* [[WP:AutoEd]] module to automatically alias a given
function autoEdAliasPam( str ) {
var alias, toAlias;
toAlias=prompt('Enter name of existing parameter to be aliased');
alias=prompt('Enter name of new alias (of the ' toAlias 'parameter)');
autoEdTag='aliased ' toAlias ' parameter to ' alias ' with [[w:User:Aaron Liu/AliasPam.js]]';
var toAliasCape=toAlias.replace(/[/\\^$* ?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); // escape characters special to regex
str = str.replace( new RegExp( '\\{\\{\\{(\\s*)' toAlias '(\\s*)(\\|?)(\\s*)\\}\\}\\}', 'g' ),
'{{{$1' toAlias '$2|$2{{{$1' alias '$2$3$4}}}$2}}}' );
return str;
$.when( $.ready ).then( function () {
if ( mw.loader.load('//en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:AutoEd/core.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript') ) { // if not otherwise using AutoEd
console.log( 'imported AutoEd');
window.autoEdFunctions = function () {
const box = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
const str = box.value;
const newstr = autoEdAliasPam( str );
if ( newstr !== str ) { // don't confuse or tag if no fixes
box.value = newstr;
} else {
autoEdTag = '';
autoEdClick = false;
mw.notify( 'Parameter to alias not found!', { type: 'error' } );
autoEdClick = true;
autoEdMinor = false;
autoEdLinkName = 'AliasPam';
autoEdLinkHover = 'Automatically create the prompted alias for the current template';
autoEdTag = 'aliased parameter with [[w:User:Aaron Liu/AliasPam.js]], i think? i\'m not supposed to be here. where am i. whats my name. holy-';
} );