replacePage, loadPageOnSubmit) {
if(typeof(loadPageOnSubmit) == 'undefined') loadPageOnSubmit = true;
if(typeof(replacePage) == 'undefined') replacePage = false;
page = decodeURIComponent(page);
if(ebPrefs.dislayStatus) this.textUpdate("Adding \"" comment "\" to <a href=\"/wiki/" encodeURIComponent(page) "\">" page "</a>...");
var rawResponse = this.syncAjaxGet("action=query&prop=info|revisions&format=json&meta=tokens&type=csrf&rvprop=content|timestamp&titles=" encodeURIComponent(page));
var info = this.formatResponse(rawResponse);
// This would be better with curtimestamp
var date = new Date();
var startTime = date.getUTCFullYear() this.zeroPad(date.getUTCMonth() 1) this.zeroPad(date.getUTCDate()) this.zeroPad(date.getUTCHours()) this.zeroPad(date.getUTCMinutes()) this.zeroPad(date.getUTCSeconds());
var editTime = (info.revisions ? info.revisions[0].timestamp.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "") : startTime);
var content = (info.revisions ? (info.revisions[0]["*"].length > 0 ? info.revisions[0]["*"] : "") : "");
var editToken = rawResponse.query.tokens.csrftoken;
var postdata = "format=json"
"&title=" encodeURIComponent(page)
(replacePage ? "&text=" : "&appendtext=") encodeURIComponent((!replacePage ? "\n\n" : "") comment)
"&summary=" encodeURIComponent(summary)
"&token=" encodeURIComponent(editToken)
"&basetimestamp=" editTime
"&starttimestamp=" startTime
(ebPrefs.markWarnAsMinor ? "&minor=" : "¬minor=")
(ebPrefs.watchlistEnabled ? "&watch=" : "");
this.asyncAjaxPost(postdata, function(responseObject) {
if(responseObject.edit) {
easyblock.bgColor("#EEF"); //We're done.
if(ebPrefs.displayStatus) easyblock.textUpdate(" done!", false);
if(loadPageOnSubmit && ebPrefs.loadPageOnSubmit) {
window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = mw.config.get('wgScript') "?title=" (ebPrefs.returnTo.length > 0 ? ebPrefs.returnTo : encodeURIComponent(page)); }, 2000);
} else {
easyblock.textUpdate("Error: " responseObject.error.info);
easyblock.warnAndTag = function(page, comment, summary, replacePage, page2, comment2, summary2, replacePage2) {
this.edit(page, comment, summary, replacePage, false);
this.edit(page2, comment2, summary2, replacePage2);
easyblock.block = function(name, reason, duration, autoblock, nocreate, noemail, allowusertalk, anononly) {
//Safeguards against errors
if(this.isBlocked(name)) {
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = "<br />";
this.textUpdate("Error: " name " is already blocked. (<a href=\"/w/index.php?title=Special:BlockList&action=unblock&ip=" encodeURIComponent(name) "\">unblock</a>)");
if(this.isSensitive(name)) {
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = "<br />";
this.textUpdate("Aborting: " name " is marked as a sensitive address.");
if(typeof(name) == "undefined" || name == "undefined" || name === "") {
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = "<br />";
this.textUpdate("Error: No username was specified; please block manually. If this problem persists across many pages, <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Animum&action=edit§ion=new\">contact</a> Animum.");
if(name == mw.config.get('wgUserName')) {
var confirmBlock = confirm("Do you really want to block yourself?\n\n(Click \"Yes\" to proceed, \"no\" to abort.)");
if(!confirmBlock) {
if(!reason) {
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = "<br />";
this.textUpdate("Error: No reason was specified; please block manually. If this problem persists across many pages, <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Animum&action=edit§ion=new\">contact</a> Animum.");
if(!duration && reason.indexOf("sockpuppet") == -1) {
document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = "<br />";
this.textUpdate("Error: No duration was specified; please block manually. If this problem persists across many pages, <a href=\"/w/index.php?title=User_talk:Animum&action=edit§ion=new\">contact</a> Animum.");
//If none of these safeguards have been triggered, continue.
if(ebPrefs.displayStatus) document.getElementById("contentSub").innerHTML = "<br />";
this.bgColor("#EFE"); //Begin.
