User:Matthias Buchmeier/es-en-d

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d {letter} :: letter
D. {n} :: abbreviation of Don
D {letter} :: letter
đ {prep} :: Written form of de often found on signs rather than in literature
daasanach {mf} :: Daasanach
daasanach {adj} :: Daasanach
dabigatrán {m} :: dabigatran
dable {adj} :: possible
dable {adj} :: feasible
dabuten {interj} [Spain, dated] :: cool, terrific
dabuten {adj} [Spain, colloquial, dated] :: cool, terrific
dabuti {interj} :: variant of dabuten
dabuti {adj} :: variant of dabuten
daca {interj} :: give it here
Daca {prop} {f} :: Daca (capital)
dacha {f} :: dacha
dachshund {m} :: dachshund
dacia {f} :: feminine noun of dacio
Dacia {prop} {f} :: Dacia (ancient kingdom and Roman province)
dacio {m} :: Dacian
dacio {m} :: Dacian
dacio {adj} :: Dacian
dación {f} :: a yielding
dación {f} :: a concession or hand over
dacita {f} :: dacite
dacítico {adj} :: dacitic
dacriocistitis {f} :: dacryocystitis
dactilar {adj} :: digital (having to do or performed with a finger)
dactilia {f} :: dactyly
dactílico {adj} :: dactylic
dactilitis {f} [medicine] :: dactylitis
dactilo- {prefix} :: finger
dáctilo {m} [poetry] :: dactyl
dactilógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of dactilógrafo
dactilografía {f} :: typing
dactilografía {f} :: touch typing
dactilografiar {v} :: to typewrite
dactilógrafo {m} :: typist
dactiloscópico {adj} :: dactyloscopic
-dad {suffix} :: Used in forming a noun to represent the property corresponding to an adjective; -ity
dadaísmo {m} :: dadaism
dadaísta {mf} :: Dadaist
dadaísta {adj} :: Dadaist
dadito {m} :: diminutive of dado
dádiva {m} :: gift, donation, handout
dadivoso {adj} :: generous
dado {m} [gaming] :: A die or dice
dado que {conj} :: given that
dador {m} :: giver
dador {m} :: dealer (in cards)
dadora {f} :: feminine noun of dador
daga {f} :: dagger
daguerrotipia {f} :: daguerreotypy (art or technique of producing daguerreotypes)
daguerrotipista {mf} :: daguerreotypist
daguerrotipo {m} :: daguerreotype
Daguestán {prop} {m} :: Daguestán (republic)
daimio {m} [historical] :: daimyo
daiquiri {m} :: daiquiri
daiquirí {m} :: daiquiri
daira {f} :: daerah
dajao {m} :: mountain mullet (Agonostomus monticola)
Dakar {prop} :: Dakar (capital city)
dakarense {adj} :: Dakarois (of or pertaining to Dakar, Senegal)
dakarense {mf} :: Dakarois (native or resident of Dakar, Senegal)
Dakota del Norte {prop} {f} :: North Dakota
Dakota del Sur {prop} {f} :: South Dakota
dalasita {adj} :: Dallasite, Dallas (of or pertaining to Dallas, Texas)
dalasita {mf} :: Dallasite (native or resident of Dallas, Texas)
dale {interj} [Argentina] :: OK, okey dokey, right
dale que dale {adv} [idiom] :: again and again; on and on
dale que te pego {adv} [idiom] :: nonstop; at it all the time
dálet {f} :: dalet; the Hebrew letter ד
dalia {f} :: dahlia
Dalia {prop} {f} :: given name
Dalila {prop} {f} [Biblical character] :: Delilah (mistress of Samson)
Dalila {prop} {f} :: given name
dalina {f} [Latin America] :: presenter (especially of children's TV shows)
dalit {mf} :: Dalit
dalle {m} :: scythe
Dalmacia {prop} {f} :: Dalmatia
dálmata {adj} :: Dalmatian
dálmata {mf} :: Dalmatian
dálmata {m} :: Dalmatian (language)
dalmática {f} :: dalmatic
dalmático {adj} :: Dalmatian
dalmático {m} :: Dalmatian (language)
daltoniano {adj} :: color blind
daltónico {adj} :: color blind
daltonismo {m} :: color blindness
dama {f} :: lady, dame
dama {f} [chess] :: queen
damaceno {adj} :: alternative form of damasceno
dama de compañía {f} :: lady-in-waiting
dama de compañía {f} :: lady's companion
dama de compañía {f} :: escort
dama de honor {f} :: bridesmaid
damajuana {f} :: demijohn
damán {m} :: hyrax
damascena {f} :: female equivalent of damasceno
damasceno {adj} :: Damascene
damasceno {m} :: Damascene
damas chinas {fp} :: Chinese checkers
damasco {m} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay] :: apricot
Damasco {prop} {m} :: Damasco (capital city)
Dámaso {prop} {m} :: given name
damasquinado {m} :: damascening
damas y caballeros {mp} :: ladies and gentlemen
dambos {determiner} :: obsolete spelling of ambos
dame pan y llámame tonto {proverb} :: It doesn't matter what you say, so long as you feed me; call me what you like, just don't call me late for dinner (literally: give me bread and call me stupid)
damero {m} :: chessboard
damero {m} :: draughtsboard
damero {m} :: A kind of crossword puzzle
damero {m} :: grid plan
Damián {prop} {m} :: given name
damisela {f} :: damsel (young woman)
damisela en apuros {f} :: damsel in distress
damita {f} :: diminutive of dama
damnificado {m} :: victim
damnificado {adj} :: injured
damnificado {adj} :: affected
damnificar {v} :: to injure, harm
Dan {prop} {m} :: Dan (Biblical character and tribe)
dana {f} :: initialism of depresión aislada en niveles altos
dañado {adj} :: damaged
dañar {vt} :: to damage, to harm, to hurt, to injure
dañar {vt} [obsolete] :: to condemn
dañarse {v} :: reflexive of dañar
Danbo {m} :: Danbo (cheese originating in Denmark)
dança {f} :: obsolete spelling of danza
dancing {m} :: dance hall
dancístico {adj} :: dance
dandi {m} :: alternative form of dandy
dandismo {m} :: dandyism
dandy {m} :: dandy
danés {adj} :: Danish (from or native to Denmark)
danés {adj} :: Danish (pertaining to Denmark)
danés {m} :: a Dane (native or resident of Denmark)
danés {m} :: the Danish language
danesa {f} :: feminine noun of danés
Danghu {prop} :: Danghu (town)
Dani {prop} {m} :: given name
Daniano {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Danian (a subdivision of the Paleocene epoch)
dánico {adj} :: Danish
Daniel {prop} {m} :: Daniel (biblical book and prophet)
Daniel {prop} {m} :: given name
Daniel {prop} {m} :: The letter D in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
Daniela {prop} {f} :: given name
Daniense {prop} {m} [geology, paleontology] :: Danian (a subdivision of the Paleocene epoch)
Danilo {prop} {m} :: given name
dañinear {v} :: synonym of dañar
dañino {adj} :: damaging, harmful, detrimental
daño {m} :: damage
dañoso {adj} :: harmful
danta {f} :: elk, moose
danta {f} [Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador] :: tapir
dantesco {adj} :: Dantesque, Dantean
danto {m} :: Baird's tapir, Central American tapir
dantza {f} :: Basque dance
dantzari {mf} :: Basque dancer
danubiano {adj} :: Danubian
Danubio {prop} {m} :: Danube
danza {f} :: dance
danza aérea {f} :: aerial dance
danzador {adj} :: dancing
danzador {m} :: dancer
danzadora {f} :: feminine noun of danzador
danzante {adj} :: dancing
danzante {mf} :: dancer
danzar {v} :: to dance
danzarín {adj} :: jumpy, nervous
danzarín {m} :: dancer
danzarinamente {adv} [poetic] :: dancingly
danzario {adj} :: dance
danza sobre hielo {f} :: ice dancing
danzaterapia {f} :: dance therapy
danzón {m} :: danzón
dapsona {f} :: dapsone
daptomicina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: daptomycin
daquel {contraction} :: [obsolete] Contraction of de (of, from) and aquel (that)
daquella {contraction} [obsolete] :: of that, from that
daquense {adj} :: Dhakaite (of or pertaining to Dhaka, Bangladesh)
daquense {mf} :: Dhakaite (native or resident of Dhaka, Bangladesh)
dar {vt} :: to give, to give out
dar {vt} :: to hand over
dar {vt} :: to hit
dar {vt} :: to emit
dar {vt} :: to produce
dar {vt} :: to perform
dar {vt} :: to consider
dar {v} [con] :: to encounter; to find with effort
dar {vt} :: to hit upon
dar {v} [a, .colloquial] :: to press, activate
dar {vt} [colloquial] :: to ruin; mess up
dar {vr} :: to occur
dar {vr} :: to grow naturally
dar {vr} :: to hit
dar {vr} [_, por] :: to assume
dar {vr} [colloquial] :: to pretend to be, to present oneself as though one were
dar {vr} [Mexico] :: to surrender
dar {vrt} [El Salvador, vulgar] :: to fuck [used with third person direct objects only]
dar abasto {v} [idiomatic] :: to cope, manage (with a workload)
dar a conocer {v} [idiomatic] :: to make known, to publicize, to give out, to divulge, to disseminate, to disclose, to reveal, to announce, to release
dar a conocer {v} [idiomatic] :: to acquaint (somebody with a detail or fact)
dar a conocer {v} [idiomatic] :: to raise awareness, to make known
dar a conocer {v} [idiomatic] :: to showcase, to roll out, to publish, to release (e.g. a product)
dar a conocer {vr} [idiomatic] :: to make oneself known
dar a conocer {vr} [idiomatic] :: to be made known, to be publicized
dar alcance {v} [idiomatic] :: to catch up with
dar al traste {v} [idiomatic] :: to mess up, spoil, ruin
dar a luz {v} [idiomatic] :: To give birth. (Literally "to give to light")
dar asco {v} [idiom] :: to revolt; disgust; to turn someone's stomach
dar brincos {v} [idiomatic] :: to jump, leap
dar buena cuenta de {v} [idiomatic] :: to make short work of
dar buena cuenta de {v} :: to communicate
dar calabazas {vt} [idiomatic] :: to jilt, to snub
dar calabazas {vt} [idiom] :: to fail (a student)
dar cancha {v} [idiom] :: To give a chance
dar carpetazo {v} [idiomatic] :: To shelve; put to bed
dar carrilla {v} [idiom, Mexico] :: to poke fun at
dar caza {v} :: to hunt
dar caza {v} [idiomatic] :: to give chase
dar cien mil vueltas {vt} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of dar cien vueltas
dar cien vueltas {vt} [idiomatic] :: to beat the pants off, to wipe the floor with, to run rings around, to be much better (than), be far better at (something)
dar cien vueltas {vt} [idiomatic] :: to brood on, to chew on, to mull over, to go over
dar coba {v} [idiomatic] :: to suck up to; to sweet-talk
dar con sus huesos {v} [idiomatic] :: to end up, wind up (go to somewhere, especially somewhere not desired)
dar cuenta de {v} [idiomatic] :: to finish off
dar cuerda {vt} [idiomatic] :: to wind up (a toy, clock etc.)
dar cuerda {vt} [idiomatic] :: to get started
Dardanelos {prop} {mp} :: Dardanelles (strait)
dárdano {adj} :: Trojan
dárdano {m} :: Trojan
dar de alta {vt} :: to discharge (to release a patient from the hospital)
dar de alta {vtr} :: to register as, to sign up for (to join a service or an organization)
dar de comer {v} :: To feed
dar de sí {v} [idiom] :: to stretch
dar de sí {v} [idiom] :: to contribute
dardo {m} :: dart
dar el alto {v} [idiomatic] :: to give the all-clear
dar el brazo a torcer {v} [idiomatic] :: to give in or give way, concede one's opinions, allow yourself to be persuaded
dar el callo {v} [idiom] :: to work like a horse; to put one's nose to the grindstone
dar el cese {v} [idiom] :: to ask to leave; to show the door to
dar el coñazo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar, colloquial] :: to piss off, bug, get on someone's tits, push someone's buttons (irritate)
dar el pecho {v} [idiom] :: to breastfeed
dar el pego {v} [idiomatic] :: to fool
dar el pie {v} [idiom, theatre] :: to give the cue
dar el pie {v} :: to take the first step; make the first move
dar el piné {v} [idiomatic, Argentina] :: to be cut out for something
dar el primer paso {v} [idiom] :: To take the first step
dar el soplo {v} [idiom] :: to blow the whistle, to tip off, to squeal
dar en cara {v} [idiom] :: synonym of echar en cara
dar en el clavo {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit the nail on the head
dar en el hito {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit the nail on the head
dar en hueso {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit someone hard
dar en la diana {v} [idiomatic] :: to hit the nail on the head
dar en la nariz {v} [idiomatic] :: to be suspicious, to give (someone) a feeling
dar esquinazo {v} [idiomatic] :: to slip away (from), give someone the slip, get past
dar fe {v} [idiom, followed by "de"] :: to vouch (for)
darfuriana {f} :: feminine noun of darfuriano
darfuriano {adj} :: Darfuri
darfuriano {m} :: Darfuri
dar ganas {v} :: to make feel like, want
dar gato por liebre {v} [idiomatic] :: to sell someone a pup
dar golpe {v} [idiomatic] :: to make effort; to contribute
dar gracias {v} :: to give thanks or say grace
dar grima {v} [idiomatic] :: to be disgusted by something repulsive, to give someone the creeps
dar hora {v} [idiomatic] :: to give an appointment
dari {mf} :: Dari
dariano {adj} :: Darian
darienita {adj} :: Of or from Darién, a province in Panama
darienita {mf} :: Someone from Darién, a province in Panama
dar igual {v} [idiomatic, impersonal] :: to not mind, couldn't care less
dariista {adj} :: Of or relating to Rubén Darío
Darío {prop} {m} :: Darius
Daritza {prop} {f} :: given name
dar la barrila {v} [idiomatic] :: to kick up a fuss
dar la cara {v} [idiomatic] :: to face up to
dar la chapa {v} [colloquial] :: to bug, annoy, keep on
dar la espalda {v} [idiomatic] :: To turn one's back; to refuse to help or aid somebody
dar la gana {v} [idiom] :: To feel like (doing something); to fancy (doing something)
dar la lata {v} [idiomatic, Chile, Colombia, Spain] :: to annoy, bug
dar la nota {v} [idiomatic] :: to attract attention, to make a spectacle of oneself
dar la palabra {v} [idiomatic] :: to give the floor (allow to speak)
dar largas {v} [idiomatic, usually with a negative sense] :: to put off, to delay, to give somebody the runaround
dar las tantas {v} [idiom] :: to cause someone to take a long time
dar las uvas {v} [idiom] :: to cause to take a long time or to go slowly
dar la tabarra {v} [idiomatic] :: to piss someone off; get someone's goat
dar la talla {v} [idiomatic] :: to fill the bill
dar la vara {v} [idiomatic] :: to annoy, bother
darle a la zambomba {v} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: to jerk off, spank the monkey (of males, masturbate)
darle al tema {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to get it on (have sex)
darle en la nariz {v} [idiomatic] :: To tell (have a suspicion)
darle para el pelo {v} [idiom] :: to rip to shreds; to wipe the floor (with) (a person)
dar lugar {v} :: give place (to be replaced by something)
darlusar {v} [backslang, vesre, slang] :: to greet
dar mala espina {v} :: to have a bad feeling about something
dar mala espina {v} :: to smell fishy (have suspicions about something)
dar manija {v} [idiomatic, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay] :: to egg on, spur on
dar más mal que un hijo tonto {v} [idiom] :: To be a real piece of work
dar mil vueltas {vt} [idiomatic] :: alternative form of dar cien vueltas
darmstatio {m} :: darmstadtium
dar palmas {v} :: to clap (hands)
dar palo {v} [idiomatic] :: to peeve, annoy
dar palos de ciego {v} [idiomatic] :: to lash out
dar palos de ciego {v} [idiomatic] :: to stab in the dark
dar parte de {v} [idiomatic] :: to report on
dar paso {v} :: to make way, step aside
dar paso {v} :: to give way to (to be succeeded by)
dar pena {v} [idiomatic] :: to make somebody feel sorry for
dar pie {v} [idiom] :: to give rise to
dar plantón {v} [idiom] :: To stand up (not attend a date)
dar por concluido {v} [idiom] :: to finalise; terminate
dar por el culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to fuck in the ass
dar por el culo {v} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: to fuck off, piss off (irritate)
dar por hecho {v} [idiomatic] :: to take for granted, assume
dar por sentado {v} [idiomatic] :: to take for granted, to assume
dar por sentado {vr} [idiomatic] :: to be taken for granted, to be assumed
dar por supuesto {v} :: to assume, take for granted that something is true, without checking for proof
dar que hablar {v} [idiom] :: To give (people) something to talk about
dar resultado {v} [idiom] :: to take effect; to do the trick
darse a conocer {v} [idiomatic] :: to make a name for oneself
darse cita {v} [idiomatic] :: to join up; gather; meet up
darse con un canto en los dientes {v} [idiom] :: to thank one's lucky stars
darse cuenta {v} [de, .idiomatic] :: to notice, to realize, to figure out, to pick up on
darse de alta {v} :: reflexive of dar de alta; to discharge oneself or be discharged (from a hospital)
darse de alta {v} [idiomatic] :: to sign up (to add one's own name to a list of people who are participating in something)
darse de baja {v} [idiomatic] :: to unsubscribe, deregister
darse de baja {v} [idiomatic] :: to cancel
darse de narices {v} [idiomatic] :: To bump into (meet accidentally)
darse el bote {v} [idiomatic] :: to take to one's heels, clear off
darse el filete {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to touch up, fondle
darse el filete {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to make out, snog
darse el lote {v} [idiomatic] :: to make out; do it
dársela {v} [idiom] :: to make fun of; poke fun; take the mickey
dársela {v} [idiom] :: to trick; hoodwink
dársela con queso {v} [idiomatic] :: to hoodwink
darse la gran vida {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to have a whale of a time, have the time of one's life
dárselas con queso {v} [idiomatic] :: to take in; hoodwink; fool
dárselas de {v} [idiomatic] :: to make out to be; to pretend to be
dársena {f} :: dock (internal part of a harbour used for loading and unloading vessels)
dársena {f} :: area used for loading and unloading vehicles
darsenero {adj} [football, Uruguay] :: Of or relating to Club Atlético River Plate, a football club from Montevideo, Uruguay
darsenero {m} [football, Uruguay] :: Someone connected to Club Atlético River Plate, as a player, fan, coach etc
darse postín {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: to show off
darse prisa {v} :: to hurry, to hurry up, to get a move on, to be quick, to make haste (to speed up the rate)
dar soga {v} [idiomatic] :: To poke fun at
dar vuelta {v} :: to turn, turn around
dar vuelta {v} :: to flip
dar vueltas {v} :: to spin, to rotate, to revolve
dar vueltas {v} :: to go round in circles, to go around in circles
dar vueltas {v} :: to toss (to roll around as in restless sleep in bed)
dar vueltas {vt} [idiomatic] :: to brood on, to chew on, to mull over, to go over
darwiniano {adj} :: Darwinian
darwiniano {adj} :: Darwinian (of or pertaining to Darwin, Australia)
darwiniano {m} :: Darwinian
darwiniano {m} :: Darwinian (native or resident of Darwin, Australia)
darwinismo {m} :: Darwinism
darwinismo social {m} [sociology] :: social Darwinism (theory)
darwinista {adj} :: Darwinian
darwinista {mf} :: Darwinian, Darwinist
dasatinib {m} :: dasatinib
dashi {m} :: dashi
data {f} :: date (point of time at which a transaction or event takes place)
datable {adj} :: dateable (That may be ascribed a date or age)
datación {f} :: dating (act, instance of attributing a date to something)
datáfono {m} :: payment terminal, POS terminal, credit card terminal
datagrama {m} :: datagram
datar {v} :: to date, to assign a date to
datear {v} [colloquial, Venezuela] :: To hit up with info
datear {v} [Chile] :: To let someone in on
dátil {m} :: date (fruit of the date palm)
datilera {f} :: date palm
datilero {adj} :: date-producing
dating show {m} [television] :: dating game show
dativo {adj} [grammar] :: dative
dato {m} :: datum (a single piece of information)
datófono {m} :: alternative form of datáfono
datolita {f} [mineral] :: datolite
Datong {prop} :: Datong (city)
dauleña {f} :: feminine noun of dauleño
dauleño {adj} :: Of or from the city of Daule, Guayas, Ecuador
dauleño {m} :: An inhabitant of the city of Daule, Guayas, Ecuador
David {prop} {m} [biblical character] :: David
David {prop} {m} :: given name
davídico {adj} :: Davidic
Dávila {prop} :: surname
Dayana {prop} {f} :: given name
d.C. {adv} :: AD (anno Domini)
dcha. {f} :: abbreviation of derecha
DCV {prop} [politics] :: initialism of Democracia Cristiana Vasca
DD. HH. {mp} :: acronym of derechos humanos
DDHH {mp} :: alternative form of DD. HH.
de- {prefix} :: de-
de {f} :: letter: d
de {prep} :: of; ’s; used after the thing owned and before the owner
de {prep} :: from (with the source or provenance of or at)
de {prep} :: of (expressing composition, substance)
de {prep} :: about (concerning; with regard to)
de {prep} :: of, from (indicating cause)
de {prep} :: of (indicates a quality or characteristic)
de {prep} :: from (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
de {prep} :: of (indicates the subject or cause of the adjective)
de {prep} :: from (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
de {prep} :: than (in certain phrases)
de {prep} :: Used to construct compound nouns (with attributive nouns)
de {prep} [followed by the infinitive] :: Indicates a conditional desire
de {prep} :: Indicates a time of day or period of someone's life
de {prep} [after a noun and before a verb] :: Indicates the purpose of an object
dea {f} [poetic] :: goddess
DEA {m} :: acronym of Diploma de Estudios Avanzados (a tertiary education degree higher than a master's, but lower than a doctorate)
de abajo {adj} :: lower, bottom
de abajo {adj} :: downstairs
deacachimba {adj} [Nicaragua] :: cool; awesome
de acá para allá {adv} [idiom] :: here and there; to and fro
deacetilasa {f} :: deacetylase
de acuerdo {adj} :: Agreeing, in agreement
de acuerdo {adv} :: Agreeing, in agreement
de acuerdo {interj} :: Agreed; alright; OK
de acuerdo con {prep} :: according to
de a deveras {adv} [idiomatic] :: really; actually
de agárrate {adj} [colloquial] :: a helluva; mighty
de agárrate que hay curva {adj} [colloquial] :: a helluva; mighty
de agárrate que hay curvas {adj} [colloquial] :: a helluva; mighty
de agárrate y no te menees {adj} [colloquial] :: a helluva; mighty
de ahí {adv} [formal] :: hence, so, thus
de ahí que {adv} :: thus, for this reason
de ahora en adelante {adv} :: from now on, henceforth
deal {m} [business] :: deal
dealer {m} :: dealer
de alguna manera {adv} [idiom] :: somehow
deambulación {f} :: ambulation, walking
deambulación {f} :: wandering
deambulante {adj} :: wandering, itinerant
deambulante {mf} :: itinerant (homeless person)
deambular {vi} :: to mosey, to amble, to wander, to roam
deambulatorio {m} [architecture] :: ambulatory
deán {m} [religion] :: dean
deán {m} [obsolete] :: head of a group of ten
deanato {m} :: deanship; the position of a dean
deanazgo {m} :: deanship; the position of a dean
de antemano {adv} :: beforehand, previously
de antemano {adv} :: in advance
de antología {adj} [idiom] :: incredible
de a poco {adv} [idiom] :: bit by bit; gradually
de aquellos polvos, estos lodos {v} [idiom] :: the chickens come home to roost
de aquí en adelante {adv} [idiomatic] :: from now on; from this point on
de armas tomar {adj} [idiomatic] :: headstrong, strong-willed
de arriba abajo {adv} [idiomatic] :: up and down; from top to bottom
de a tiro {adv} [idiomatic, colloquial] :: totally; absolutely; completely
de autor {adj} [idiom] :: auteur; original
debacle {f} :: debacle
de baja estofa {adj} [idiom] :: second-rate; low-quality; shoddy
debajo {prep} :: below, under
de balde {adv} [idiom] :: for free, for nothing
de balde {adv} [idiom] :: for a song
de balde {adv} [idiom] :: left over, unwanted
de bandera {adj} [idiom] :: top-class
debate {m} :: debate, discussion
debatible {adj} :: debatable
debatir {vt} :: to debate
debatir {vr} :: to struggle (in a decision)
debdo {m} :: obsolete spelling of deudo
debelación {f} :: crushing; quashing
debelar {v} :: to conquer
deber {m} :: obligation, duty
deber {m} :: debt
deber {m} :: should, ought (modal noun)
deber {m} [usually, in the plural] :: homework
deber {vt} :: to owe
deber {v} [auxiliary] :: must, to need to, to have to (rarely used in the conditional with this meaning)
deber {v} [auxiliary] :: should, to ought to, to be supposed to, to be to
deber {v} [auxiliary] :: should have (in the preterite; having haber follow "deber" is optional and not required)
deber {v} [auxiliary, emphatic] :: shall [future tense usually]
deber {vr} [_, with preposition a] :: to be due to, to be attributable to, to be the result of, to be caused by
deber {v} [with de and infinitive] :: probably or most likely do or happen something (add a degree of insecurity to the verb)
deberse {v} :: reflexive of deber
debianero {m} :: A user of the Debian operating system
debidamente {adv} :: properly
debido {adj} :: owed
debido {adj} :: due
debido a {prep} :: because of; due to
débil {adj} :: weak
debilidad {f} :: debility, weakness
debilísimo {adj} :: superlative of débil
debilitación {f} :: debilitation
debilitador {adj} :: weakening, debilitating
debilitamiento {m} :: weakening
debilitante {adj} :: debilitating
debilitar {v} :: to weaken
débilmente {adv} :: weakly
debilucho {adj} [pejorative] :: weak
debilucho {m} [pejorative] :: weakling, wimp
debitar {v} :: to debit
débito {m} [finance] :: debit
Débora {prop} {f} [biblical character] :: Deborah (a judge of Israel)
Débora {prop} {f} :: given name
de bote en bote {adv} [idiomatic] :: packed; full; full to the gills
de bruces {adv} :: prone; face down
debú {m} :: debut; début
de buena gana {adv} [idiom] :: willingly
de buenas a primeras {adv} [idiomatic] :: out of the blue
de buenas a primeras {adv} [idiomatic] :: at the drop of a hat, at a moment's notice, in a heartbeat, all of a sudden
de buena tinta {adv} [idiomatic] :: on good authority
de buen grado {adv} [idiomatic] :: willingly
debut {m} :: debut
debutante {adj} :: novice, first-time
debutante {mf} :: debutant, beginner, first-timer
debutar {v} :: to debut
debutar {v} :: to lose one's virginity
de caballo {adj} [idiom, colloquial] :: helluva; massive
de cabecera {adj} :: top-bill; top-draw
de cabeza {adv} [idiomatic] :: upside down
de cabeza {prep} [idiomatic] :: off the top of one's head
de cabo a cabo {adv} [idiomatic] :: completely; utterly; fully
de cabo a cabo {adv} [idiomatic] :: from start to finish, all the way through
de cabo a rabo {adv} [idiomatic] :: completely; utterly; fully
de cabo a rabo {adv} [idiomatic] :: from start to finish, all the way through
década {f} :: decade
decadencia {f} :: decadence
decadente {adj} :: decadent
decadentismo {m} :: decadence
decadópodo {m} :: decapod
decaedro {m} [geometry] :: decahedron
decaer {v} :: to decay
decagonal {adj} :: decagonal
decágono {adj} :: decagonal
decágono {m} :: decagon
decagramo {m} :: decagram
decaimiento {m} :: decay
de cajón {adj} [idiom] :: plain as day
decalaje {m} :: time shift or delay
decalcomanía {f} :: decalcomania
decalitro {m} :: decalitre / decaliter
decálogo {m} [in plural] :: commandments
decálogo {m} [colloquial] :: rules, dos and don'ts
Decálogo {prop} {m} :: Ten Commandments (moses' ten commandments)
decámetro {m} :: decametre
de campeonato {adj} :: large, exceptional
Decán {prop} {m} :: Deccan
decana {f} :: feminine noun of decano
decanato {m} :: deanery
decanatura {f} :: deaconship
decanazgo {m} :: deanship; the position of a dean
decano {m} :: senior, eldest person
decano {m} [organic compound] :: decane
decantación {f} :: decantation
decantador {m} :: decanter
decantador {m} [chemistry] :: flocculant, deflocculant (substance which clears impurities from water)
decantar {v} :: to decant
decapar {v} :: to strip (material)
decapitación {f} :: decapitation, beheading
decapitar {v} :: to decapitate
decápodo {m} :: decapod
de casi no se muere nadie {proverb} :: a miss is as good as a mile; almost doesn't count
de Castro {prop} :: surname
decatleta {mf} :: decathlete
decatlón {m} :: archery
decatlonista {mf} :: decathlete
decebir {v} [obsolete] :: to deceive
deceleración {f} :: deceleration
decelerar {vt} :: to decelerate
decembrino {adj} [attributive] :: December
decembrista {mf} :: Decemberist
decembrista {adj} :: Decemberist
decena {f} :: ten (set of ten)
Decena {prop} {f} :: surname
decenal {adj} :: decennial, ten-year
decenal {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the decenallia
decencia {f} :: respectability
decencia {f} :: decency
decenio {m} :: decade
deceno {adj} :: tenth
decente {adj} :: decent (showing integrity and moral uprightness)
decente {adj} :: clean, tidy
decente {adj} :: decent (good enough; okay)
decentemente {adv} :: decently
decentralización {f} :: decentralization
decenviro {m} :: decemvir
decepción {f} :: a disappointment, a letdown, a let down
decepción {f} :: disillusionment
decepción {f} :: bummer [colloquial]
decepcionado {adj} :: disappointed, gutted [UK], disillusioned
decepcionante {adj} :: disappointing
decepcionante {adj} :: underwhelming, anticlimactic
decepcionante {adj} :: disillusioning
decepcionantemente {adv} :: disappointingly
decepcionar {v} :: to disappoint, to let down, to underwhelm
deceso {m} :: decease, death
dechado {m} :: example of something to copy
dechado {m} :: model of behaviour; paragon
dechado {m} :: sampler (a piece of needlework embroidered with a variety of designs)
de chichinabo {adj} [colloquial, idiom, Spain] :: of little importance
de choto {adv} [idiomatic, slang, El Salvador] :: for free
decibel {m} :: alternative form of decibelio
decibelio {m} :: decibel
decible {adj} :: sayable; utterable; expressable
decidible {adj} :: decidable
decididamente {adv} :: decidedly
decidido {adj} :: decided
decidido {adj} :: purposeful, determined, resolute
decidir {v} :: to decide, to make up one's mind, to determine, to choose to
decidir {v} :: to decide on
decidir {v} :: to rule
decidirse {v} :: reflexive of decidir
decidor {adj} :: well-spoken; eloquent
decidor {adj} :: witty
decidor {m} :: good speaker; eloquent narrator
decidora {f} :: feminine noun of decidor
deciduo {adj} [botany] :: deciduous
deciembre {m} :: obsolete spelling of diciembre
de ciento a viento {adv} [idiom] :: once in a blue moon
de ciento en viento {adv} [idiom] :: once in a blue moon
decigramo {m} :: decigram
decil {m} :: decile
decilitro {m} :: decilitre (one tenth of a litre)
décima {f} :: A ten-line stanza
decimal {adj} :: decimal
decimalización {f} :: decimalization
decimalizar {v} :: to decimalize
decimera {f} :: feminine noun of decimero
decimero {m} :: jester, comedian
decímetro {m} :: decimetre (one-tenth of a metre)
decímetro cúbico {m} :: cubic decimetre; cubic decimeter [US]
decimista {mf} :: A writer of décimas
décimo {adj} :: tenth
décimo {m} :: tenth
décimo {m} [Spain] :: participation in the lottery
décimo {m} [Panama] :: 10-centésimo coin
decimoctava {f} :: feminine noun of decimoctavo
decimoctavo {adj} :: eighteenth
decimoctavo {m} :: eighteenth
decimocuarta {f} :: feminine noun of decimocuarto
decimocuarto {adj} :: fourteenth
decimocuarto {m} :: fourteenth
décimo cuarto {adj} :: fourteenth (ordinal form of the number fourteen)
decimonónico {adj} :: 19th-century
decimonónico {adj} :: old-fashioned, out-of-date, medieval
decimonono {adj} :: alternative form of decimonoveno
decimonovena {f} :: feminine noun of decimonoveno
decimonoveno {adj} :: nineteenth
decimonoveno {m} :: nineteenth
decimoprimero {adj} :: eleventh
decimoquinta {f} :: feminine noun of decimoquinto
decimoquinto {adj} :: fifteenth
decimoquinto {m} :: fifteenth
décimo quinto {adj} :: fifteenth (ordinal form of the number fifteen)
decimosegundo {adj} :: twelfth (ordinal form of the number twelve)
decimosegundo {m} :: tenth of a second
décimo segundo {adj} :: twelfth (ordinal form of the number twelve)
decimoséptima {f} :: feminine noun of decimoséptimo
decimoséptimo {adj} :: seventeenth
decimoséptimo {m} :: seventeenth
decimosexta {f} :: feminine noun of decimosexto
decimosexto {adj} :: sixteenth
decimosexto {m} :: sixteenth
decimotercera {f} :: feminine noun of decimotercero
decimotercero {adj} :: thirteenth
decimotercero {m} :: thirteenth
décimo tercero {adj} :: thirteenth (ordinal form of the number thirteen)
decir {v} :: to say, to tell
decir {v} :: to suggest
decir {v} :: to show; to demonstrate
decir {v} :: to call; to name
decir {vr} :: to be said, to say [when a specific subject is not identified]
decir {m} :: saying
decir {m} :: idle talk
decir esta boca es mía {v} [idiomatic] :: to utter a word
decisegundo {m} :: decisecond (one tenth of a second)
decisión {f} :: decision
decisional {adj} :: decisional
decisionismo {m} :: decisionism
decisionista {mf} :: decisionist
decisionista {mf} :: policy-maker
decisivamente {adv} :: decisively
decisivo {adj} :: decisive
decisivo {adj} :: defining (e.g. a defining moment)
decisivo {adj} :: crucial, critical, key, instrumental, vital
decisivo {adj} :: deciding, swing
decisor {adj} :: deciding; decisive
decisor {m} :: decider
decisorio {adj} :: decision-making
declamación {f} :: declamation
declamación {f} :: poem recital
declamador {adj} :: declamatory
declamador {m} :: orator, declaimer
declamadora {f} :: feminine noun of declamador
declamar {v} :: to declaim
declamativo {adj} :: declamatory
declaración {f} :: statement
declaración {f} :: declaration
declaración {f} :: tax return
declaración conjunta {f} :: joint tax return
declaración de impuestos {f} :: tax return
declaración de la renta {f} :: tax return
declaradamente {adv} :: overtly; openly
declarante {mf} [legal] :: declarant, affiant, deponent
declarar {v} :: to declare, to state
declarar {vrt} :: to declare one's love for
declarar {vr} :: to plead (e.g., innocent, guilty, etc.)
