
React Developer

MindPal Hoef en Haag

We are looking for React Developers with experience ranging from junior to senior level.

Job Description

  • Creating and developing web applications using React and other front-end tools
  • Working with designers to translate graphical designs into visually appealing and intuitive user interfaces
  • Ensuring application performance and scalability through code optimization and problem-solving related to performance
  • Collaborating with the back-end team to integrate the front-end application with systems and databases
  • Testing and debugging applications to ensure reliability
  • Keeping up with the latest trends and tools in front-end development and improving skills to continuously enhance the quality of created applications
  • Collaborating with the project team and management to understand business requirements and adjust work to company goals


  • Minimum 2 years of experience working with React
  • Very good programming skills in JavaScript and TypeScript
  • Knowledge of software architecture, design patterns, and software development according to best practices
  • Communicative knowledge of English language
  • Additional advantage will be knowledge of other technologies

We Offer

  • B2B contract type
  • Full-time employment
  • Remote and flexible working hours
  • Senioriteitsniveau

  • Soort baan

  • Functie

    Techniek en Informatietechniek
  • Bedrijfstakken

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