Cellular decomposition

In geometric topology, a cellular decomposition G of a manifold M is a decomposition of M as the disjoint union of cells (spaces homeomorphic to n-balls Bn).

The quotient space M/G has points that correspond to the cells of the decomposition. There is a natural map from M to M/G, which is given the quotient topology. A fundamental question is whether M is homeomorphic to M/G. Bing's dogbone space is an example with M (equal to R3) not homeomorphic to M/G.



Cellular decomposition of   is an open cover   with a function   for which:

  • Cells are disjoint: for any distinct  ,  .
  • No set gets mapped to a negative number:  .
  • Cells look like balls: For any   and for any   there exists a continuous map   that is an isomorphism   and also  .

A cell complex is a pair   where   is a topological space and   is a cellular decomposition of  .

See also



  • Daverman, Robert J. (2007), Decompositions of manifolds, AMS Chelsea Publishing, Providence, RI, p. 22, arXiv:0903.3055, ISBN 978-0-8218-4372-7, MR 2341468