var responseObject = this.syncAjaxPost("format=json&action=query&meta=tokens&type=csrf");
var edittoken = responseObject.query.tokens.csrftoken;
var isIP = this.isIP(name);
if(reason.indexOf("sockpuppet") != -1) {
sockof = prompt("Name of master account:");
if(!sockof) return;
duration = prompt("Duration (leave blank " (isIP ? "to cancel" : "for \"indefinite\"") "):");
if(!duration) {
if(isIP) { //Abort if no duration and user is IP
} else { //Set duration to indefinite if no duration and user is registered
duration = "indefinite";
reason = (reason.indexOf("confirmed") != -1 ? "Confirmed" : "Suspected") " \[\[Wikipedia:Sock puppetry\|sock puppet\]\] of \[\[User:" sockof "\|" sockof "\]\]" (reason.indexOf("confirmed") != -1 ? " (\[\[Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/" sockof "\|investigation\]\])" : "");
if(/(Edit war|3RR)/.test(reason)) {
var article = prompt("Article (without brackets; leave blank to omit):");
if(article) { //If "Cancel" were not pressed...
if(article.length > 0) reason = " on [[" article "]]"; //...And if a string were entered before "OK" was pressed, add the article to the reason
/* Set the default values:
* Account creation: disabled
* Autoblock: enabled (for blocks of registered users only)
* Anon-only: enabled (for blocks of IPs only)
* Allow e-mail: enabled
* Allow talk page: enabled
nocreate = (typeof nocreate == "undefined" ? true : nocreate);
autoblock = (typeof autoblock == "undefined" ? true : autoblock);
anononly = (typeof anononly == "undefined" ? true : anononly);
noemail = (typeof noemail == "undefined" ? false : noemail);
allowusertalk = (typeof allowusertalk == "undefined" ? true : allowusertalk);
var postdata = "format=json"
"&user=" encodeURIComponent(name)
"&expiry=" encodeURIComponent(duration)
"&reason=" encodeURIComponent(reason)
"&token=" encodeURIComponent(edittoken)
(nocreate ? "&nocreate=" : "")
(isIP ? (anononly ? "&anononly=" : "") : (autoblock ? "&autoblock=" : ""))
(allowusertalk ? "&allowusertalk=" : "")
(noemail ? "&noemail=" : "");
if(typeof(confirmBlock) == 'undefined' && name == mw.config.get('wgUserName')) return; //Something weird (see [[User talk:Animum/Archives/2009/October#easyblock]])
this.asyncAjaxPost(postdata, function(responseObject) {
if(responseObject.block) { //If the block is successful
if(ebPrefs.useAutoWarn) {
if(ebPrefs.displayStatus) easyblock.textUpdate(name " has been blocked.");
if(reason.indexOf("sock puppet") != -1) {
easyblock.warnAndTag("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:sockblock\|sig=yes|master=" sockof "\}\}", "You are" (reason.indexOf("Suspected") != -1 ? " suspected of being" : "") " a sockpuppet of \[\[User\:" sockof "\|" sockof "\]\] and have been blocked " (duration == "indefinite" ? "indefinitely" : "for " duration) ".", false, "User:" name, (reason.indexOf("Suspected") != -1 ? "\{\{sockpuppet\|" sockof "\|blocked\}\}" : "\{\{CheckedSockpuppet\|" sockof "\|" sockof "\}\}"), "You are" (reason.indexOf("Suspected") != -1 ? " suspected of being" : "") " a sockpuppet of \[\[User\:" sockof "\|" sockof "\]\] and have been blocked " (duration == "indefinite" ? "indefinitely" : "for " duration) ".", true);
if(reason == "[[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism]]") {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:uw-vblock\|time=" duration "\|subst\=subst\:\|sig\=y\}\}", "Due to recent \[\[Wikipedia\:Vandalism\|vandalism\]\] from this " (isIP ? "IP address" : "account") ", it has been blocked for " duration ".");
if(reason == "{{uw-ublock}}" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst:uw-ublock\|sig\=y\|subst\=subst\:\}\}", "You have been blocked for a violation of the \[\[Wikipedia\:Username policy\|username policy\]\].");
if(reason == "{{uw-softerblock}}" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst:uw-softerblock\|sig\=y\|subst\=subst\:\}\}", "You have been blocked for a violation of the \[\[Wikipedia\:Username policy\|username policy\]\].");
if(reason == "{{uw-causeblock}}" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst:uw-causeblock\|sig\=y\|subst\=subst\:\}\}", "You have been blocked for a violation of the \[\[Wikipedia\:Username policy\|username policy\]\].");
