<values> are mandatory
[values] are optional
User level 400 commands:
edit-raw (will send a raw command directly to the server/bot client) Usage: channel or privmsg
-testbans <#channel> <1-16> (will set non-sensical bans on a channel in the format 1!1@1 2!2@2 etc. up to a maximum of 16
for performing various tests. Usage: channel or privmsg.
-testquiets <#channel> <1-16> (will set non-sensical quiets on a channel in the format 1!1@1 2!2@2 etc. up to a maximum of 16
for performing various tests. Usage: channel or privmsg.
User level 300 commands:
edit-quit (will make the bot quit IRC. No confirmation will be requested). Usage: channel or privmsg
-gb < /-/?> <nick/mask/ID number> [mask] (sets/removes/queries a global ban. Global bans are server-wide and enforced
on every channel the bot is opped on. Use with caution.) Usage: channel or privmsg Examples: -gb <nick/mask> | This will apply a mask type (see bottom of page) to the nick you specify and enforce a global ban
| on that mask. -gb <*!*@example.host>| This will apply a global ban directly to the mask you specify and then enforce it. -gb - <mask> | This will remove a global ban affecting the mask you specify, if one exists. -gb - <ID#> | This will remove a global ban by ID number, which you can retrieve by using the below command. -gb ? <ID#/mask> | This will return a matching global ban based on the ID number or mask you specify, if one exists.
-gq can be used in place of -gb to set a global quiet (mode q) instead of a ban. This is usually preferred over
banning a disruptive user.
User level 200 commands:
edit-adduser <user> <level> [mask] (adds a user to the internal address list (IAL) and determines user level). Usage: channel or privmsg Examples: -adduser John 100 2 | This will add nickname 'John' to the access list with level 100 using mask 2
| (see bottom of page) Note: 'John' MUST be on a common channel with the bot and have
| performed some action (send a message/change nickname etc.) so the bot has
| recorded their address. -adduser [email protected] 100 | This will add the specified mask to the access list with level 100.
-remuser <user/mask> (removes a user/mask from the IAL). Usage: channel or privmsg
-listusers (will list all users with access to the bot with ID #'s that can be used with -remuser). Usage: channel or privmsg
-join <#channel> (makes the bot join #channel). Usage: channel or privmsg
-part [#channel] (makes the bot part #channel). Usage: channel or privmsg
-reconnect (will make the bot disconnect and reconnect to the server). Usage: channel or privmsg
-addchan <#channel> (will add a channel to the auto-join list for the current network). Usage: channel or privmsg
-remchan <#channel> (will remove a channel from the auto-join list for the current network). Usage: channel or privmsg
-listchans (will list all active channels the bot is on). Usage: channel or privmsg
-invite <#channel> (will invite you to #channel providing the bot is on & opped on #channel). Usage: channel or privmsg
-o [nick1,nick2,nick3,nick4] (Bot must be opped for this to function. If [nicks] not specified, will op the user). Usage: channel
-do [nick1,nick2,nick3,nick4] (see above, but de-ops). Usage: channel
-kick [#channel] <nick> (will kick <nick> from #channel. If [#channel] not specified, assumes active channel). Usage: channel or privmsg
-ban [#channel] <nick> (same as -kick but will set a ban on <nick> & kick from #channel). Usage: channel or privmsg
-geolocate <ip address> (will lookup an I.P address and provide geolocation information). Usage: channel or privmsg
-hop [#channel] (will make the bot part and rejoin #channel). Usage: channel or privmsg
User level 100 commands:
edit-whois <nick> (will display who the bot thinks <nick> is (user level)) Usage: channel or privmsg
-v [nick1,nick2,nick3,nick4] (same as level 200 -o but for voice). Usage: channel
-dv [nick1,nick2,nick3,nick4] (see above). Usage: channel
-ip (will display the bot's ip address. Use common sense, should you be using this in a public channel?). Usage: channel or privmsg
-server (will display the IRC server the bot is currently connected to). Usage: channel or privmsg
-editcount <wiki user name> (will display the editcount of <wiki user name> (please allow time to query the toolserver)) Usage: channel or privmsg
-editsummary <wiki user name> (will display the major and minor edit summary percentages of <wiki user name> (please allow
time to query the toolserver)) Usage: channel or privmsg
-rights <wiki user name> (will display the user rights of <wiki user name> (please allow time to query the toolserver)) Usage: channel or privmsg
-isgd <URL> (will retrieve a shortened link for <url> from the isgd service) Usage: channel or privmsg
Normal user commands:
edit-whoami (will display who the bot thinks you are (user level)). Usage: channel or privmsg
Mask types
edit1: *!*user@host 2: *!*@host 3: *!*user@*.host 4: *!*@*.host 5: nick!user@host 6: nick!*user@host 7: nick!*@host 8: nick!*user@*.host 9: nick!*@*.host