declararse {v} :: reflexive of declarar
declarativo {adj} :: declarative
declaratoria {adj} :: declaratory
declaratoria {f} :: declaration
declinación {f} :: declension
declinante {adj} :: declining
declinante {adj} :: hanging
declinar {vt} :: to decline
declinar {vt} [grammar] :: to decline
declinar {vi} [formal] :: to draw to an end
declinar {vr} :: to lean (hang outwards)
declinatorio {adj} :: declinatory
declive {m} :: decline
deco {m} :: Deco
decocción {f} :: decoction
decodificación {f} :: decoding
decodificador {adj} :: decoding
decodificador {m} :: decoder
decodificar {vt} :: to decode
decoherencia {f} :: decoherence
de cojones {adv} [idiomatic] :: fucking, bloody (used as an intensifier)
decolaje {m} [South America] :: takeoff (ascent into flight)
decolar {v} :: to take off
de color {adj} :: colored (having a color)
de color {adj} :: of color (of a race other than white)
decoloración {f} :: discoloration
decolorar {v} :: to bleach
decolorar {v} :: to discolor
decolorarse {v} :: reflexive of decolorar
decomisar {v} :: to confiscate; seize
decomisionar {v} :: to decommission
decomiso {m} [law] :: forfeiture, confiscation, seizure
decompilación {f} :: decompilation
de coña {adv} [colloquial, slang, idiom] :: fucking great
deconstrucción {f} :: deconstruction
deconstructivismo {m} :: deconstructivism
deconstructivista {mf} :: deconstructivist
deconstructivo {adj} :: deconstructive
deconstruir {v} :: to deconstruct
de consuno {adv} :: together; in unison
de continuo {adv} :: continuously; nonstop
deconvolución {f} [mathematics] :: deconvolution
decoración {f} :: decoration
decorado {adj} :: decorated
decorado {m} :: decoration
decorado {m} [cinema, theater] :: set, scenery
decorado {m} :: recitation
decorador {m} :: decorator
decoradora {f} :: feminine noun of decorador
decorar {vti} :: to decorate
decorar {v} :: to recite
decorativismo {m} :: preponderance of decoration
decorativista {adj} :: excessively decorative
decorativo {adj} :: decorative
de corazón {adv} [idiom] :: from the bottom of one's heart; sincerely
decoro {m} :: appropriateness, proper behavior
decorosamente {adv} :: decorously, politely
decoroso {adj} :: dignified, decorous
decorrelación {f} :: decorrelation
de corrido {adv} [idiomatic] :: by heart; by memory
de corrido {adv} [idiomatic] :: in a row; nonstop
decrecentista {adj} [attributive] :: degrowth
decrecentista {mf} :: degrowther
decrecer {v} :: to decrease
decrecido {adj} :: decreased
decreciente {adj} :: decreasing
decrecimiento {m} :: alternative form of decremento
decrementar {v} :: To reduce
decremento {m} :: decrease, decrement
decrépito {adj} :: decrepit
decrepitud {f} :: decrepitude
decretal {adj} :: decretal
decretar {v} :: to decree
decretito {m} :: diminutive of decreto
decreto {m} :: decree
decreto judicial {m} [legal] :: writ
decricaje {m} :: untidy appearance
decricaje {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: misshapenness
de cuando en cuando {adv} [idiomatic] :: occasionally; once in a while; now and then; from time to time
decúbito {m} :: position (of the body when lying down)
decúbito prono {m} :: prone position
de cuidado {adj} [idiom] :: real; total; absolute
decumano {m} :: decumanus
decumbente {adj} :: decumbent
decuplar {v} :: alternative spelling of decuplicar
decuplicar {v} :: to decuple (multiply tenfold)
decurión {m} :: decurion
decurrente {adj} :: decurrent
decurso {m} :: course (of time)
decusación {f} :: decussation
decusado {adj} :: decussate
dedada {f} :: thimbleful
dedada {f} :: pinch; small amount
dedada {f} :: finger mark
dedal {m} :: thimble
dedalera {f} :: digitalis
dédalo {m} :: maze; labyrinth (puzzle)
dédalo {m} :: maze; labyrinth (figurative)
Dédalo {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Daedalus
dedazo {m} :: The taking on of a public post without the due formalities
dedazo {m} :: typo, typographical error
dedear {v} :: to finger, fiddle
dedeo {m} :: finger, fingering
de deveras {adv} [idiomatic] :: really; actually
dedicación {f} :: dedication
dedicado {adj} :: dedicated
dedicar {v} :: to dedicate, to spend time
dedicarse {v} :: reflexive of dedicar to devote oneself
dedicarse {v} :: reflexive of dedicar to engage oneself with (work)
dedicatoria {f} :: dedication (a note prefixed to a work of art)
dedicatorio {adj} :: dedicatory
dedillo {m} :: diminutive of dedo
dedito {m} :: diminutive of dedo (finger; toe)
dedo {m} :: finger
dedo {m} :: toe
dedo {m} :: digit
dedo {m} :: thimble
dedo {m} :: jigger (small measure of liquor)
dedo anular {m} :: ring finger
de doble filo {adj} :: double-edged
dedo corazón {m} :: middle finger (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger)
dedocracia {f} [politics] :: cronyism, nepotism
dedo gordo {m} :: big toe
dedo gordo {m} :: thumb
dedo índice {m} :: index finger
dedo medio {m} :: middle finger (finger between the forefinger and the ring finger)
dedo meñique {m} :: little finger
de dónde eres {phrase} :: Where are you from?
de dónde es usted {phrase} :: Where are you from?
dedo pulgar {m} :: thumb
dedo pulgar {m} :: big toe
deducción {f} :: deduction
deducibilidad {f} :: deductibility
deducible {adj} :: deducible, inferrable
deducir {v} :: to deduce, to deduct, to infer
deductivamente {adv} :: deductively
deductivo {adj} :: deductive
de entrada {adv} [idiomatic] :: from the outset, at the outset, from the start, first of all, first up
de entrecasa {adj} [of clothes] :: indoor, indoors
de época {adj} [idiom] :: vintage, period, antique
de época {adj} :: epochal
deesa {f} :: obsolete form of diosa
de estampía {adv} :: alternative form of de estampida
de estampida {adv} [idiom] :: quickly; sharpish
de fábula {adj} [idiom] :: really great; superb
de fábula {adv} [idiom] :: really well; amazingly
de facto {adv} :: truly
de facto {adv} :: indeed
de facto {adv} :: in fact
defalco {m} :: rare form of desfalco
default {m} :: default
defecación {f} :: defecation
defecar {vt} [mostly used intransitively] :: to defecate
defección {f} :: defection
defeccionar {v} [Mexico] :: to defect
defectación {f} :: checking for faults
defectillo {m} :: diminutive of defecto
defectivo {adj} :: defective
defecto {m} :: defect
defecto {m} :: fault
defecto {m} :: flaw
defecto {m} :: deficiency
defecto {m} [computing, technology] :: default
defectuosamente {adv} :: defectively
defectuosidad {f} :: defectiveness
defectuoso {adj} :: defective (having one or more defects), faulty, flawed
defectuso {adj} :: defected
defeña {f} :: feminine noun of defeño
defender {v} :: to defend [contra, de]
defender {v} :: to prohibit
defender {v} :: to claim
defendible {adj} :: defendable
defendimiento {m} [obsolete] :: defence
defenestración {f} :: defenestration
defenestrar {v} :: to defenestrate
defenestrar {v} :: to fire; to expel someone from a position of power
defeño {adj} :: of or relating to Mexico's Federal District, Mexico City
defeño {m} :: someone from Mexico D.F
defensa {f} :: defense
defensa {f} :: retaining wall
defensa {f} [automotive] :: bumper
defensa {m} [sports] :: back
defensar {v} :: to defend. (obsolete spelling of defender)
defensión {f} [obsolete] :: defense; protection
defensiva {f} :: defensive
defensivamente {adv} :: defensively
defensivo {adj} :: defensive
defensor {adj} :: defending
defensor {m} :: defender
defensor {m} :: advocate
defensora {f} :: feminine noun of defensor
defensoría {f} :: defender; advocate
defensorial {adj} [attributive, Latin America] :: defence (pertaining to the ministry of defence)
deferencia {f} :: deference
deferencial {adj} [anatomy] :: deferential (of or relating to the vas deferens)
deferente {adj} :: deferential
deferir {v} :: to defer
de fiar {adj} [idiom] :: trustworthy
deficiencia {f} :: deficiency
deficiente {adj} :: deficient
deficiente {adj} :: unsatisfactory
deficientemente {adv} :: imperfectly, not up to scratch
déficit {m} :: deficit
déficit {m} :: shortage
deficitario {adj} :: loss-making, unprofitable
definible {adj} :: definable (capable of being defined)
definición {f} :: definition (a statement of the meaning of a word)
definición {f} :: definition (a clear instance conforming to the dictionary or textbook definition)
definición {f} :: definition (clarity of visual presentation, distinctness of outline or detail)
definición {f} [in the plural] :: rules, statutes
definicional {adj} :: definitional
definición ostensiva {f} :: ostensive definition
definidamente {adv} :: distinctly; definitely
definido {adj} :: definite
definido {adj} :: clear
definidor {adj} :: defining
definidor {m} :: definer
definir {vt} :: to define
definitivamente {adv} :: definitely
definitividad {f} :: definiteness
definitivo {adj} :: definitive; conclusive
definitorio {adj} :: defining, deciding
deflación {f} :: deflation
deflacionario {adj} :: deflationary
deflacionista {adj} :: deflationary
deflactar {v} [finance] :: deflate
deflactor {m} :: deflator
deflagración {f} :: deflagration (intense fire)
deflagrar {v} :: to deflagrate
deflección {f} :: deflection
deflectar {v} :: to deflect
deflector {adj} :: defecting
deflector {m} :: deflector
deflector {m} :: baffle, baffle plate
deflexión {f} :: deflection
deflorar {vt} :: to deflower, to take away the sexual virginity
defoliación {f} :: defoliation
defoliante {m} :: defoliant
defoliar {v} :: to defoliate
deforestación {f} :: deforestation
deforestar {v} :: to deforest
deformabilidad {f} :: deformability
deformable {adj} :: deformable
deformación {f} :: deformation
deformante {adj} :: deforming
deformante {adj} :: distorting
deformar {v} :: to deform or disfigure
deformidad {f} :: deformity
defosforilación {f} :: dephosphorylation
defosforilar {v} :: to dephosphorylate
defraudación {f} :: tax evasion
defraudador {m} :: fraudster
defraudadora {f} :: feminine noun of defraudador
defraudar {v} :: to defraud
defraudar {v} :: to disappoint
defraudar {v} :: to dodge
defraudatoria {f} :: feminine noun of defraudatorio
defraudatorio {m} [attributive] :: tax evasion
defunción {f} :: decease, death
de gala {adj} [idiom] :: dressed to the nines; in one's Sunday best
degano {m} [archaic] :: officer (of a ranch)
degeneración {f} :: degeneration (in all senses)
degeneración {f} :: degeneration, degeneracy (the process or state of growing worse, or the state of having become worse)
degenerado {adj} :: perverted
degenerado {m} :: pervert
degenerar {v} :: to degenerate
degenerativo {adj} :: degenerative
deglaciación {f} :: deglaciation
deglución {f} :: swallowing, deglutition
deglutir {vt} [formal] :: to swallow
deglutir {v} :: to swallow up
de goleada {adv} :: alternative form of por goleada
degollación {f} :: beheading
degollación {f} :: massacre, slaughter
degolladero {m} :: throat
degolladero {m} :: slaughterhouse
degolladero {m} :: scaffold; block
degollamiento {m} :: cutting of the throat
degollar {vt} :: to slit the throat
degollina {f} :: bloodshed, slaughter
degollina {f} :: havoc
degollina {f} :: mass fail in an exam
de golpe {adv} [idiomatic] :: suddenly; all of a sudden
de golpe y porrazo {adv} [idiom] :: all of a sudden; out of the blue
de gorra {adv} [idiomatic] :: gratis; for free; for nothing
de Gracia {prop} :: surname
degradable {adj} :: degradable
degradación {f} :: degradation
degradamiento {m} :: demotion, downgrading
degradante {adj} :: degrading, demeaning, humiliating
degradar {v} :: to degrade, to debase
degranulación {f} :: degranulation
de gratis {adv} [idiomatic] :: for free, at no cost
degredo {m} [Venezuela] :: ward for contagious patients
degú {m} :: degu
deguabinao {adj} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: drained, tired, out of shape
de guante blanco {adj} [idiom] :: white-collar
de guardia {adj} :: on duty, on call, attending (e.g. an on-call nurse)
de guardia {adj} [military] :: on duty, on guard, on watch
degüello {m} :: slitting of a throat
degustación {f} :: the action of tasting, sampling
degustar {v} :: to taste
de hecho {adv} :: in fact, actually, indeed, as a matter of fact
dehesa {f} :: meadow, pasture
de higos a brevas {adv} [idiomatic] :: once in a blue moon
dehiscencia {f} :: dehiscence
dehiscente {adj} :: dehiscent
deicida {adj} :: deicidal
deicidio {m} :: deicide
deíctico {adj} :: deictic
deidad {f} :: deity
deificación {f} :: deification
deificar {v} :: to make a god of; to deify
de igual modo {adv} [idiomatic] :: similarly; in the same way; likewise
Deimos {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Deimos (the outermost natural satellite of Mars)
Deimos {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Deimos
de inmediato {adv} :: immediately
deísmo {m} :: deism
deísta {mf} :: deist
deíxis {f} :: alternative spelling of deixis
dejación {f} :: abandonment
dejadez {f} :: neglect
dejadez {f} :: slackness
dejadez {f} :: laziness
dejadez {f} :: carelessness
dejadez {f} :: slovenliness
dejado {adj} :: sloppy, lax (person)
dejao {adj} :: pronunciation spelling of dejado
dejar {vt} :: to leave (to place)
dejar {vt} :: to leave, to keep (to allow to continue)
dejar {vt} :: to leave (to cause, result in)
dejar {vt} :: to let, allow
dejar {vt} :: to let go, put down (to release from one's grasp)
dejar {vt} :: to drop off
dejar {vt} :: to leave, to abandon, to dump
dejar {vt} :: to give up, to lay off, to kick [colloquial]
dejar {vt} :: to set, to put, to make (in certain phrases)
dejar {vt} [Spain, colloquial] :: to cut out (stop)
dejar {vi} :: to leave off
dejar {v} [de] :: to cease, stop (doing something)
dejar {v} [a, .reflexive] :: to be left, to be left to
dejar {vr} :: to let (oneself), to let oneself go (cease to care about one's appearance)
dejar caer {v} [idiomatic] :: to fall, to drop, to plop
dejar caer {v} [idiomatic] :: to let slip (mention)
dejar de seguir {v} :: to unfollow
dejar en la estacada {vt} [idiomatic] :: to abandon, to give up
dejar pasar {v} :: to pass up, to pass on, to miss, to miss out on, to lose, to skip
dejar pasar {v} :: to get past, to overlook, to look past
dejar plantado {v} [colloquial, idiom] :: to stand up, to be stood up, to ditch, to blow off (a person or people)
dejar plantado {v} [idiom] :: to jilt, to let down, to leave in the lurch
dejarse caer {v} [idiomatic] :: to drop by; drop in; drop round
dejarse de hostias {v} [idiom, usually in the imperative] :: get a move on; pull one's finger out
dejarse en el tintero {v} [idiom] :: to forget about something; to have something slip one's mind
dejarse llevar {v} :: to let oneself go
dejarse llevar {v} [with por] :: to be enticed, to be misled
dejavú {m} :: deja vu
deje {m} :: alternative form of dejo
dejo {m} :: accent
dejo {m} :: aftertaste
dejo {m} :: end, finish, termination
de juzgado de guardia {adj} [idiom] :: outrageous; unacceptable
del {contraction} :: of the, from the ( a masculine noun in singular)
dél {contraction} [obsolete] :: of him, from him
dela {contraction} [obsolete] :: of the, from the (followed by feminine noun)
delación {f} :: accusation
de la Cruz {prop} :: surname
Delacruz {prop} :: surname
de la Cuesta {prop} :: surname
delahuertista {adj} :: of, supporting, or pertaining to Adolfo de la Huerta, President of Mexico in 1920
delahuertista {mf} :: A supporter of Adolfo de la Huerta
de la mano {adv} :: hand in hand
de la mano a la boca desaparece la sopa {proverb} :: there's many a slip twixt cup and lip
delaminar {v} :: delaminate
de la nada {adv} [idiom] :: out of nowhere, out of the blue, out of thin air, from nowhere; out of the woodwork
de la nada {adv} [idiom] :: out of nothing; of nothingness, from nothingness
de la noche a la mañana {adv} [idiomatic] :: overnight (in a very short space of time)
del año de la nana {adj} [idiom] :: alternative form of del año de la pera
del año de la pera {adj} [idiom] :: a million/trillion/gazillion years old; from the year dot
del año de la polca {adj} [idiom] :: alternative form of del año de la pera
del año del hambre {adj} [idiom] :: alternative form of del año de la pera
del año de maricastaña {adj} [idiom] :: alternative form of del año de la pera
delantal {m} :: apron
delante {adv} :: in front of, before [spatially]
delante {adv} :: forward, forwards (with hacia preceding it)
delante {adv} :: ahead (with por preceding it)
delantera {f} :: lead (leading position)
delantera {f} [sports] :: forward line
delantero {adj} :: front
delantero {adj} :: forward
delantero {mf} [soccer] :: striker
de la Peña {prop} :: surname
del árbol caído todos hacen leña {proverb} :: everyone kicks you when you're down
de larga data {adj} :: long-standing
delas {contraction} [obsolete] :: of the, from the (followed by plural feminine noun)
delatar {v} :: to reveal, inform, give away, squeal, to rat out
delatar {v} :: to betray
delator {adj} :: telltale
delator {m} :: informer
delator {m} :: betrayer, accuser
delatora {f} :: feminine noun of delator
de la Torre {prop} :: surname
de la Vega {prop} :: surname
Delaware {prop} {m} :: Delaware (state)
delawareña {f} :: feminine noun of delawareño
delawareño {adj} :: Delawarean
delawareño {m} :: Delawarean
del carajo {adj} [idiom, vulgar, colloquial] :: helling; fucking huge; cunting
del copón {adj} [colloquial, idiom] :: a helluva; mighty
del culo {adv} [idiomatic, vulgar] :: fucking (used as an intensifier)
del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho {proverb} :: That's easier said than done
del dicho al hecho hay mucho trecho {proverb} :: Things are easier said than done
deleble {adj} :: deletable
deleción {f} [genetics] :: deletion
delectación {f} :: delectation
delegable {adj} :: delegable
delegación {f} :: delegation
delegacional {adj} [attributive] :: delegation
delegada {f} :: feminine noun of delegado
delegado {m} :: delegate
delegado {m} :: agent, representative
delegar {v} :: to delegate
deleitable {adj} :: delightful
deleitar {v} :: to please, delight
deleitar {vr} :: to take delight
deleitarse {v} :: reflexive of deleitar
deleite {m} :: delight, delectation
deleitoso {adj} :: delightful
de lejos {adv} [idiomatic] :: by far, by a long shot
de lejos {adv} :: from afar, from a distance, a long way
de León {prop} :: surname
deletear {v} [computing] :: to delete
deletéreo {adj} :: deleterious
deletrear {v} :: to spell, to spell out (a word or words)
deletrear {v} :: to say the letters that make up each syllable of a given word, saying each syllable as it is completed, and eventually, the complete word; for example: c, a, ca, d, a, da; cada for cada
deleznable {adj} :: worthless, useless, good-for-nothing
deleznable {adj} :: weak (of a material)
deleznable {adj} :: slippery
deleznable {adj} :: appalling
deleznable {adj} :: contemptible
deleznar {v} :: To slip; to slip up
delfín {m} :: dolphin
delfín {m} :: dauphin
delfín {m} :: successor
delfín acróbata de hocico largo {m} :: spinner dolphin
delfinario {m} :: dolphinarium
delfinato {m} :: successorship
delfín de Commerson {m} :: Commerson's dolphin
delfín girador {m} :: spinner dolphin
delfín mular {m} :: bottlenose dolphin
delfín nariz de botella {m} :: bottlenose dolphin
delfín pío {m} :: Commerson's dolphin
delgadamente {adv} :: thinly
delgadez {f} :: thinness
delgadísimo {adj} :: superlative of delgado
delgadito {adj} :: diminutive of delgado
delgado {adj} :: thin, skinny
Delgado {prop} :: surname
delgazar {v} :: obsolete form of adelgazar
Delhi {prop} {f} :: Delhi (megacity/and/union territory)
delhita {adj} :: Delhiite, Delhian (of or pertaining to Delhi, India)
delhita {mf} :: Delhiite, Delhian (native or resident of Delhi, India)
Delia {prop} {f} :: given name
deliberación {f} :: deliberation
deliberadamente {adv} :: deliberately
deliberado {adj} :: deliberate
deliberancia {f} :: deliverance
deliberante {adj} :: deliberating
deliberar {v} :: to deliberate
deliberativo {adj} :: deliberative
delicadamente {adv} :: delicately
delicadeza {f} :: delicateness
delicadeza {f} :: kindness, thoughtfulness
delicadeza {f} :: fussiness
delicadísimo {adj} :: superlative of delicado
delicado {adj} :: delicate
delicado {adj} :: refined
delicado {adj} :: fussy
delicatesen {m} :: alternative spelling of delicatessen
delicatessen {f} :: delicatessen
delicia {f} :: delight
delicia {f} :: pleasure
deliciosamente {adv} :: deliciously
deliciosidad {f} :: deliciousness
delicioso {adj} :: delicious, delectable, luscious
delicioso {adj} :: delightful
delictivamente {adv} :: criminally
delictivo {adj} :: criminal
delictual {adj} :: delictual
delictuoso {adj} [rare] :: criminal
delicuescente {adj} :: deliquescent
delimitación {f} :: delimitation
delimitador {adj} :: delimiting
delimitador {m} :: delimiter
delimitar {vt} :: to delimit
delincuencia {f} [crime] :: crime, delinquency
delincuencial {adj} :: criminal
delincuencialmente {adv} :: criminally; illegally
delincuente {adj} :: delinquent, criminal
delincuente {mf} :: delinquent, criminal, felon
delineación {f} :: delineation
delineador {m} :: eyeliner (cosmetic pen)
delineamiento {m} :: delineation
delineante {mf} :: draftsperson
delinear {vt} :: to delineate, to outline
delinquir {vi} :: to commit a crime
delinquir {vi} :: to be delinquent
deliquio {m} :: swoon
deliquio {m} :: ecstasy, rapture
delirante {adj} :: delirious
delirar {v} :: to be delirious
delirio {m} :: delirium
delirio {m} [psychology] :: delusion
delirio de grandeza {m} :: delusion of grandeur
delito {m} :: crime; offense; felony
delito de lesa humanidad {m} :: crime against humanity
delivery {m} :: delivery
della {contraction} [obsolete] :: (contraction of de and ella) of the
dellas {contraction} [obsolete] :: of them, from them
dello {contraction} [obsolete] :: (contraction of de and ello) of the
dellos {contraction} [obsolete] :: of them, from them
del Mar {prop} :: surname
del mismo {adj} :: of it, them (substantive, refers back to a previous word in the text [see usage notes])
del mismo {adv} :: thereof
del mismo modo {adv} [idiomatic] :: similarly, in the same vein, in the same way, likewise, in the same manner, by the same token, in a similar way
del montón {adj} [idiom] :: common, average, ordinary
de lo contrario {adv} :: otherwise. Under different circumstances
de lo lindo {adv} :: a great deal
del orden de {adv} [idiomatic] :: around, roughly, more or less
del orto {adj} [Latin America, idiom] :: pissed; sloshed (drunk)
delos {contraction} [obsolete] :: of the, from the (followed by plural masculine noun)
Delosreyes {prop} :: A common surname especially common in the Philippines
Delphinus {prop} [constellation] :: Delphinus (constellation)
del Prado {prop} {m} :: surname
delta {f} :: Greek letter delta
delta {m} [geography] :: A delta
deltaedro {m} [geometry] :: deltahedron
deltaico {adj} :: deltaic
deltáico {adj} :: alternative spelling of deltaico
deltametrina {f} :: deltamethrin
deltana {f} :: feminine noun of deltano
deltano {adj} :: Of or from Delta Amacuro
deltano {m} :: Someone from Delta Amacuro
del todo {adv} :: wholly, fully, completely
deltoidal {adj} :: deltoidal
deltoideo {adj} :: deltoid
deltoides {adj} [anatomy] :: deltoid
deltoides {m} [muscle] :: deltoid
del tres al cuarto {adj} [idiom, pejorative] :: second-rate; low-quality; low-grade
deludir {v} :: to delude, fool
de lujo {adj} :: deluxe, high-end, top-of-the-range
deluxe {adj} :: deluxe
demacración {f} :: emaciation
demacrado {adj} :: emaciated, gaunt, drawn, haggard
demacrar {v} :: to emaciate; to thin out
demagoga {f} :: feminine noun of demagogo
demagogia {f} :: demagogy
demagógicamente {adv} :: demagogically
demagógico {adj} :: demagogic, demagogical
demagogo {adj} :: demagogic, demagogical
demagogo {m} :: demagogue
demagogo {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: hater
de mala gana {adv} [idiomatic] :: reluctantly, grudgingly
de mala ley {adj} [idiom] :: of bad sorts, fishy
de mala muerte {adj} [idiom] :: crummy, shoddy, grotty, crappy, godforsaken, seedy
demanda {f} :: demand
demanda {f} [legal] :: formal complaint
demandada {f} :: feminine noun of demandado
demandadera {f} :: feminine noun of demandadero
demandadero {m} :: a messenger or errand-runner for a locale (e.g. nunnery, prison, or house) that does not live there
demandado {m} [law] :: defendant (in a civil action)
demandador {adj} :: demanding
demandador {m} :: plaintiff
demandadora {f} :: feminine noun of demandador
demandante {mf} [legal] :: plaintiff
demandar {v} :: to demand, claim
demandar {v} [law] :: to sue, file suit, implead
de manera que {conj} :: so that, in order that
de manual {adj} [Argentina, idiomatic] :: like a book; easy to read
demaquillar {v} :: rare form of desmaquillar
demarcación {f} :: demarcation
demarcado {adj} :: emaciated, haggard, gaunt, drawn
demarcador {adj} :: outlining
demarcador {m} [biology] :: indicator
demarcador {m} :: outliner
demarcadora {f} :: feminine noun of demarcador
demarcar {v} :: Mark the bounds of; define; delimit
demarcatorio {adj} :: separating; distinguishing
demarraje {m} :: dash (short burst of activity)
demarrar {vi} :: to sprint
de más {adv} :: extra; too much, too many
demás {adj} :: other, remaining
demás {adv} [obsolete] :: besides, in addition to
demás {pron} :: others, other ones
demasía {f} :: excess
demasía {f} :: daring, boldness, audacity
demasía {f} :: insolence, discourtesy
demasiadamente {adv} :: overly; exceedingly; excessively
demasiado {adj} :: too much, too many, excessive
demasiado {adv} :: too much, excessively, far too much, overmuch [modifying a verb]
demasiado {adv} :: too, far too, way too, much too, overly, all too excessively [modifying an adjective or other adverb]
demasiado {adv} [colloquial] :: a lot, an awful lot, a whole lot, a great deal
demasié {interj} [Spain, dated] :: cool, terrific
demasié {adj} [Spain, colloquial, dated] :: cool, terrific
dembow {m} [music genre] :: a rhythmic Caribbean music genre, akin to dancehall
dembow {m} [slang, music genre] :: reggaeton
demediar {vti} [rare] :: to halve (reduce to half the original amount)
demediar {vti} [rare] :: to halve (divide into two halves)
de medio pelo {adj} [idiom, pejorative] :: second-rate; low-quality; low-grade; shoddy
de memoria {adv} :: by heart
demencia {f} :: dementia
demencia {f} :: madness
demencial {adj} :: demented
demente {adj} :: crazy
demente {adj} :: demented
dementemente {adv} :: dementedly, hair-brainedly
demeritar {v} :: to discredit
demérito {m} :: demerit
demersal {adj} :: demersal
Deméter {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Demeter (goddess of the harvest)
Demetrio {prop} {m} :: given name
demientra {adv} [obsolete] :: meanwhile
de mierda {adj} [colloquial, idiom, vulgar] :: shitty; crappy
de mírame y no me toques {adj} [idiom, colloquial] :: incredibly fragile
demisexual {adj} :: demisexual
demiurga {f} :: feminine noun of demiurgo
demiurgo {m} :: demiurge, Demiurge
demo {m} [music] :: demo
democracia {f} :: democracy
democracia plutocrática {f} :: plutodemocracy
demócrata {mf} :: democrat
demócratacristiana {f} :: feminine noun of demócratacristiano
democratacristiano {adj} :: Christian Democrat
demócratacristiano {adj} :: Christian Democratic
demócratacristiano {m} :: Christian Democrat
democráticamente {adv} :: democratically
democraticidad {f} :: democracy
democrático {adj} :: democratic
democratización {f} :: democratization
democratizador {adj} :: democratizing
democratizar {vt} :: to democratize
democristiana {f} :: feminine noun of democristiano
democristiano {adj} :: Christian Democrat
democristiano {m} :: Christian Democrat
Demócrito {prop} {m} :: Democritus (Greek philosopher)
de moda {adv} :: in, in fashion
demodé {adj} :: outmoded, old-fashioned
de modo que {conj} :: so that, in order that
demodulación {f} :: demodulation
demodulador {adj} :: demodulating
demodulador {m} :: demodulator
demoduladora {f} :: feminine noun of demodulador
demodular {v} :: to demodulate
demofóbico {adj} :: demophobic
demogeronte {m} :: demogeron
demógrafa {f} :: feminine noun of demógrafo
demografía {f} :: demography
demográficamente {adv} :: demographically
demográfico {adj} :: demographic
demógrafo {m} :: demographer
demoledor {adj} :: destructive
demoledoramente {adv} :: overwhelmingly
demoler {v} :: to demolish
demolición {f} :: demolition
de momento {adv} :: for the time being, for the moment
demonche {m} [euphemism] :: devil
demoniaco {adj} :: alternative form of demoníaco
demoníaco {adj} :: demonic
demoníaco {adj} :: possessed (by a demon or spirit)
demonio {m} :: demon, devil
demonio de Maxwell {m} :: Maxwell's demon
demonios {adv} :: the hell, on earth (for emphasis after a question word)
demonización {f} :: demonization
demonizador {adj} :: demonising
demonizar {vt} :: to demonize
demonología {f} :: demonology
demontre {adv} :: the hell, on earth (for emphasis after a question word)
demora {f} :: delay
demorar {v} :: to tarry
demorar {v} :: to delay
demorar {v} :: to postpone
demorar {v} :: to linger
demorarse {v} :: reflexive of demorar
demoscópicamente {adv} :: Using public opinion polling
demoscópicamente {adv} :: According to public opinion polling
demoscópico {adj} :: public opinion polling (attributive)
demosponja {f} [zoology] :: demosponge
demostrable {adj} :: demonstrable
demostrablemente {adv} :: demonstrably
demostración {f} :: demonstration
demostrador {adj} :: demonstrating
demostrador {m} :: demonstrator
demostradora {f} :: feminine noun of demostrador
demostrar {v} :: to show, to demonstrate
demostrar {v} :: to prove
demostrarse {v} :: reflexive of demostrar
demostrativo {adj} :: demonstrative
demostrativo {adj} [grammar] :: demonstrative
demostrativo {m} [grammar] :: demonstrative
demótico {adj} :: demotic
demudar {vtr} :: to change
demulcente {adj} :: demulcent
demulcente {m} :: demulcent
de nada {interj} :: think nothing of it, you're welcome, don't mention it, no worries
denada {interj} :: informal form of de nada
de narices {adj} [colloquial] :: Used as an intensifier; huge, big
denario {m} :: denarius (Roman coin)
dende {prep} :: obsolete form of desde
dendrímero {m} :: dendrimer
dendrita {f} :: dendrite
dendrítico {adj} :: dendritic
dendro- {prefix} :: dendro-
dendrocronóloga {f} :: dendrochronologist
dendrocronología {f} [biology] :: dendrochronology
dendrocronólogo {m} :: dendrochronologist
dendrograma {m} :: dendrogram
dendrología {f} :: dendrology (Branch of science in which examines trees.)
