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Carolus Shapiro

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Wikidata Carolus Shapiro
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Nativitas: 10 Novembris 1913; Baltimora
Obitus: 14 Maii 2000; Novum Eboracum
Patria: Civitates Foederatae Americae


Coniunx: Evalyn Katz

Carolus Shapiro (natus Karl Jay Shapiro Baltimorae die 10 Novembris 1913; mortuus Novi Eboraci die 14 Maii 2000) fuit poeta et scriptor Americanus. Qui quintus Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress anno 1946 creatus est.

Carolus Shapiro, Baltimorae Terrae Mariae natus, diploma scholae superioris Collegii urbis Baltimorae adeptus est. Universitatem Virginiae ante Bellum Orbis Terrarum II frequentavit, quam in "University" ('universitas'), poemate aculeato, tractavit, dicens "Nigricolorem odisse et Iudaeum evitare sunt curriculum."[1]

In Theatro Pacifico Belli Orbis Terrarum militavit. Congeries V-Letter and Other Poems, cum Shapiro in Nova Guinea locaretur scripta, Praemium Pulitzeranum Poesis anno 1945 accepit.

Congeries poematum

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  • Adult Bookstore (1976)
  • Collected Poems, 1940–1978 (1978)
  • Essay on Rime (1945)
  • New and Selected Poems, 1940–1987 (1988)
  • Person, Place, and Thing (1942)
  • Place of Love (1943)
  • Poems (1935)
  • Poems 1940-1953 (1953)
  • Poems of a Jew (1950)
  • Selected Poems (Random House, 1968)
  • Selected Poems (Library of America, 2003), ed. Ioannes Updike.
  • The Bourgeois Poet (1964)
  • The Old Horsefly (1993)
  • The Place of Love (1943)
  • Trial of a Poet (1947)
  • V-Letter and Other Poems (1945)
  • White Haired Lover (1968)
  • The Wild Card: Selected Poems, Early and Late (1998)
  • Coda: Last Poems (2008)


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  • Poet: Volume I: The Younger Son (1988)
  • Reports of My Death (1990)
  • Poet: An Autobiography in Three Parts (Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 1988–1990)

Congeries commentariorum

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  • The Poetry Wreck (1975)
  • To Abolish children and Other Essays (1968)
  • A Primer for Poets (1965)
  • In Defense of Ignorance (1960)
  • Randall Jarrell (1967)
  • Start With the Sun: Studies in the Whitman Tradition, with James E. Miller, Jr., and Bernice Slote (1963)
  • Prose Keys to Modern Poetry (1962)
  • Edsel (1971)
  1. Anglice: "to hate the Negro and avoid the Jew is the curriculum."


[recensere | fontem recensere]
  • Bartlett, Lee. 1979. Karl Shapiro: A Descriptive Bibliography 1933-1977. Novi Eboraci: Garland.
  • Gloston, Gail. 1957. Karl Shapiro, Delmore Schwartz, and Randall Jarrell: The Image of the Poet in the Late 1940s. Thesis, Reed College.
  • Madden, Charles F. 1968. Talks With Authors. Carbondale: Southern Illinois U. Press.
  • Ostrom, Hans. 2006. Karl Shapiro 1913–2000. [Poema] in The Coast Starlight: Collected Poems 1976–2006. Indianapolis.
  • Reino, Joseph. 1981. Karl Shapiro. Bostoniae: Twayne. ISBN 0-8057-7333-9.
  • Stepanchev, Stephen. 1965. American Poetry Since 1945: A Critical Survey.
  • Tolson, Melvin B. 1965. Harlem Gallery. Praefatio Caroli Shapiro.
  • Walker, Sue, ed. 1993. Seriously Meeting Karl Shapiro. Mobile: Negative Capability Press.
  • White, William. 1960. Karl Shapiro: A Bibliography. cum commentario Caroli Karl Shapiro. Detroiti: Wayne State U. Press.

Nexus externi

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Vicicitatio habet citationes quae ad Carolum Shapiro spectant.