The time indicates for how long a package is in the given state.
Auto-Not-For-Us | 450 | 1: vbetool, gfxboot, msr-tools, wraplinux, matroxset, cmospwd, grub, memtest86 , loadlin, grub-installer, 11: mit-scheme, xserver-xorg-video-geode, stalin, libgcr410, s390-dasd, invaders, ikarus, pommed, cpuid, powerpc-utils, 21: gprolog, i810switch, baycomepp, isight-firmware-tools, s390-netdevice, acpi, x86info, partman-prep, partman-efi, mac-fdisk, 31: nvram-wakeup, glide, libacpi, acpi-support, ree, sysconfig, welcome2l, rio, e3, v86d, 41: s390-tools, umview, nvidia-xconfig, libsmbios, efi-reader, yacpi, lphdisk, s390-sysconfig-writer, mig, dmidecode, 51: zipl-installer, hdapsd, i8kutils, libguytools2, xserver-xorg-video-openchrome, xserver-xorg-video-intel, xserver-xorg-video-ivtvdev, nvidia-support, udt, openblas, 61: glx-alternatives, mupen64plus-video-arachnoid, mupen64plus-video-glide64, mupen64plus-core, mupen64plus-video-rice, mupen64plus-rsp-z64, mupen64plus-audio-sdl, mupen64plus-rsp-hle, mupen64plus-input-sdl, mupen64plus-ui-console, 71: s3switch, smlnj, intel-vaapi-driver, libx86, iucode-tool, hurd, smlsharp, soapdenovo, soapdenovo2, i7z, 81: infernal, xen, fis-gtm, valgrind, thermald, iprutils, cciss-vol-status, nvidia-modprobe, librtas, intel-gpu-tools, 91: syslinux, torbrowser-launcher, rr, dapl, bowtie, globus-xio-udt-driver, kissplice, swarm-cluster, nvidia-persistenced, fasm, 101: cen64, numatop, nvidia-settings-legacy-340xx, cen64-qt, paflib, intel-cmt-cat, gnu-efi, gcc-defaults-ports, infinipath-psm, khmer, 111: s390-zfcp, sbsigntool, hashcat, libservicelog, servicelog, libvpd, ppc64-diag, lsvpd, refind, likwid, 121: user-mode-linux, hyperscan, fwupdate, princeprocessor, shim, game-data-packager, ne10, bcal, libdfp, rear, 131: openstack-debian-images, palo, pftools, shim-signed, cde, libvecpf, edb-debugger, wcc, adlibtracker2, psst, 141: rnahybrid, snap-aligner, ioport, intel-ipsec-mb, libocxl, debos, golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine, libpsm2, gkl, soapaligner, 151: intel-processor-trace, fwupd-amd64-signed, fwupd-i386-signed, fwupd-arm64-signed, fwupd-armhf-signed, wiredtiger, grub-efi-arm64-signed, grub-efi-amd64-signed, grub-efi-ia32-signed, skypat, 161: grub-cloud, nvidia-settings-legacy-390xx, portio, ukui-biometric-manager, intel-media-driver, postgresql-hll, libstatgen, pcc, linux-signed-amd64, linux-signed-arm64, 171: systemc, python-bumps, pmdk, pcc-libs, cpu-checker, looking-glass, openjdk-11-jre-dcevm, gcc-defaults-mipsen, binutils-mipsen, memkind, 181: shim-helpers-arm64-signed, shim-helpers-amd64-signed, python-pynvml, embree, ipmctl, libcpuid, simka, intel-compute-runtime, intel-graphics-compiler, debian-cloud-images, 191: nvidia-settings-tesla-418, cpu-x, ncbi-vdb, mrtrix3, lambda-align2, criu, diamond-aligner, bbswitch, golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia, pveclib, 201: bio-eagle, bolt-lmm, gudhi, mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2, libxsmm, arm-compute-library, crystal, ucx, vg, libosl, 211: python-peachpy, nvidia-settings-tesla-450, boxfort, reprozip, r-bioc-dada2, onednn, delve, mapsembler2, mdtraj, megahit, 221: pmon-update, xenium, metabat, mecat2, shasta, chromium, bmtk, intel-gmmlib, salmon, amdgcn-tools, 231: dpdk-kmods, guix, nvidia-settings-tesla-460, jamulus, atitvout, gdpc, macsyfinder, python-loompy, libcm256cc, qemu-web-desktop, 