Deneb {prop} {m} [star] :: Deneb (blue giant in Cygnus)
denegación {m} :: denial
denegado {adj} :: denied
denegar {v} :: to refuse
denegar {v} :: to deny
denegatorio {adj} :: denying
denervación {f} :: denervation
dengoso {adj} :: affected
dengue {m} :: dengue (disease)
dengue {m} :: playacting (overdramatic behaviour)
denigración {f} :: denigration (all meanings)
denigrador {adj} :: denigrating
denigrador {m} :: denigrator
denigrante {adj} :: denigratory
denigrar {v} :: to denigrate
denigratorio {adj} :: disparaging, denigrating
denim {m} :: denim
de ningún modo {adv} :: by no means, no way
denisovano {adj} :: Denisovan
de noche todos los gatos son pardos {proverb} :: all cats are grey in the dark, all cats are gray in the dark
denodadamente {adv} :: bravely
denodadamente {adv} :: strenuously
denodado {adj} :: intrepid
denodarse {vr} :: to be brave
denominación {f} :: denomination
denominacional {adj} :: denominational
denominado {adj} :: named, called, entitled, denominated
denominado {adj} :: so-called
denominador {adj} :: denominating
denominador {m} :: denominator (that which denominates)
denominador {m} [mathematics] :: denominator (the number or expression written below the line in a fraction)
denominar {v} :: to name; to designate
denominativo {adj} [grammar] :: denominative
denominativo {m} [grammar] :: denominative
denormal {adj} :: denormal
denostación {f} :: slander (malicious spoken statement)
denostar {v} :: to insult
denotación {f} :: denotation [something signified or referred to]
denotar {v} :: to show
denotar {v} :: to denote
denotativo {adj} :: denotative
de no te menees {adj} [idiom, colloquial] :: helluva; hefty; whopping
densamente {adv} :: densely
densidad {f} [physics] :: density
densidad {f} :: thickness, heaviness
densidad relativa {f} :: relative density
densificación {f} :: densification
densificar {v} :: to densify
densímetro {m} :: densimeter, densitometer
densísimo {adj} :: superlative of denso
denso {adj} :: dense, thick
dentado {adj} [botany] :: crenate
dentado {adj} :: toothed
dentado {m} [philately] :: perforation
dentadura {f} :: teeth, dentition (one’s set of natural teeth)
dentadura {f} :: denture (artificial set of teeth)
dentadura postiza {f} [dentistry] :: denture, false teeth
dental {adj} :: dental
dentar {v} :: to teethe
dentario {adj} :: dental
dentellada {f} :: bite
dentellada {f} :: bitemark
dentellado {adj} :: serrated
dentellear {v} :: to nibble
dentera {f} :: disgust; unpleasantness
dentera {f} :: envy
dentera {f} :: longing (desire)
dentición {f} :: dentition, teething
denticulado {adj} :: denticulate
dentículo {m} :: denticle
dentífrico {adj} :: dental
dentífrico {m} :: toothpaste
dentina {f} :: dentin
dentista {mf} :: dentist
dentobacteriano {adj} :: related to bacteria in the teeth
dentofacial {adj} :: dentofacial
dentomaxilar {adj} :: dentomaxillary
dentón {adj} :: toothy
dentrar {v} [colloquial or obsolete] :: to enter, go in
dentrífico {adj} :: nonstandard form of dentífrico
dentrífico {m} :: nonstandard form of dentífrico
dentro {adv} :: inside (for space)
dentro {adv} :: indoors
dentro {adv} :: within, in (for time)
dentro de {prep} :: in, inside
dentudo {adj} :: toothy
denudación {f} :: denudation
denudar {vt} :: to denude; lay bare
denuedo {m} :: zeal, verve
denuesto {m} :: insult
de nuevo {adv} [idiomatic] :: again, over again, all over again
de nuevo {adv} [idiomatic] :: back
de nuevo cuño {adj} [idiomatic] :: newly-made, new-style
de nunca acabar {prep} [idiom, colloquial] :: neverending
denuncia {f} [legal] :: report, complaint
denunciable {adj} :: reportable (to the police), illegal, punishable
denunciador {adj} :: accusing; denouncing
denunciador {m} :: denouncer; accuser
denunciador {m} :: informer
denunciadora {f} :: feminine noun of denunciador
denunciante {mf} :: denouncer
denunciar {v} :: to denounce
denunciar {v} :: to accuse
denunciar {v} :: to report, to inform against/on (e.g., a crime)
denunciólogo {m} [rare] :: accuser; finger-pointer
denveriana {f} :: feminine noun of denveriano
denveriano {adj} :: Denverite, Denver (of or pertaining to Denver, Colorado)
denveriano {m} :: Denverite (native or resident of Denver, Colorado)
Deodato {prop} {m} :: given name
de oídas {adv} [idiomatic] :: from hearsay; from the grapevine
deóntico {adj} :: deontic
deontología {f} :: deontology
deontológico {adj} :: deontological
de ordeno y mando {adj} [idiom] :: tyrannical; iron-fisted
de oro y azul {adj} [idiomatic] :: dressed to the nines
de otro modo {adv} [idiomatic] :: otherwise
DEP {phrase} :: initialism of descanse en paz
de pacotilla {adj} [idiom] :: second-rate; subpar
de padre y muy señor mío {adj} [idiom, colloquial] :: helluva; hefty; whopping
de paisano {adj} [idiom] :: plainclothes
de paisano {adv} [idiom] :: plainclothes
de pantalla plana {adj} :: flatscreen
de paquete {adv} [idiom] :: pillion
deparar {v} :: to provide with
deparar {v} :: to have in store
de par en par {adv} [idiom] :: (of doors, windows, etc) wide open
de par en par {adv} [idiom] :: (of people in a line) two by two
departamental {adj} :: departmental
departamentalización {f} :: departmentalisation
departamentización {f} :: departmentalization
departamento {m} :: department
departamento {m} [Latin America] :: apartment, flat
de parte de {prep} :: on behalf of
departir {v} :: to converse
de pasada {adj} :: passing
de Pascuas a Ramos {adv} [idiomatic] :: once in a blue moon
de paso {adv} :: in passing
de pata negra {adj} [idiomatic] :: top-quality; top-notch; first-class
depauperación {f} :: depletion, impoverishment
depauperado {adj} :: empoverished
depauperar {v} :: to impoverish
depauperar {v} :: to weaken
de pe a pa {adv} [idiom] :: from A to Z
de pe a pa {adv} [idiom] :: from cover to cover
de pe a pa {adv} [idiom] :: completely
de pe a pa {adv} [idiom] :: detailedly
de pega {adj} [idiom] :: fake; phoney
dependencia {f} :: dependence
dependencia {f} :: dependency
depender {v} :: to depend, to be subject to
depender {v} :: to depend on, to rely on, to hinge on, to depend upon, to rely upon ( de)
depender {v} :: to be up to ( de)
dependienta {f} :: feminine noun of dependiente
dependiente {adj} :: dependent
dependiente {m} :: clerk, salesperson, employee that attends to customers
de perdidos al río {phrase} [idiom] :: in for a penny, in for a pound; there is nothing to lose
de perlas {adv} [idiomatic] :: swimmingly, really well
de peso {adj} [idiom] :: weighty; heavyweight
depilación {f} :: hair removal
depilar {vt} :: to depilate (remove hair from)
depilatorio {adj} :: depilatory
depilatorio {m} :: hair remover, depilatory
de plano {adv} [idiom] :: outright; flatly
de plantilla {adj} [idiomatic] :: pro, professional
deplección {f} :: Gradual reduction, or depletion
depleción {f} :: depletion
deplorable {adj} :: deplorable
deplorablemente {adv} :: deplorably
deplorar {v} :: to deplore
deponer {v} :: to depose
deponer {v} :: to lay down [weapons]
de porrazo {adv} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: in one go
de por sí {adv} :: itself; themselves; oneself (for emphasis)
deportable {adj} :: deportable
deportación {f} :: deportation
deportador {m} :: deporter
deportar {vt} :: to deport
deporte {m} :: sport
deporte blanco {m} :: winter sport
deporte de aventura {m} :: adventure sport
deporte de combate {m} :: combat sport
deporte de invierno {m} :: winter sport
deporte de riesgo {m} :: extreme sport
deporte extremo {m} :: extreme sport
deporte sangriento {m} :: blood sport, bloodsport
deportista {mf} :: sportsman
deportista {mf} :: sportswoman
deportivamente {adv} :: sportingly; in a sportsmanlike manner
deportivamente {adv} :: in terms of sport; when it comes to sports
deportividad {f} :: sportsmanship
deportivista {adj} :: Of or relating to Real Club Deportivo de La Coruña, a soccer team for La Coruña, Galicia, Spain
deportivista {mf} :: Someone connected to Real Club Deportivo de La Coruña, as a player, fan, coach etc
deportivo {adj} :: sports (attributive); sportive
deportivo {adj} :: yacht (attributive)
deportóloga {f} :: sports scientist
deportólogo {m} :: sports scientist
de por vida {adv} [idiomatic] :: for life, perpetually
deposición {f} :: deposition
deposición {f} :: stool, bowel movement
deposicional {adj} :: depositional
depositación {f} :: depositing
depositante {mf} :: depositor
depositar {v} :: to deposit, to put, to place
depositar {v} [figurative] :: to place, to put (e.g. faith, trust, confidence, hope, energy, time)
depositario {adj} :: depositary; depositing
depositario {m} :: depository
depósito {m} :: deposit
depósito {m} :: store, stock, depot, warehouse, repository
depósito {m} :: tank, reservoir
depósito {m} :: sediment, dregs
depósito de cadáveres {m} :: morgue
de postín {adj} [idiom] :: posh, high-class
depravación {f} :: debauchery
depravar {v} :: to deprave
depre {adj} [colloquial] :: depressed
depre {f} [colloquial] :: depression
deprecar {v} :: to entreat, implore
deprecar {v} :: to deprecate
depreciación {f} :: depreciation, devaluation
depreciar {v} :: to depreciate
depredación {f} :: depredation
depredación {f} :: embezzlement
depredador {adj} :: predatory
depredador {m} :: predator
depredadora {f} :: feminine noun of depredador
depredar {vt} :: to prey on
depredar {vt} :: to pillage, sack
depresión {f} :: depression
depresión {f} [weather, physics] :: depression (area of low air pressure)
depresivo {adj} :: depressive
depresor {adj} :: depressive
depresor {m} [medicine] :: depressor
deprimente {adj} :: depressing
deprimente {adj} [weather] :: miserable, dreary
de primera {adj} [idiom] :: top-notch, high-level, top-class
deprimido {adj} :: depressed
deprimir {v} :: to depress
deprimir {v} :: to humiliate
de prisa {adv} :: alternative form of deprisa
de prisa {adj} :: hasty
deprisa {adv} :: quickly, hurriedly
deprivación {f} :: deprivation
de pronto {adv} [Colombia, idiom] :: maybe, perhaps
de pronto {adv} :: suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly
de propósito {adv} :: on purpose
deprotonación {f} :: deprotonation
de provecho {adj} [idiom] :: worthwhile; worthy
de puertas para afuera {adv} [idiomatic] :: from the outside; externally
de puño y letra {adv} [idiomatic] :: written, penned (by)
de punta en blanco {adj} [idiom] :: dressed to kill, dressed to the nines (very fashionable)
de pura cepa {adj} [idiom] :: full-blooded
depuración {f} :: depuration
depurador {m} :: purifier
depurador {m} :: debugger
depuradora {f} :: sewage works, sewage-treatment facility
depurar {v} :: to purify
depurativo {adj} :: purifying
depurativo {adj} :: depurative (cleansing the blood)
de puta madre {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: great, very good, super cool
deputar {v} :: rare form of diputar
dequeísmo {m} [linguistics] :: The nonstandard use of de que instead of que alone as a complementizer
de quita y pon {adj} [idiomatic] :: detachable, clip-on
de quita y pon {adj} [idiomatic] :: passing, fleeting
der. {adj} :: abbreviation of derecho, derecha
derbi {m} [sports] :: derby
de rebote {adv} [idiom] :: indirectly
derecha {f} :: right (direction)
derecha {f} [political] :: right (ensemble of right-wing political parties; political conservatives as a group)
derechamente {adv} :: straight
derechamente {adv} :: properly; correctly
de rechazo {adv} [idiom] :: indirectly
derechazo {m} :: right-handed punch, forehand
derechismo {mf} [politics] :: rightism
derechista {adj} :: right-wing, rightish (of political ideologies: opposing political and social equality, especially conservative, traditional and/or reactionary politics)
derechista {mf} [person, politics] :: right-winger, rightist (a person who belongs to the political right; a member of the right wing of a party or group)
derechito {m} :: diminutive of derecho
derechización {f} [politics] :: moving to the right wing
derechizar {v} [politics] :: to make more right-wing
derechizarse {v} :: to become right-wing (politically)
derecho {adj} :: right (direction), right-hand
derecho {adj} :: straight, upright
derecho {adj} :: correct, appropriate, right (correct)
derecho {m} :: right (direction, entitlement)
derecho {m} :: law
derecho {m} :: path, road
derecho {m} :: right side
derecho {m} [in the plural] :: duties, taxes, fees, charges
derecho civil {m} :: civil law
derecho de pernada {m} :: droit de seigneur
derecho exclusivo {m} :: exclusive right
derechohabiente {mf} :: rights holder
derecho humano {m} :: human right
derecho marítimo {m} [legal] :: admiralty law
derechona {f} :: augmentative of derecha
derecho penal {m} :: criminal law
derecho privado {m} :: private law
derechos humanos {mp} :: human rights
derechos sucesorios {mp} :: inheritance tax
de rechupete {adj} [colloquial] :: gorgeous; finger-licking good
derechura {f} :: straightness
derechura {f} :: rightness; justness; justice
de refilón {adv} :: out of the corner of one's eye
derelinquir {v} :: to abandon
de renombre {adj} :: renowned
de reojo {adv} :: Askance, or out of the corner of one's eye. Used with verbs of vision, such as look, or glance
de repente {adv} :: suddenly, abruptly, (instantly) in a heartbeat
de repuesto {adj} :: spare, backup
de resultas de {prep} :: as a result of
derezar {v} :: obsolete form of aderezar
deriva {f} :: drift (course or direction along which anything is driven; setting)
derivable {adj} :: derivable
derivación {f} :: derivation
deriva continental {f} [geology] :: continental drift
derivado {m} :: derivative
derivador {m} [nautical] :: dinghy
derivador {m} :: derivator
derivar {v} :: to derive
derivativo {adj} :: derivative
derivativo {m} :: derivative
dermal {adj} :: dermal
dermáptero {m} :: dermapteran
dermatán {m} :: dermatan
dermatitis {f} :: dermatitis
dermatoesqueleto {m} [zoology] :: exoskeleton
dermatofito {m} :: dermatophyte
dermatofitosis {f} :: dermatophytosis
dermatóloga {f} :: feminine noun of dermatólogo
dermatología {f} :: dermatology
dermatológico {adj} :: dermatological
dermatólogo {m} :: dermatologist
dermatomiositis {f} [pathology] :: dermatomyositis
dérmico {adj} :: dermic, dermal
dermis {f} [anatomy] :: dermis
-dermo {suffix} :: -derm
dermocosmético {adj} :: dermocosmetic
dermolipectomía {f} [surgery] :: dermolipectomy
-dero {suffix} :: one or something that does, uses, or makes
-dero {suffix} :: the place where an activity occurs
derogación {f} :: derogation
derogar {v} :: to abolish, to annul (a law)
derogativo {adj} :: derogatory
derogatorio {adj} [law] :: derogatory, abrogative
de rondón {adv} [idiom] :: unexpectedly
de rositas {adv} [idiomatic] :: scot-free
Derque {prop} {m} :: given name from the Canary Islands
derrama {f} :: allotment (of money to be paid by a group of people)
derramado {adj} :: spilt
derramamiento {m} :: spillage
derramamiento {m} :: shedding
derramamiento {m} [figurative] :: outpouring
derramamiento de sangre {m} :: bloodshed
derramar {v} :: to spill, to leak
derramar {v} :: to shed (blood, sweat, tears, etc.)
derramar {v} [figurative] :: to pour out (e.g., love, wrath, blessings, one's heart)
derrame {m} :: leakage, effusion
derrame {m} :: stroke (loss of brain function due to interruption of blood supply)
derrapar {v} :: to skid
derredor {m} :: surroundings
derrelinquir {v} :: alternative form of derelinquir
derrengar {v} :: to bend; twist
derrengar {v} :: to wear out
derretido {adj} :: extremely in love, lovesick
derretido {m} :: concrete
derretido {m} [Panama] :: a snack consisting of grated cheese toasted in a bread roll
derretimiento {m} :: melting
derretir {vtp} [also] :: to melt
derretir {vt} :: to spend, waste
derretirse {v} :: reflexive of derretir
derribamiento {m} :: demolition
derribar {v} :: to bring down, to shoot down
derribar {v} :: to knock down, to demolish, to break down, to tear down, to topple, to pull down, to kick down, to batter down
derribar {v} :: to overthrow
derribar {v} :: to take down, to tackle, to knock over
derribo {m} :: demolition
derrito {m} :: a melting
derrocamiento {m} :: overthrow
derrocar {v} :: to hurl, to throw, to cast
derrocar {v} :: to overthrow, to bring down
derrocar {v} :: to demolish, to knock down
derrocar {v} :: to weaken, to enervate
derrochador {adj} :: wasteful, lavish
derrochar {v} :: to waste, squander
derroche {m} :: waste, dissipation
derroche {m} :: wastefulness, thriftlessness
derroche {m} :: prodigality
derromper {v} [obsolete] :: to break
derrota {f} :: path, route, track
derrota {f} [nautical] :: course
derrota {f} :: defeat
derrotabilidad {f} :: pregnability
derrotable {adj} :: defeatable
derrotar {v} :: to defeat
derrotero {m} [nautical] :: course (of a ship)
derrotero {m} :: course (of events)
derrotismo {m} :: defeatism (acceptance of defeat without struggle)
derrotista {adj} :: defeatist
derrubio {m} :: deposit; debris
derruir {v} :: to knock down, tear down
derrumbadero {m} :: cliff
derrumbadero {m} :: danger; hazard
derrumbamiento {m} :: demolishing, collapse
derrumbar {vt} :: to demolish
derrumbarse {v} :: reflexive of derrumbar to collapse, break down, fall down
derrumbe {m} :: landslide
derrumbe {m} :: collapse (of a building)
derrumbe {m} :: demolition
derviche {m} :: Dervish
des- {prefix} :: dis-; indicative of a negative
desa {contraction} [obsolete] :: of that, from that (followed by a feminine noun in singular)
desabastecer {v} :: to underserve
desabastecer {v} :: to leave short
desabastecimiento {m} :: cut-off of supply
desabasto {m} :: shortage, lack of service
desabejar {v} :: to remove or exterminate bees from
desabillé {m} :: dishabille
desaborido {adj} :: tasteless; insipid (of food)
desaborido {adj} :: boring; dull
desabotonar {vt} :: to unbutton
desabridamente {adv} :: rudely; insolently
desabrido {adj} :: bland, tasteless (lacking taste)
desabrigar {v} :: To uncoat; to remove a coat
desabrimiento {m} :: embitterment
desabrir {v} :: to give a bad taste to
desabrir {v} :: to embitter
desabrochar {vt} :: to unbutton
desacatar {vt} :: to flout
desacato {m} [legal] :: contempt (open disrespect or willful disobedience of the authority)
desaceleración {f} :: deceleration
desaceleramiento {m} :: slowdown
desacelerar {v} :: to decelerate
desacertar {vi} :: to be wrong
desacierto {m} :: mistake
desacomodar {v} :: to inconvenience
desacompasado {adj} :: out of time
desacomplejado {adj} :: easy, easy-going
desaconsejable {adj} :: inadvisable
desaconsejar {v} [ditransitive] :: to advise against
desacoplamiento {m} :: decoupling
desacoplar {vt} :: to decouple
desacordado {adj} :: out of tune
desacordar {v} :: to tune flat
desacordar {v} [obsolete] :: to disagree
desacordar {vr} :: to forget
desacorde {adj} :: discordant
desacorde {adj} :: opposing; conflicting
desacostumbrar {v} :: to cause to get out of the habit
desacostumbrar {vr} :: to get out of the habit
desacralización {f} :: desacralization
desacralizar {v} :: to desacralize (remove something's sacredness)
desacreditación {f} :: discredit
desacreditar {vt} :: to discredit
desactivación {f} :: deactivation
desactivación {f} :: defusing (of explosives)
desactivado {adj} :: deactivated, disabled
desactivador {adj} :: deactivating
desactivar {vt} :: to deactivate (to make something inactive)
desactivar {vt} :: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
desactualizar {v} :: to make or become out of date
desacuerdo {m} :: disagreement
desadaptado {adj} :: maladjusted
desadaptado {m} :: misfit
desaduanaje {m} :: removal of border duties
desaduanización {f} :: the clearing of customs of an object
desaduanizar {vi} :: To pass through customs (government department or agency that is authorised to collect the taxes imposed on imported goods)
desafección {f} :: disaffection
desafectación {f} :: reversal
desafectar {v} [law] :: to withdraw from public use
desafecto {adj} :: disaffected, alienated
desafecto {m} :: disaffection
desafeitado {m} :: unshaven
desafeitado {adj} :: unshaven
desafiador {adj} :: defiant
desafiador {adj} :: challenging (difficult)
desafiante {adj} :: defiant
desafiante {adj} :: challenging
desafiante {m} :: defier
desafiante {m} :: challenge (a person who is difficult to handle or work with)
desafiantemente {adv} :: defiantly
desafiar {vt} :: to challenge (in a competition)
desafiar {vt} :: to defy, to challenge (e.g. parents, a leader, the status quo)
desafiar {vt} :: to brave
desafiar {vt} :: to call out (i.e. to criticize or expose)
desafilado {adj} [edge] :: dull
desafilar {v} :: to unsharpen; to dull; to blunt
desafiliación {f} :: disaffiliation
desafiliar {vt} :: to disassociate, to disaffiliate
desafinación {f} :: detuning; getting out of tune
desafinar {v} :: to sing or play out of tune
desafío {m} :: challenge
desafío {m} :: defiance, provocation
desaforadamente {adv} :: outrageously
desaforadamente {adv} :: wildly, out of control
desaforado {adj} :: wild, uncontrolled, outrageous
desaforar {vt} :: to remove immunity
desafortunadamente {adv} :: unfortunately; regrettably
desafortunado {adj} :: without luck; unfortunate
desafuero {m} :: outrage, violence
desafuero {m} :: excess
desafuero {m} :: impeachment
desagotar {v} :: to drain
desagradable {adj} :: unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful, off-putting, displeasing, unpleasing, bad, rude, unsavory, uncomfortable, unlikable, objectionable, painful, uncongenial, crappy, gnarly [US slang]
desagradable {adj} :: nasty, ugly, unkind, objectionable, unsightly (e.g., person, behavior)
desagradablemente {adv} :: unpleasantly
desagradar {vi} :: to displease, be disagreeable
desagradecer {v} :: to be unthankful for, to be unappreciative of
desagrado {m} :: displeasure, distaste, disliking, dislike
desagraviar {v} :: to make amends
desagravio {m} :: amends, atonement
desagregación {f} :: disintegration
desagregar {v} :: to disintegrate
desagregar {v} :: to disaggregate
desaguadero {m} :: drain
desaguar {v} :: to drain
desaguar {v} :: to waste
desagüe {m} :: drainage, gutter, sink
desaguisado {adj} :: outrageous
desaguisado {m} :: outrage
desaguisado {m} :: mess
desahijar {v} :: to separate young cattle from their mothers
desahogadamente {adv} :: comfortably
desahogar {v} :: to unburden, to relieve
desahogar {v} :: to vent, to rant, to violently express one's feelings
desahogar {vp} :: to blow off steam, to let off steam, to pour one's heart out, to get off one's chest
desahogarse {v} :: reflexive of desahogar
desahogo {m} :: relief (solace)
desahogo {m} :: outlet (release of emotions or desires)
desahuciar {v} :: to evict
desahuciar {v} [figurative] :: to give up an ill person about to die
desahucio {m} :: eviction
desainar {v} :: to remove fat from
desainar {v} :: to thin
desairar {v} :: to snub; to slight
desairar {v} :: to offend
desaire {m} :: snub; slight
desajustar {v} :: to upset
desajustar {v} :: to disarrange, disorder, clutter
desajustar {vt} :: to disadjust, misadjust (adjust or set wrongly)
desajustar {vr} :: to disadjust, misadjust (lose adjustment)
desajuste {m} :: bad adjustment
desajuste {m} :: mismatch
desajuste {m} :: imbalance
desalación {f} :: desalination
desaladora {f} :: desalination plant
desalar {v} :: to desalinate
desalar {v} :: to clip the wings from
desalentado {adj} :: dejected
desalentador {adj} :: discouraging
desalentar {v} :: to discourage
desalentarse {v} :: to become discouraged
desaliento {m} :: dejection
desaliñado {adj} :: scruffy, slovenly, disheveled, bedraggled, dowdy, scraggly, frumpy
desaliñar {v} :: to dirty, to disorder
desalineación {f} :: misalignment
desalineado {adj} :: out of order
desalineamiento {m} :: unalignment
desalinear {v} :: to put out of line
desalinización {f} :: desalinization
desalinizador {adj} :: desalinizing
desalinizar {v} :: to desalinate
desalmacenaje {m} :: customs clearance
desalmacenar {v} :: To clear through customs
desalmado {adj} :: heartless, shameless, merciless
desalojar {vt} :: to vacate
desalojar {v} [de] :: to remove from, evict from
desalojo {m} :: eviction
desalquilar {v} :: to move out (of rented accommodation)
desalquilar {v} :: to terminate a rental contract
desalquilar {vr} :: to stop being rented out
desamar {v} :: to stop loving; to fall out of love with
desamarrar {vr} :: to untie; slip off
desambiguación {f} :: disambiguation
desambiguar {vt} :: to disambiguate
desaminación {f} :: deamination
desaminasa {f} :: deaminase
desamistad {f} :: Aversion to a person
desamistar {v} :: to unfriend
desamor {m} :: indifference, coldness (lack of love)
desamor {m} :: lack of affection
desamor {m} :: enmity, loathing, disgust
desamorado {adj} :: loveless
desamortización {f} :: seizure, confiscation (of property)
desamortizador {adj} :: of or pertaining to the Spanish confiscation
desamortizador {m} :: confiscator (as part of the Spanish confiscation)
desamortizar {v} :: to disentail
Desamparados {prop} {f} :: given name
desamparar {v} :: to forsake
desamparo {m} :: neglect
desamparo {m} :: helplessness
desandar {v} :: to retrace (one's steps); to retread; to walk back (where one has previous walked)
desanexión {f} :: disannexation
desangelado {adj} :: soulless
desangelado {adj} :: charmless, unattractive
desangramiento {m} :: bleeding
desangrar {vt} :: to bleed
desangrar {vr} :: to bleed to death
desangrarse {v} :: reflexive of desangrar
desanimado {adj} :: dejected, dispirited, discouraged, disheartened
desanimado {adj} :: bummed out [colloquial]
desanimar {vt} :: to discourage, to dishearten, to dispirit
desánimo {m} :: despondency, dejection, discouragement
desanudar {v} :: to untie
desapacible {adj} :: unpleasant; horrible
desapalancamiento {m} [economics] :: deleveraging
desapalancar {v} :: to deleverage
desaparear {v} :: to unpair
desaparecer {vi} :: to disappear, to go missing, to vanish, to be gone
desaparecer {vi} :: to drop off (e.g. the map, the face of the earth)
desaparecer {vi} :: to go away, to fade, to wear off, to subside
desaparecida {f} :: feminine noun of desaparecido
desaparecido {adj} :: disappeared, missing
desaparecido {m} :: disappeared, missing people or things
desaparecimiento {m} :: disappearance
desaparición {f} :: disappearance
desaparición {f} :: demise
desapasionadamente {adv} :: dispassionately
desapasionar {v} :: to stop the passion
desapasionar {vr} :: to grow tired (of)
desapegar {v} :: to detach
desapego {m} :: indifference, playing it cool
desapercibido {adj} :: inconspicuous, discreet (without attracting attention)
desapercibimiento {m} :: unpreparedness
desaplicación {f} :: disengagement
desapoderamiento {m} :: relinquishing of powers
desaprender {v} :: to forget, to unlearn
desaprensivo {adj} :: unscrupulous
desaprobación {f} :: disapproval; disapprobation
desaprobar {vt} :: to disapprove
desaprobar {vt} [Argentina] :: to fail (such as an exam)
desaprovechamiento {m} :: waste
desaprovechar {v} :: to waste, squander
desaprovechar {v} :: to pass up, miss
desarbolar {vt} :: to disarm
desarchivar {v} :: to unarchive
desarenador {m} :: sand trap (device that removes sand from water during treatment)
desarenar {v} :: to desand
desarmable {adj} :: disassemblable, dismantleable
desarmadero {m} :: scrapyard
desarmador {m} [Mexico] :: screwdriver
desarmante {adj} :: disarming
desarmar {vt} :: to disarm
desarmar {vt} :: to unassemble, disassemble
desarmarse {v} :: reflexive of desarmar
desarme {m} :: disarmament
desarollamiento {m} :: development
desarollamiento {m} :: unfurl
desarollo {m} :: development
desarraigar {vt} :: to uproot, root out, eradicate
desarraigo {m} :: uprooting, estrangement
desarrapado {adj} :: ragged; shabby
desarreglar {v} :: to upset, disrupt
desarreglarse {v} :: reflexive of desarreglar
desarreglo {m} :: disruption
desarrollable {adj} :: developable
desarrollador {m} :: developer (computing)
desarrolladora {f} :: developer (computing)
desarrollar {vtr} :: to develop
desarrollismo {m} :: developmentalism, economic development policy
desarrollista {mf} :: developmentalist
desarrollo {m} :: development
desarropar {vtr} :: to undress
desarrugar {v} :: to remove creases from; to iron out
desarticulación {f} :: dismantling
desarticular {v} :: to dislocate
desarticular {v} :: to disarticulate
desarticular {v} :: to take apart
desarticularse {v} :: reflexive of desarticular
desas {contraction} [obsolete] :: of those, from those (followed by a feminine noun in plural)
desaseado {adj} :: dirty, unwashed, unkempt
desaseo {m} :: dirtiness, filthiness
desaseo {m} :: untidiness
desasir {v} :: to let go
desasistencia {f} :: lack of assistance; neglect
desasistido {adj} :: unattended, unsupported, helpless
desasnar {v} [colloquial] :: to civilize
desasosegante {adj} :: unsettling, disturbing (causing distress or worry)
desasosegar {v} :: to become agitated
desasosiego {m} :: agitation, restlessness
desastrado {adj} :: scruffy, messy
desastrado {adj} :: unlucky
desastre {m} :: disaster, catastrophe, calamity
desastre {m} :: disaster, a debacle, a bust
desastre {m} :: mess, shambles, wreckage [figuratively]
desastre {m} [figuratively] :: something messed up [colloquial]
desastre {m} [figuratively] :: a hot mess, train wreck [colloquial]
desastrosamente {adv} :: disastrously, catastrophically
desastroso {adj} :: disastrous
desastroso {adj} :: calamitous (an event)
desatar {vtr} :: to untie, undo, unfasten, unleash
desatar {vt} :: to provoke, set off (especially suddenly)
desatarse {v} :: reflexive of desatar
desatascador {m} :: plunger
desatascador {m} :: drain cleaner
desatascar {v} :: to unblock
desatascar {v} :: to get (someone) out of a fix/jam
desatención {f} :: inattention
desatender {v} :: ignore, neglect (pay no attention)
desatender {v} :: disregard
desatentar {v} [rare] :: to make someone lose their mind
desatento {adj} :: inattentive, careless
desatinadamente {adv} :: foolishly
desatinado {adj} :: crazy, wild
desatinar {vi} :: to lose one's good sense or moderation
desatinar {vi} :: to act foolishly, wildly, rashly
desatinar {vi} :: to talk nonsense
desatinar {vt} :: to cause to act foolishly, wildly, rashly
desatino {m} :: lack of tact, moderation, or prudence
desatino {m} :: nonsense, an act of madness
desatornillar {v} :: alternative form of destornillar
desatracar {v} :: to unberth
desatraillar {vt} :: to unleash
desatrancar {v} :: to unlock; unbolt
desatribución {f} :: unattribution
desaturación {f} :: desaturation
desautorización {f} :: deauthorization, denial, rejection
desautorizar {v} :: to deauthorize
desavenencia {f} :: disagreement, quibble
desavenir {v} :: to cause a rift or feud between
desaventajado {adj} :: disadvantaged
desayunar {v} :: to break a fast
desayunar {vti} :: to have (for) breakfast
desayunarse {v} :: reflexive of desayunar To have breakfast
desayuno {m} :: breakfast
desazolvar {v} [Mexico] :: to unblock
desazolve {m} [Mexico] :: unblocking
desazón {f} :: disquietness, uneasiness, restlessness
desazón {f} :: insipidity, insipidness
desazón {f} :: disgust
desazón {f} :: displeasure
desazón {f} :: soil that is unfit for farming
desazonado {adj} :: peevish
desazonado {adj} :: indisposed
desazonado {adj} [agriculture] :: Not ready or fit for cultivation
desazonador {adj} :: worrying
desazonante {adj} :: upsetting, disturbing
desazonante {adj} :: annoying
desazonar {v} :: to upset, worry, peeve
desazonar {v} :: to make tasteless, to make bland
desbalance {m} :: imbalance
desbalanceado {adj} :: lopsided, unbalanced
desballestar {v} :: to unsettle
desbancar {v} :: to unseat, oust
desbancar {v} :: to surpass, overtake
desbancar {v} :: to go bust
desbandada {f} :: scattering [of a crowd]
desbandar {v} [archaic] :: to disband
desbandarse {v} :: reflexive of desbandar
desbarajustar {v} :: to jumble up, mess up, throw into disorder
desbarajuste {m} :: disorder, disarray, jumble
desbaratamiento {m} :: destruction, ruin
desbaratar {v} :: to debunk
desbaratar {v} :: to ruin, destroy
desbaratar {v} :: to spoil
desbaratar {v} :: to rout
desbaratarse {v} :: reflexive of desbaratar
desbarrancar {v} :: to throw off a cliff
desbarrancar {v} :: to crush
desbarrar {v} :: to talk nonsense, jabber
desbastador {m} :: chisel
desbastar {v} :: to smooth
desbloqueable {adj} :: unlockable (capable of being unlocked)
desbloquear {v} :: to clear or unclog
desbloqueo {m} :: unblocking
desbocado {adj} [of a horse] :: runaway
desbocado {adj} [by extension] :: out of control
desbocado {adj} :: foul-mouthed
desbocamiento {m} :: getting out of control
desbocamiento {m} :: boom
desbocar {v} :: to become baggy or loose
desbocar {v} :: to remove the mouth (of)
desbocar {vr} :: to become baggy
desbocar {vr} :: to lose control; bolt
desbocar {vr} :: to run off at the mouth
desbocarse {v} :: reflexive of desbocar
desbordamiento {m} :: overflow
desbordamiento de búfer {m} :: buffer overflow
desbordante {adj} :: overflowing
desbordar {vir} :: to overflow
desbordar {vt} :: to overfill
desbordar {vt} :: to exceed [especially expectations, one's patience]
desbotonar {v} :: rare form of desabotonar
desbravado {adj} :: tame, light
desbravar {v} :: to tame
desbridamiento {m} :: debridement
desbrozadora {f} :: string trimmer
