Skill Farm

Junior Financial Analyst

Non accetta più candidature


Develop and standardize regular analyses to provide valuable business and financial insights.

Apply advanced analytics and data visualization techniques (using Power BI) to effectively communicate information.

Collaborate with business partners to generate key assumptions and conduct ad hoc data analysis.

Analyze profitability, identify risks and opportunities, and drive necessary actions.

Skills & Qualifications:

Bachelor's degree in Finance, Economics, or a related field, or equivalent experience.

Minimum of 3 years of relevant finance work experience in a manufacturing company.

Experience in FP&A and knowledge of ERP systems (SAP, Hyperion) preferred.

Proficiency in Power BI or other Business Intelligence tools required.

Excellent analytical, modeling, and communication skills.

Proficiency in effectively handling diverse tasks and meeting assigned timelines.

Fluent in English.
  • Livello di anzianità

    Livello medio-alto
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

    Finanza e Vendite
  • Settori

    Banche d'investimento

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