241: aeskeyfind, python-pynndescent, gcc-11-cross, gcc-11-cross-ports, sptag, gcc-11-cross-mipsen, mes, nvidia-settings-tesla-470, kma, mupen64plus-video-z64, 251: spring, optee-client, xbyak, indi-asi, fwupd-efi, massivethreads, indi-playerone, kallisto, vectorscan, golang-github-vmware-vmw-guestinfo, 261: nvidia-egl-gbm, baconqrcode, libobjcryst, onevpl-intel-gpu, probabel, gcc-12-cross, gcc-12-cross-ports, gcc-12-cross-mipsen, onevpl, sagemath, 271: pktanon, molotov, aseba, dpdk, libica, opa-fm, opa-ff, picolisp, tarantool, openssl-ibmca, 281: tboot, trafficserver, indi-pentax, indi-inovaplx, insighttoolkit5, elastix, pyobjcryst, nvidia-settings-tesla, python-pyepics, xraylarch, 291: jellyfish1, nrepl-clojure, varnish-modules, python-ptrace, indi-sbig, xrt, zcfan, yade, vart, chibicc, 301: darktable, graph-tool, golang-gvisor-gvisor, gatb-core, python-cooler, wtdbg2, 0ad, freefilesync, pcsx2, springlobby, 311: kalendar, accel-config, level-zero, steam-installer, olive-editor, q2-phylogeny, nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules, intel-vaapi-driver-shaders, nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-418, nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-470, 321: libsbig, nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-450, intel-acm, intel-microcode, libasi, amd64-microcode, intel-media-driver-non-free, nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla, nvidia-graphics-drivers-tesla-460, nvidia-graphics-drivers, 331: nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx, caja-dropbox, google-android-installers, nvidia-cuda-toolkit, nautilus-dropbox, libricohcamerasdk, intel-mkl, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-390xx, nvidia-cg-toolkit, udm, 341: libvcflib, dials, rar, mindthegap, bcalm, discosnp, minia, nvidia-nccl, rocsparse, xserver-xorg-video-vmware, 351: rccl, rocblas, rocm-hipamd, gcc-13-cross-ports, gcc-13-cross, rocrand, sra-sdk, rocfft, hipblas, sl-modem, 361: xmrig, gcc-13-cross-mipsen, subarch-select, baler, nvidia-settings, hipsparse, hipcub, rocprim, stdgpu-contrib, halide, 371: yuzu, box64, rocthrust, fp-units-win, spades, shards, glusterfs, m1n1, canu, hipfft, 381: nvidia-cudnn, dynarmic, pytorch-cuda, bpfcc, ldc, rocsolver, asmjit, zeal, trinityrnaseq, virtualbox, 391: qt6-webengine, qtwebengine-opensource-src, thunderbird, r-bioc-basilisk, wasmedge, swiftlang, criterion, sortmerna, massxpert, simulide, 401: gcc-14-cross, gcc-14-cross-ports, optee-os, dh-dlang, ltrace, sonic-pi, mupen64plus-qt, ruby-rjb, qt6-webview, hipsolver, 411: pgloader, open-vm-tools, storm-lang, gnumach, rkcommon, lenovolegionlinux, amdgcn-tools-18, objconv, optee-test, gcc-14-cross-mipsen, 421: supercollider-sc3-plugins, rocdbgapi, iqtree, kpatch, ispc, gpsshogi, mash, spaln, theseus, casparcg-server, 431: libx86emu, python-msgspec, ipp-crypto, mmseqs2, reform-setup-wizard, digikam, xnnpack, vdo, meta-gnome3, tellico, 441: eln, roct-thunk-interface, pytorch, kicad, libvpl-tools, rovclock, qatlib, dolphin-emu, pcm, pbcopper |
BD-Uninstallable | 583 | Too many results, cannot display |