if(reason == "{{uw-uhblock}}" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst:uw-uhblock\|sig\=y\|subst\=subst\:\}\}", "You have been blocked for a blatant violation of the \[\[Wikipedia\:Username policy\|username policy\]\].");
if(reason == "{{uw-spamublock}}" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst:uw-spamublock\|sig\=y\|subst\=subst\:\}\}", "You have been blocked because your username seems to exist only to promote a corporation or group.");
if(reason == "{{uw-botublock}}" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst:uw-botublock\|sig\=y\|subst\=subst\:\}\}", "You have been blocked for a violation of the \[\[Wikipedia\:Username policy\|username policy\]\].");
if(reason == "{{uw-vaublock}}" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst:uw-vaublock\|sig\=y\|subst\=subst\:\}\}", "Due to vandalism and this account's name, it has been blocked indefinitely.");
if(reason == "{{schoolblock}}" && isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{schoolblock\|1\=Blocked for " duration ".\|sig\=\~\~\~\~}\}", "Due to extensive vandalism from this school's IP address, it has been blocked for " duration ".", false);
if(reason == "{{anonblock}}" && isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{anonblock\|1\=Blocked for " duration ".\|sig\=\~\~\~\~}\}", "Due to extensive vandalism from this IP address, it has been blocked for " duration ".");
if(reason == "[[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism]]-only account" && !isIP) {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:uw-voablock\|subst\=subst\:\|sig\=y\}\}", "You have been blocked indefinitely because your account is being used only for \[\[Wikipedia\:Vandalism\|vandalism\]\].");
if(reason == "[[WP:No personal attacks|Personal attacks]] or [[WP:Harassment|harassment]]") {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:uw-hblock\|" (duration == "indefinite" ? "indef\=yes" : "time\=" duration) "\|subst\=subst\:\|sig\=y\}\}", "You have been blocked for harassing or attempting to harass other users.");
if(reason == "[[WP:Spam|Spamming]] links to external sites") {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:uw-sblock\|" (duration == "indefinite" ? "indef\=yes" : "time\=" duration) "\|subst\=subst\:\|sig\=y\}\}", "You have been blocked for adding [[WP:Spam|spam]] links to external sites.");
if(reason == "[[WP:Advertising|Advertising]]") {
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:uw-adblock\|" (duration == "indefinite" ? "indef\=yes" : "time\=" duration) "\|subst\=subst\:\|sig\=y\}\}", "You have been blocked for using Wikipedia to advertise.");
if(reason.indexOf("[[WP:Edit war|Edit warring]]") != -1) { //Could possibly contain "on [[foo]]"
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:uw-ewblock" (reason.indexOf(" on ") != -1 ? "\|1=" article : "") "\|time=" duration "\|subst\=subst\:\|sig\=y\}\}", "You have been blocked for \[\[Wikipedia\:EW\|edit-warring\]\].");
if(reason.indexOf("[[WP:3RR|3RR]] violation") != -1) { //Same as above
easyblock.edit("User talk:" name, "\{\{subst\:uw-3block" (reason.indexOf(" on ") != -1 ? "\|1=" article : "") "\|time=" duration "\|subst\=subst\:\|sig\=y\}\}", "You have been blocked for a violation of the \[\[Wikipedia\:3RR\|three-revert rule\]\].");
if(reason == "[[WP:Long term abuse|Long-term abuse]]") {
if(ebPrefs.displayStatus) easyblock.textUpdate(name " has been blocked.");
if(ebPrefs.loadPageOnSubmit) location.href = mw.config.get('wgScript') "?title=" (ebPrefs.returnTo.length > 0 ? ebPrefs.returnTo : encodeURIComponent("User talk:" name));
} else {
if(ebPrefs.displayStatus) easyblock.textUpdate(name " has been blocked.");
if(ebPrefs.loadPageOnSubmit) location.href = mw.config.get('wgScript') "?title=" (ebPrefs.returnTo.length > 0 ? ebPrefs.returnTo : encodeURIComponent("User talk:" name));
} else { //An error has occurred.
easyblock.textUpdate("Error: " responseObject.error.info);
easyblock.bgColor("#EEF"); //We're done.