desbrozar {v} :: to clear, clear out, weed out
desburocratización {f} :: debureaucratization
desburocratizador {adj} :: de-bureaucratising
descabalgar {v} :: to dismount (a horse)
descabalgar {v} :: to unseat, remove from power
descabellado {adj} :: absurd, unrealistic, wild
descabellar {vt} :: to scalp (something)
descabellar {v} :: to slaughter a bull by slitting its throat with a descabello
descabellar {v} :: to mess up
descabello {m} [bullfighting] :: descabello
descabello {m} [bullfighting] :: Thrust with a descabello
descabezamiento {m} :: beheading
descabezar {v} :: to behead; to decapitate
descabezar {v} :: to remove the top from
descabezar {v} :: to adjoin
descachar {vt} [Latin America] :: to dehorn
descachar {vr} [Colombia] :: to lose one's horns
descachar {vr} [Colombia] :: to break
descachar {vr} [Colombia] :: to put one's foot in it (make a mistake)
descacharrado {adj} :: busted, broken
descacharrante {adj} :: hilarious
descacharre {m} :: the breaking-up of junk
descache {m} [Colombia] :: accident, mistake, blunder, faux pas, slip
descachimbar {v} [Nicaragua] :: to break, destroy, ruin
descachimbar {v} [Nicaragua] :: to fall from a high place
descaecer {v} [obsolete] :: to decline; to wane
descaecimiento {m} :: decline; decay
descafeinado {adj} :: decaffeinated
descafeinado {m} :: decaf
descafeinamiento {m} :: decaffeination
descafeinar {v} :: to decaffeinate
descalabrar {v} :: to hit
descalabrar {v} :: to damage, to ruin
descalabro {m} :: misfortune; setback
descalabro {m} :: loss; defeat
descalcificación {f} :: decalcification
descalibrar {v} :: to decalibrate
descalificación {f} :: disqualification
descalificación {f} :: discrediting, discredit
descalificación {f} :: demerit
descalificador {adj} :: disqualifying
descalificar {vt} :: to discredit
descalificar {vt} [sports] :: to disqualify
descalificativo {adj} :: disqualifying
descalzar {vt} :: to take off (a shoe)
descalzar {vr} :: to take off one's shoes
descalzo {adj} :: barefoot
descamación {f} :: desquamation
descambiar {vt} :: To exchange, take back
descaminado {adj} :: out of touch
descaminar {v} :: to lead off the right track; to lead astray
descaminar {v} :: to lead (someone) off the straight and narrow
descamisado {adj} :: shirtless
descamisado {m} :: a shirtless man
descamisado {adj} [pejorative] :: Peronist, usually of the working class
descamisado {adj} [endearing] :: Peronist, usually of the working class
descamisado {m} [pejorative] :: A Peronist man, usually of the working class
descamisado {m} [endearing] :: A Peronist man, usually of the working class
descampado {m} :: open ground, vacant lot
descampar {v} :: alternative form of escampar
descansabrazos {m} :: armrest
descansadamente {adv} :: relaxedly; while resting
descansadero {m} :: rest area
descansar {vi} :: to rest, relax (be in a state of rest or inactivity)
descansar {v} [en, .also, .figurative] :: to sit, to rest on
descansar {vt} :: to rest (put into a state of rest)
descanse en paz {phrase} :: rest in peace
descansillo {m} :: landing (above stairs)
descanso {m} :: rest, break
descanso {m} :: relief
descapitalización {f} :: decapitalization
descapitalizar {v} :: to strip assets
descapotable {m} :: convertible
descapotado {adj} :: open-top
descaradamente {adv} :: blatantly
descaradamente {adv} :: brazenly, shamelessly, audaciously, in bald-faced way
descaradamente {adv} :: unabashedly, openly
descaradamente {adv} :: sassily, saucily, cheekily
descarado {adj} :: brazen, cheeky, brash, impudent, shameless, brazen-faced, barefaced, bald-faced
descarado {adj} :: unabashed
descarado {adj} :: sassy, fresh, saucy [colloquial]
descarado {adj} :: blatant, outright
descarapelar {v} [Mexico] :: to flake; flake off
descararse {v} :: to speak or act with impudence
descarbonatar {v} :: to decarbonate
descarbonatar {v} :: to grow old
descarbonización {f} :: decarbonization
descarbonizar {v} :: to decarbonize
descarboxilación {f} [organic compound] :: decarboxylation
descarboxilado {adj} :: decarboxylated
descarboxilante {adj} :: decarboxylating
descarboxilar {v} :: to decarboxylate
descarboxilasa {f} [enzyme] :: decarboxylase
descarga {f} :: unloading
descarga {f} :: discharge
descarga {f} :: download
descarga {f} :: flush (toilet)
descarga {f} :: jam session
descarga {f} :: volley, fusillade
descargable {adj} :: downloadable
descargador {adj} :: unloading
descargador {m} :: unloader
descargador {m} :: discharger
descargadora {f} :: feminine noun of descargador
descargar {v} :: to unload
descargar {v} :: to discharge
descargar {v} :: to fire, discharge [a weapon]
descargar {v} [computing] :: to download
descargo {m} :: unloading
descargo {m} :: rebuttal
descarnar {v} :: to flesh (remove the flesh)
descaro {m} :: impudence; cheek; nerve
descarriar {v} :: to mislead, lead astray; to go wrong
descarrilamiento {m} :: derailment (of a train)
descarrilamiento {m} :: miscarriage
descarrilar {vi} [of a train] :: to derail (to come off the tracks)
descartable {adj} :: discardable, able to rule out
descartar {vt} :: to rule out
descartar {vr} [card games] :: to discard
descarte {m} :: excuse
descarte {m} [card games] :: discard
descarte {m} :: rejection; reject; something rejected
descasar {vt} [of a marriage] :: to annul
descasar {v} :: to separate, to dismantle
descascarar {v} :: to peel, shell
descascarillar {v} :: to chip [a surface]
descastado {adj} :: outcast
descastar {v} :: to kill off a breed (of cattle)
descatalogación {f} :: taking out of print
descatalogado {adj} :: out of print, unlisted
descelularización {f} :: decellularization
descendencia {f} :: descendants
descendente {adj} :: descending
descendente {adj} :: downward
descender {v} :: to descend
descendiente {mf} :: descendant, offspring
descendimiento {m} :: descent
desceñir {v} :: To loosen (a belt)
desceñir {v} :: to remove; take off (a belt)
descenso {m} :: descent
descenso {m} :: decline
descenso de ríos {m} :: rafting
descentrado {adj} :: off-centre
descentralista {adj} [attributive] :: decentralization
descentralización {f} :: decentralization
descentralizado {adj} :: decentralized
descentralizador {adj} :: decentralising
descentralizar {v} :: to decentralize (reduce the power of a governing body)
descentramiento {m} :: off-centring
descentrar {v} :: to put or make off-centre
descerebrado {adj} [derogatory] :: mindless, brainless
descerebrado {m} [derogatory] :: brainless person
descerebramiento {m} :: thoughtlessness
descerebrar {vt} :: to debrain (to remove the brain)
descerrajar {v} :: to break in, break into, break through [a locked door]
descerrajar {v} :: to let off [a firearm]
descertificar {v} :: to disqualify; decertify
deschavar {v} [Argentina] :: to find out
deschavetado {adj} [Mexico] :: crazy
deschongar {v} [of the hair] :: to cause to be unkempt; to mess up
deschongar {vr} :: to let off steam; let one's hair down
descifrable {adj} :: decipherable, legible
descifrador {m} :: solver, decipherer (one who solves or deciphers something)
descifradora {f} :: feminine noun of descifrador
desciframiento {m} :: decipherment
descifrar {v} :: to decipher
descifrarse {v} :: reflexive of descifrar
descivilización {f} :: decivilization
descivilizador {adj} :: decivilizing
desclasada {f} :: feminine noun of desclasado
desclasado {adj} :: classless
desclasado {m} :: person without a fixed social class
desclasar {vt} :: to remove from a social class
desclasar {vr} :: to lose one's class status
desclasificación {f} :: declassification
desclasificar {v} :: to declassify
desclavar {v} :: to unnail, remove a nail
descobijar {v} :: to uncover; remove the cover(s) from
descocado {adj} [colloquial] :: shameless, brazen
descocarse {vr} [colloquial] :: to be cheeky
descocer {v} :: to unboil
descodificación {f} :: decoding
descodificador {m} :: decoder
descodificar {v} :: to decode
descoger {v} :: to unfold; to spread out [e.g. a map]
descogollar {v} [botany] :: to nip in the bud
descohesionar {v} :: to lose cohesion, to break up
descojonar {vr} [slang, Spain] :: to crack up
descolgamiento {m} :: falling, loss
descolgar {vt} :: to unhang, let down, lower, take down
descolgar {vt} :: to pick up [a telephone receiver]
descolgar {vr} [sports] :: to fall behind [in a race]
descolgar {vr} [colloquial] :: to show up, do or say something out of the blue
descolgarse {v} :: reflexive of descolgar
descollante {adj} :: outstanding, eminent
descollar {vi} :: to stand out, excel
descolmatación {f} :: desiltation
descolocado {adj} :: misplaced, not in its place
descolocado {adj} :: out of place
descolocar {v} :: to misplace, lose
descolocar {v} :: to mess up, put out of order
descolonización {f} :: decolonization
descolonizador {adj} :: decolonizing; that which decolonizes
descolonizar {v} :: to decolonize
descolorido {adj} :: discolored, faded, pale, stained
descombrar {vt} :: to clear of rubble
descombro {m} :: clearing away of rubble
descomedimiento {m} :: rudeness, discourtesy, disrespect
descomedir {vr} :: to be rude or disrespectful
descomer {v} [euphemism] :: to defecate
descompasadamente {adv} :: irregularly
descompasado {adj} :: irregular
descompensación {f} :: decompensation
descompensación {f} :: unbalance, zero-sum game
descompensar {v} :: to unbalance
descompilación {f} [computing] :: decompilation
descompilar {v} :: to decompile
descomplicado {adj} :: uncomplicated
descomponedor {adj} :: decomposing; detrivorous
descomponedor {m} :: decomposer
descomponedor {m} :: detrivore
descomponedora {f} :: feminine noun of descomponedor
descomponer {vtr} :: to decompose, rot
descomponer {vtr} :: to discompose, unsettle
descomponerse {v} :: to break down
descomposición {f} :: decomposition
descompostura {f} :: decomposition
descompostura {f} :: lack of respect
descompresión {f} :: decompression
descompresionar {v} :: to decompress
descompresor {m} :: decompressor
descomprimir {v} :: to decompress
descompstura {f} :: decomposition
descompstura {f} :: breakdown
descompstura {f} :: brazenness
descompuesto {adj} :: rude, impolite
descompuesto {adj} :: broken down, out of order
descompuesto {adj} :: rotten, decayed
descompuesto {adj} :: misbehaved (of someone who formerly was more behaved)
descompuesto {adj} :: showing one’s age, seen better days, worse for the wear (said of someone whose face or body has become less attractive with age)
descomulgar {v} :: to excommunicate
descomunal {adj} :: enormous, huge
desconcentración {f} [politics] :: decentralization
desconcentración {f} :: distraction
desconcentrar {v} :: to cause to lose concentration
desconceptuar {v} :: to discredit
desconcertado {adj} :: disconcerted, confused
desconcertante {adj} :: disconcerting, unnerving, discomfiting
desconcertante {adj} :: puzzling, baffling, bewildering, perplexing, mystifying
desconcertar {vt} :: to disconcert
desconcertarse {v} :: reflexive of desconcertar
desconchado {m} :: a chip; a damaged area of a surface
desconchar {v} :: to chip; to damage the surface of something
desconchón {m} :: flaking; flaking off
desconchón {m} :: flake; chipping
desconcierto {m} :: bewilderment, disorder, chaos
desconectado {adj} :: disconnected
desconectado {adj} :: off-line
desconectar {vt} :: to disconnect, to unplug, to disengage, to detach
desconectar {vt} :: to switch off, to shut down, to turn off, to shut off
desconectar {vi} :: to unwind, to disconnect, to disengage, to relax [said of a person]
desconectarse {v} :: reflexive of desconectar
desconectividad {f} :: disconnectivity
desconexión {f} :: disconnection
desconfianza {f} :: mistrust, distrust
desconfiar {vi} :: to distrust, to mistrust
desconforme {adj} :: alternative form of disconforme
descongelación {f} :: defrosting, unfreezing, thawing
descongelamiento {m} :: synonym of descongelación
descongelar {v} :: to thaw
descongelar {v} :: to defrost
descongelar {v} :: to unfreeze
descongestión {f} :: decongestion
descongestionador {adj} :: decongesting
descongestionamiento {m} :: decongestion
descongestionar {v} :: to decongest (to free from congestion)
descongestivo {m} :: decongestant
desconocedor {adj} :: unknowing
desconocer {v} :: to not be familiar with, to not know, to not recognize
desconocer {v} :: to ignore, to disregard
desconocida {f} :: feminine noun of desconocido
desconocida {f} :: Jane Doe
desconocido {adj} :: unknown, undisclosed, unbeknownst
desconocido {adj} :: unfamiliar
desconocido {adj} :: uncharted, undiscovered
desconocido {m} :: unknown
desconocido {m} :: John Doe
desconocido {m} :: stranger (unknown person)
desconocimiento {m} :: ignorance
desconsagrar {vt} :: desecrate (to remove the consecration)
desconsideración {f} :: lack of consideration, thoughtlessness
desconsiderado {adj} :: thoughtless, inconsiderate
desconsiderar {vt} :: to disregard, to fail to think of
desconsoladamente {adv} :: disconsolately
desconsoladísimo {adj} :: superlative of desconsolado
desconsolado {adj} :: disconsolate (inconsolable)
desconsolado {adj} :: heartbroken
desconsolado {adj} :: grief-stricken, bereaved
desconsolador {adj} :: distressing
desconsolar {vt} :: to grieve, distress
desconsolidación {f} :: deconsolidation
desconsolidar {v} :: to weaken
desconstrucción {f} :: deconstruction
desconsuelo {m} :: grief
desconsuelo {m} :: queasiness, uneasiness
descontaminación {f} :: decontamination
descontaminar {v} :: to decontaminate
descontar {v} :: discount
descontentadizo {adj} :: hard to please
descontentamiento {m} :: dissatisfaction
descontentamiento {m} [rare] :: disagreement, disgust
descontentar {vt} :: to displease, dissatisfy
descontento {adj} :: unhappy, discontented
descontento {m} :: discontent, dissatisfaction
descontextualización {f} :: decontextualisation
descontextualizado {adj} :: out of context
descontextualizar {v} :: to decontextualize
descontinuación {f} :: discontinuation
descontinuar {v} :: alternative form of discontinuar
descontracturante {adj} :: relieving
descontracturar {v} :: to decontract
descontratar {v} :: to unhire, cancel a contract
descontrol {m} :: a lack of control or order; unruliness
descontroladamente {adv} :: wildly; out of control
descontrolado {adj} :: uncontrolled, unruly, wild
descontrolar {vr} :: to lose control, to lack control
descontrolar {vr} :: to spin out of control, to come apart at the seams
descontrolarse {v} :: to get out of control
desconvenir {v} :: to disagree with
desconvocar {v} :: to call off, cancel
descoordinación {f} :: lack of coordination
descoordinar {v} :: to discoordinate
descorazonador {adj} :: discouraging
descorazonar {v} :: to dishearten, discourage
descorbatado {adj} :: tieless
descorchar {v} :: to uncork
descordar {v} :: to unstring
descornar {v} :: to dehorn, remove the horn of
descorreizar {v} [Ecuador] :: to unshackle
descorrelacionado {adj} :: not correlated
descorrer {vt} :: to draw back [curtains]
descorrer {vt} :: to slide open [a bolt, latch, etc.]
descorrer {vt} [of a person] :: to run a space that has already been run
descorrer {vi} [of a liquid] :: to run, flow, drain
descortés {adj} :: impolite, discourteous
descortesía {f} :: discourtesy, insolence
descortésmente {adv} :: discourteously, rudely
descortezador {adj} :: debarking (which removes bark from a tree)
descortezar {vt} :: to hull, shell (to remove the outer covering of a fruit or seed)
descortezar {vt} :: to strip the bark off, debark
descoser {v} :: to come undone, to fall apart
descoser {v} :: to unstitch, to unravel
descosido {adj} :: disconnected, unraveled
descostillar {v} :: to hit in the ribs
descostillar {vr} :: to fall and damage one's ribs
descoyuntamiento {m} :: disjuncture, separation
descoyuntar {v} [medicine] :: to dislocate
descredito {m} :: discredit
descrédito {m} :: discredit (a degree of dishonour or disesteem)
descreer {v} :: to discredit
descreimiento {m} :: disbelief
descremado {adj} :: skimmed, skim
describir {v} :: to describe
describirse {v} :: reflexive of describir
descriminalización {f} :: decriminalisation
descriminalizar {v} :: to decriminalize
descripción {f} :: description
descriptible {adj} :: describable
descriptivamente {adv} :: descriptively
descriptivo {adj} :: descriptive
descriptor {m} :: descriptor
descristianización {f} :: dechristianization
descriteriado {adj} [Bolivia, Chile, Peru, pejorative] :: mindless; ditty; chowderheaded
descruzar {v} :: to uncross
descuadernamiento {m} :: disruption
descuadrar {vt} [finance] :: to unbalance (an account, etc)
descuajar {v} :: to melt away, dissolve
descuajar {v} :: to uproot
descuajar {v} :: to dishearten
descualificar {v} :: to deskill
descuartizador {adj} :: shredding, chopping up
descuartizador {m} :: slaughterer
descuartizador {m} :: shredder, ripper (someone who cuts others into pieces)
descuartizamiento {m} :: cutting up
descuartizar {v} :: dismember (to cut into pieces)
descuartizar {v} :: cut up, carve up (to cut into smaller pieces, parts, or sections)
descubierta {f} [military] :: reconnoitring, patrolling, exploration
descubierto {adj} :: discovered
descubridor {adj} :: discovering
descubridor {m} :: discoverer
descubrimiento {m} [countable] :: discovery (something discovered)
descubrimiento {m} [uncountable] :: discovery (the discovering of new things)
descubrimiento {m} :: unveiling
descubrir {v} :: to discover
descubrir {v} :: to reveal
descubrir {v} :: to invent
descubrir el agua tibia {v} [idiom] :: To reinvent the wheel
descubrirse {v} :: reflexive of descubrir
descuento {m} :: discount
descuerado {adj} :: bald, hairless
descuida {interj} :: don't worry
descuidadamente {adv} :: carelessly
descuidado {adj} :: neglected
descuidado {adj} :: careless, sloppy, slipshod
descuidado {adj} :: remiss, neglectful, lax
descuidado {adj} :: unkempt, slovenly, frowzy, messy, untidy
descuidar {v} :: to relieve from care
descuidar {v} :: to neglect
descuidar {v} :: to not think
descuidar {vr} :: to get sloppy, to get or grow careless
descuidista {mf} :: pickpocket
descuido {m} :: oversight, mistake, slip-up
descuido {m} :: sloppiness, negligence, carelessness, heedlessness
descuido {m} :: incaution, inattention
desde {prep} :: since
desde {prep} :: from (a location)
desde {prep} :: starting at (a quantity, such as a price)
desde cero {adv} [idiom] :: from scratch
desdecir {v} :: to deny
desdecir {vr} :: to go back on one's words
desdel {contraction} [obsolete, before a singular masculine noun] :: from the
desdel {contraction} [obsolete, before a singular masculine noun] :: since, since the
desde luego {adv} :: of course
Desdémona {prop} [astronomy] :: Desdemona (moon of Uranus)
desdén {m} :: disdain, scorn
desdeñable {adj} :: contemptible
desdeñar {v} :: to disdain (scorn, despise)
desdeño {m} :: disdain
desdeñosamente {adv} :: disdainfully
desdeñoso {adj} :: disdainful
desdentado {adj} :: toothless (having no teeth)
desde que el mundo es mundo {adv} [idiom] :: since time immemorial; since the beginning of time
desde que uno tiene uso de razón {adv} [idiom] :: as long as one can remember
desdibujar {v} :: to blur
desdicha {f} :: bad luck
desdicha {f} :: gloom
desdichadamente {adv} :: unhappily
desdichadísimo {adj} :: superlative of desdichado
desdichado {adj} :: unhappy, unfortunate
desdoblamiento {m} :: splitting
desdoblar {vt} :: to unfold
desdolarizar {v} :: to de-dollarize
desdorar {v} :: to ungild
desdorar {v} :: to tarnish
desdoroso {adj} [literary] :: tarnishing; scathing
desdramatizador {adj} :: downplaying
desdramatizar {v} :: to downplay (to portray as unimportant)
dese {contraction} [obsolete] :: of that, from that (followed by a masculine noun in plural)
dese {m} [Mexico] :: whatchamacallit, thingamabob
deseabilidad {f} :: desirability
deseable {adj} :: desirable
deseablemente {adv} :: desirably
deseado {adj} :: wanted, wished, desired
deseante {adj} :: desiring
desear {v} :: to wish
desear {v} :: to desire, to want, to hope for, to long for
desear {v} :: to look forward to
desecación {f} :: drainage; draining
desecación {f} :: desiccation
desecamiento {m} :: drying
desecante {m} :: desiccant
desecar {vt} :: to dry, to desiccate
desecar {vt} :: to drain
desecativo {adj} :: desiccative
desechable {adj} :: disposable
desechable {adj} :: throwaway
desechamiento {m} :: dismissal
desechar {v} :: to discard, cast off, cast away
desechar {v} :: to dismiss
desecho {m} :: debris
desecho {m} :: residue
desecho {m} :: waste
deseconomía {f} :: diseconomy
deseducación {f} :: uneducation
desegregación {f} :: desegregation
de segunda mano {adj} :: second-hand, secondhand, thrift, used
de seguro {adv} [idiom] :: certainly; of course
desembalar {v} :: to unpack
desembalar {v} :: to open, to unwrap
desembalsar {v} :: to release water from a reservoir
desembalse {m} :: undamming
desembarazadamente {adv} :: in an easygoing manner
desembarazado {adj} :: free
desembarazado {adj} :: easygoing
desembarazar {v} :: to clear, rid, get rid of
desembarcadero {m} :: landing stage
desembarcar {v} :: to disembark
desembarco {m} :: disembarkation, landing
desembarco {m} :: unloading
desembarco {m} :: docking; arrival; onset
desembargar {vt} :: to lift an embargo on
desembargo {m} :: the lifting of an embargo
desembarque {m} :: disembarkation
desembarrancar {vt} [nautical] :: to refloat (after being aground)
desembarrancar {vt} :: to unstrand
desembocadura {f} :: mouth (of a river)
desembocar {v} :: to culminate
desembocar {v} :: to flow
desembolsar {v} :: to disburse
desembolsillar {v} :: to lay out, to disburse (to spend an amount of money)
desembolso {m} :: expenditure, outlay
desemborrachar {vp} :: to sober up; to become sober
desembozadamente {adv} :: clearly
desembozar {v} :: to unmask
desembozar {v} :: to clear (an obstacle)
desembragar {v} :: to disengage
desembrollar {vt} :: to straighten out, to sort out
desembrujar {v} :: to disenchant, to exorcise out
desembuchar {v} :: to gorge
desembuchar {v} :: to confess; spit out
desemejante {adj} :: dissimilar, uneven, different
desemejanza {f} :: dissimilarity
desempacar {v} :: to unpack
desempalmar {v} :: to disjoin, disconnect (undo the splice of the electrical and mechanical connection between two pieces of wire or cable)
desempalmar {vr} [vulgar, Spain] :: to remove a hard-on, boner
desempañador {m} :: demister
desempañar {v} :: to demist, defog
desempaquetar {vt} :: to unpack
desemparejado {adj} :: odd, unpaired
desempatar {v} :: To break a tie, to act as a tiebreaker, to break the deadlock
desempate {m} :: tiebreak; tiebreaker
desempedrar {v} :: to remove stones from
desempedrar {v} :: to zoom; rush
desempeñar {vt} :: to redeem [out of pawn]
desempeñar {v} :: to hold (a position)
desempeñar {v} :: to play (a role); to serve in or as
desempeño {m} :: performance
desempleada {f} :: feminine noun of desempleado
desempleado {adj} :: unemployed
desempleado {m} :: unemployed (person)
desempleo {m} :: unemployment
desempolvar {vt} :: to dust off
desempotrador {m} [climbing] :: stopper
desenamorar {v} :: to cause to fall out of love, to disenamour
desenamorar {v} [colloquial] :: to fall out of love
desencabestrar {v} :: to take off a halter
desencadenamiento {m} :: triggering, unleashing
desencadenante {adj} :: triggering, causing
desencadenante {m} :: trigger, cause
desencadenar {v} :: to unleash, to release
desencadenar {v} :: to trigger
desencadenar {vr} [of a storm] :: to burst; to erupt
desencajar {v} :: to dislocate
desencallar {v} [nautical] :: to refloat
desencaminado {adj} :: misguided
desencaminar {v} :: To mislead
desencantador {m} :: disappointer
desencantamiento {m} :: disenchantment
desencantar {vt} :: to disenchant
desencanto {m} :: demystification
desencasillar {v} :: to mainstream; to remove from a pigeonhole
desencerrar {v} [bullfighting] :: to return (a bull) to the fold
desencerrar {v} :: open; reopen
desenchufar {vt} :: to unplug, disconnect
desencierro {m} [bullfighting] :: After a bull run, the returning of the bulls to the fold
desenclavar {v} :: to unnail, to remove a nail
desenclavarse {v} :: reflexive of desenclavar
desencontrarse {v} :: to become separated from
desencorsetar {v} :: to strip down
desencorvar {v} :: to unbend; straighten; straighten up
desencriptación {f} :: unencryption
desencriptar {v} :: to decrypt
desencuentro {m} :: failure to meet
desencuentro {m} :: failed meeting
desencuentro {m} :: discord, dissension
desencuentro {m} :: misencounter
desendeudamiento {m} :: coming out of debt
desendeudar {v} :: to recover from debt; to get out of debt
desendeudar {vr} :: to recover from debt; to get out of debt
desenfadadamente {adv} :: in a carefree manner
desenfadado {adj} :: carefree, stressless, light-hearted, jaunty
desenfadado {adj} :: casual
desenfadar {v} :: to stop being annoyed, to chill, to chill out, to calm down
desenfado {m} :: self-assurance, confidence
desenfado {m} :: ease (a state or quality lacking anger)
desenfardelar {v} :: To unpack
desenfocado {adj} :: unfocused
desenfocar {v} [photography] :: to unfocus
desenfocar {v} :: to twist, to distort (to change the truth or meaning of words)
desenfoque {m} :: blurriness (state of being out of focus)
desenfrenadamente {adv} :: wildly, uncontrollably, rampantly
desenfrenado {adj} :: unbridled, wild, rampant
desenfrenar {v} :: to unbridle
desenfrenar {vr} :: to lose control; to break free
desenfreno {m} :: lack of control, abandon, wildness
desenfundar {vt} :: to take out, to unsheath
desengañado {adj} :: disillusioned
desengañar {vt} :: to disabuse
desenganchar {vt} :: to unhitch
desengaño {m} :: realization of the truth, especially after a period of deceit
desengaño {m} :: disappointment
desengrasante {m} :: degreaser (product that removes grease)
desengrasar {v} :: to degrease
desenlace {m} :: outcome
desenlace {m} [theater] :: dénouement
desenlazar {v} :: to untie; undo; unrope
desenlazar {v} :: to clear up; smoothen up
desenlazar {v} :: to turn out; work out (end)
desenmarañar {vt} :: to unravel
desenmascaramiento {m} :: unmasking
desenmascarar {v} :: unmask
desenojar {vt} :: to abandon or quell one's anger
desenojo {m} :: The abandonment or quelling of anger
desenredar {v} :: to untangle
desenrollar {v} :: to unroll
desenroscar {v} :: to unscrew
desenroscar {v} :: to uncoil
desenroscarse {v} :: reflexive of desenroscar
desensamblaje {m} :: disassembly
desensamblar {vt} :: to disassemble
desensibilización {f} :: desensitisation
desensibilizar {v} :: to desensitize
desensillar {v} :: to unsaddle
desentenderse {v} :: to not want to have anything to do with, wash one's hands of
desentendimiento {m} :: refusal to have anything to do with
desenterramiento {m} :: disinterment
desenterrar {vt} :: to exhume, to disinter
desenterrar {vt} :: to dig up (something)
desentonar {v} :: to clash, look out of place
desentrañar {v} :: to unravel, untangle, disentangle
desentrañar {v} :: to fathom
desentrañar {v} :: to disembowel
desentrenado {adj} :: out of practice
desentubar {v} :: To remove a tube (from)
desentumecer {vt} :: to loosen up
desenvainar {v} :: to unsheathe
desenvoltura {f} :: fluency, ease
desenvolver {v} :: to unwrap
desenvolver {vr} :: to develop
desenvolver {vr} :: to manage the situation
desenvolvimiento {m} :: development
desenvuelto {adj} :: fluent, skilled
deseo {m} :: desire
deseo {m} :: wish
deseoso {adj} :: eager, desirous
desequilibrante {adj} :: unbalanced
desequilibrar {v} :: to unbalance
desequilibrarse {vr} :: to become unbalanced
desequilibrio {m} :: imbalance
desequilibrio {m} :: disequilibrium
deserción {f} :: desertion
desertar {v} :: to desert
desértico {adj} :: desert; of or pertaining to the desert
desertícola {adj} :: desert (attributive)
desertificación {f} :: desertification
desertificar {v} :: to desertify
desertización {f} :: desertification
desertizar {v} :: to desertify
desertor {m} :: deserter
desertora {f} :: feminine noun of desertor
desescalada {f} :: de-escalation
desescalamiento {m} :: de-escalation
desescalar {v} :: to de-escalate
desescolarización {f} :: unschooling
desescolarizar {v} :: To unschool
desescombrar {v} :: to clear of rubbish or debris
desesperación {f} :: desperation
desesperadamente {adv} :: hopelessly
desesperadamente {adv} :: desperately
desesperado {adj} :: desperate
desesperado {adj} :: hopeless
desesperante {adj} :: infuriating
desesperantemente {adv} :: frustratingly
desesperanza {f} :: hopelessness
desesperanzado {adj} :: hopeless, without hope
desesperanzador {adj} :: hopeless, disheartening, discouraging
desesperanzar {v} :: to drive to despair
desesperanzar {vr} :: to despair
desesperar {vt} :: to despair, exasperate
desesperar {vr} :: to despair (be driven to despair)
desesperarse {v} :: reflexive of desesperar
desestabilidad {f} :: instability
desestabilización {f} :: destabilization
desestabilizador {adj} :: destabilizing
desestabilizante {adj} :: destabilising
desestabilizar {vt} :: to destabilize
desestacionalización {f} :: seasonal adjustment
desestacionalizado {adj} :: seasonally adjusted
desestacionalizar {v} :: to seasonally adjust
desestalinización {f} :: destalinization
desestigmatización {f} :: destigmatization
desestimable {adj} :: negligible
desestimación {f} :: rejection
desestimación {f} :: underestimation
desestimar {v} :: to reject
desestimular {v} :: to discourage
desestímulo {m} :: disincentive; discouragement
desestresante {adj} :: stress-relieving
desestresante {m} :: stress relief
desestresar {v} :: to chill out; to destress
desestresar {vr} :: to destress; chill out
desestructuración {f} :: destructuration
desestructurar {v} :: to destructure, to strip down, to dismantle
desexcitación {f} :: deexcitation
desextinción {f} :: de-extinction
desfachatado {adj} :: cheeky
desfachatez {f} :: cheek, cheekiness
desfalcador {m} :: embezzler
desfalcar {v} :: to embezzle
desfalco {m} :: embezzlement
desfallecer {vi} :: to become weak, wear out
desfalleciente {adj} :: dispirited, downtrodden
desfallecimiento {m} :: weariness, lassitude
desfallecimiento {m} [archaic] :: death, demise
desfasado {adj} :: old-fashioned, outdated
desfasaje {m} :: gap; breach
desfasar {v} :: to dephase, change the phase
desfasar {v} :: to change the timing of
desfasar {vp} [Spain] :: to freak out, drop out, become a misfit (behave contrary to rules and conventions)
desfascistizar {v} :: to remove fascists from, or to make less fascist
desfase {f} :: mismatch, difference, gap
desfase {f} :: phase difference, phase mismatch
desfase {f} :: dephasing
desfase {f} :: time difference, time mismatch
desfase {f} :: jetlag
desfase {f} :: freak out, drop out
desfase horario {m} :: jet lag
desfavorabilidad {f} :: unfavourableness
desfavorable {adj} :: adverse; unfavorable
desfavorablemente {adv} :: unfavorably
desfavorecedor {adj} :: unfavorable
desfavorecer {v} :: to work against, disfavor
desfavorecido {adj} :: disadvantaged
desfederación {f} :: defederalization
desfederalización {f} :: defederalization
desfibradora {f} :: shredder
desfibrilación {f} :: defibrillation
desfibrilador {m} [medicine] :: defibrillator
desfiguración {f} :: disfigurement
desfigurar {vt} :: to disfigure, to deface
desfigurar {vt} :: to distort (e.g. the truth, facts)
desfiladero {m} :: gorge, defile (narrow pass)
desfilar {vi} :: to parade
desfile {m} :: parade
desfinanciamiento {m} :: defunding
desfinanciar {v} :: to halt funding
desflecar {v} :: to remove tassels
desflorar {vt} :: to deflower
desflurano {m} [medicine] :: desflurane
desfogar {v} :: to deflower
desfogar {v} [colloquial] :: to let off steam
desfondamiento {m} :: breakage
desfondar {vt} :: To break [by causing the bottom of something to come out]
desforestación {f} :: deforestation
desforestado {adj} :: deforested
desforzar {v} :: to revenge
desforzar {v} :: to enjoy taking revenge
desfosforilación {f} :: dephosphorylation
desfragmentación {f} [computing] :: defragmentation
desfragmentador {m} [computing] :: defragmenter
desfragmentar {vt} :: to defragment
desfrezar {v} :: obsolete form of disfrazar
desgaire {m} :: carelessness, slovenliness
desgaire {m} :: a dismissive gesture
desgajamiento {m} :: splitting off, breaking off
desgajar {v} :: to tear off
desgana {f} :: reluctance, reticence
desganado {adj} :: gumptionless, sluggish
desganado {adj} :: sad
desganado {adj} :: hungerless
desganar {v} :: To go off (stop liking)
desganar {v} :: to lose one's appetite
desgañitarse {v} :: to scream one's lungs out; to scream one's head off; to shout at the top of one's voice
desgano {m} :: apathy
desgarbado {adj} :: ungainly, awkward, inelegant, lacking poise
desgarbo {m} :: clumsiness; awkwardness; gangliness
desgarrador {adj} :: heartbreaking, overwhelming, heartrending
desgarrador {adj} :: harrowing
desgarradoramente {adv} :: overwhelmingly
desgarramiento {m} :: upheaval
desgarramiento {m} :: ripping, tearing
desgarrante {adj} :: heartbreaking
desgarrar {vtr} :: to tear, rip (to rend (a solid material) by holding or restraining in two places and pulling apart)
desgarrar {vt} [figurative] :: to break (someone's heart)
desgarrarse {v} :: reflexive of desgarrar
desgarro {m} :: rip; tear (in paper, card, etc.)
