Skill Farm

Junior Financial Analyst

Non accetta più candidature

Skill Farm Members are invited to apply for the following role:


Provide support in obtaining information and data useful for analyzing the macroeconomic scenario and identifying investment opportunities in bonds;

Support in the definition of investment strategies and operations on derivatives;

Provide support in monitoring the performance of the securities portfolio and in producing the related reports.

Skills & Qualifications:

Master's degree in economic-financial field;

Maximum 3 years of experience preferably gained in the management of securities portfolios;

Knowledge of the Microsoft Office suite and VBA programming tools appreciated;

Good knowledge of the English language.
  • Livello di anzianità

    Esperienza minima
  • Tipo di impiego

    A tempo pieno
  • Funzione lavorativa

    Finanza e Vendite
  • Settori

    Servizi risorse umane

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