Build-Attempted | 136 | 1: gjh-asl-json (539d 15h 58m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-04), hyperspy (539d 15h 44m, tried 2 times, arm-arm-03), ncbi-igblast (539d 15h 29m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-04), rust-effective-limits (539d 15h 3m, tried 2 times, arm-arm-03), rust-kvm-ioctls (539d 15h 2m, tried 4 times, arm-arm-03), ros2-rosidl (539d 15h 1m, tried 2 times, arm-arm-01), rust-libsensors-sys (539d 15h 1m, tried 2 times, arm-arm-03), twopaco (539d 14h 51m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-04), ball (539d 13h 41m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-05), prometheus-libvirt-exporter (539d 8h 36m, tried 2 times, arm-arm-04), 11: ruy (505d 20h 26m, arm-arm-01), rust-json (505d 16h 38m, tried 3 times, arm-ubc-06), concurrentqueue (501d 17h 11m, arm-arm-01), avfs (478d 16h 2m, arm-ubc-05), rust-criterion-cycles-per-byte (463d 11h 38m, arm-ubc-04), seqan-raptor (445d 6h 29m, arm-arm-01), hmmer (436d 21h 9m, arm-conova-01), optgeo (431d 13h 6m, arm-ubc-05), rust-compound-duration (426d 11h 46m, arm-ubc-05), rust-cid-npm (412d 10h 20m, arm-arm-01), 21: procdump (406d 11h 50m, arm-ubc-05), libcrypt-xxhash-perl (381d 4h 36m, arm-conova-01), quorum (357d 18h 48m, arm-conova-01), bbhash (356d 11h 46m, arm-conova-02), openms (337d 12h 12m, arm-arm-03), devicexlib (331d 13h 46m, arm-ubc-04), bifrost (324d 21h 31m, arm-conova-01), gtsam (320d 20h 2m, arm-conova-03), ares (320d 6h 38m, arm-ubc-06), bustools (315d 11h 44m, arm-ubc-06), 31: libmath-int128-perl (308d 12h 4m, arm-ubc-05), tuiwidgets (301d 8h 24m, arm-conova-02), triton (281d 2h 55m, arm-arm-01), perftest (279d 6h 9m, arm-arm-04), patat (273d 9h 19m, arm-arm-03), libopenshot-audio (270d 7h 31m, arm-ubc-04), rust-static-alloc ( b1, 253d 3h 10m, arm-conova-03), rocm-compilersupport (249d 10h 37m, arm-conova-02), ignition-physics (238d 12h 29m, arm-conova-04), tremotesf (234d 2h 40m, arm-conova-02), 41: lua-struct ( b1, 230d 11h 46m, arm-arm-04), interface99 (224d 11h 30m, arm-arm-01), libmaus2 (214d 13h 4m, arm-conova-04), cpptraj (195d 14h 38m, arm-conova-04), hipify (151d 13h 40m, arm-arm-04), gmtsar (148d 11h 36m, arm-conova-02), python-cython-blis (146d 19h 59m, arm-arm-03), rust-ntpd (146d 2h 36m, arm-ubc-06), rust-nucleo ( b1, 143d 11h 1m, arm-ubc-06), persalys (142d 7h 52m, arm-arm-04), 51: rust-prometheus-client (141d 6h 41m, arm-conova-03), ruby-mpi ( b4, 139d 6h 50m, arm-conova-02), abinit ( b2, 139d 5h 6m, arm-conova-03), elpa ( b1, 139d 5h 5m, arm-conova-04), rust-clone-file (138d 10h 11m, arm-arm-01), ivar (133d 19h 38m, arm-conova-02), liggghts ( b1, 132d 12h 31m, arm-conova-02), tulip (130d 3h 18m, arm-arm-04), qwinff (130d 16m, arm-conova-04), rust-clock-steering ( b1, 122d 11h 5m, arm-arm-01), 61: ocamlgsl (122d 1h 41m, tried 2 times, arm-arm-04), coot (122d 1h 27m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-04), librtpi ( b1, 109d 13h 2m, arm-arm-03), ruby-cbor (108d 7h 6m, arm-ubc-06), tracy (105d 11h 16m, arm-ubc-06), trickle (96d 14h 43m, arm-conova-02), cloudcompare (95d 14h 50m, arm-conova-02), chezscheme (91d 14h 31m, arm-conova-02), flye (85d 16h 15m, arm-conova-02), weakforced (83d 12h 23m, arm-conova-02), 71: gnome-authenticator (79d 4h 45m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-03), rust-openssh-sftp-client ( b1, 77d 20h 55m, arm-conova-02), python-rosettasciio (76d 3h 33m, arm-ubc-04), openmm (75d 12h 6m, arm-ubc-04), opencpn (74d 22h 2m, arm-ubc-04), qwertone (73d 3h 35m, arm-ubc-03), picom (72d 11h 