desgarro {m} :: sprain (of muscle)
desgarro {m} :: boasting; bragging
desgarrón {m} :: huge rip
desgasificación {f} :: degassing; degasification
desgastante {adj} :: tiring, wearing
desgastar {vt} :: to use up or wear out
desgastar {vt} :: to wear down, to erode, to wear away
desgastar {vr} :: to wear out, to get worn out
desgaste {m} :: wear, wear and tear
desgaste {m} :: attrition, erosion, abrasion, weathering [literally or figuratively]
desgaste {m} :: burnout, exhaustion
desglaciación {f} :: deglaciation
desglasar {v} [cooking] :: to deglaze
desglosar {v} :: to itemize
desglose {m} :: breakdown (listing or categorization in great detail)
desgobernar {vt} :: to misgovern
desgobierno {m} :: misgovernment
desgonzar {v} :: to unhinge
desgonzar {vr} [Colombia, Venezuela] :: to faint
desgrabar {v} [Argentina] :: to transcribe
desgracia {f} :: accident, disaster
desgracia {f} :: misfortune
desgracia {f} :: disgrace
desgracia {f} :: bad luck
desgraciada {f} :: feminine noun of desgraciado
desgraciadamente {adv} :: unfortunately; unluckily
desgraciadísimo {adj} :: superlative of desgraciado
desgraciado {adj} :: unfortunate
desgraciado {m} :: wretch
desgraciado {m} :: creep, unfortunate person
desgraciado {m} :: jerk, idiot, moron
desgraciar {v} :: to ruin
desgraciar {v} :: to punish
desgranar {vt} :: to shuck, shell
desgranar {vr} :: to come loose, fall off
desgravación {f} :: (tax) relief
desgravar {v} [finance] :: to deduct, write off
desgravar {v} :: to claim back tax
desgreñado {adj} :: shaggy
desgreñado {adj} :: seedy, untidy, unkempt
desguace {m} :: scrapyard, junkyard
desguace {m} :: scrapping
desguanguañar {v} [Nicaragua] :: to disembowel (rip the innards out of)
desguarnecer {v} :: to strip, empty
desguarnecer {v} :: to unharness (a horse)
desguarnecer {v} :: to strip down
desguarnecer {v} :: to dismantle
desguazadera {f} :: feminine noun of desguazadero
desguazadero {m} :: breaker; demolisher (of ships, cars etc.)
desguazado {m} :: boat breaking
desguazador {m} :: breaker, stripper
desguazar {v} :: to destroy, cut into pieces
desguazar {v} :: to scrap (dispose at the scrapyard)
desgubernamentalizar {vt} :: to remove from government control; to deregulate
desguinzar {v} :: to cut cloth or rags
deshabilitar {v} :: to disable (to render unable; to take away the ability)
deshabilitar {v} :: to disable (to deactivate a function of an electronic or mechanical device)
deshabitado {adj} :: uninhabited
deshabitar {v} :: to move away from; move out of
deshabitar {v} :: to depopulate
deshabituación {f} :: kicking of a habit
deshabituar {v} :: To get (someone) off (an addiction)
deshacer {vt} :: to undo, to unmake
deshacer {vt} :: to unpack
deshacer {vt} :: to break, to break up (e.g. a treaty, a business, a band, a united effort)
deshacer {vt} :: to take back (something done or said)
deshacer {vt} :: to reverse (a spell or curse)
deshacer {vr} :: to come undone, to unravel
deshacer {vr} :: to get rid of, to ditch, to dispose of, to dump (deshacerse de alguien o algo)
deshacer {vr} :: to melt (deshacerse el hielo)
deshacer {vr} :: to weed out (unwanted people)
deshalogenación {f} [chemistry] :: dehalogenation
desharrapado {adj} :: ragged, raggedy
deshebrar {v} :: to unravel
deshebrar {v} :: to shred, to tear to pieces
deshecho {adj} :: undone
deshecho {adj} :: destroyed, broken (into pieces, not out of order)
deshecho {adj} :: reverted (a command, magic, witchcraft, effect, etc.)
deshecho {adj} :: melted (ice, gelatine, wax, etc.)
deshecho {adj} [figuratively] :: very tired or exhausted, strengthless
deshecho {adj} [figuratively] :: demoralized, disheartened
deshelar {vt} :: to melt
desheredar {v} :: to disinherit
deshidratación {f} :: dehydration
deshidratado {adj} :: dehydrated
deshidratar {v} :: to dehydrate
deshidrogenación {f} [chemistry] :: dehydrogenation
deshidrogenasa {f} [enzyme] :: dehydrogenase
deshidrogenizar {v} :: to dehydrogenate
deshidroxilación {f} [chemistry] :: dehydroxylation
deshielo {m} :: thaw
deshielo {m} :: defrosting
deshilachar {v} :: to fray
deshilar {v} :: to unravel
deshilar {v} :: to pull
deshilvanar {vt} :: to untack
deshilvanar {vt} :: to remove basting threads from
deshilvanar {vt} [by extension] :: to unravel (to clear from complication or difficulty)
deshinchar {v} :: to let down [a tire, balloon, etc.]
deshinchar {v} :: to deflate
deshinchar {v} :: to let out [rage, stress, etc.]
deshojar {v} :: to defoliate; to remove the leaves from a plant or petals from a flower
deshojar {v} :: to peel or husk
deshojar {v} :: to tear pages from a book
deshollinador {m} :: chimney sweep
deshollinadora {f} :: feminine noun of deshollinador
deshonestamente {adv} :: dishonestly
deshonestidad {f} :: dishonesty
deshonesto {adj} :: dishonest
deshonor {m} :: dishonor
deshonorar {v} :: to dishonor; dishonour
deshonra {f} [obsolete, legal] :: attainder
deshonra {f} :: dishonor
deshonrar {v} :: to dishonor
deshonrosamente {adv} :: dishonourably
deshonroso {adj} :: shameful
deshora {f} :: a inconvenient, inopportune, or embarrassing moment of time
deshuesadero {m} :: junkyard
deshuesar {v} :: to debone, to bone
deshuesar {v} :: to remove the pit from
deshumanidad {f} :: inhumanity
deshumanización {f} :: dehumanization/dehumanisation
deshumanizador {adj} :: dehumanising
deshumanizante {adj} :: dehumanizing
deshumanizar {v} :: to dehumanize
deshumidificación {f} :: dehumidification
deshumidificador {m} :: dehumidifier
deshumidificar {v} :: to dehumidify
desidentificación {f} :: disidentification
desidentificar {v} :: to disidentify
desideologizar {v} :: to de-ideologize
desiderativo {adj} :: desiderative; wishful
desiderátum {m} :: desideratum
desidia {f} :: negligence, inertia
desidia {f} :: procrastination
desidioso {adj} :: sloppy; slovenly
desierto {adj} :: desert
desierto {adj} :: empty (of people)
desierto {adj} :: uninhabited
desierto {m} :: desert
designación {f} :: designation
designador {m} :: designator
designar {v} :: to designate
designio {m} :: intention, purpose, plan
desigual {adj} :: uneven (irregular, poco igualado)
desigual {adj} :: unequal (descompensado)
desigual {adj} :: changeable (variable, cambiante)
desigualdad {f} :: inequality
desigualitario {adj} :: nonegalitarian
desigualmente {adv} :: unequally
desilusión {f} :: disappointment
desilusión {f} :: disillusion
desilusionado {adj} :: disappointed
desilusionado {adj} :: disillusioned
desilusionante {adj} :: disappointing
desilusionar {v} :: to disillusion
desilusionar {v} :: to disappoint
desimpresionar {v} :: to fail to impress
desimputación {f} :: an un-accusation
desimputar {v} :: to un-accuse
desincentivar {v} :: to deter, act as a disincentive
desincentivo {m} :: deterrent
desincorporación {f} :: unincorporation
desincorporar {v} :: to disincorporate
desincronización {f} :: desynchronisation
desincronizar {v} :: to unsynchronize
desincrustación {f} :: descaling (removal of scale from a surface)
desincrustante {adj} :: descaler (that which descales)
desincrustante {m} :: descaling agent, descaler (substance used to remove scale)
desincrustar {v} :: to descale (remove scale from a surface)
desindividuación {f} :: deindividuation
desindustrialización {f} :: deindustrialization/deindustrialisation
desindustrializar {v} :: to deindustrialize
desinencia {f} [grammar] :: ending or termination that is attached to a word stem
desinfección {f} :: disinfection
desinfectado {adj} :: disinfected, sanitized
desinfectante {adj} :: disinfectant
desinfectante {m} :: disinfectant
desinfectar {vt} :: to disinfect
desinflación {f} :: disinflation
desinflamar {v} :: to reduce inflammation
desinflar {v} :: to deflate
desinformación {f} :: disinformation, misinformation
desinformado {adj} :: uninformed
desinformar {vt} :: to misinform
desinhibición {f} :: disinhibition
desinhibido {adj} :: abandoned; without restraint
desinhibidor {adj} :: disinhibiting
desinhibir {v} :: to liberate, to free from inhibition
desinsectación {f} :: removal of insects; debugging
desinsectar {v} :: to remove or clear insects [from an area]
desinstalación {f} :: uninstallation
desinstalador {m} [computing] :: uninstaller (a program that uninstalls software)
desinstalar {vt} [computing] :: to uninstall (completely remove hardware or software)
desinstitucionalización {f} :: deinstitutionalization
desintegración {f} :: disintegration
desintegrador {adj} :: disintegrating
desintegrador {m} :: disintegrator
desintegrar {v} :: to disintegrate
desintegrarse {v} :: reflexive of desintegrar
desintegrativo {adj} :: disintegrative
desinteligencia {f} [Argentina, Uruguay, Chile] :: slip-up; blooper; misunderstanding
desinterés {m} :: disinterest
desinteresadamente {adv} :: disinterestedly
desinteresado {adj} :: unselfish, selfless
desinteresar {vr} :: to lose interest, to become uninterested
desintermediación {f} :: disintermediation
desintoxicación {f} :: detoxification
desintoxicante {adj} :: detoxicating
desintoxicar {v} :: to detoxify, detoxicate
desintoxificación {f} :: detoxification, detox
desintoxificación {f} :: sobering
desinversión {f} :: disinvestment
desinvertir {v} :: to divest
desionizar {v} :: deionize
desistencia {f} :: desistance
desistimiento {m} :: desisting, stopping
desistir {v} :: to desist
desistir {v} [legal] :: to waive a right
desjarretar {vt} :: To hock; to hamstring
desjudicializar {v} :: to dejudicialize
deslactosado {adj} :: lactose-free
deslastrar {v} :: to deballast
deslavado {adj} :: disjointed, incoherent
deslavar {v} :: to half-wash; give a quick wipedown
deslavar {v} :: to weaken
deslavazado {adj} :: disjointed, incoherent
deslave {m} [Latin America] :: landslide (natural disaster)
deslave {m} [Latin America] :: landslide (vote won by overwhelming majority)
desleal {adj} :: not adhering to the rules of propriety, dishonest, unfair, disloyal, not true
deslealmente {adv} :: disloyally (in a disloyal manner)
deslealtad {f} :: disloyalty
deslegitimación {f} :: delegitimization
deslegitimador {adj} :: delegitimising
deslegitimar {vt} :: to delegitimize, discredit
desleír {v} :: to dilute
desleír {v} :: to dissolve
deslenguado {adj} :: bigmouthed, indiscreet
deslenguado {m} :: informer, betrayer
deslenguar {v} :: to remove or cut out the tongue
deslenguarse {v} :: to speak brashly without education
desliar {v} :: to undo; untie
desligar {v} :: to untie, to unravel
desligar {v} :: to separate; to distinguish
desligar {vr} :: to shake off
deslindar {v} :: to delimit
deslinde {m} :: limit
deslinde {m} :: borderline
desliteraturización {f} :: The reduction of literature
desliz {m} :: slip, lapse
desliz {m} :: blunder
deslizable {adj} :: slideable; sliding
deslizadero {m} [El Salvador] :: slide (toy for children)
deslizador {m} :: speedboat
deslizamiento {m} :: slipping
deslizamiento {m} :: slide
deslizante {adj} :: sliding
deslizar {v} :: to slide
deslizar {v} :: to slip (to give discreetly)
deslizar {v} :: to swipe (e.g. on a screen or with a card)
deslizar {vr} :: to glide
deslizar {vr} :: to slip, to slither [to move stealthily or discreetly, to move with ease]
desliz freudiano {m} :: Freudian slip
deslocalizable {adj} :: outsourceable, relocatable
deslocalización {f} :: relocation, offshoring
deslocalización {f} [chemistry] :: delocalization
deslocalizar {v} :: to relocate
deslomar {v} :: to ruin one's back
deslomar {v} :: to work one's fingers to the bone, to break one's back
deslucimiento {m} :: fading, spoiling
deslucir {v} :: to spoil, tarnish, mark, take the shine off
deslumbrador {adj} :: dazzling
deslumbramiento {m} :: dazzling, dazzle, glare, blinding [from glaring lights]
deslumbramiento {m} :: confusion, bewilderment, bafflement, bedazzlement
deslumbramiento {m} [figurative] :: blindness
deslumbrante {adj} :: dazzling
deslumbrantemente {adv} :: dazzlingly
deslumbrar {vt} [literally] :: to dazzle, to blind temporarily
deslumbrar {vt} [figuratively] :: to dazzle, amaze
deslustrar {v} :: to dull
desmadejar {v} :: to unravel
desmadrado {adj} :: motherless
desmadrado {adj} :: unconventional; zany
desmadrar {v} :: To separate a baby animal from its mother
desmadrar {v} :: to ruin, to mess up, to spoil
desmadrar {vr} :: to fall apart, to fall to bits
desmadre {m} [slang] :: disorder; chaos; mess
desmagnetización {f} :: demagnetization
desmalezamiento {m} :: weeding
desmalezar {v} [Latin America] :: to weed (remove weeds)
desmán {m} :: desman (animal)
desmán {m} :: outrage (not an animal)
desmañado {adj} :: clumsy, awkward
desmandar {vt} :: to countermand, rescind
desmandar {vr} :: to overstep
desmandar {vr} :: to go astray
desmanejo {m} :: mismanagement
desmantelación {f} :: dismantling
desmantelamiento {m} :: dismantlement
desmantelar {v} :: to dismantle
desmaquillador {m} :: make-up remover
desmaquilladora {f} :: make-up remover
desmaquillante {m} :: makeup remover
desmaquillar {vtr} :: to remove make-up
desmarcado {adj} :: dissociated
desmarcado {adj} :: unmarked (without a mark)
desmarcar {vr} :: to dissociate oneself from
desmarcar {vt} :: to unmark (to remove marks)
desmarimbar {v} [Nicaragua] :: to break, destroy, ruin
desmarimbar {v} [Nicaragua] :: to fall from a high place
desmasculinizar {vt} :: to emasculate
desmaterialización {f} :: dematerialization
desmaterializar {v} :: to dematerialize
desmayadamente {adv} :: weakly; fainting
desmayadamente {adv} :: dully
desmayado {adj} :: weak; fainting
desmayado {adj} :: pale; dull
desmayar {vt} :: to cause a person to faint
desmayar {vi} [figurative] :: to dishearten
desmayar {vp} :: to faint (lose consciousness)
desmayarse {v} :: reflexive of desmayar
desmayo {m} :: swoon, faint (act of fainting)
desmedidamente {adv} :: excessively
desmedido {adj} :: excessive
desmedrar {v} :: to decline, wane
desmedro {m} :: decline
desmejoramiento {m} :: deterioration
desmejorar {v} :: to weaken
desmelenar {vt} :: to dishevel, ruffle the hair of
desmelenar {vr} [colloquial] :: to lose one's composure, let one's hair down
desmembración {f} :: breaking up; breaking apart
desmembramiento {m} :: dismemberment
desmembrar {v} :: to dismantle
desmemoria {f} :: forgetfulness
desmemoriado {adj} :: forgetful
desmentido {m} :: refutation, denial
desmentir {v} :: to refute, deny
desmentir {v} :: to belie; to give a false representation
desmenuzable {adj} :: friable
desmenuzar {v} :: to crumble
desmenuzar {v} :: to fine-tooth comb
desmerecer {v} :: to criticize
desmerecer {v} :: to belittle; to play down
desmeritar {v} :: alternative form of demeritar
desmesura {f} :: excess
desmesura {f} :: lack of measuring or control
desmesuradamente {adv} :: inordinately
desmesurado {adj} :: excessive, disproportionate, inordinate
desmesurado {adj} :: over the top
desmesurar {v} :: to shake up, mess up, disrupt
desmetilación {f} [organic chemistry] :: demethylation
desmielinización {f} :: demyelination
desmielinizante {adj} :: demyelinating
desmigajar {v} :: to crumble
desmigajar {v} :: to grind up
desmigar {v} :: to crumble (make into crumbs)
desmilitarización {f} :: demilitarization
desmilitarizado {adj} :: demilitarized
desmilitarizar {v} :: to demilitarize
desmina {f} [protein] :: desmin
desminador {m} :: deminer
desminar {v} :: to demine
desmineralización {f} :: demineralization
desmirriada {f} :: feminine noun of desmirriado
desmirriado {m} :: weed (thin person)
desmirriado {adj} :: weedy
desmitificación {f} :: demystification (the removal of mystery or confusion surrounding a topic or idea)
desmitificar {v} :: to demystify
desmochar {v} :: to blunt, make blunt
desmodulación {f} :: demodulation
desmoldar {v} :: to unmold
desmonetización {f} :: demonetization
desmonetizar {vt} :: to demonetize
desmontable {adj} :: detachable
desmontadura {m} :: deforestation
desmontadura {m} :: clearing, leveling
desmontaje {m} :: taking down, putting down
desmontar {vt} :: to level off (with respect to terrain)
desmontar {vt} :: to dismantle, to strip apart
desmontar {vt} :: to clear, to stub (cut a forest)
desmontar {vt} :: to alight, to dismount, to unhorse
desmontar {vt} :: to uncock (a firearm)
desmonte {m} :: clearance
desmonte {m} :: forest clearing
desmonterarse {vr} [bullfighting] :: to take off one's cap
desmopresina {f} :: desmopressin
desmoralización {f} :: demoralization
desmoralizador {adj} :: demoralizing
desmoralizante {adj} :: daunting, intimidating
desmoralizar {vt} :: to discourage, demoralize
desmoralizar {vt} :: to corrupt
desmorir {v} [rare] :: to undie
desmoronable {adj} :: friable
desmoronamiento {m} :: collapse, breakdown
desmoronar {v} :: to erode
desmoronarse {v} :: reflexive of desmoronar
desmosoma {m} :: desmosome
desmotadora {f} :: cotton gin
desmotar {v} :: to remove fluff or dust
desmotar {v} :: to seed (cotton)
desmotivación {f} :: demotivation
desmotivar {v} :: to demotivate, discourage
desmovilización {f} :: demobilization
desmovilizar {v} :: to demobilize
desmultiplicación {f} :: increase
desmunicipalización {f} :: demunicipalization
desnacer {v} :: to become unborn
desnacionalización {f} :: denationalization
desnacionalizar {v} :: to denaturalize; denationalize
desnatar {v} :: to remove the cream from milk
desnatar {v} :: to remove the best part from something
desnatar {v} :: to remove slag from molten metal
desnatar {v} :: to skim
desnaturalización {f} [protein] :: denaturation
desnaturalizado {adj} :: denaturalized
desnaturalizado {adj} :: denatured
desnaturalizante {adj} :: denaturing
desnaturalizar {v} :: to denaturalize, to denature
desnaturalizar {v} [chemistry] :: to denature
desnazificación {f} :: denazification
desnitrificación {f} :: denitrification
desnivel {m} :: difference of altitude
desnivel {m} :: unevenness, inequality
desnivelar {v} :: to make unlevel or uneven
desnortado {adj} :: aimless, goalless, wandering
desnortado {adj} :: clueless
desnucamiento {m} :: neck break
desnucar {v} :: to break someone's neck
desnuclearización {f} :: denuclearization
desnuclearizar {v} :: to denuclearize
desnudamiento {m} :: stripping (action of removing clothes)
desnudar {vt} :: to undress, strip
desnudarse {v} :: reflexive of desnudar
desnudez {f} :: nudity, nakedness
desnudista {mf} :: nudist
desnudo {adj} :: naked, nude, undressed
desnudo {adj} :: bare
desnudo {adj} :: dispossessed, destitute
desnudo {adj} :: plain, clear, manifest
desnutrición {f} :: malnutrition
desnutrido {adj} :: undernourished
desnutrir {vr} :: to starve
deso {contraction} [obsolete] :: of that, from that (followed by a masculine noun in singular)
desobedecer {vt} :: to disobey
desobediencia {f} :: disobedience
desobediente {adj} :: disobedient
desobediente {adj} :: undutiful
desobligar {v} [obsolete] :: to allow; permit
desobligar {v} [obsolete] :: to madden; to wind up
de sobra {adv} :: too much; too well
desobstrucción {f} :: deobstruction; clearing
desobstruir {vt} :: to clear, deobstruct, or unblock
desoccidentalizar {v} :: to un-westernize
desocupación {f} [Latin America, uncountable] :: unemployment
desocupación {f} [countable] :: vacancy
desocupar {v} :: to vacate
desodorante {m} :: deodorant
desodorizar {v} :: to deodorize
desoír {v} :: to ignore
desolación {f} :: desolation
desoladamente {adv} :: bleakly; desolately
desolado {adj} :: desolate, brokenhearted, bleak (sad, hopeless)
desolado {adj} :: desolate (deserted, unfit for habitation)
desolador {adj} :: heartbreaking
desoladoramente {adv} :: desolatedly
desolar {v} :: to desolate, destroy
desolar {vr} :: to grieve
de sol a sol {adj} [idiomatic] :: from dusk to dawn
desoldar {v} :: to desolder
desollador {m} :: robber
desollador {m} :: shrike (bird)
desolladora {f} :: feminine noun of desollador
desollamiento {m} :: flaying
desollar {v} :: to flay (strip skin off, lash)
de sopetón {adv} [idiom] :: suddenly, out of the blue
desopilante {adj} :: amusing, funny
desorbitación {f} :: de-orbiting
desorbitado {adj} :: exorbitant
desorbitante {adj} :: overwhelming
desorbitar {v} :: to exaggerate
desorbitar {v} :: to misinterpret
desorción {f} :: desorption
desorden {m} :: disorder
desorden {m} :: untidiness
desordenadamente {adv} :: disorderly, untidily, messily
desordenadamente {adv} :: inordinately
desordenado {adj} :: messy
desordenar {vt} :: to mess up; to make less tidy
desorejar {v} [bullfighting] :: to cut off the ears
desorganización {f} :: disorganization
desorganizado {adj} :: disorganized, untidy
desorganizar {vt} :: to disorganize
desorientación {f} :: disorientation
desorientado {adj} :: disoriented, lost, confused
desorientador {adj} :: misleading
desorientar {v} :: to disorient
desornamentar {v} :: to remove decorations or ornaments
desos {contraction} [obsolete] :: of those, from those (followed by a masculine noun in plural)
desosar {v} :: to debone
desosegar {v} :: to make uneasy
de soslayo {adv} :: askance, sideways
desovador {adj} :: spawning
desovador {m} :: spawner
desovadora {f} :: feminine noun of desovador
desovar {v} :: to spawn, lay eggs
desove {m} :: spawning, laying of eggs
desovillar {v} :: to unravel (wool)
desovillar {v} :: to unwind (a story, mystery, etc.)
desoxiazúcar {f} [organic compound] :: deoxy sugar
desoxigenación {f} :: deoxygenation
desoxigenar {v} :: to deoxygenize
desoxirribonucleico {adj} :: deoxyribonucleic
desoxirribonucleótido {m} [biochemistry] :: deoxyribonucleotide
desoxirribosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: deoxyribose
despabiladeras {fp} :: candle snuffer
despabilar {v} :: to snuff (a candle)
despabilar {v} :: to wake up, stir up, awaken
despabilar {v} :: to kick into action, kick into shape
despabilar {v} :: to knock out, churn out (do something quickly)
despachador {m} :: dispatcher
despachadora {f} :: feminine noun of despachador
despachante {mf} :: dispatcher
despachar {v} :: to complete
despachar {v} :: to send or ship
despachar {v} :: (store) to attend or serve
despachar {v} :: to dismiss
despachar {v} :: to finish off
despachar {v} :: to kill off
despacho {m} :: office
despacho {m} :: dispatch
despacho de abogados {m} [legal] :: law firm
despachurrar {v} :: to squish; to squash
despachurrar {v} :: to flummox; to bedazzle (a person)
despachurrar {v} :: to mangle (a story)
despacio {adv} :: slowly
despacio {adv} [Latin America] :: quietly
despaciosamente {adv} :: slowly
despaciosidad {f} :: slowness, laggardness
despacioso {adj} :: slow; leisurely
despacito {adj} :: diminutive of despacio
despacito {adj} :: easy does it
despacito {adv} :: diminutive of despacio
despampanante {adj} [colloquial] :: stunning
despampanar {v} :: to prune
despampanar {v} [colloquial] :: to stun, bewilder, blow someone's mind
despampanar {vr} :: to get a knock (injury)
despanzurrar {vt} :: to squash
desparasitación {f} :: elimination of parasites
desparasitante {m} :: antiparasitic medication
desparasitar {vt} :: to delouse
desparecer {v} :: alternative form of desaparecer
desparejado {adj} :: odd (not having a mate)
desparejo {adj} :: uneven; odd
desparpajar {vt} :: to scatter
desparpajar {vp} :: to wake up
desparpajar {vp} [Central America] :: to twaddle, chatter (talk gibberish or messy)
desparpajo {m} :: self-confidence
desparpajo {m} :: fluency
desparpajo {m} [Central America] :: mess, disorder
desparpajo {m} [Central America] :: messy talk
desparramado {adj} :: sprawled, sprawling
desparramar {v} :: to splatter, to spill
despartidización {f} :: The removal of a political party's influence
despartidizar {v} :: to remove the influence a political party has
despatarrante {adj} :: hilarious
despatarrar {v} :: to amaze, confound
despatarrar {v} :: to scare, frighten (to death)
despatarrar {vr} :: to open the legs (wide)
despatarrar {vr} :: to sprawl
despavorido {adj} :: terrified, petrified
despechado {adj} :: spiteful, resentful
despechar {v} :: to enrage
despechar {v} :: to spite
despecho {m} :: spite, resentment, anger, disappointment
despecho {m} :: despair
despechugado {adj} :: bare-breasted, shirtless
despectivamente {adv} :: derogatorily, pejoratively
despectivo {adj} :: pejorative
despedazamiento {m} :: ripping/tearing apart, shredding to pieces
despedazar {vt} :: to tear to pieces
despedazar {v} :: to break someone's heart
despedazar {v} :: to break the law
despedida {f} :: farewell
despedida {f} :: farewell party
despedida a la francesa {f} [colloquial] :: French leave; a sudden or unannounced departure, or one taken without permission; to go AWOL
despedida de soltera {f} :: hen party; bachelorette party
despedida de soltero {f} :: stag party; bachelor party
despedido {adj} :: laid off, dismissed [employees]
despedir {v} :: to dismiss
despedir {v} :: to fire from a job
despedir {vr} [with “de”] :: To say goodbye (to someone)
despedirse {v} :: to say goodbye
despedirse {v} :: to bid farewell
despedirse a la francesa {v} [idiom] :: to leave without saying goodbye
despegar {v} :: to take off, remove
despegar {v} :: to detach
despegue {m} :: takeoff (rising of an aircraft)
despeinado {adj} :: unkept, unkempt
despeinado {adj} :: uncombed
despeinar {v} :: to make (the hair) messy
despeinarse {vr} :: to take down one's hair
despejado {adj} :: clear, all-clear (free of obstacles)
despejado {adj} :: clear (free of clouds)
despejar {v} :: to clear; to remove
despejar {vr} :: to clear up
despejar {vr} :: to get away, to leave
despejar {vr} :: to get a clear mind, clear one's thoughts
despejo {m} :: The act of clearing an area, eviction
despellejar {v} :: to skin
despellejar {v} :: to criticize
despelotar {v} :: to deball, emasculate, or cause a fracas
despelotar {v} [colloquial] :: to strip, undress
despelotar {vr} [colloquial] :: to strip off, (get undressed)
despelotarse {v} :: reflexive of despelotar
despelote {m} [Latin America] :: fracas or hot mess
despeluzar {vt} :: to mess up someone's hair
despeluzar {vt} [Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua] :: to bleed dry; to clean out
despeluzar {vr} :: to have one's hair stand up/on end
despeñadero {m} :: cliff
despenalización {f} :: depenalization
despenalizador {adj} :: depenalising
despenalizar {vt} :: to depenalize, decriminalize
despenar {v} :: to put out of one's misery
despenar {v} :: to console
despeñar {vt} :: to throw off a cliff
despeñarse {v} :: to fall or jump off a cliff
despendolado {adj} :: wild; untamed
despensa {f} :: pantry, larder
despensera {f} :: feminine noun of despensero
despensero {m} :: person in charge of a storeroom
despepitar {vt} :: to seed
desperado {adj} :: obsolete form of desesperado
desperar {v} :: obsolete form of desesperar
despercudir {v} :: To wash; clean
despercudir {v} [Peru] :: to wake up; to live up
desperdiciar {v} :: to waste
desperdicio {m} :: waste
desperdigado {adj} :: scattered, all over the place
desperdigar {v} :: to scatter
desperecer {v} [archaic] :: to perish; run out
desperecer {vr} :: to long for; yearn
desperezar {v} :: to stretch out
desperezarse {v} :: to stretch (oneself)
desperfecto {m} :: flaw, defect
despersonalización {f} :: depersonalization
despersonalizar {v} :: to depersonalize
despertador {m} :: alarm clock
despertamiento {m} [rare] :: awakening
despertar {vt} :: to wake
despertar {vip} [often, _] :: to wake up
despertar {vt} [figurative] :: to awaken
despertar {vt} [figurative] :: to pique (interest, curiosity)
despertar {m} :: awakening
despertarse {v} :: reflexive of despertar To wake up (stop sleeping)
despezar {v} :: to taper
despiadadamente {adv} :: relentlessly, mercilessly
despiadado {adj} :: merciless, ruthless, cutthroat, pitiless, cold-blooded, remorseless, savage
despicar {v} :: to soothe; to calm down (a person who is angry)
despido {m} :: layoff
despido {m} :: dismissal
despiece {m} :: quartering, cutting (action of taking apart something)
despierto {adj} :: awake
despiezar {v} :: take apart
despiezar {v} :: quarter, cut up
despigmentación {f} :: depigmentation
despilfarrador {adj} :: wasteful
despilfarrar {v} :: to squander
despilfarro {m} :: waste, waste of money, squandering
despintar {v} :: to remove the paint from
despiojar {v} :: to delouse
despiporre {m} :: mayhem, madness
despistar {v} :: to throw off track
despistar {vr} [figurative] :: to fall asleep
despiste {m} :: slip, slip-up (error)
despiste {m} :: absent-mindedness
desplantar {v} :: to make or put out of plumb
desplantar {v} :: to cause to lose one's footing
desplantar {v} [obsolete] :: to uproot; to displant
desplante {m} :: cheek, arrogance
desplante {m} :: rude remark
desplante {m} :: lack of respect
desplante {m} [fencing] :: lack of, or loss of, footing
desplazable {adj} :: moving, sliding, moveable
desplazamiento {m} [physics] :: displacement
desplazamiento {m} :: offset, shift
desplazamiento {m} :: motion
desplazar {v} :: to displace
desplazar {v} :: to move
desplazarse {v} :: reflexive of desplazar
desplegable {adj} :: fold-out, folding, foldable
desplegable {adj} :: pull-out
desplegable {adj} [computing] :: pull-down, dropdown
desplegable {f} :: pullout
desplegable {f} [computing] :: dropdown
desplegar {v} :: to deploy, unfold
desplegarse {v} :: reflexive of desplegar
despliegue {m} :: unfolding
despliegue {m} :: deployment
desplomar {v} :: to knock down
desplomar {vr} :: to plummet
desplomar {vr} :: to collapse
desplomarse {v} :: to collapse
desplome {m} :: collapse
desplumar {v} :: to pluck (remove feathers)
desplumar {v} [colloquial] :: to plunder, rob, fleece
despoblación {f} :: depopulation
despoblado {adj} :: unpopulated
despoblamiento {m} :: depopulation
despoblar {v} :: to depopulate
despoetizar {v} :: to depoetize
despojado {adj} :: bare
despojamiento {m} :: stripping; dispossessing
despojar {vt} :: to strip, clear, leave bare
despojar {vr} :: to divest oneself of
despojo {m} :: pillage, plunder (action)
despojo {m} :: scourge
despolarización {f} :: depolarization
despolarizar {v} :: to depolarize
despolimerización {f} :: depolymerization
despolitización {f} :: depoliticization, depoliticisation
despolitizar {v} :: to depoliticize, depoliticise
despollarse {vr} [vulgar, colloquial] :: To piss oneself (laughing)
despolle {m} [vulgar, colloquial] :: barrel of laughs
despolvar {v} :: dusting, the act of removing dust from, as a household chore
despolvar {vtr} :: to dust (to remove dust). Synonym of desempolvar
despolvorear {vt} :: to remove the dust; to dust off
desportillar {v} :: to chip (to break a small piece from)
desposar {vt} :: to marry
desposar {vp} :: to be married
desposar {vp} :: to get engaged
desposeer {v} :: to take away someone's possessions; to deprive
desposeimiento {m} :: dispossession
desposesión {f} [law] :: dispossession
desposorio {m} :: espousal; betrothal
déspota {mf} :: despot
despotado {m} :: despotate
despóticamente {adv} :: despotically
despótico {adj} :: despotic
despotismo {m} :: despotism
déspoto {m} :: obsolete form of déspota
despotricar {v} [colloquial] :: to rant, to sound off
despreciable {adj} :: despicable, contemptible
despreciable {adj} :: negligible
despreciador {adj} :: scornful
despreciador {m} :: scorner
despreciadora {f} :: feminine noun of despreciador
despreciar {v} :: to despise, to scorn
despreciativamente {adv} :: scornfully
despreciativo {adj} :: scornful
despreciativo {adj} :: derogatory
desprecintar {v} :: to unseal
desprecio {m} :: scorn, contempt
desprejuiciado {adj} :: unbiased, unprejudiced
desprejuicio {m} :: tolerance, non-prejudice
desprender {vtp} [also] :: to detach
desprender {vt} :: to give off
desprenderse {v} :: reflexive of desprender
desprendible {adj} :: detachable
desprendimiento {m} :: loosening
desprendimiento {m} :: landslide
despreocupación {f} :: unconcern, insouciance, nonchalance, carefreeness
despreocupación {f} :: carelessness
despreocupadamente {adv} :: carelessly
despreocupado {adj} :: carefree, nonchalant, blithe, careless (not concerned or worried)
despreocupado {adj} :: careless (not giving sufficient attention or thought)
despreocuparse {v} :: to not worry about
desprestigiar {v} :: to discredit, to smear
desprestigio {m} :: loss of prestige, disrepute
despresurización {f} :: depressurization
despresurizar {v} :: to depressurize
desprevenidamente {adv} :: without warning
desprevenido {adj} :: unsuspecting
desprevenido {adj} :: unaware, oblivious
desprevenido {adj} :: unprepared
desprivatización {f} :: deprivatization
desprivatizador {adj} :: deprivatising
desprivatizar {vt} :: to nationalize (to take into public ownership)
desprofesionalizar {v} :: To deprofessionalize
desprogramación {f} :: deprogramming
desprogramar {vt} :: to deprogramme
desprolijidad {f} :: sloppiness, untidiness
desprolijo {adj} :: sloppy, messy, unkempt
desproporción {f} :: disproportion
desproporcionadamente {adv} :: disproportionally
desproporcionado {adj} :: disproportionate, undue
desproporcionalidad {f} :: disproportionality
desproporcionalmente {adv} :: disproportionally
despropósito {m} :: nonsense
desprotección {f} :: defencelessness, lack of protection
desproteger {v} :: to unprotect
desprotonación {f} :: deprotonation
desprotonar {v} :: to deprotonate
desproveer {v} :: to deprive someone of their possessions
desprovisto {adj} :: lacking, devoid
después {adv} :: later, afterwards, afterward
después {adv} :: next
después {adv} [with de] :: after
después de {prep} :: after
Despuig {prop} :: surname
despuntar {v} :: to blunt
despuntar {v} :: to stand out (excel)
desque {conj} [obsolete] :: since; as; seeing that
desquebrajar {v} :: synonym of resquebrajar
desquiciado {adj} :: unhinged, deranged, crazy, mad (mentally disturbed)
desquiciamiento {m} :: unhinging
desquiciamiento {m} :: madness
desquiciante {adj} :: maddening
desquiciar {vt} :: to unhinge
desquiciar {vt} [figurative] :: to derange, drive crazy
desquitar {vt} :: to compensate
desquitar {vr} :: to take revenge, pay back
desquitarse {v} :: reflexive of desquitar
desquite {m} :: revenge, payback
desrabar {v} :: to cut off the tail; to dock
desrabotar {v} :: to cut off the tail; to dock
desradicalización {f} :: deradicalization
desratización {f} :: deratization (removal or eradication of rats)
desratizar {v} :: to remove or clear rats (from an area)
desrealización {f} :: derealization
desregulación {f} :: deregulation
desregulador {adj} :: deregulating
desregular {v} :: to deregulate
desregularización {f} :: deregulation
desregularizar {v} :: to deregulate
desregulatorio {adj} :: deregulatory
desresponsabilización {f} :: the removal of responsibility
desresponsabilizado {adj} :: no longer responsible
desta {contraction} [obsolete] :: of this, from this ( a feminine noun in singular)
désta {contraction} [obsolete] :: Contraction of de (of, from) and ésta (that)
destacable {adj} :: notable, noteworthy
destacadamente {adv} :: notably
destacadísimo {adj} :: superlative of destacado
destacado {adj} :: outstanding, notable
destacamento {m} [military] :: detachment, detail
destacar {vt} :: to emphasize, to highlight, to stress, to point out, to single out, to underline, to underscore, to bring out, to note
destacar {vt} [military] :: to detach troops
destacar {vir} :: to stand out, to excel, to shine (to make oneself stand out, to distinguish oneself)
destacar {vr} :: to stand out, to jump out at ( a) (i.e., to be highly noticeable to)
destacar {vr} :: to be highlighted, emphasized, stressed, underlined, underscored, pointed out
destacarse {v} :: reflexive of destacar
destajo {m} :: piece work
destapacaños {m} :: plunger
destapador {m} :: bottle opener
destapar {v} :: to open
destapar {v} :: to uncover
destapar {v} [Mexico, politics] :: to reveal a political candidate
destape {m} [Mexico] :: disclosure
destartalado {adj} :: ramshackle, dilapidated
destartalar {v} :: to ruin, beat up
destas {contraction} [obsolete] :: of those, from those ( a feminine noun in plural)
déstas {contraction} [obsolete] :: Contraction of de (of, from) and éstas (those)
destazar {v} :: to slice, to cut up
deste {contraction} [obsolete] :: of this, from this ( a masculine noun in singular)
déste {contraction} [obsolete] :: Contraction of de (of, from) and éste (this)
destechar {v} :: to unroof
destejer {v} :: to unknit
destejer {v} :: to unweave
destejer {v} :: to undo (an action)
destellar {v} :: to sparkle, twinkle
destello {m} :: sparkling
destello {m} :: sparkle
destello {m} :: flash (of light)
destempladamente {adv} :: shakily; iffily
destemplado {adj} :: out of tune
destemplado {adj} :: dodgy; iffy
destemplado {adj} :: unpleasant
destemplanza {f} :: constantly changing or bad weather
destemplanza {f} :: tunelessness; state of being out of tune
destemplanza {f} :: harshness in speech
destemplanza {f} :: general feeling of being under the weather
destemplar {vt} :: To cause to go out of tune
destemplar {vt} :: To cause to be out of shape
destemplar {vt} :: To mess up
destemplar {vr} :: To get sick
destemplar {vr} [music] :: To get out of tune
destemple {m} :: tunelessness (quality or state of being out of tune)
destender {v} [Latin America] :: to strip (a bed)
desteñible {adj} :: fading
desteñir {v} :: to fade
destensar {v} :: to loosen, to untighten
desternillante {adj} :: side-splitting, hilarious
desternillar {v} :: to crack up (make laugh)
desternillar {vr} :: to crack up, laugh one's head off
desternillarse {v} :: to laugh one's head off, to crack up
desternille {m} :: side-splitter, hilarity
desterrado {adj} :: banished
desterrar {vt} :: to banish
desterrarse {v} :: reflexive of desterrar
desterritorialización {f} :: unterritorialize
destetar {v} :: to wean
destierro {m} :: exile
destierro {m} :: wilderness
destilación {f} :: distillation
destilador {adj} :: distilling
destilador {m} :: distiller
destiladora {f} :: feminine noun of destilador
destilar {v} :: to distill
destilar {v} :: to exude
destilar {v} :: to filter
destilería {f} :: distillery
destinación {f} :: goal, aim
destinar {v} :: to appoint
destinar {v} :: to set aside
destinarse {v} :: reflexive of destinar
destinataria {f} :: female equivalent of destinatario
destinatario {m} :: addressee; consignee; payee; destinatary (the person or organization to which something, such as a letter or message, is addressed, for whom the item is intended, who is the destination of a performance)
destinillo {m} :: diminutive of destino
destino {m} :: destiny, fate
destino {m} :: destination
destino {m} :: position, post
destipificado {adj} :: uncategorized; unclassified
destitución {f} :: dismissal, firing
destituido {adj} :: fired
destituir {v} :: to dismiss, sack, lay off
destituyente {adj} :: involving dismissals or overthrowing
desto {contraction} [obsolete] :: of this
désto {contraction} [obsolete] :: Contraction of de (of, from) and ésto (that)
destocar {v} :: to remove the hat of
destorcer {v} :: to untwist
destornillador {m} :: screwdriver (a tool used to turn screws)
destornillar {v} :: to unscrew
destorvar {v} [obsolete] :: bother; disturb
destos {contraction} [obsolete] :: of those, from those ( a masculine noun in plural)
déstos {contraction} [obsolete] :: Contraction of de (of, from) and éstos (those)
destrabar {v} :: to remove obstacles or hindrances
destrancar {v} :: alternative form of desatrancar
destratar {v} [nonstandard] :: to mistreat
destrenzar {v} :: to unplait; to unbraid
destrepar {v} :: to climb down
destrepe {m} :: climbdown
destreza {f} :: skill
destripador {m} :: ripper (murderer who kills and often mutilates victims with a blade)
destripadora {f} :: feminine noun of destripador
destripamiento {m} :: disembowelment
destripar {v} :: to disembowel
destripar {v} :: to gut
destripar {v} [neologism] :: to spoil (a story, etc.)
