
Latest comment: 13 years ago by Cardiffchestnut in topic The name

The name


A stub on the Ichneutae under the title The Tracking Satyrs existed until a few hours ago; Ichneutae was a redirect to that stub. In beginning to expand the entry, I reversed the redirect because the Latin transliteration (or, occasionally, the Greek Ikhneutai/Ichneutai) is the title that is used in the scholarship and the most likely keyword. In fixing the links after renaming, in fact, the majority were [[The Tracking Satyrs|Ichneutae]]. I believe that the initial choice for naming probably stems from the online translation linked both there and on the current page, which calls the play Tracking Satyrs, but the play also goes by the names of the Trackers, Seekers et cet. The path of least confusion would appear to give the commonest name with the gloss for the Greekless. The Cardiff Chestnut (talk) 14:21, 8 August 2011 (UTC)Reply