Dinosaur Diorama, also known as DioramaTV, is a production company that focuses primarily on the creation of serialized online video. Their major releases include the first scripted sitcom-length web series, The Burg, the Michael Eisner-produced The All-for-nots, Greg & Donny, and All's Faire. The company consists of Thom Woodley, Matt Yeager and Johnny North, and was founded by Woodley and Kathleen Grace.
Company type | Production Company |
Industry | Entertainment |
Founded | Brooklyn, New York, USA (2006) |
Headquarters | Brooklyn, NY , USA |
Key people | Thom Woodley |
Products | Web Series |
Website | [1] |
It is significant because along with Stage 9 and Big Fantastic, it is one of the three major online video production companies. Their shows have been featured in Wired[1] and The New York Times.[2] The company itself was mentioned in conjunction with Michael Eisner's web distribution company Vuguru by Variety.[3] They were nominated for five Streamy Awards in 2009[4] (Best Ensemble for All's Faire, Best Music for All's Faire, Best Music for The All-For-Nots, Best Cinematography for The All-For-Nots, and Best Ad Placement for The All-For-Nots).
In September, 2009, Dinosaur Diorama became the first new media company to sign with the Writers Guild of America on their New Media contract.[5]
As of 2015, Dinosaur Diorama began to produce podcasts (Fail to the Chief and Will It Blow?), short films (Will Sheff's Down Down the Deep River) and other media.[citation needed]
edit- ^ Wired - Must-Stream TV
- ^ The New York Times - Indie Sitcoms
- ^ Variety - Eisner's All-For the web
- ^ "Streamy Award Official Nominees". Archived from the original on 2009-08-05. Retrieved 2009-09-14.
- ^ Writers Guild East Signs 11 New Digital Media Signatories