destrísimo {adj} [superlative] :: very skillful, dexterous, masterly
destrocar {v} :: to swap; exchange back
destronamiento {m} :: dethroning; dethronement
destronar {v} :: to depose
destroncar {v} :: to cut down (a tree trunk)
destroncar {v} :: to cut short, cut off
destroncar {v} :: to maim, mutilate
destroncar {v} :: to ruin
destroncar {v} :: to wear down, wear out
destronque {m} :: cutting down (of a tree trunk)
destronque {m} :: uprooting
destronque {m} :: maiming, mutilation
destrozado {adj} :: wrecked, smashed, destroyed, torn, torn apart, crushed, ripped, shredded
destrozado {adj} [figuratively] :: devastated, shattered, gutted [UK], destroyed, crushed, broken
destrozado {adj} :: trashed (e.g. a house or room)
destrozar {v} :: to destroy, to break
destrozo {m} :: destruction
destrozo {m} :: massacre
destrozón {adj} :: destructive; always breaking stuff
destrozón {m} :: destructive person; smasher (of things)
destrucción {f} :: destruction
destructible {adj} :: destructible
destructivamente {adv} :: destructively
destructividad {f} :: destructiveness
destructivo {adj} :: destructive
destructor {adj} :: destructive
destructor {adj} :: destroying
destructor {m} :: destructor
destructor {m} :: destroyer (warship)
destructora {f} :: feminine noun of destructor
destruible {adj} :: destructible
destruido {adj} :: destroyed
destruir {v} :: to destroy
destruirse {v} :: reflexive of destruir
destupidor {m} :: plunger
destupir {v} :: to clear
desturcar {v} [Nicaragua, vulgar] :: to break, destroy
desturcar {v} [Nicaragua, vulgar] :: to be or go insane (i.e. "desturcado mental")
desubicación {f} :: disorientation
desubicado {adj} [Latin America] :: unseemly
desubicar {v} :: to disorientate
desubicar {vr} :: to become disorientated
desulfuración {f} :: desulfurization
desulfurización {f} :: desulphurization
desulfurizador {adj} :: desulfurizing
desungulación {f} :: dysungulation
desunión {f} :: breakage, breakup, separation
desunión {f} :: disunity
desunir {vt} :: to divide
desusado {adj} :: Disused; dated, obsolete
desuscribir {v} :: to unsubscribe
desuscribirse {vr} :: to unsubscribe, deregister
desuscribirse {vr} :: to cancel
desuscripción {f} :: unsubscribing
desuso {m} :: disuse (lack of use)
desuso {m} :: obsolescence, desuetude (state of being no more used)
desuso {m} :: abeyance; stay
desvainar {v} :: to shell (remove the covering of a vegetable)
desvaír {v} :: to lose color, strength or intensity
desvalido {adj} :: helpless
desvalijamiento {m} :: robbery
desvalijar {v} :: to rob, clean out (rob everything someone has)
desvaloración {f} :: devaluation
desvalorización {f} :: devaluation
desvalorizar {v} :: to devalue, to depreciate
desvaluación {f} :: devaluation
desván {m} :: loft, attic
desvanecer {v} :: to vanish
desvanecer {vr} :: to fade
desvanecerse {v} :: reflexive of desvanecer
desvanecimiento {m} :: disappearance
desvariante {adj} :: delusional
desvariar {v} :: to become delusional, to lose one's mind
desvarío {m} :: delirium
desvasar {v} [Argentina] :: to correct a horse's shoe
desvelado {adj} :: unable to sleep
desvelado {adj} :: sleepless [during which one cannot sleep]
desvelamiento {m} :: revealing; uncovering
desvelar {vtr} :: to preventing someone from sleeping, not letting them sleep
desvelar {vtr} :: to be unable to sleep; to be not able to sleep; to keep awake
desvelar {vr} :: to be vigilant
desvelar {vr} [figuratively] :: to work tirelessly
desvelar {vt} :: to reveal, unveil
desvellado {adj} :: bald, hairless
desvelo {m} :: insomnia
desvelo {m} :: worry, anxiety
desvenado {adj} :: deveined
desvenar {vt} :: to devein
desvencijado {adj} :: rickety
desvencijado {adj} :: ramshackle
desvencijar {v} :: to break down
desventaja {f} :: disadvantage, drawback, downside, weakness
desventajado {adj} :: disadvantaged
desventajosamente {adv} :: disadvantageously, unprofitably, unfavorably
desventajoso {adj} :: disadvantageous, unprofitable, unfavorable
desventar {v} :: to let out air
desventrar {v} :: to rip the guts of; eviscerate; disembowel
desventura {f} :: misfortune
desventura {f} :: unhappiness
desventura {f} :: trouble
desventuradamente {adv} :: unfortunately; lucklessly
desventurado {adj} :: unfortunate, luckless
desventurado {adj} :: ill-fated, doomed
desvergonzadamente {adv} :: shamelessly, or unblushingly
desvergonzado {adj} :: shameless
desvergue {m} [slang, Guatemala] :: party
desvergue {m} [slang, El Salvador] :: mess
desvergüenza {f} :: shamelessness, impudence
desvertebración {f} :: dislocation
desvertebración {f} :: stripping
desvertebrar {v} :: to dislocate
desvertebrar {v} :: to disrupt, strip
desvestir {vt} :: to undress (another)
desvestir {vr} :: to undress (oneself)
desvestirse {v} :: reflexive of desvestir; to get undressed
desviación {f} :: deviation
desviación {f} :: detour
desviación estándar {f} [statistics] :: standard deviation
desviacionismo {m} :: deviationism
desviación típica {f} [statistics] :: standard deviation
desviado {adj} :: detoured
desviado {adj} :: redirected
desviado {adj} :: aberrated
desviado {adj} [derogative, offensive] :: homosexual, gay
desviador {adj} :: diverting; that diverts
desviador {m} :: derailleur
desviar {v} :: to divert, to distract, to shift, to sidetrack
desviar {v} :: to deflect
desviar {v} [figuratively] :: to derail (e.g. a movement, a process)
desviar {v} :: to bypass, to reroute, to redirect
desviar {v} :: to siphon, to siphon off (e.g. money, funds)
desviar {v} :: to forward (a phone call)
desviar {v} :: to avert (e.g. one's eyes or gaze)
desviar {v} :: to change (e.g. the subject, the course, the conversation)
desviar {v} :: to shunt
desviar {v} [figuratively] :: to shunt (i.e. move aside)
desviar {vr} :: to deviate, to detour, to turn aside, to depart
desviar {vr} :: to turn off, to veer (e.g. to take an exit)
desviar {vr} :: to branch off, to fork off (e.g. a road or highway)
desviar {vr} :: to swerve, to go off course
desviar {vr} :: to get sidetracked
desviarse {v} :: (reflexive of desviar)
desvinculación {f} :: separation
desvinculación asistida {f} :: outplacement (the process of helping to find new employment for redundant workers)
desvincular {vtr} :: to separate from
desvío {m} :: detour, diversion
desvío {m} :: redirection
desvío {m} :: deviation
desvirgar {vt} :: to deflower
desvirtuación {f} :: lack of virtues
desvirtuación {f} :: nullification
desvirtuante {adj} :: counteracting
desvirtuar {v} :: to distort
desvivirse {v} :: to long, yearn; crave
desvivirse {v} :: to deeply care; to go out of one's way
detal {m} :: only used in al detal
detalladamente {adv} :: in detail
detallado {adj} :: detailed, intricate
detallar {vt} :: to detail
detalle {m} :: detail
detalle {m} :: nice thought
detalle {m} :: gesture, beau geste, attention
detallismo {m} :: attention to detail
detallista {adj} :: Characterized by very precise attention to detalles (details); detail oriented, fussy, thoughtful, thoughty, perfectionist, fastidious, finicky, meticulous, precise, exact
detallista {adj} :: Demonstrating detalles (kindness or consideration) for others; thoughtful, thoughty, considerate, attentive
detallista {mf} :: retailer, shopkeeper
detallito {m} :: diminutive of detalle: small or minor detail
de tal palo, tal astilla {proverb} [idiom] :: chip off the old block
de tapadillo {adv} [idiomatic] :: in secret; on the hush-hush
de tarde a tarde {adv} [idiomatic] :: occasionally; once in a while; now and then; from time to time
detección {f} :: detection
detectabilidad {f} :: detectability
detectable {adj} :: detectable
detectar {v} :: to detect
detectarse {v} :: reflexive of detectar
detectiva {f} :: feminine noun of detective
detective {mf} :: detective
detective privado {m} :: private detective
detectivesco {adj} :: detective
detector {m} :: detector
detector de metal {m} :: metal detector
detención {f} :: arrest
detención {f} :: detention
detención {f} :: stopping, halt
detenedor {adj} :: stopping
detenedor {m} :: stopper (something that stops another)
detener {v} :: to arrest
detener {v} :: to stop, halt, to pause
detener {v} :: to detain
detener {v} :: to pull over
detenerse {v} :: reflexive of detener To stop oneself
detenida {f} :: feminine noun of detenido
detenidamente {adv} :: dilatorily, cautiously, attentively
detenido {adj} :: arrested
detenido {adj} :: stopped
detenido {adj} :: thorough, careful
detenido {m} :: detainee
detenido {m} :: prisoner, arrested person
detenimiento {m} :: thoroughness
detentación {f} [legal] :: deforcement
detentación {f} [legal] :: holding; handling (of stolen goods)
detentador {m} :: holder
detentadora {f} :: feminine noun of detentador
detentar {v} :: to hold or retain
detente {m} :: A painted or embroidered image of a saint carried over the heart to ward off danger or attack
detente {m} :: An amulet or talisman carried for protection against harm
detente {m} :: détente (period of history involving calming of tension)
detentor {m} :: holder
detentor {m} :: lockshield valve
detergente {adj} :: detergent
detergente {m} :: detergent
deterger {vt} [rare] :: to cleanse, deterge
deterioración {f} :: deterioration
deteriorar {vt} :: to ruin, spoil
deteriorar {vr} [deteriorarse] :: to worsen, deteriorate
deterioro {m} :: deterioration, damage, spoilage
determinación {f} :: determination, identification, establishment, establishing (i.e. figuring out something with relative certainty)
determinación {f} :: determination, resolve, resoluteness (i.e. firmness of purpose or intention)
determinación {f} :: decision
determinación {f} :: setting, fixing, determining (e.g. fixing of a deadline, setting of objectives or goals)
determinación {f} :: firmness
determinadamente {adv} :: determinedly
determinado {adj} :: specific, particular, certain
determinado {adj} :: determinate
determinador {m} :: determiner
determinante {m} [grammar] :: determiner
determinante {m} [linear algebra] :: determinant
determinantemente {adv} :: expressly
determinantemente {adv} :: totally; utterly
determinar {v} :: to determine
determinativo {m} :: determinative
determinativo {adj} :: determining
determinativo {adj} [grammar] :: definite
determinismo {m} :: determinism
determinista {mf} :: determinist
detestable {adj} :: detestable
detestablemente {adv} :: detestably
detestar {v} :: to detest, to loathe, to abominate
de toda la vida {adj} :: lifelong
de toda la vida {adj} [colloquial] :: longtime, Indicates that something is typical of its category and/or old
de todas formas {adv} :: in any case
de todas maneras {adv} :: in any case
de todo a cien {adj} [idiom, pejorative] :: second-rate; low-quality; low-grade
de todo punto {adv} [idiom] :: entirely; completely
de todos modos {adv} [idiom] :: anyway, in any case
de tomo y lomo {adj} [idiom] :: huge; humongous; ginormous
detonación {f} :: detonation, explosion
detonador {adj} :: detonating
detonador {f} :: detonator
detonante {m} :: detonator, trigger (catalyst)
detonar {v} :: to detonate, to trigger (catalyze)
détox {f} :: detox
detoxificación {f} :: detoxification; detox
detoxificar {v} :: to detoxify
de traca {adj} [idiom] :: hilarious
detracción {f} :: disparagement
detractor {m} :: detractor
detractora {f} :: detractor
detraer {v} :: to remove, separate
detraer {v} :: to denigrate, disparage
detrás {adv} :: behind, at the rear
detrás {adv} :: after
detrás de {prep} :: behind
de trecho en trecho {adv} [idiomatic] :: from time to time; occasionally
de tres al cuarto {adj} [idiom] :: rubbish, shoddy, worthless
detrimental {adj} :: detrimental
detrimento {m} :: detriment
detrítico {adj} [geology] :: detrital
detritívoro {m} :: detritivore
detritívoro {adj} :: detritivorous
detrito {m} :: debris, detritus
detritus {m} :: detritus
Detroit {prop} :: Detroit (city)
deturpar {v} :: To defile; corrupt
deuda {f} :: debt (an obligation to perform for another)
deuda {f} :: debt (the state of owing something to another)
deuda {f} :: debt (money that someone owes to another)
deuda externa {f} :: foreign debt
deuda pública {f} :: national debt
deudo {m} :: relative, relation, kin
deudor {m} :: debtor
deudora {f} :: feminine noun of deudor
de última hora {adj} [idiom] :: last minute
de una sentada {adv} [idiom] :: in one go
de una tacada {adv} [idiom] :: in one go
de una vez {adv} [idiomatic] :: once and for all
de un golpe {adv} [idiom] :: in one go, all at once
de un modo u otro {adv} [idiomatic] :: somehow, one way or another
de un plumazo {adv} [idiomatic] :: suddenly, in a flash, at one stroke
de un tirón {adv} [idiomatic] :: in one go
deustoarra {adj} :: Of, from, or relating to Deusto
deustoarra {mf} :: Someone from Deusto
deuterio {m} :: deuterium
deuterocanónico {adj} :: deuterocanonical
deuteromiceto {m} :: deuteromycete
deuterón {m} :: deuterium
Deuteronomio {prop} {m} [biblical] :: Deuteronomy
deuteronomista {mf} :: Deuteronomist
deuterostomado {m} :: alternative form of deuteróstomo
deuteróstomo {m} :: deuterostome
deutóxido {m} [chemistry] :: deutoxide
devaluación {f} :: devaluation
devaluador {m} :: devaluer
devaluar {v} :: to devalue
devanagari {adj} :: Devangari
devanagari {m} :: Devangari
devanar {v} :: to coil, wind
devanarse los sesos {v} [idiomatic] :: to rack one's brains
devaneo {m} :: idle pursuit, distraction or superficial pastime
devaneo {m} :: Casual love affair, fling
devaneo {m} :: dalliance, flirting
de vanguardia {adj} [idiom] :: state-of-the-art, cutting-edge
devastación {f} :: devastation
devastado {adj} :: devastated (completely destroyed)
devastador {adj} :: devastating, destructive
devastadoramente {adv} :: devastatingly
devastar {vt} :: to devastate
develación {f} :: unveiling
develamiento {m} :: revelation, uncovering
develar {v} :: to unveil, to reveal
develizamiento {m} :: revelation
devengar {v} [finance] :: to earn (money)
devengar {v} :: to be due (money)
devengo {m} :: accrual
devenir {v} :: to happen
dever {v} :: obsolete spelling of deber
de veras {adv} [chiefly Latin America, idiom] :: truly, really
de verdad {adv} [idiom] :: really; for real
de vero {adv} [obsolete] :: truly; forsooth; in truth
de vez en cuando {adv} [idiomatic] :: occasionally; once in a while; now and then; from time to time
de vicio {adj} [idiom] :: great, kick-ass, sweet as
devisar {v} [obsolete] :: to plan; to design
devisar {v} [obsolete] :: to divide
de viva voz {adv} [idiomatic] :: aloud
devoción {f} :: devotion
devocional {adj} :: devotional
devocionario {m} :: prayer book
devocionario {adj} :: devotional
devolución {f} :: return
devolución {f} :: refund
devolución {f} :: devolution
devolver {v} :: to return, refund, restore, give back, hand back, bring back, send back etc
devolver {v} :: to pay back, repay (to pay an amount of money owed to another)
devolver {v} :: to devolve
devolver {v} [colloquial] :: to throw up, to vomit
devoniano {adj} :: Devonian
devoniano {m} :: Devonian
devorador {adj} :: devouring
devoradora {f} :: eater; devourer
devorante {adj} :: devastating
devorar {v} :: to devour
Devos {prop} {mf} :: surname
devota {f} :: feminine noun of devoto
devotamente {adv} :: devotedly
devotísimo {adj} :: superlative of devoto
devoto {adj} :: devout, pious
devoto {adj} :: devoted
devoto {m} :: devotee; admirer
dexado {v} :: obsolete spelling of dejado
dexametasona {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: dexamethasone
dexar {v} :: obsolete spelling of dejar
dextrano {m} [organic compound, carbohydrate] :: dextran
dextrina {f} [carbohydrate] :: dextrin
dextrinasa {f} [enzyme] :: dextrinase
dextroanfetamina {f} :: dextroamphetamine
dextrocardia {f} :: dextrocardia
dextrógiro {adj} :: clockwise
dextrometorfano {m} :: dextromethorphan
dextromoramida {f} :: dextromoramide
dextrorso {adj} :: clockwise, deasil
dextrosa {f} :: dextrose
deyección {f} :: defecation
deyección {f} [in the plural] :: excrement
deyección {f} [geology] :: ejecta
dezir {v} :: obsolete spelling of decir
dezmar {v} :: alternative form of diezmar
DF {prop} :: initialism of Distrito Federal (Mexican federal district)
di- {prefix} :: di-
di- {prefix} :: dis-
dia {m} :: obsolete spelling of día
día {m} :: day (any period of 24 hours)
día {m} :: day (a period from midnight to the following midnight)
día {m} :: day (rotational period of a planet)
día {m} :: day (the part of a day period which one spends at work, school, etc.)
