729 projects with the selected classifier
A Custom Jupyter Widget Library
A patch for pythreejs Orbitcontrol to update at init
A oracle kernel for Jupyter.
Backend for Pagebreaks
AWS Athena client
A SQL to Pandas translator
Deprecated 'pandas-profiling' package, use 'ydata-profiling' instead
A toolkit to assist data exploration for both tabular and geospatial data
Spike sorting and ephys data analysis for 1000 channels and beyond
ISalt: Interactive Salt Programming
A Pike kernel for Jupyter
Utility functions for the Pineapple IPython/Jupyter front-end
PivotTable.js integration for Jupyter/IPython Notebook
Streamlining statistical analysis by using plotting keywords in Python.
Generate automatic plot for pandas DataFrame
A PostgreSQL kernel for IPython
A Python Progressbar library to provide visual (yet text based) progress to long running operations.
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