58m, arm-ubc-04), debian-installer (71d 18h 40m, arm-ubc-04), rust-prometheus (69d 6h 24m, arm-conova-02), abpoa (60d 10h 40m, arm-ubc-01), 81: liquidsoap ( b2, 57d 8h 21m, arm-ubc-03), rust-apr (53d 7h 13m, arm-conova-02), rust-liblzma-sys ( b1, 49d 19h 15m, arm-ubc-04), espresso (46d 5h 40m, arm-conova-02), xmbmon (45d 13h 40m, arm-conova-02), nwipe (44d 16h 26m, arm-ubc-03), satdump (44d 10h 26m, arm-conova-03), asymptote (43d 17h 28m, tried 4 times, arm-conova-02), haskell-arithmoi (42d 23h 7m, arm-ubc-06), justbuild (42d 17h 54m, arm-conova-04), 91: intrusive-shared-ptr (42d 16h 52m, arm-conova-02), gforth ( b4, 39d 20h 26m, arm-ubc-04), thin-provisioning-tools (39d 11h 11m, arm-conova-04), furnace (38d 21h 27m, arm-ubc-04), evremap (38d 16h 36m, arm-conova-02), mysql-8.0 (38d 7h 10m, arm-conova-02), rust-systemstat (37d 12h 53m, arm-ubc-04), gamescope (35d 14h 23m, contrib, arm-ubc-03), ocaml-iter (34d 20h 43m, arm-ubc-03), mir (33d 11h, tried 2 times, arm-conova-04), 101: cgal (32d 11h 32m, arm-conova-02), mergerfs (31d 13h 39m, arm-ubc-03), rootskel-gtk (30d 8h 32m, arm-ubc-04), libvmod-selector (30d 8h 32m, arm-conova-01), node-websocket (29d 9h 47m, tried 5 times, arm-ubc-03), erlang-p1-eimp (28d 21h 36m, arm-ubc-04), spandsp ( b1, 25d 8h 47m, arm-conova-02), firefox-esr (25d 7h 48m, arm-ubc-04), esnacc ( b1, 24d 22h 12m, arm-conova-02), lfortran (21d 35m, arm-conova-02), 111: rust-tiny-dfr (19d 23h 33m, arm-conova-02), vcmi (18d 16h 34m, contrib, arm-ubc-03), p4est (18d 9h 28m, arm-conova-02), postgresql-filedump (17d 13h 53m, arm-ubc-03), gambas3 (16d 19h 10m, arm-conova-02), faketime (16d 13h 6m, arm-conova-02), audacity (14d 10h 55m, arm-ubc-04), icinga2 (12d 10h 45m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-02), firefox (12d 3h 17m, arm-ubc-03), ccls (10d 6h 54m, arm-conova-02), 121: geary (9d 16h 34m, arm-ubc-03), cython-legacy ( b2, 9d 13h 12m, arm-ubc-04), python-feather-format ( b2, 8d 15h 52m, arm-conova-02), python-sfml ( b1, 8d 15h 32m, arm-conova-02), prime-phylo (8d 13h 8m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-03), mozjs128 (8d 7h 35m, arm-conova-01), opm-common (7d 15h 19m, arm-conova-02), calceph ( b1, 4d 10h 49m, arm-ubc-04), obitools (3d 13h 45m, arm-ubc-04), shotcut (2d 20h 55m, arm-ubc-04), 131: linksem (2d 10h 58m, arm-ubc-03), gcc-snapshot (1d 21h 25m, arm-conova-02), paraview (1d 16h 56m, arm-ubc-03), easyeffects (17h 9m, arm-ubc-03), lnav (11h 10m, arm-ubc-04), meli (2h 37m, arm-ubc-04) |
Dep-Wait | 2 | 1: tiledarray (670d 14h 46m, tried 3 times, arm-ubc-06), worker ( b3, 224d 3h 55m, bunk) |
Failed | 155 | 1: ecere-sdk ( b4, 1156d 19h 37m, arm-ubc-04), tinyarray (1098d 7h 50m, antheil), rust-mach-o-sys (1023d 7h 36m, arm-ubc-05), mojoshader (943d 20h 17m, arm-conova-03), python-rocksdb (770d 3h 59m, tried 2 times, hoiby), rust-generator (763d 20h 3m, arm-ubc-05), qiskit-terra ( b3, 663d 18h 6m, arm-arm-03), freeart ( b2, 660d 17h, arm-ubc-06), traildb (484d 22h 55m, tried 2 times, arm-arm-01), pdfsandwich (484d 12h 55m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-04), 11: gitlab-ci-multi-runner (476d 21h 35m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-01), segyio ( b1, 354d 11h 42m, bunk), python-cramjam (307d 16h 5m, arm-arm-03), pyfftw (282d 4h 37m, arm-conova-04), liboqs ( b1, 259d 15h 54m, sramacher), jskeus ( b2, 249d 6h 26m, arm-ubc-06), gwc ( b2, 248d 16h 42m, arm-conova-02), gdis ( b2, 248d 16h 40m, arm-conova-02), gabedit ( b3, 248d 16h 39m, arm-conova-04), keynav ( b1, 248d 16h 36m, arm-conova-02), 21: scrollz ( b1, 248d 16h 21m, arm-ubc-06), rmlint ( b1, 248d 16h 15m, arm-conova-02), alien-arena ( b1, 248d 16h 14m, contrib, arm-conova-02), xshogi ( b2, 248d 9h 58m, henze), mate-equake-applet ( b1, 247d 19h 50m, arm-ubc-06), whitedune ( b1, 245d 7h 59m, arm-arm-01), whitakers-words ( b1, 240d 18h 57m, ginggs), ghemical ( b3, 238d 11h 27m, arm-conova-02), stimfit ( b5, 238d 8h 16m, arm-arm-03), lsh-utils ( b2, 237d 12h, arm-conova-02), 31: rapmap (237d 10h 55m, arm-conova-02), bazel-bootstrap (236d 6h 43m, sramacher), maude (231d 15h 57m, bunk), epic5 ( b8, 224d 15h 48m, arm-ubc-05), recutils ( b2, 224d 14h 9m, arm-conova-04), qbe (202d 17h 31m, arm-ubc-06), s2geometry ( b1, 202d 17h 23m, arm-ubc-05), blastem (200d 9h 51m, arm-conova-03), coz-profiler (198d 19h 22m, arm-conova-04), siconos (197d 8h 41m, bunk), 41: wine-development (194d 9h 6m, arm-ubc-05), gnome-subtitles (194d 9h 4m, tried 3 times, arm-ubc-04), pytorch-audio (194d 9h 4m, bunk), xpra ( b4, 189d 14h 15m, arm-conova-02), linssid ( b2, 188d 20h 2m, arm-conova-03), cegui-mk2 ( b1, 150d 21h 2m, arm-arm-03), nextpnr (142d 13h 46m, bunk), mrtdreader (142d 9h 54m, arm-conova-02), code-saturne ( b1, 137d 22h 2m, arm-ubc-06), classified-ads ( b2, 122d 14h 8m, arm-conova-02), 51: simutrans ( b2, 122d 13h 39m, arm-arm-01), warzone2100 ( b2, 122d 13h 38m, arm-conova-02), certmonger (115d 10h 43m, arm-arm-03), maildrop ( b2, 115d 5h 34m, arm-conova-02), tlog ( b1, 115d 5h 32m, arm-conova-03), aplus-fsf (115d 5h 31m, arm-conova-04), libkqueue (115d 5h 25m, arm-ubc-05), sks ( b1, 108d 18h 40m, arm-arm-04), hol-light ( b1, 108d 18h 35m, bunk), pplacer (108d 12h 38m, sramacher), 61: iem-plugin-suite (104d 9h 35m, bunk), ppx-tools ( b2, 92d 17h 52m, arm-conova-01), kwayland (79d 11h 11m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-04), ocaml-luv ( b5, 77d 17h 9m, arm-ubc-04), lintian-brush (72d 19h 31m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-04), pymupdf ( b2, 71d 15h 28m, arm-ubc-01), linphone ( b4, 58d 20h 30m, arm-conova-02), horizon-eda ( b1, 48d 16h 28m, arm-ubc-04), rheolef (46d 17h 50m, sramacher), haskell-web-routes ( b3, 44d 13h 15m, arm-ubc-03), 71: haskell-hindent ( b8, 44d 8h 45m, arm-conova-02), haskell-geniplate-mirror ( b3, 44d 8h 38m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-failure ( b3, 44d 8h 37m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-hsx2hs ( b3, 44d 8h 37m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-argon2 ( b3, 44d 8h 37m, arm-conova-02), haskell-hsp ( b3, 44d 8h 37m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-monad-journal ( b3, 44d 8h 36m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-configfile ( b5, 44d 8h 36m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-crypto-random ( b3, 44d 8h 36m, arm-conova-03), haskell-file-location ( b3, 44d 8h 36m, arm-ubc-03), 81: haskell-harp ( b3, 44d 8h 36m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-generic-trie ( b3, 44d 8h 35m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-connection ( b2, 44d 8h 35m, arm-conova-02), haskell-reform ( b3, 44d 8h 34m, arm-conova-02), haskell-punycode ( b3, 