Guantanamo Circus is a half-hour documentary film released in 2013 directed by Christina Linhardt and Michael L. Rose. It records the arrival and five-day experience of a troupe of circus performers into Guantanamo Bay Naval Base to perform their circus act for the American soldiers stationed at the American military base located there. [1]

Guantanamo Circus
Directed byChristina Linhardt, Michael L. Rose
Written byChristina Linhardt, Michael L. Rose
Produced byChristina Linhardt, Michael L. Rose
Edited byDora Rosas
Music byChristina Linhardt
Release date
  • 28 October 2013 (2013-10-28)
Running time
27 minutes

The film won a Hollywood F.A.M.E. Award for "Documentary of the Year,"[2][3] and was selected by the Library of Congress for inclusion in its permanent collection.[4] It also won an LA Music Award[5] for its music score by Linhardt.


  1. ^ Sherrie Li (29 October 2019). "When the Circus Came to Town". LA Weekly.
  2. ^ Li, Sherrie (October 29, 2013). "When the Circus Came to Guantanamo Bay". LA Weekly.
  3. ^ "Hollywood FAME Awards". A.C.B. Entertainment. Retrieved May 9, 2021.
  4. ^ "Guantanamo Circus". Library of Congress Catalog. 2013.
  5. ^ "Vanphear Circus". LA Music Awards. 2015.