This template computes the hue value in degrees [0..360) in the HSL color space (as defined in standard CSS3), from a color specified in the sRGB color space. The returned value is rounded to one decimal (which preserves the precision of RGB colors whose components are specified in the standard range [0..255].
- Syntax
- The range of the three parameters is [0..255] ; they can be any numeric expressions.
- To remplace the template invokation by the computed value when saving an article Wiki source.
- Algorithm used
- if r = g and g = b then
- H = 0;
- else if g >= r and g >= b then
- if r > b
- then H = 120 - 60 * (r - b) / (g - b);
- else H = 120 60 * (b - r) / (g - r);
- if r > b
- else if b >= r and b >= g then
- if g > r
- then H = 240 - 60 * (g - r) / (b - r);
- else H = 240 60 * (r - g) / (b - g);
- if g > r
- else
- if b > g
- then H = 360 - 60 * (b - g) / (r - g);
- else H = 60 * (g - b) / (r - b);
- if b > g
- return H round 1;
- Examples
- "
" returns "0". - "
" returns "0". - "
" returns "0". - "
" returns "0.2". - "
" returns "30". - "
" returns "60". - "
" returns "90". - "
" returns "120". - "
" returns "150". - "
" returns "180". - "
" returns "210". - "
" returns "240". - "
" returns "270". - "
" returns "300". - "
" returns "330". - "
" returns "359.8". - example for "sandybrown" = "#F4A460" = "rgb(244, 164, 96)" = "hsl(27.6, 0.871, 0.667)"
- "
" returns "27.6".
- same example using subst
- "
" returns "27.6".
See also
edit- Template:RGBtoHSL.H, Template:RGBtoHSL.S, Template:RGBtoHSL.L
- Template:HSLtoRGB.R, Template:HSLtoRGB.G, Template:HSLtoRGB.B
- Template:RGBtoHSV.H, Template:RGBtoHSV.S, Template:RGBtoHSV.V
- (By definition, Template:RGBtoHSL.H and Template:RGBtoHSV.H should give the same Hue value for any color. As of Jan 2021[update], this has not been tested yet.)