44d 8h 34m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-tagshare ( b3, 44d 8h 34m, arm-ubc-04), haskell-lucid-svg ( b3, 44d 8h 34m, arm-conova-02), clazy ( b2, 43d 17h 30m, arm-conova-02), cypari2 ( b3, 43d 14h 25m, arm-conova-02), haskell-github (43d 13h 25m, arm-ubc-03), 91: efitools (42d 13h 12m, bunk), node-expat ( b1, 39d 19h 45m, arm-conova-04), bctoolbox ( b2, 36d 14h 38m, arm-conova-04), mongrel2 ( b3, 36d 14h 26m, arm-conova-02), gauche ( b1, 36d 14h 25m, arm-conova-02), arduino-builder ( b9, 35d 8h 11m, arm-ubc-03), haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint ( b3, 33d 22h 1m, arm-conova-04), dante (33d 15h 17m, arm-conova-02), eclib (33d 14h 52m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-02), courier ( b4, 33d 14h 48m, arm-conova-04), 101: alsa-oss ( b1, 33d 14h 43m, arm-arm-03), kluppe ( b1, 33d 14h 41m, arm-conova-03), cyrus-imapd (33d 14h 33m, arm-conova-03), termrec (33d 14h 24m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-01), armnn (33d 14h 17m, bunk), glvis (33d 14h 14m, arm-ubc-04), postsrsd (33d 14h 5m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-02), haskell-cborg (33d 14h 4m, arm-ubc-03), nomacs ( b3, 33d 13h 54m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-04), gfxreconstruct (33d 13h 52m, arm-conova-01), 111: grok (33d 13h 48m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-02), libfiu (33d 13h 48m, tried 2 times, arm-ubc-06), haskell-xml-conduit-writer ( b4, 33d 13h 45m, arm-conova-04), haskell-options (33d 13h 39m, arm-conova-02), haskell-csv-conduit ( b4, 33d 13h 37m, arm-ubc-03), ruff (33d 13h 35m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-03), haskell-regexpr ( b3, 33d 13h 35m, arm-ubc-01), music (33d 13h 3m, tried 2 times, arm-conova-02), newsboat (33d 12h 46m, tried 3 times, arm-ubc-04), swt4-gtk (33d 8h 56m, arm-conova-03), 121: haskell-wide-word (33d 6h 33m, arm-ubc-04), mysql-workbench ( b4, 31d 21h 1m, arm-conova-02), libvmod-re2 (30d 9h 6m, arm-conova-04), gulkan ( b2, 27d 8h 55m, arm-ubc-06), libchamplain ( b2, 26d 18h, arm-arm-01), libpst ( b2, 26d 17h 28m, arm-conova-02), zstd-jni-java ( b2, 26d 11h 59m, arm-arm-04), libcreg ( b2, 26d 7h 2m, arm-arm-03), mate-desktop ( b2, 25d 8h 41m, arm-conova-02), libregf ( b3, 25d 8h 31m, arm-ubc-06), 131: marco ( b5, 25d 7h 2m, arm-conova-02), nx-libs ( b2, 25d 6h 56m, arm-conova-02), liboobs ( b4, 25d 6h 50m, arm-arm-03), libopenshot (24d 17h 31m, bunk), rss-glx ( b2, 24d 16h 9m, arm-conova-02), pythonmagick ( b7, 24d 16h 8m, arm-conova-02), synfig ( b2, 24d 16h 2m, bunk), vdr-plugin-skinenigmang ( b3, 24d 15h 57m, arm-conova-02), knxd ( b3, 20d 6h 27m, arm-ubc-05), giada (20d 6h 26m, bunk), 141: open3d ( b2, 20d 6h 17m, arm-conova-02), litecoin ( b2, 20d 6h 2m, bunk), performous ( b5, 20d 6h 1m, arm-arm-03), genomicsdb (20d 5h 33m, arm-conova-02), ring ( b5, 19d 20h 26m, bunk), libprelude ( b2, 11d 19h 55m, arm-ubc-03), python-mbedtls ( b3, 9d 11h 41m, arm-conova-04), adios2 (8d 15h 31m, bunk), python-orderedset ( b2, 8d 13h 47m, bunk), python-pyspike ( b3, 8d 13h 47m, arm-conova-02), 151: python-libzim ( b2, 8d 13h 45m, arm-conova-02), pygccjit ( b5, 8d 13h 42m, bunk), py-libzfs ( b1, 8d 13h 41m, contrib, arm-ubc-05), pybik ( b4, 8d 13h 39m, arm-conova-02), ascd (6h 11m, arm-ubc-04) |
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