día {m} :: day, daytime (the part of the day between sunrise and sunset)
día a día {m} :: everyday life
diabasa {f} [mineralogy] :: diabase
diabetes {f} :: diabetes
diabético {adj} :: diabetic
diabetologa {f} :: feminine noun of diabetologo
diabetóloga {f} :: diabetologist
diabetológico {adj} :: diabetic (of or pertaining to diabetes)
diabetologo {m} :: diabetologist
diabetólogo {m} :: diabetologist
diabla {f} :: feminine noun of diablo
diablada {f} :: a traditional dance from Bolivia characterised by the dancers wearing a devil suit
diablesa {f} :: deviless
diablilla {f} :: feminine noun of diablillo
diablillo {m} :: diminutive of diablo
diablita {f} :: feminine noun of diablito
diablito {m} :: diminutive of diablo
diablito {m} [Mexico] :: hand truck
diablo {m} :: devil
diablos {interj} [colloquial] :: damn it, hell, heck
diablos {adv} [colloquial] :: the hell
diablura {f} :: prank
diabólicamente {adv} :: diabolically
diabólico {adj} :: diabolic
diabolización {f} :: demonization
diabolizar {v} :: to demonize
diábolo {m} :: diabolo
diacachimba {adj} [Nicaragua] :: cool; awesome
diacereína {f} [organic compound] :: diacerein
diacilglicerol {m} :: diacylglycerol, diglyceride
diaclasa {f} [geology] :: joint
diácona {f} :: feminine noun of diácono
diaconado {m} :: deaconry
diaconal {adj} :: diaconal
diaconía {f} :: deaconry
diaconía {f} :: the house of a deacon
diaconisa {f} :: deaconess
diácono {m} :: deacon
diacrítico {adj} :: diacritical
diacrítico {m} :: diacritic, diacritical mark
diacronía {f} :: diachrony
diacrónico {adj} :: diachronic
Día D {prop} {m} [historical] :: D-Day (June 6, 1944)
díada {f} :: duo; twosome; two people joined at the hip
Día de Acción de Gracias {prop} {m} :: Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day)
Día de la Emancipación {prop} {m} :: Juneteenth
Día de la Emancipación {prop} {m} :: Emancipation Day (in different countries)
Día de la Independencia {prop} {m} :: Independence Day (holiday)
Día de la Madre {prop} {m} :: Mother's Day (a day in honor of mothers)
Día de la Raza {prop} {m} :: Columbus Day
Día de la Tierra {prop} {m} :: Earth Day
Día de la Victoria {prop} {m} :: Victory Day
Día de los Caídos {prop} {m} :: Memorial Day
Día de los Inocentes {prop} {m} :: Childermas (day commemorating the killing of the Holy Innocents)
Día de los Inocentes {prop} {m} [by extension] :: April Fools' Day
Día de los Muertos {prop} {m} [Mexico] :: Day of the Dead
Día de los Santos Inocentes {prop} {m} :: Childermas (day commemorating the killing of the Holy Innocents)
Día del Padre {prop} {m} :: Father's Day (holiday in celebration of fatherhood)
Día del Presidente {prop} {m} :: Presidents' Day (federal holiday)
Día del Trabajo {prop} {m} :: Labor Day
diadema {f} :: tiara (ornamental coronet)
diadema {f} :: diadem, crown
diadema {f} :: halo
Día de Muertos {prop} {m} :: All Souls' Day (Christian feast day)
Día de Muertos {prop} {m} [Mexico] :: Day of the Dead
Día de San Valentín {prop} {m} :: Valentine's Day
Día de Todos los Santos {prop} {m} :: All Saints' Day (feast day)
diádoco {m} :: diadochus
diáfanamente {adv} :: diaphanously
diáfanamente {adv} :: brightly
diafanidad {f} :: pellucidness, transparency
diáfano {adj} :: pellucid, transparent, diaphanous
diáfano {adj} :: clear, bright (said of the weather)
diáfano {adj} :: bright, well-lit
día festivo {m} [Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Nicaragua] :: holiday; bank holiday
diáfisis {f} :: diaphysis
diafonía {f} :: crosstalk
diaforético {adj} :: diaphoretic
diafragma {m} [anatomy] :: diaphragm (sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen)
diafragma {m} :: diaphragm (contraceptive device consisting of a flexible cup)
diafragma {m} [photography] :: diaphragm (thin, opaque structure with a central aperture)
diafragma {m} [acoustics] :: diaphragm (vibrating membrane in a speaker)
diafragma {m} [botany] :: diaphragm (membrane that separates one cavity from another)
diafragma {m} [mechanics] :: diaphragm (flexible membrane separating two chambers)
diafragmar {v} :: to diaphragm
diafragmático {adj} :: diaphragmatic
diagénesis {f} [geology] :: diagenesis
diagnosis {f} :: diagnosis
diagnosticable {adj} :: diagnosable
diagnosticar {v} :: to diagnose
diagnóstico {adj} :: diagnostic
diagnóstico {m} :: diagnosis
diagnosticoterapéutico {adj} :: relating or allowing both diagnosis and therapy
diagonal {adj} :: diagonal
diagonal {f} :: diagonal
diagonalizable {adj} :: diagonalizable
diagonalización {f} :: diagonalization
diagonalizar {v} :: to diagonalize
diagonalmente {adv} :: diagonally
diagonal principal {f} [linear algebra] :: main diagonal
diagrama {m} :: diagram
diagramación {f} :: The adding of a diagram on a page
diagrama de flujo {m} :: flow chart
diagramar {v} :: to diagram
diaguita {adj} :: Diaguita
diaguita {mf} :: Diaguita
día hábil {m} :: workday, working day
dial {m} :: dial
día laborable {m} :: working day; workday
dialectal {adj} :: dialectal
dialécticamente {adv} :: dialectically
dialéctico {adj} :: dialectic
dialectismo {m} :: dialectism
dialecto {m} :: dialect
dialecto {m} [Central America, Peru, colloquial] :: Native American language
dialectóloga {f} :: feminine noun of dialectólogo
dialectología {f} :: dialectology
dialectólogo {m} :: dialectologist
dialipétalo {adj} :: dialypetalous
diálisis {f} :: dialysis
dializar {v} :: to dialyze
dialogante {adj} :: open to dialogue, keen on dialogue
dialogante {mf} :: participant in a dialogue
dialogar {v} :: to talk, discuss
dialogar {v} :: to dialogue
dialógico {adj} :: dialogic
diálogo {m} :: dialogue (form of discourse)
diálogo {m} :: dialogue (literary form)
diálogo de besugos {m} [idiomatic] :: A conversation where the people talk at cross-purposes
dialoguista {mf} :: dialoguer
diamantar {v} :: to make shine like a diamond
diamante {m} :: diamond
diamante {m} [card games] :: diamond (a playing card of the suit diamonds, diamantes)
diamante {m} :: excelsior (a small size of type, standardized to 3 point)
diamante mandarín {m} :: zebra finch
diamantífero {adj} [mineralogy] :: diamondiferous
diamantino {adj} :: Of or relating to diamonds
diamantino {adj} [poetic, figuratively] :: hard, solid, unbreakable
diamantista {mf} :: diamond seller, miner, or dealer
diametral {adj} :: diametral (relating to a diameter)
diametralmente {adv} :: diametrically
diámetro {m} :: diameter
diamina {f} :: diamine
diana {f} [also, figurative] :: bullseye (of an archery target)
diana {f} :: archery target
diana {f} :: reveille (military wakening call)
Diana {prop} {f} [Roman god] :: Diana
Diana {prop} {f} :: given name
dianética {f} :: Dianetics
dianético {adj} :: Dianetic
diánico {adj} :: Dianic
diantre {m} [colloquial, euphemistic, obsolete] :: devil
diantre {interj} [obsolete] :: bloody hell
diantres {adv} :: the heck, the devil (for emphasis after a question word)
diapasón {m} :: diapason
diapasón {m} :: tuning fork
diapasón {m} [music] :: fingerboard
diapausa {f} :: diapause
diapiro {m} :: diapir
diaplejía {f} :: diparesis
diapositiva {f} :: slide, transparency, diapositive (clear object on which a sample may be viewed)
diápsido {m} :: diapsid
diariamente {adv} :: daily (every day)
diariero {m} [Argentina] :: delivery boy
diario {adj} :: daily
diario {m} :: diary, journal
diario {m} :: daily
diarista {mf} :: diarist
diarquía {f} :: diarchy
diarrea {f} :: diarrhea
diarrea del viajero {f} [medicine] :: traveler's diarrhea
diarreico {adj} :: diarrheic
diartrosis {f} [anatomy] :: diarthrosis
día sí, día también {adv} [idiom] :: day in day out
diasistema {m} :: diasystem
día sí y día también {adv} :: alternative form of día sí, día también
diáspora {f} :: diaspora
diaspro {m} [mineralogy] :: jasper
diastasa {f} [enzyme] :: diastase
diastereoisómero {m} [organic chemistry] :: diastereoisomer
diastereómero {m} :: alternative form of diastereoisómero
diástole {f} [physiology] :: diastole (period when the heart refills with blood)
diástole {f} [prosody] :: diastole (lentghtening of a syllable)
diastólico {adj} :: diastolic (pertaining to a diastole)
diátesis {f} :: diathesis
diatomea {f} :: diatom
diatómico {adj} :: diatomic
diatomita {f} :: diatomite
diatónico {adj} [chemistry] :: diatonic
diatópico {adj} :: diatopic
diatriba {f} :: diatribe
Díaz {prop} :: surname derived from the given name Diego
diazepam {m} :: diazepam
diazina {f} [organic compound] :: diazine
diazinón {m} :: diazinon
diazo {m} :: diazo
diazometano {m} [organic compound] :: diazomethane
diazonio {m} :: diazonium
dibenzofurano {m} [organic compound] :: dibenzofuran
diborano {m} :: diborane
dibujador {m} :: drawer, sketcher
dibujadora {f} :: feminine noun of dibujador
dibujante {adj} :: drawing, sketching
dibujante {mf} :: drawer, sketcher
dibujar {vt} :: to draw, to sketch
dibujar {vt} :: to describe vividly, to detail
dibujar {vt} :: to outline
dibujarse {v} :: to be outlined, to stand out
dibujarse {v} :: to be revealed, to take form
dibujito {m} :: diminutive of dibujo
dibujo {m} :: drawing
dibujo {m} :: tread (grooves in tire)
dibujo animado {m} :: cartoon
dibujo técnico {m} :: technical drawing
dibutil {m} :: dibutyl
dicarboxílico {adj} :: dicarboxylic
dicasio {m} :: dichasium
dicasterio {m} :: dicastery
dicción {f} :: diction
diccionario {m} :: dictionary, wordbook
diccionario de sinónimos {m} :: thesaurus (book of synonyms)
diccionarista {mf} :: lexicographer, dictionary-maker
dicdic {m} :: dik-dik
dicha {f} :: luck
dicha {f} :: bliss
dicharachero {adj} :: witty
dicharachero {adj} :: chatty, talkative
dicharachero {m} :: witty person
dicharachero {m} :: chatterbox
dicharacho {m} [colloquial] :: vulgarity (vulgar remark)
dicho {adj} :: mentioned, said, aforementioned
dicho {m} :: saying, expression
dicho {m} :: remark
dicho {m} :: proverb
dicho {m} :: marriage vow
dicho de otro modo {adv} [idiom] :: in other words
dichosamente {adv} :: happily, fortunately, luckily
dichosísimo {adj} :: superlative of dichoso
dichoso {adj} :: fortunate, lucky
dichoso {adj} :: blissful
dichoso {adj} :: darn, damned
dichosos los ojos que te ven {phrase} :: long time no see, you're a sight for sore eyes
dicho y hecho {phrase} :: said and done; no sooner said than done
diciembre {m} :: December
diciente {adj} :: telling
dicigótico {adj} :: dizygotic
dicipulo {m} :: obsolete spelling of discípulo
dickensiano {adj} :: Dickensian
diclofenaco {m} :: diclofenac
dicloro {m} :: dichlorine
dicloroetano {m} :: dichloroethane
diclorometano {m} :: dichloromethane
dicloruro {m} :: dichloride
dicótico {adj} :: dichotic
dicotiledón {adj} :: dicotyledonous
dicotiledón {m} [botany] :: dicotyledon
dicotiledónea {f} :: dicotyledon
dicotiledóneo {adj} :: dicotyledonous
dicótomamente {adv} :: dichotomously
dicotomía {f} :: dichotomy (a separation or division in two)
dicotomía {f} [logic, philosophy] :: dichotomy (a division of a class into two disjoint subclasses)
dicotomía {f} [botany] :: dichotomy (bifurcation)
dicotómicamente {adv} :: dichotomously
dicotómico {adj} :: dichotomic
dicotomizar {v} :: to dichotomize
dicótomo {adj} :: dichotomous
dicroico {adj} :: dichroic
dicromato {m} :: dichromate
dictablanda {f} :: a soft-handed dictatorship
dictación {f} [law] :: issuance, promulgation
dictado {m} :: dictation
dictador {m} :: A dictator
dictadora {f} :: female dictator
dictadorcillo {m} :: diminutive of dictador
dictadorzuelo {m} :: pejorative of dictador
dictadura {f} :: dictatorship
dictamen {m} :: report
dictamen {m} [legal] :: report
dictaminación {f} [legal] :: ruling
dictaminador {adj} :: ruling
dictaminador {m} :: ruler
dictaminadora {f} :: feminine noun of dictaminador
dictaminar {v} :: to rule (decide judicially)
dictar {v} :: to dictate
dictar {v} :: to pronounce
dictar {v} :: to give; to deliver (i.e. a lecture)
dictar {v} [legal] :: to lay down
dictatorial {adj} :: dictatorial
dictatorialmente {adv} :: dictatorially
dicterio {m} :: taunt
dictioma {m} [medicine, obsolete] :: medulloepithelioma
dictum {m} :: dictum
didáctica {f} :: feminine noun of didáctico
didácticamente {adv} :: didactically
didáctico {adj} :: didactic (but only in the sense of being intended to instruct in a good way, without any negative connotations or moral implications)
didactismo {m} :: didacticism
didaquista {mf} :: Didachist
didjeridu {m} [musical instruments] :: didgeridoo
diecinueve {num} :: nineteen
diecinueveavo {adj} :: nineteenth
diecinueveavo {m} :: nineteenth
dieciochesco {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the 18th century
dieciocho {num} :: eighteen
dieciochoavo {adj} [fractional] :: eighteenth
dieciochoavo {m} [fractional] :: eighteenth
dieciséis {num} :: sixteen
dieciséisañera {f} :: feminine noun of dieciséisañero
dieciséisañero {m} :: sixteen-year-old
dieciseisavo {m} [fractional] :: sixteenth
diecisiete {num} :: seventeen
diecisieteavo {m} [fractional] :: seventeenth
diédrico {adj} :: dihedral
diedro {adj} :: dihedral
diedro {m} :: dihedral
diégesis {f} :: The plot or narrative of a written work
Diego {prop} {m} :: given name, thought to be a diminutive of Santiago or, most likely, a contraction of the preposition "de" (of) "Iago" (Galician for Jacob, which is pronounced "d'Iago").
diegueño {m} :: The Kumeyaay, a Native American people of Southern California and Baja California
diegueño {m} :: The Kumeyaay language (diegueño del Sur)
diegueño {m} :: The Ipai language (diegueño del Norte)
diegueño {m} :: A member of this people
Diegueño {prop} :: alternative case form of diegueño
dieléctrico {adj} :: dielectric
dieno {m} [organic chemistry] :: diene
dienófilo {m} [organic chemistry] :: dienophile
dientazo {m} :: bitemark
diente {m} :: tooth (anatomy)
diente {m} :: tooth (sharp projection on the blade of a saw or similar implement)
diente {m} :: clove (of garlic)
dientecillo {m} :: diminutive of diente
dientecito {m} :: diminutive of diente
diente de leche {m} :: milk tooth
diente de león {m} :: dandelion
diente incisivo {m} :: incisor
dientudo {adj} [colloquial, El Salvador] :: with big teeth
diéresis {f} :: dieresis
diesel {m} :: diesel
diésel {m} :: diesel fuel
diestramente {adv} :: skilfully; adroitly
diestrísimo {adj} :: superlative of diestro
diestro {adj} :: right, right-hand (direction)
diestro {adj} :: right-handed
diestro {adj} :: skillful, dexterous, adroit
diestro {adj} [heraldry] :: dexter, dextral
diestro {m} [bullfighting] :: bullfighter
dieta {f} :: diet (the food and beverages a person or animal consumes)
dieta {f} :: diet (a controlled regimen of food and drink)
dieta {f} :: diet (a council or assembly of leaders)
dieta de Maduro {prop} {f} [colloquial] :: Maduro diet
dietar {v} :: alternative form of adietar
dietario {adj} :: dietary
dietario {m} :: diary, planner, schedule
dietética {f} :: dietetics
dietético {adj} :: dietetic, dietary
dietilenglicol {m} [organic compound] :: diethylene glycol
dietilenoglicol {m} :: diethylene glycol
dietiléter {m} [organic compound] :: diethyl ether
dietilo {m} :: diethyl
dietilpropión {m} :: diethylpropion
dietista {mf} :: dietitian, dietician
diez {num} :: ten
diez {m} [education, number grade] :: A (highest grade in testing)
Diez {prop} {m} :: surname
diez cuatro {interj} :: alternative spelling of diez-cuatro
diez-cuatro {interj} :: ten-four
Diez Mandamientos {prop} {mp} [pluralonly] :: The Ten Commandments
diezmar {v} :: to decimate
diezmar {v} :: to tithe (pay a tithe)
diez mil {num} :: ten thousand
diezmillonésimo {adj} :: ten millionth
diezmo {m} :: tithe
diezmo {adj} [archaic] :: tenth
Diez Palabras {prop} {f} [pluralonly] :: The Ten Commandments
difamación {f} :: defamation
difamador {adj} :: defamatory, slanderous
difamador {m} :: defamer
difamadora {f} :: female equivalent of difamador
difamar {v} :: to defame, to libel
difamatorio {adj} :: defamatory
difenhidramina {f} [organic chemistry] :: diphenhydramine
difenil {m} :: diphenyl
difenilacetileno {m} [organic chemistry] :: diphenylacetylene
difeomorfismo {m} :: diffeomorphism
diferencia {f} :: difference
diferenciabilidad {f} :: differentiability
diferenciable {adj} :: differentiable, distinguishable
diferenciación {f} :: differentiation (act of differentiating)
diferenciadamente {adv} :: separately, apart
diferenciador {adj} :: differentiating, distinguishing
diferencial {adj} :: differential
diferencial {adj} [mathematics] :: differential
diferencial {m} :: differential
diferencial {m} [economics] :: differential, gap
diferencial {f} [mathematics] :: differential
diferencialmente {adv} :: differentially
diferenciar {vt} :: to differentiate (to show the difference between two things)
diferendo {m} :: dispute
diferente {adj} :: different
diferentemente {adv} :: differently
diferido {m} [television] :: recording
diferimiento {m} :: deferral, deferment
diferir {v} :: to differ
diferir {v} :: to defer
difícil {adj} :: difficult, hard, tough, challenging, rough, tricky, trying, arduous, testing
difícil {adj} :: unlikely (i.e. improbable)
difícil {adj} :: awkward (e.g. situation or position)
difícil {adj} [figurative] :: rocky, bumpy (e.g. start, road)
dificílimo {adj} [antiquated] :: most difficult, extremely difficult
dificilísimo {adj} :: superlative of difícil; extremely difficult
difícilmente {adv} :: with difficulty
difícilmente {adv} :: scarcely
dificultad {f} :: difficulty, trouble, problem, challenge, constraint, strenuousness, arduousness
dificultad {f} :: awkwardness
dificultad {f} :: hardship, challenge, plight, distress [plural]
dificultar {v} :: to make difficult, to hamper, to hinder, to impede, to complicate
dificultosamente {adv} :: difficultly
dificultoso {adj} :: difficult, tricky
diflunisal {m} :: diflunisal
difluoruro {m} [chemistry] :: difluoride
difónico {adj} :: overtone (singing style)
difosfato {m} :: diphosphate
difracción {f} :: diffraction
difractar {v} :: to diffract
difteria {f} :: diphtheria
diftérico {adj} :: diphtheric
difuminación {f} :: blurring; act of being blurred
difuminar {v} :: to blur, smudge, smear (make indistinct or hazy)
difuminar {v} :: to fade (disappear gradually)
difundir {v} :: to spread, to disseminate (ideas, etc.)
difunto {adj} :: deceased, defunct
difusamente {adv} :: diffusely, nebulously
difusión {f} :: spreading
difusionismo {m} :: diffusionism
difusividad {f} :: diffusivity
difuso {adj} :: diffuse
difuso {adj} [mathematics] :: fuzzy
difusor {adj} :: diffusing
difusor {m} :: diffuser
difusor {m} :: blow dryer
digamma {f} :: digamma; the Greek letter Ϝ, ϝ
digástrico {m} :: digastric, digastricus
digástrico {adj} :: digastric
digerible {adj} :: digestible
digerir {v} :: to digest
digestibilidad {f} :: digestability
digestible {adj} :: digestible
digestión {f} :: digestion
digestivo {adj} :: digestive
digestivo {m} :: digestive
digipack {m} :: digipak
digitación {f} :: digitization
digital {adj} :: digital; having to do with the fingers or toes
digital {adj} :: digital; dealing with discrete values rather than a continuous spectrum of values
digital {adj} :: digital; dealing with the display of numerical values
digital {f} :: foxglove (plant, flower)
digitalización {f} :: digitization/digitisation, digitalization/digitalisation
digitalizador {m} :: digitizer
digitalizar {vt} :: to digitalize
digitalmente {adv} :: digitally
digitar {v} :: to type
digitar {v} :: to key in, to enter (into a computer)
dígito {m} :: digit (numeral)
diglicérido {m} :: diglyceride
diglosia {f} :: diglossia
diglósico {adj} :: diglossic
dignamente {adv} :: worthily
dignar {vr} :: to deign
dignarse {v} :: to deign, condescend
dignataria {f} :: dignitary
dignatario {m} :: dignitary
dignidad {f} :: dignity
dignificación {f} :: dignification
dignificante {adj} :: dignifying
dignificar {vt} :: to dignify
dignísimo {adj} :: superlative of digno
digno {adj} :: worthy
digno {adj} :: honourable
digno {adj} :: dignified, respectful
digoxina {f} :: digoxin
digo yo {phrase} :: That's what I say; in my opinion
dígrafo {m} :: digraph
digresión {f} :: digression
digüeñe {m} :: dihueñe
dihidrofolato {m} :: dihydrofolate
dihidrógeno {m} :: dihydrogen
dihidrotestosterona {f} :: dihydrotestosterone
dihidroxiacetona {f} [organic compound] :: dihydroxyacetone
dihidroxilación {f} [organic chemistry] :: dihydroxylation
dihueñe {m} :: Cyttaria espinosae, an edible mushroom that grows on oak from Chile
diisocianato {m} :: diisocyanate
diíta {m} :: diminutive of día
dije {adj} [invariant, Chile, Bolivia] :: pleasant, nice, likable (of a person)
dije {m} :: adorns, locket
dije {m} :: amulet, charm
Dijon {prop} :: Dijon (capital city)
diktat {m} :: diktat
dilación {f} :: delay
dilapidación {f} :: waste, profligacy
dilapidador {adj} :: wasteful, profligate
dilapidar {v} :: to squander, to waste
dilatación {f} :: expansion, dilatation, dilation
dilatadamente {adv} :: dilatedly
dilatadísimo {adj} :: superlative of dilatado
dilatado {adj} :: dilative
dilatador {adj} :: dilating
dilatador {m} :: dilator
dilatar {v} :: to dilate
dilatar {v} :: to prolong
dilatar {v} :: to delay, postpone
dilatorio {adj} :: delaying, dilatory
dildo {m} :: dildo
dilecto {adj} [formal] :: favoured, preferred
dilema {m} :: dilemma, quandary
dilemático {adj} :: dilemmatic
diletante {mf} :: dilettante
diletante {adj} :: dilettante
diletantismo {m} :: dilettantism
Dili {prop} :: Dili (capital city)
diligencia {f} :: diligence
diligencia {f} :: errand
diligencia {f} :: stagecoach
diligenciamiento {m} :: management
diligenciar {v} :: to deal with; manage
diligente {adj} :: diligent, conscientious
diligentemente {adv} :: diligently
diligentísimo {adj} :: superlative of diligente
dilofosaurio {m} :: dilophosaurid
dilogía {f} :: dilogy (use of a word with two distinct meanings in the same sentence)
dilo por tí {phrase} :: speak for yourself
dilucidación {f} :: dilucidation
dilucidar {vt} :: to elucidate, clarify
dilucidar {vt} :: to clear up
dilución {f} :: dilution
diluir {v} :: to dilute
diluvial {adj} :: diluvial
diluviano {adj} :: diluvian
diluviar {v} :: to pour (as with rain)
diluvio {m} :: deluge, downpour
diluyente {m} :: paint thinner
dim. {n} :: abbreviation of diminutivo
dimanar {v} :: to source (of a river, to start)
dimanar {v} :: to stem; arise; crop up
dime a ver {phrase} [idiomatic, slang] :: what's up
dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres {proverb} :: Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are.
dimensión {f} :: dimension (a single aspect of a given thing)
dimensión {f} :: dimension (a measure of spatial extent in a particular direction)
dimensión {f} :: scale, scope, extent
dimensional {adj} :: dimensional
dimensionalidad {f} :: dimensionality
dimensionalmente {adv} :: dimensionally
dimensionamiento {m} :: dimensioning
dimensionar {vt} :: to gauge, to measure
dimérico {adj} :: dimeric
dimerización {f} :: dimerization
dimerizar {v} :: to dimerize
dímero {m} [chemistry] :: dimer
dimes {mp} :: only used in dimes y diretes
dimes y diretes {fp} [idiom] :: squabbling, crossed words
dimes y diretes {fp} [idiom] :: he said, she said
dimetil {m} :: dimethyl
dimetilamina {f} [organic chemistry] :: dimethylamine
dimetilformamida {f} [organic compound] :: dimethylformamide
dimetílico {adj} :: dimethyl
dimetilmercurio {m} [organic compound] :: dimethylmercury
dimetilo {m} :: dimethyl
dimetoxietano {m} [organic compound] :: dimethoxyethane
dimidial {adj} [rare] :: related to something coming forth in halves
dimidiar {v} :: rare form of demediar
diminución {f} :: reduction
diminutamente {adv} :: minutely
diminutivo {m} [grammar] :: diminutive
diminuto {adj} :: minute, tiny
dimisión {f} :: resignation (leaving one's job or post)
dimisión {f} :: resignation letter
dimisionar {v} :: to resign
dimisionario {adj} :: outgoing, resigning
dimitente {adj} :: outgoing, resigning
dimitir {vit} :: to resign (to quit a job or position)
dimórfico {adj} :: dimorphic
dimorfismo {m} :: dimorphism
dimuño {m} :: obsolete spelling of demonio
dinacharya {m} :: dinacharya
Dinamarca {prop} {f} :: Denmark
dinamarqués {adj} :: Danish
dinamarqués {m} :: Dane
dinámica {f} :: dynamic, dynamics
dinámicamente {adv} :: dynamically
dinámico {adj} :: dynamic
dinamina {f} :: dynamin
dinamismo {m} :: dynamism
dinamita {f} :: dynamite
dinamitar {vt} :: to dynamite (to blow up with dynamite or other high explosive)
dinamitazo {m} :: dynamite blast
dinamitera {f} :: feminine noun of dinamitero
dinamitero {m} :: dynamiter
dinamización {f} :: dynamization
dinamizador {adj} :: revitalizing, stimulating
dinamizar {v} :: to dynamise
dinamo {m} :: dynamo
dínamo {m} :: dynamo
dinamómetro {m} :: dynamometer
dinar {m} :: dinar
diñar {v} [colloquial] :: to give (something to someone); to hand over; pass on
diñarla {v} [colloquial] :: to croak, snuff it (die)
diñársela {v} [idiom] :: to trick
dinasta {mf} :: dynast
dinastía {f} :: dynasty
dinásticamente {adv} :: dynastically
dinástico {adj} :: dynastic
dineína {f} [protein] :: dynein
dineral {m} :: mint (large amount of money)
dineraria {f} :: feminine noun of dinerario
dinerario {adj} [attributive] :: money
dinerillo {m} :: diminutive of dinero
dinerito {m} :: diminutive of dinero
dinero {m} :: money
dinero {m} :: wealth
dinero contante {m} :: cash money
dinero de plástico {m} :: plastic money, including credit card, debit card, gift card, smart card, digital wallet, electronic purse
dinero negro {m} :: dirty money, black money
dinero plástico {m} :: credit card (electronic money)
dingo {m} :: dingo
dingui {m} :: dinghy
dinitrato {m} :: dinitrate
dinitrilo {m} :: dinitrile
dinitrofenilhidrazina {f} [organic compound] :: dinitrophenylhydrazine
dinitrógeno {m} :: dinitrogen
dinka {adj} :: Dinka
dino {adj} :: obsolete spelling of digno
dinoflagelado {m} :: dinoflagellate (any of many marine protozoa of the phylum Dinoflagellata)
dinorfina {f} :: dynorphin
dinosaurio {m} [zoology] :: dinosaur
dinoterio {m} :: deinothere
dintel {m} :: lintel
dinucleótido {m} [biochemistry] :: dinucleotide
diocesano {adj} :: diocesan
diócesis {f} :: diocese
Diocleciano {prop} {m} :: Diocletian (Roman cognomen)
diodo {m} [electronics] :: diode
diofántico {adj} :: diophantine
dioico {adj} :: dioecious
diol {m} [organic compound] :: diol
Diomedes {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Diomedes (Greek mythical hero)
Dion {prop} :: surname
Dionisia {prop} {f} :: given name
dionisiaco {adj} :: alternative form of dionisíaco
dionisíaco {adj} :: Dionysian
Dionisio {prop} {m} :: given name, a theophoric name deriving from Dionysus of which many rulers bore in the classical and post-classical eras
Dioniso {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Dionysus
diópsido {m} [mineral] :: diopside
dioptría {f} :: diopter
diorita {f} :: diorite
diorítico {adj} :: dioritic
dios {m} :: god
Dios {prop} {m} :: God
diosa {f} :: goddess
diosa {f} [carbohydrate] :: diose
diosa de la cama {f} [idiomatic] :: sex goddess
dios astado {m} :: Horned God
dios cornudo {m} :: Horned God
Diosdado {prop} {m} :: given name
Dios da pan a quien no tiene dientes {phrase} [idiom] :: cast pearls before swine
diosecilla {f} [mythology] :: minor goddess
Dios los cría y ellos se juntan {proverb} :: birds of a feather flock together
Dios me libre {phrase} [idiom] :: God forbid
Dios mío {interj} :: my God!; oh my God! (an expression of shock or surprise)
Dios te la depare buena {phrase} :: best of luck; good luck
dióxido {m} [chemistry] :: dioxide
dióxido de azufre {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur dioxide
dióxido de carbono {m} [inorganic compound] :: carbon dioxide (CO2)
dioxígeno {m} :: dioxygen
dioxina {f} [organic compound] :: dioxin
dioxoantraceno {m} [organic compound] :: dioxoanthracene
dip {m} :: dip (sauce for dipping)
dipeptidil {f} :: dipeptidyl
dipéptido {m} [organic compound] :: dipeptide
dipipanona {f} :: dipipanone
dipiramidal {adj} :: dipyramidal
diplexor {m} :: diplexer
diploblástico {adj} [embryology] :: diploblastic
diplodócido {m} :: diplodocid
diplodocus {m} :: diplodocus
diploide {adj} [cytology] :: diploid
diploidía {f} :: diploidy
diploma {m} :: diploma
diplomacia {f} :: diplomacy (art of conducting international relations)
diplomada {f} :: feminine noun of diplomado
diplomado {adj} :: qualified
diplomado {m} :: graduate
diplomado {m} :: person with a title or diploma
diplomar {vt} :: to graduate (to certify a student as having earned a degree)
diplomar {vr} :: to graduate (receive a degree)
diplomática {f} :: diplomacy
diplomática {f} :: feminine noun of diplomático
diplomáticamente {adv} :: diplomatically
diplomático {adj} :: diplomatic
diplomático {m} :: diplomat
diplomatura {f} :: diploma course
diplopía {f} :: diplopy
diplosoma {m} [cytology] :: diplosome
dipolar {adj} :: dipolar
dipolo {m} [chemistry] :: dipole
dippear {v} :: to dip (food)
dipsómana {f} :: dipsomaniac
dipsomanía {f} :: dipsomania
dipsómano {m} :: dipsomaniac
díptero {adj} :: dipterous
díptero {adj} :: dipteral
díptero {m} :: dipteran
díptico {m} :: diptych
diptongación {f} :: diphthongization
diptongar {v} :: to pronounce a diphthong
diptongo {m} :: diphthong
diputación {f} :: deputation
diputada {f} :: feminine noun of diputado
diputadil {adj} :: of or pertaining to a representative in a legislative chamber
diputadita {f} :: diminutive of diputada
diputadito {m} :: diminutive of diputado
diputado {m} :: deputy
diputado {m} :: a representative in a legislative chamber
diputar {v} :: to depute; to delegate
dique {m} :: dam, dike
dique {m} :: dock
dique {m} [geology] :: dike
dique {m} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: lie
dique {interj} [Dominican Republic, slang] :: Said when someone thinks someone is lying
dique {adv} :: supposedly; lyingly
dircom {m} :: clipping of director de comunicación director of communications
dirección {f} :: address
dirección {f} :: direction
dirección {f} :: management, or running of a business or organisation
direccionable {adj} :: addressable
direccional {adj} :: directional
direccional {f} :: indicator, turn signal (flashing lights on each side of a vehicle which indicate a turn is being made)
direccionalidad {f} :: directionality
direccionamiento {m} [computing] :: addressing
direccionar {v} [computing] :: to address
dirección de correo electrónico {f} [computing] :: e-mail address
dirección IP {f} :: IP address
directa {f} :: high gear
directamente {adv} :: directly, firsthand
directamente {adv} :: outright
directiva {f} :: board of directors
directiva {f} :: feminine noun of directivo, female director or executive
directividad {f} :: directivity
directivo {adj} :: directing, executive, director [attributive] (related to the managing of a department or company)
directivo {m} :: director, executive
directo {adj} :: direct, straightforward
directo {adj} :: blunt, straight
directo {adj} [broadcasting, music] :: live
director {m} :: director
director {m} :: conductor (of musical ensembles)
director {m} [school] :: principal [North America], headmaster [UK]
directora {f} :: female equivalent of director
directora {f} :: head (headmistress)
directora de funeraria {f} :: feminine noun of director de funeraria
directora de pompas fúnebres {f} :: feminine noun of director de pompas fúnebres
directoral {adj} :: directorial
director de funeraria {m} :: funeral director, mortician, undertaker
director de pompas fúnebres {m} [Spain] :: funeral director, mortician, undertaker
directorial {adj} :: directorial
directorio {m} :: directory
directorio {m} :: directive
directorio telefónico {m} :: phone book
directriz {f} :: guideline
directriz {f} [mathematics] :: directrix
diretes {n} :: only used in dimes y diretes
dírham {m} :: dirham
diriambina {f} :: feminine noun of diriambino
diriambino {adj} :: Of or from Diriamba
diriambino {m} :: Someone from Diriamba
dirigencia {f} :: leadership
dirigencial {adj} :: managing; leading
dirigencialmente {adv} :: regarding leadership
dirigenta {f} :: feminine noun of dirigente
dirigente {adj} :: leading, ruling
dirigente {adj} :: managing
dirigente {mf} :: leader
dirigentillo {m} :: diminutive of dirigente
dirigible {m} :: dirigible
dirigido {adj} :: directed
dirigir {v} :: to direct
dirigir {v} :: to lead, guide, conduct
dirigir {v} :: to steer
dirigir {vp} :: to address, direct to
dirigir {vp} :: to head, to make one's way, to head over
dirigirse {vi} :: to head, to make one's way, to go to (move in a specified direction)
dirigismo {m} :: dirigisme
dirimente {adj} :: diriment
dirimible {adj} :: resolvable
dirimir {v} :: to resolve, settle
dirimir {v} :: to cancel, void, annul, dissolve
dirosáurido {m} :: dyrosaurid
dis- {prefix} :: dis-
disacaridasa {f} [enzyme] :: disaccharidase
disacárido {m} [carbohydrate] :: disaccharide
disautonomía {f} :: dysautonomia
disbiosis {f} :: dysbiosis
discal {adj} :: discal (related to a disk)
discalculia {f} :: dyscalculia
discanto {m} :: descant
discapacidad {f} :: disability
discapacitado {adj} :: handicapped
discapacitante {adj} :: debilitating
discapacitar {v} :: to incapacitate; handicap
discar {v} :: to dial
discente {mf} :: learner, student
discernible {adj} :: discernible
discernimiento {m} :: discernment
discernir {v} :: to distinguish, discern
discinesia {f} :: dyskinesia
disciplina {f} :: discipline
disciplina {f} :: subject (area of study)
disciplinadamente {adv} :: in a disciplined manner
disciplinado {adj} :: disciplined
disciplinamiento {m} :: disciplining
disciplinante {adj} :: disciplined
disciplinante {mf} [religion] :: flagellant
disciplinar {v} :: to discipline
disciplinariamente {adv} :: disciplinarily
disciplinario {adj} :: disciplinary
discípula {f} :: feminine noun of discípulo
discipulado {m} :: discipleship
discipulado {m} :: disciples
discípulo {m} :: disciple (a person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others)
discípulo {m} :: disciple (an active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy)
disco {f} :: club, discotheque
disco {m} :: disc, disk
disco {m} :: phonograph record or disc
disco {m} :: rotary dial
disco {m} [athletics] :: discus
discóbola {f} :: discobolus (a discus thrower)
discóbolo {m} :: discobolus (a discus thrower)
discocelular {m} :: discocellular
disco compacto {m} :: compact disc
disco duro {m} [computing] :: hard drive
disco flexible {m} :: floppy disk
discografía {f} :: discography
discográfica {f} :: record label
discográficamente {adv} :: discographically
discográfico {adj} :: discographical
discoidal {adj} :: discoidal
discoide {adj} :: disk-shaped; discoid
discoideo {adj} :: discoid
díscolo {adj} :: rebellious, disobedient, unruly
díscolo {m} :: disobeyer
discomovil {m} :: mobile disco
disconforme {adj} :: dissatisfied, unhappy
disconformidad {f} :: disconformity
discontinuación {f} :: discontinuation
discontinuamente {adv} :: discontinuously
discontinuar {v} :: to discontinue
discontinuidad {f} :: discontinuity
discontinuo {adj} :: broken, interrupted
discordancia {f} :: discord
discordante {adj} :: discordant, conflicting
discordantemente {adv} :: discordantly
discordar {v} :: to disagree
discordar {v} :: to be out of tune
discorde {adj} :: discordant
discordia {f} :: discord, disagreement
discoteca {f} :: discotheque, club
discotecón {m} :: augmentative of discoteca
discoteque {f} [Chile] :: discotheque, nightclub
discotequero {adj} [attributive] :: disco
discotienda {f} :: record shop
discrasia {f} :: dyscrasia
discreción {f} :: discretion
discrecional {adj} :: discretionary
discrecionalidad {f} :: discretion, discreetness
discrecionalmente {adv} :: discretionally
discrepancia {f} :: conflict
discrepancia {f} :: discrepancy
discrepante {adj} :: discrepant, divergent
discrepar {v} :: to disagree
discresionalidad {f} :: discretion
discretamente {adv} :: tactfully
discretear {v} :: To pretend to be discrete
discretear {v} :: to whisper (a secret to someone)
discretísimo {adj} :: superlative of discreto
discretización {f} :: discretization
discreto {adj} :: discrete
discreto {adj} :: discreet, tactful
discreto {adj} :: modest
discreto {adj} :: reasonable
discrimen {m} [Peru, Ecuador] :: discrimination
discriminación {f} :: discrimination
discriminador {adj} :: discriminating
discriminante {adj} :: discriminant
discriminante {f} [algebra] :: discriminant
discriminar {v} :: to discriminate
discriminativo {adj} :: discriminative
discriminatorio {adj} :: discriminatory
disculpa {f} :: excuse
disculpa {f} :: apology
disculpable {adj} :: excusable; forgivable
disculpar {v} :: to excuse
disculpar {v} :: to forgive
disculparse {v} :: reflexive of disculpar To excuse oneself, to apologize
discurrir {v} :: to invent
discurrir {v} :: to infer
discurrir {v} :: to discourse
discurrir {v} :: to reason, think
discursar {v} [rare] :: to discourse; discuss
discursear {vi} :: to speechify, to hold forth (to talk at great length)
discursillo {m} :: diminutive of discurso
discursito {m} :: diminutive of discurso
discursivamente {adv} :: discursively
discursividad {f} :: discursivity
discursivo {adj} :: discursive
discurso {m} :: discourse
discurso {m} :: speech
discurso directo {m} [grammar] :: direct speech
discurso indirecto {m} [grammar] :: indirect speech
discusión {f} :: argument
discusión {f} :: discussion
discutible {adj} :: debatable, arguable, moot
discutiblemente {adv} :: arguably
discutidor {adj} :: argumentative
discutir {v} :: to discuss, to argue; to talk about
discutir {v} [in a group] :: to examine some subject in detail
discutir sobre el sexo de los ángeles {v} [idiom] :: to count angels on pinheads
disecable {adj} :: dissectable
disecable {adj} :: stuffable
disecable {adj} :: preservable
disecado {adj} :: stuffed (dead conserved animal)
disecado {adj} :: dried (plant)
disecado {adj} :: dissected
disecado {m} :: stuffing (of a dead animal for conservation)
disecado {m} :: preservation (of a plant)
disecar {v} :: to dissect
disecar {v} :: to stuff (a dead animal for conservation)
disecar {v} :: to dry, preserve (a plant)
disecar {v} :: to mount
disección {f} :: dissection
diseccionar {v} :: to dissect
diseminación {f} :: dissemination
diseminador {m} :: disseminator
diseminadora {f} :: feminine noun of diseminador
diseminar {v} :: to disseminate
diseñado {adj} :: designed
diseñador {m} :: designer
diseñadora {f} :: feminine noun of diseñador
diseñar {vt} :: to design
diseño {m} :: design
diseño {m} [computing, internet] :: layout
diseño {m} [historical] :: A rough map required to accompany Spanish and Mexican land grant petitions made in Alta California prior to the Mexican-American War
diseño de terreno {m} :: A "design of the land" or landmap. Prior to becoming part of the United States, Mexico had established a land granting system for Alta California. It required the grantee to submit a "letter of request" accompanied by a diseño de terreno.
