Primary Heading Level 2


Level 3, Secondary Heading


Level 4

Level 5
  • this is my first bullet
  • second bullet
  • last bullet
  1. first numbered bullet
  2. second numbered bullet
  3. third numbered bullet

If you want to cite to another page. Neuroscience.

Color slide of brain coral

All about citations


First citation, which I will only use once. [1]

Second citation that I will use more than once. [2]

Here's the second time that I'm using the chiang citation. [2] Another way to do the second citation.[2]


  1. ^ Camihort, K. (2009). Students as Creators of Knowledge: When Wikipedia Is the Assignment. Athletic Therapy Today, 14(2), 30-34.
  2. ^ a b c Chiang, C. D., Lewis, C. L., Wright, M. E., Agapova, S. S., Akers, B. B., Azad, T. D., & ... Hsiung, S. S. (2012). Learning Chronobiology by Improving Wikipedia. Journal Of Biological Rhythms, 27(4), 333-336. doi:10.1177/0748730412449578