// End
// Tab displayer
easyblock.showTab = function() {
var target;
if(mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 2 || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 3) {
if(mw.config.get('wgTitle').indexOf('/') != -1) {
target = mw.config.get('wgTitle').split('/')[0];
} else {
target = mw.config.get('wgTitle');
/* Diffs can be so temperamental */
if(mw.util.getParamValue("diff") > "") { //If I didn't use this, I'd have to make an API request. This is much easier.
target = document.evaluate('//div[@id="mw-diff-ntitle2"]//a[2]/@title', document, null, XPathResult.STRING_TYPE, null).stringValue.split("/")[1];
if(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Ipblocklist" && window.location.href.indexOf("&action=success&successip=") != -1) {
target = decodeURIComponent(mw.util.getParamValue("successip").replace(/\ /g, " "));
if(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Contributions" && document.getElementsByName("target")[0].value.length > 0) {
target = document.getElementsByName("target")[0].value;
if(mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Blockip" && window.location.href.indexOf("&action=success") == -1) {
target = document.forms["blockip"].elements["wpBlockAddress"].value;
if(((mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 2 || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 3) && this.canShowOn("user_usertalk")) || (mw.util.getParamValue("diff") > "" && this.canShowOn("diffs")) || (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Contributions" && this.canShowOn("contribs") && document.getElementsByName("target")[0].value.length > 0) || (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Blockip" && this.canShowOn("blockip")) || (window.location.href.indexOf("Special:BlockList&action=success&successip=") != -1 && this.canShowOn("ipblocklist"))) {
if((mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Blockip" && (window.location.href.indexOf("&action=success") != -1 || document.forms["blockip"].elements["wpBlockAddress"].value.length == 0)) || (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') == "Ipblocklist" && target.indexOf("#") != -1)) {
} else {
var encodedTarget = encodeURIComponent(target.replace(/ /g, "_"));
target = target.replace(/_/g, " ").replace('"', '\\"');
this.addlimenu(document.getElementById('p-cactions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0], 'Block', 'blockoptions', '');
document.getElementById('p-cactions').style.display = "inline"; //required when p-cactions is empty, not harmful if already visible
var blockoptions = document.getElementById('blockoptions').getElementsByTagName('ul')[0];
this.addlilink(blockoptions, "/w/index.php?title=Special:Log&page=User:" encodedTarget "&type=block", this.getLastBlock(target), "");
this.addlilink(blockoptions, "#", "vandalism »", "ca-vandalblock");
this.makeMenu(document.getElementById("ca-vandalblock"), "vandalblock-list", new Array(
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"24 hours\")", "V 24 hours"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"31 hours\")", "V 31 hours"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"48 hours\")", "V 48 hours"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"3 days\")", "V 3 days"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"1 week\")", "V 1 week"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"2 weeks\")", "V 2 weeks"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"1 month\")", "V 1 month"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"3 months\")", "V 3 months"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"6 months\")", "V 6 months"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"1 year\")", "V 1 year"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\", \"2 years\")", "V 2 years"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{uw-vaublock\}\}\", \"indefinite\")", "Vau indefinite"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\[\[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism\]\]\-only account\", \"indefinite\")", "Voa indefinite"]
this.addlilink(blockoptions, "#", "schoolblock »", "ca-schoolblock");
this.makeMenu(document.getElementById("ca-schoolblock"), "schoolblock-list", new Array(
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{schoolblock\}\}\", \"1 week\")", "school 1 week"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{schoolblock\}\}\", \"2 weeks\")", "school 2 weeks"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{schoolblock\}\}\", \"1 month\")", "school 1 month"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{schoolblock\}\}\", \"3 months\")", "school 3 months"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{schoolblock\}\}\", \"6 months\")", "school 6 months"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{schoolblock\}\}\", \"1 year\")", "school 1 year"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{schoolblock\}\}\", \"2 years\")", "school 2 years"]
this.addlilink(blockoptions, "#", "anonblock »", "ca-anonblock");
this.makeMenu(document.getElementById("ca-anonblock"), "anonblock-list", new Array(
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{anonblock\}\}\", \"1 week\")", "anon 1 week"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{anonblock\}\}\", \"2 weeks\")", "anon 2 weeks"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{anonblock\}\}\", \"1 month\")", "anon 1 month"],
["javascript:easyblock.block(\"" target "\", \"\{\{anonblock\}\}\", \"3 months\")", "anon 3 months"],
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