diseño gráfico {m} :: graphic design
disensión {f} :: dissension; an act of dissent
disensión {f} [figuratively] :: a fight or altercation
disenso {m} :: dissent, disagreement
disentería {f} :: dysentery
disentérico {adj} :: dysenteric
disentimiento {m} :: dissent
disentir {vi} :: to dissent
disentir {vi} :: to disagree
disertación {f} :: dissertation
disertante {mf} :: speaker; lecturer
disertar {v} :: to lecture
disertar {v} :: to speak at length; to expound
diserto {adj} :: skilled in speaking, eloquent
disestesia {f} [medicine] :: dysesthesia
disfagia {f} [medicine] :: dysphagia
disfamar {v} :: obsolete form of difamar
disfemia {f} :: stuttering
disfemismo {m} :: dysphemism
disfonía {f} :: dysphonia
disfórico {adj} :: dysphoric
disforme {adj} :: malformed
disforme {adj} :: wrongly-shaped
disfraz {m} :: disguise
disfraz {m} :: costume
disfrazado {adj} :: disguised
disfrazar {vtr} :: to disguise (to change the appearance)
disfrazar {vtr} :: to dress up
disfrazarse {v} :: reflexive of disfrazar
disfrutable {adj} :: enjoyable, entertaining
disfrutador {m} :: enjoyer
disfrutadora {f} :: feminine noun of disfrutador
disfrutar {vti} :: to enjoy
disfrute {m} :: enjoyment, pleasure, delight (action and effect of enjoying)
disfunción {f} [biology, psychology] :: dysfunction
disfuncional {adj} :: dysfunctional
disfuncionalidad {f} :: malfunction
disfunción eréctil {f} [pathology] :: erectile dysfunction
disgregación {f} :: disintegration
disgregador {adj} :: separating
disgregar {v} :: to separate; to disintegrate
disgresión {f} :: digression
disgustadísimo {adj} :: superlative of disgustado
disgustado {adj} :: upset, disgusted, displeased, disappointed, annoyed, angry
disgustar {v} :: to dislike, to not like, to displease
disgustar {v} :: to disgust
disgustarse {v} :: reflexive of disgustar
disgustillo {m} :: diminutive of disgusto
disgusto {m} :: displeasure
disgusto {m} :: chagrin
disgusto {m} :: annoyance, state of getting or being upset
disidencia {f} :: dissidence
disidente {mf} :: dissident, breakaway
disilábico {adj} :: disyllabic
disílabo {adj} :: disyllabic
disímbolo {adj} [Mexico] :: different
disimetría {f} :: dissymmetry
disímil {adj} :: dissimilar
disimilación {f} :: dissimilation
disimilitud {f} :: dissimilarity
disimulación {f} :: hiding, concealment
disimulación {f} :: pretence
disimuladamente {adv} :: discreetly
disimulado {adj} :: inconspicuous, discreet (without attracting attention)
disimular {v} :: to dissemble
disimular {v} :: to hide
disimulo {m} :: craftiness, underhandedness
disincronía {f} :: dyssynchrony
disipación {f} :: dissipation
disipación {f} :: squandering (of money)
disipador {adj} :: spendthrift; wasteful
disipador {m} :: heat sink
disipar {v} :: to dissipate
disiparse {v} :: reflexive of disipar
disjunto {adj} :: disjoint
disjuntor {m} [electrical engineering] :: circuit breaker (electrical switch)
dislate {m} :: synonym of disparate
dislexia {f} [neurology, psychiatry] :: dyslexia
disléxico {adj} :: dyslexic
disléxico {m} [neurology, psychiatry] :: dyslexic
dislipidemia {f} :: dyslipidemia
dislocación {f} :: dislocation
dislocación {f} :: dismemberment
dislocar {vt} :: to dislocate
dismenorrea {f} :: dysmenorrhea
dismenorreico {adj} :: dysmenorrheic
dismetría {f} :: dysmetria
disminución {f} :: reduction, abatement (act, process, or result of reducing, or abating)
disminuido {adj} :: diminished
disminuir {v} :: to decrease
dismórfico {adj} :: dysmorphic
dismutación {f} :: disproportionation
dismutasa {f} [enzyme] :: dismutase
disnea {f} [pathology] :: dyspnea, shortness of breath
disnea paroxística nocturna {f} :: paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
Disneylandia {prop} {f} :: Disneyland
disociación {f} :: dissociation
disociar {vt} :: to dissociate, to disassociate, to decouple, to separate
disociativo {adj} :: dissociative
disódico {adj} [attributive] :: disodium
disolución {f} :: dissolution
disolución {f} [chemistry] :: solution
disoluto {adj} :: dissolute
disoluto {m} :: dissolute person
disolvente {adj} :: solvent (having the power of dissolving)
disolvente {m} :: solvent
disolver {v} :: to dissolve
disolver {v} :: to break up
disolver {v} [obsolete] :: to solve
disolverse {v} :: reflexive of disolver
disomía {f} :: disomy
disomnia {f} :: dyssomnia
disonancia {f} :: dissonance, disharmony, discord
disonante {adj} :: dissonant
disonar {v} :: to disagree or differ, to clash with
disonar {v} :: to be out of tune, to disharmonize
dispar {adj} :: disparate
dispar {adj} :: uneven
dispar {adj} :: bumpy
dispar {adj} :: inhomogeneous, mixed, diverse
disparadero {m} :: trigger
disparador {m} [mechanics] :: trigger
disparador {m} :: release (of camera)
disparadora {f} :: shooter
disparar {v} :: to shoot, to fire (e.g. a weapon, a rocket)
disparar {vr} :: to rise, to go up, to skyrocket
disparar {vr} :: to go off, to be suddenly jolted into action
disparar primero y preguntar después {v} [idiom] :: shoot first and ask questions later
dispararse {vi} :: to rocket
dispararse {v} :: to go off, bolt
disparatadamente {adv} :: crazily, ludicrously
disparatado {adj} :: crazy, mad
disparatado {adj} :: absurd, unrealistic, wild
disparatado {adj} :: eclectic
disparatar {v} :: to talk nonsense
disparate {m} :: nonsense (meaningless words or actions)
disparate {m} :: a great amount; a lot
disparate {m} :: crazy idea
disparejo {adj} :: uneven
disparejo {adj} :: bumpy
disparejo {adj} :: disparate
disparejo {adj} :: inhomogeneous
disparejo {adj} :: dissimilar
dispareunia {f} [pathology] :: dyspareunia
disparidad {f} :: disparity
disparo {m} :: shot
disparo {m} [plural] :: gunfire, shooting
dispendio {m} :: waste
dispendiosamente {adv} :: expensively, costfully
dispendiosamente {adv} :: wastefully
dispendioso {adj} :: spendthrift, wasteful
dispensación {f} :: dispensation
dispensacionalismo {m} :: dispensationalism
dispensacionalista {mf} :: dispensationalist
dispensador {m} :: dispenser
dispensador {adj} :: dispensatory
dispensar {v} :: to dispense
dispensario {m} :: dispensary
dispensario {m} :: clinic
dispensarización {f} :: dispensarization
dispensarizar {v} :: to dispensarize
dispepsia {f} [pathology] :: dyspepsia
dispersamente {adv} :: sparsely
dispersante {adj} :: dispersing
dispersante {m} :: dispersant
dispersar {vt} :: to disperse
dispersarse {v} :: reflexive of dispersar
dispersión {f} :: dispersion
dispersivo {adj} :: dispersive
disperso {adj} :: dispersed, spread out
disperso {adj} [military, obsolete] :: missing in action
dispersor {adj} :: dispersing; scattering
dispersor {m} :: disperser; scatterer
dispertar {v} :: obsolete spelling of dispert
displasia {m} :: dysplasia
display {m} :: display
displicencia {f} :: indifference (lack of enthusiasm)
displicente {adj} :: disrespectful
disponente {mf} :: donator
disponer {vt} :: to prepare, arrange
disponer {vt} :: to order, decide, stipulate
disponer {vi} [disponerse de] :: to have at one's disposal, make use of, to have
disponer {vr} [disponerse a infinitive] :: to prepare to, be about to
disponerse {v} :: reflexive of disponer; to get ready, to prepare
disponibilidad {f} :: availability
disponible {adj} :: available
disposición {f} :: disposal
disposición {f} :: tendency
disposición {f} :: fitness
disposición {f} :: capability
disposición {f} :: talent
dispositivo {m} :: appliance, device, equipment
dispositivo {m} :: presence (of police forces)
dispositivo intrauterino {m} :: intrauterine device
dispraxia {f} [neurology, psychiatry] :: dyspraxia
disprosio {m} :: dysprosium
dispuestísimo {adj} :: superlative of dispuesto
dispuesto {adj} :: willing, ready, game, down
dispuesto {adj} [with a infinitive] :: willing to [verb], ready to [verb]
disputa {f} :: dispute, argument, disputation, disagreement, altercation, contest
disputa {f} :: feud, fight, quarrel, wrangle
disputa {f} :: contention
disputable {adj} :: disputable
disputadísimo {adj} :: superlative of disputado
disputador {adj} :: disputing
disputador {adj} :: argumentative
disputador {m} :: squabbler
disputador {m} :: disputant
disputadoras {adj} :: feminine plural of disputador
disputadores {adj} :: masculine plural of disputador
disputar {v} :: to dispute
disputilla {f} :: diminutive of disputa
disquera {f} :: record label
disquería {f} :: disk shop
disquero {adj} [music, attributive] :: record
disquete {m} [dated] :: diskette (small, flexible, magnetic disk for storage and retrieval of data)
disquetera {f} [dated] :: floppy diskette drive floppy disk drive, floppy drive
disquisición {f} :: disquisition
disrotatorio {adj} [organic chemistry] :: disrotatory
disrupción {f} :: disruption
disruptivo {adj} :: disruptive
distal {adj} [anatomy] :: distal
distalmente {adv} :: distally
distancia {f} :: distance
distanciación {f} :: distancing
distancia euclidiana {f} :: Euclidean distance
distanciamiento {m} :: distancing
distanciamiento {m} :: rift, estrangement
distanciamiento social {m} [medicine, diseases] :: social distancing
distanciar {v} :: to separate
distanciar {vr} :: to become separated
distanciar {v} :: to space out
distante {adj} :: distant (space or time)
distante {adj} :: detached, aloof, standoffish
distantemente {adv} :: distantly
distar {v} :: to be far from
distención {f} :: distention
distender {vt} :: to stretch, to distend
distenderse {vr} :: to ease, to relax
distendido {adj} :: calm, relaxed
distensibilidad {f} :: distensibility
distensión {f} [medical] :: muscle strain
distensión {f} :: defusion, relaxation, calming
dístico {adj} :: distichous
dístico {m} :: distich
distilar {v} :: obsolete spelling of destilar
distimia {f} [pathology] :: dysthymia
distinción {f} :: distinction
distingo {m} :: distinction; discrimination
distinguible {adj} :: distinguishable
distinguidísimo {adj} :: superlative of distinguido
distinguido {adj} :: distinguished, refined, elegant
distinguir {v} :: to distinguish, discern
distinguir {v} :: to differentiate
distinguir {v} :: to make out, manage to see, hear etc
distinguirse {vr} :: to stand out, be distinguishable or differentiable, to distinguish oneself
distintamente {adv} :: distinctly (in a distinct manner)
distintivamente {adv} :: distinctively
distintivo {adj} :: distinctive, distinguishable
distintivo {m} :: badge, emblem, logo
distinto {adj} :: distinct, different, discrete
distinto {adj} :: various
distocia {f} :: dystocia
distonía {f} [pathology] :: dystonia
distopía {f} :: dystopia
distópico {adj} :: dystopian
distorsión {f} :: distortion
distorsionado {adj} :: distorted
distorsionador {adj} :: distorting
distorsionante {adj} :: distorting
distorsionar {v} :: to distort
distorsivo {adj} :: distorting; distortive
distracción {f} :: distraction, diversion, amusement
distractor {m} :: distracter
distraer {vt} :: to entertain, distract
distraer {vr} :: to amuse oneself, have fun
distraerse {v} :: reflexive of distraer
distraídamente {adv} :: absentmindedly
distraído {adj} :: distracted, absent-minded
distrés {m} [medicine] :: distress
distribución {f} :: distribution
distribucional {adj} :: distributional
distribución normal {f} [statistics] :: normal distribution
distribuidor {m} :: distributor
distribuidor {m} :: hall, corridor
distribuidora {f} :: feminine noun of distribuidor
distribuir {v} :: to distribute
distributario {m} :: distributary
distributismo {m} :: distributism
distributividad {f} :: distributivity
distributivo {adj} :: distributive
distritación {f} :: division of districts
distrital {adj} [attributive] :: district
distrito {m} :: district
distrito electoral {m} :: electoral district
Distrito Federal {prop} {m} :: Federal District (before 2016, the name formally given to Mexico City, the country’s capital)
distrofia {f} [pathology] :: dystrophy
distrofina {f} :: dystrophin
distroglicano {m} [protein] :: dystroglycan
disturbar {v} :: to perturb
disturbar {v} :: to disrupt
disturbio {m} :: disturbance
disuadir {vt} :: to dissuade
disuasión {f} :: dissuasion
disuasivo {adj} :: dissuasive
disuasorio {adj} :: dissuasive
disuelto {adj} :: dissolved, disbanded
disulfuro {m} :: disulfide
disulfuro {adj} :: disulfide
disuria {f} [pathology] :: dysuria
disyóquey {m} :: DJ
disyunción {f} :: disjunction
disyuntiva {f} :: disjunctive
disyunto {adj} :: disjunct
disyuntor {m} :: circuit breaker
diterpeno {m} [organic compound] :: diterpene
diterpenoide {m} [organic compound] :: diterpenoid
ditioantraceno {m} [organic compound] :: dithioanthracene
ditirambo {m} :: dithyramb
DIU {m} :: acronym of dispositivo intrauterino
diucón {m} :: fire-eyed diucon
diuresis {f} :: diuresis
diurético {adj} :: diuretic
diurético {m} :: diuretic
diurno {adj} :: diurnal
diurno {m} :: diurnal (canonical book)
diva {f} :: diva
divagación {f} :: digression
divagante {adj} :: rambling
divagar {v} :: to roam, wander, stray, ramble, digress
divalente {adj} :: divalent
diván {m} :: divan (sofa-like piece of furniture)
diván {m} :: divan (Muslim council of state)
diván {m} :: divan (collection of poems)
díver {adj} [colloquial] :: clipping of divertido, fun
divergencia {f} :: divergence
divergente {adj} :: divergent
divergir {vi} :: to diverge (to run apart)
diversamente {adv} :: differently
diversidad {f} :: diversity
diversificación {f} :: diversification
diversificar {v} :: to diversify
diversión {f} :: fun, entertainment, levity
diversionismo {m} :: diversionism
diversísimo {adj} :: superlative of diverso
diverso {adj} :: diverse
diverso {adj} [in the plural] :: several
diverticular {adj} [anatomy] :: diverticular
diverticulitis {f} [pathology] :: diverticulitis
divertículo {m} :: diverticulum
diverticulosis {m} [pathology] :: diverticulosis
divertidamente {adv} :: amusingly, funnily
divertidísimo {adj} :: superlative of divertido
divertido {adj} :: entertaining
divertido {adj} :: amusing
divertido {adj} :: funny
divertimento {m} [music] :: divertimento
divertimento {m} :: alternative form of divertimiento
divertimiento {m} :: amusement
divertir {vt} :: to entertain
divertir {vr} :: to amuse oneself, have fun
divertir {vt} [dated] :: to distract
divertir {vt} [dated] :: to divert
divertirse {v} :: (reflexive of divertir) to have a good time, to enjoy oneself
dividendo {m} :: dividend
dividir {v} :: to divide
dividir {v} :: to split
dividir {v} :: to split up
dividir {v} :: to partition (e.g. a territory)
dividir {v} [math] :: to divide
dividirse {v} :: reflexive of dividir
divieso {m} :: boil (a localized accumulation of pus in the skin, resulting from infection)
divinación {f} [obsolete] :: synonym of adivinación
divinador {m} [archaic] :: diviner, foreteller
divinadora {f} :: feminine noun of divinador
divinal {adj} [poetic] :: synonym of divino
divinamente {adv} :: divinely, royally, wonderfully
divinar {vt} [rare] :: to divine, foretell
divinar {vt} [rare] :: to guess
divinidad {f} :: divinity
divinidad {f} :: deity
divinización {f} :: divinization
divinizar {v} :: to deify
divino {adj} :: divine
divino {adj} :: heavenly
divisa {f} :: badge, emblem, token
divisa {f} [finance] :: foreign currency
divisa {f} :: foreign currency, foreign exchange
divisa {f} [heraldry] :: motto
Divisaderos {prop} :: Divisaderos (municipality)
divisar {vt} :: to spot, to make out, to sight, to descry, to espy, to spy
divisar {vt} :: to perceive
divisibilidad {f} :: divisibility
divisible {adj} :: divisible (capable of being divided)
divisible {adj} [arithmetic] :: divisible (of an integer, that when divided leaves no remainder)
división {f} :: division, divide
división {f} :: split, splitting, cleavage
división {f} :: branch, division [section of an institution or organization]
división {f} :: partition, partitioning [the division of a territory in two or more parts]
división {f} :: separation (e.g. the separation of powers in government)
división {f} [math] :: division
división {f} :: divisiveness
divisional {adj} :: divisional
divisionario {adj} :: divisional
divisionario {m} :: Member of a division
División Azul {prop} {f} :: the División Española de Voluntarios, a unit of Spanish volunteers who fought in the Nazi German army on the Eastern Front in the Second World War
divisionismo {mf} [arts] :: divisionism, pointillism
divisionista {mf} [arts] :: divisionist, pointillist
divisionista {adj} [arts] :: divisionist, pointillist
divisivo {adj} :: divisive
divismo {m} :: being a diva
divisor {adj} :: dividing
divisor {m} [arithmetic] :: divisor (number that another is to be divided by)
divisoria {f} :: halfway line
divisoria {f} :: divide
divisorio {adj} :: dividing
divo {adj} :: star (famous)
divo {m} :: star, celeb
divorciada {f} :: feminine noun of divorciado
divorciado {adj} :: divorced
divorciado {m} :: divorcee, divorcée, divorcé
divorciar {vt} :: to divorce (to legally dissolve a marriage)
divorciar {vt} :: to divorce (to end one's own marriage)
divorciar {vr} :: to divorce (to obtain a legal divorce)
divorciarse {v} :: reflexive of divorciar
divorcio {m} :: divorce (the legal dissolution of a marriage)
divorcio {m} :: divorce (a separation of connected things)
divulgación {f} :: divulgation, disclosure
divulgador {adj} :: informational, educational
divulgar {v} :: to divulge, disclose
divulgativo {adj} :: informative, educational
divulgativo {adj} :: divulging, revealing
dixie {m} :: dixie
dixit {prep} :: Said by
diyiridú {m} [musical instruments] :: didgeridoo
dizque {adv} [Latin America] :: allegedly
dizque {adv} [Latin America] :: apparently
djinn {m} [mythology] :: jinn, genie
DLE {prop} {m} [linguistics] :: initialism of Diccionario de la lengua española
DNI {m} [Spain] :: initialism of Documento Nacional de Identidad (Spain)
do {m} :: do (musical note)
do {m} :: C (musical note or key)
do {adv} [archaic] :: where
do {pron} [archaic] :: where
dóberman {m} :: Dobermann
dobla {f} :: dobla (historical coin)
dobladillo {m} :: hem of a garment
doblador {adj} :: bending [a motion or action that bends]
doblador {m} :: dubber, voice actor, dubbing actor
doblador {m} :: folder [one who, or that which, folds]
doblador {m} :: bender [one who, or that which, bends]
dobladora {f} :: feminine noun of doblador
dobladora {f} :: dubber, voice actress, dubbing actress
dobladora {f} :: bender [a device to aid bending of pipes to a specific angle.]
dobladura {f} :: fold
doblaje {m} :: dubbing [the replacement of a voice part in a movie or cartoon, particularly with a translation, revoicing]
doblamiento {m} :: folding
doblar {vt} :: to fold
doblar {vt} :: to double
doblar {vit} :: to bend, to turn
doblar {vt} :: to dub
doblarse {vr} :: to bend, to become curved
doble {adj} :: double
doble {adj} :: twofold
doble {mf} [quantity] :: double, twice as much
doble {mf} [folklore] :: a doppleganger, a double
doble cara {mf} :: poker face
doble cara {mf} :: hypocrisy
doble cara {adj} :: hypocrite
doble estándar {m} [Latin America] :: double standard
doble falta {f} [tennis] :: double fault
doble foso {m} :: double trap
doblegable {adj} :: flexible, pliant
doblegador {adj} :: bending
doblegador {adj} :: crushing, crippling
doblegar {vtr} :: to bring down, vanquish, conquer, topple, defeat
doblegar {vtr} :: to fold, bend
doblegar {vt} [mathematics] :: to divide by two
doblegarse {v} :: reflexive of doblegar; to kneel down
doble lenguaje {m} [idiomatic] :: doublespeak, double talk (equivocation)
doblemente {adv} :: doubly, twofold, twice
doble moral {f} :: double standard, double standards
doble penetración {f} :: double penetration
dobleplay {m} [baseball] :: double play
doble rasero {m} [Spain, idiom] :: double standards
doble sentido {m} :: double entendre; double meaning; pun
dobles mixto {m} [sports] :: mixed doubles
doblete {f} :: doublet
doblete {f} [physics] :: dipole
doblete {f} :: cognate
doblete {f} [baseball] :: double
dobletear {vt} :: to moonlight (to work a second job)
dobletrenza {f} :: pigtail
doble ve {f} :: letter: w
doblez {mf} :: fold, hem
doblez {mf} :: falseness, falsehood
doblista {mf} [sports] :: doubles player
doblón {m} :: doubloon
dobutamina {f} [organic compound] :: dobutamine
doce {num} :: twelve
doceavo {adj} :: twelfth
doceavo {m} :: twelfth
docena {f} :: dozen
docencia {f} :: teaching, tutoring
doceno {adj} :: twelfth
docente {adj} :: teaching
docente {mf} :: lecturer
docientos {num} :: obsolete spelling of doscientos
dócil {adj} :: docile
docilidad {f} :: docility
dócilmente {adv} :: docilely, tamely
docosahexaenoico {adj} :: docosahexaenoic
docosanol {m} [organic compound] :: docosanol
doctamente {adv} :: eruditely
doctísimo {adj} :: superlative of docto
docto {adj} :: learned, erudite
doctor {m} :: doctor (Ph.D.)
doctor {m} :: physician
doctora {f} :: feminine noun of doctor, doctor (female)
doctorado {m} :: doctorate
doctoral {adj} :: doctoral
doctorando {m} :: PhD student
doctorar {v} :: to give/grant a doctorate
doctorar {vr} :: to get a doctorate
doctorcillo {m} :: diminutive of doctor
doctorsito {m} :: diminutive of doctor
doctrina {f} :: teaching
doctrina {f} :: doctrine
doctrinal {adj} :: doctrinal
doctrinal {m} :: doctrinal
doctrinalmente {adv} :: doctrinally
doctrinar {v} :: alternative spelling of adoctrinar
doctrinaria {f} :: feminine noun of doctrinario
doctrinariamente {adv} :: doctrinairely
doctrinario {adj} :: doctrinaire
doctrinario {m} :: doctrinaire, doctrinarian
doctrinero {m} [chiefly Roman Catholicism, historical] :: someone who teaches a doctrine, especially a missionary who taught the Catholic doctrine to Native Americans
doctrinero {adj} :: that teaches or promotes a doctrine, especially the Catholic doctrine
docudrama {m} [television] :: docudrama
docuficción {f} :: docufiction
documentación {f} :: documentation
documentadamente {adv} :: In a well-recorded way
documentado {adj} :: documented, of record
documental {m} :: documentary
documentalismo {m} :: the art of making documentaries
documentalista {mf} :: documentalist
documentalmente {adv} :: using documents
documentar {v} :: to document
documento {m} :: document, paper
documento {m} :: record
documento de voluntades anticipadas {m} :: advance directive, living will
docureality {m} :: reality show
docurreality {m} :: docureality
docuserie {f} :: docuseries
dodecaedro {m} :: dodecahedron
dodecafónico {adj} [music] :: dodecaphonic
dodecafonismo {m} :: twelve-tone technique
dodecágono {m} [geometry] :: dodecagon
Dodecaneso {prop} {m} :: Dodecaneso (archipelago)
dodo {m} :: dodo
Dodoma {prop} :: Dodoma (capital city)
dogma {m} :: dogma
dogma de fe {m} :: dogma of faith
dogmáticamente {adv} :: dogmatically
dogmático {adj} :: dogmatic
dogmatismo {m} :: dogmatism
dogmatizar {vt} :: to dogmatize
dogo {m} :: bulldog or so called "presa type" mastiff
dogón {adj} :: Dogon
dogón {m} :: Dogon
dogona {f} :: feminine noun of dogón
dogout {m} [baseball] :: dugout
Doha {prop} :: Doha (capital city)
dojo {m} [martial arts] :: dojo
doladera {f} :: spokeshave
dolama {f} :: bug (minor illness)
dolape {m} [vesre] :: bald man
dolar {v} :: to plane (smooth wood with a plane)
dólar {m} :: dollar
dólar canadiense {m} :: Canadian dollar
dólar de arena {m} :: sand dollar
dólar de EE.UU. {m} :: US dollar (official currency of the United States)
dolarización {f} :: dollarization
dolarizar {vt} :: to dollarize
dolencia {f} :: ailment, illness
doler {vt} :: to hurt; to ache
doler {vt} :: to grieve
dolerse {v} :: to complain
doliente {adj} :: aching, hurting
doliente {adj} :: sorrowful
doliente {adj} :: grieving
dolina {f} :: doline; sinkhole
dolmán {m} :: dolman
dólmen {m} :: dolmen (tomb consisting of a capstone supported by two or more upright stones)
dolménico {adj} [attributive] :: dolmen
dolo {m} :: fraud
dolo {m} [legal] :: malice
dolobu {adj} [vesre] :: stupid, dumb
dolomía {f} [geology] :: dolostone
dolomita {f} [mineral] :: dolomite
Dolomitas {prop} {mp} :: Dolomitas (mountain range)
dolomítico {adj} :: dolomitic
dolor {m} :: pain, ache, aching soreness, tenderness (physical)
dolor {m} :: grief
dolor {m} :: sorrow, hurt, pain, suffering (emotional, mental)
dolor {m} :: sore (in certain expressions)
dolor {m} :: heartache
dolorcillo {m} :: diminutive of dolor
dolor de cabeza {m} [literal] :: headache (pain or ache in the head)
dolor de cabeza {m} [figuratively, idiom] :: pain in the neck (something which is irritating)
dolor de espalda {m} :: backache
dolor de estómago {m} :: stomachache
doloreño {adj} :: Of or from Dolores
doloreño {m} :: Someone from Dolores
Dolores {prop} {f} :: given name
Dolores {prop} {f} :: The letter D in the Spanish phonetic alphabet
dolores de tiempo {mp} :: weather pains
doloridamente {adv} :: painfully
dolorido {adj} :: sore, hurting, painful
dolorosamente {adv} :: painfully
dolorosísimo {adj} :: superlative of doloroso
doloroso {adj} :: painful
dolosamente {adv} [legal] :: maliciously, willfully
doloso {adj} :: malicious; deceitful
doma {f} :: horse taming
doma {f} :: domestication
domable {adj} :: tamable, controllable, conquerable
domacio {m} :: domatium
domador {m} :: tamer; one who tames animals
domadora {f} :: feminine noun of domador
domain {m} [internet] :: domain
domar {v} :: to tame
domeñar {v} :: to tame, to domesticate
domeñar {v} :: to subdue
doméstica {f} [Spain, pejorative] :: maid [female servant or cleaner]
domesticable {adj} :: domesticatable
domesticación {f} :: domestication
domesticador {adj} :: domesticating
domésticamente {adv} :: domestically
domesticar {v} :: to domesticate
domesticidad {f} :: domesticity
doméstico {adj} :: domestic, household, home
doméstico {m} [Chile] :: a person who steals from their neighbors
domiciliación {f} [banking] :: direct debit
domiciliar {v} :: to set up a standing order or direct debit payment in a bank
domiciliar {v} :: to reside in a place permanently
domiciliario {adj} [attributive] :: house, home
domicilio {m} :: residence
domicilio {m} :: domicile
domicilio {m} :: address
dominación {f} :: domination
dominada {f} :: pull-up; chin-up
dominador {adj} :: dominating
dominador {adj} :: domineering
dominador {m} :: dominator
dominadora {f} :: dominatrix
dominancia {f} :: dominance
dominante {adj} :: dominant
dominante {adj} :: prevailing
dominante {adj} :: ruling
dominantemente {adv} :: dominantly
dominar {v} :: to dominate
dominar {v} :: to hold sway
dominatrix {f} :: dominatrix
dominatriz {f} :: dominatrix
dómine {m} :: Latin teacher
dominga {f} [slang, Spain] :: breast (of a woman)
Dominga {prop} {f} :: given name
domingo {m} :: Sunday
Domingo {prop} {m} :: given name
Domingo {prop} {m} :: surname, a variant of Domínguez
Domingo de la Divina Misericordia {prop} {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: Divine Mercy Sunday
domingo siete {m} [idiomatic, slang] :: unplanned pregnancy
dominguero {adj} [attributive] :: Sunday
dominguero {m} :: Sunday driver
Domínguez {prop} :: surname
dominguillo {m} :: roly-poly (toy that rights itself when pushed over)
dominica {f} :: Dominican
Dominica {prop} {f} :: Dominica (island/and/country)
dominical {adj} :: dominical (of or pertaining to Sunday)
dominicalmente {adv} :: every Sunday
dominicana {f} :: feminine noun of dominicano
dominicanidad {f} :: The state or quality of being Dominican
dominicanismo {m} :: Dominicanism
dominicano {adj} :: Dominican (relating to the Dominican Republic)
dominicano {adj} :: Dominican (relating to the religious order founded by St. Dominic)
dominicano {m} :: Dominican (person from the Dominican Republic or of its descent)
dominicano {m} :: Dominican (member of the religious order founded by St. Dominic)
dominico {m} :: Dominican (member of the religious order)
dominio {m} :: domain
dominio {m} :: rule, dominion
dominio {m} :: dominance, domination, power, control
dominio {m} :: mastery
dominio {m} :: sway
dominio {m} :: ownership
dominio público {m} :: public domain (the feature of intellectual property being not protected under patent or copyright)
dominio público {m} :: common knowledge
dominiqués {adj} :: Dominican [of Dominica]
dominiqués {m} :: Dominican [person from Dominica]
dominiquesa {f} :: feminine noun of dominiqués
dominó {m} :: dominoes (game played by arranging domino tiles)
dominó {m} :: domino (domino tile)
domo {m} :: dome [architectural element]
Domodédovo {prop} {m} :: Domodedovo (airport in Russia)
Domo de la Roca {prop} {m} :: Dome of the Rock (shrine in Jerusalem)
domótica {f} :: home automation
domotización {f} :: home automation
domovói {m} [mythology, folklore] :: domovoy
don {m} [obsolete] :: sir, master, lord
don {m} :: A title of respect to a man, prefixed to first names
don {m} :: gift, present
don {m} :: gift, talent, knack
Don {m} :: title of respect for a man
dona {f} :: doughnut
doña {f} :: title of respect for a woman comparable to Mrs.
Doña {f} :: title of respect for a married or widowed woman comparable to Mrs.
Doña {f} :: lady of the house, the woman in charge
donación {f} :: donation
donadío {m} [history] :: In the Middle Ages, a property given as a reward by the crown to their subject
donador {m} :: donor
donadora {f} :: feminine noun of donador
donaire {m} :: gracefulness, elegance
donaire {m} :: a joke or playful comment
donairoso {adj} :: funny; amusing
donante {adj} :: donating
donante {mf} :: donor
donar {v} :: to donate
donataria {f} :: feminine noun of donatario
donatario {m} :: donee (one who receives a donation)
donatista {mf} :: Donatist
donativo {m} :: donation
doncel {m} :: squire; donzel; young nobleman
doncella {f} :: maid, maiden, damsel (girl or an unmarried young woman)
doncella {f} :: abigail, lady's maid (female servant employed by an upper-class woman to attend to her personal needs)
doncellez {f} :: maidenhood; virginity
doncellita {f} :: diminutive of doncella
donde {adv} [in indirect questions] :: where, in what place
donde {conj} [Chile, colloquial] :: because
donde {conj} [Latin America, colloquial] :: if
donde {prep} :: by, near to
donde {prep} :: round (at the house of)
donde {pron} [relative] :: where, in what place
dónde {adv} [interrogative] :: where?; in what place?
dónde {m} :: where
donde Cristo perdió el gorro {adv} [idiom] :: in the middle of nowhere; bumfuck nowhere
donde dije digo, digo Diego {phrase} [Spain] :: A phrase used by the speaker when rectifying something they had previously said, claiming it was mispronounced or misinterpreted, or because he/she changed his/her opinion; to take back, to retract
donde dije digo, digo Diego {phrase} [Spain] :: move the goalposts
dónde está el baño {phrase} :: where is the toilet?
dónde está la bolita {m} [idiom] :: shell game
dónde están los aseos {phrase} :: where is the toilet?
donde fueres haz lo que vieres {proverb} :: alternative form of allá donde fueres, haz lo que vieres
don de gentes {m} [idiom] :: people skills
donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan {proverb} :: where there was fire, ashes remain
donde no hay harina todo es mohína {proverb} :: when there is no flour, all is gloomy; poverty breeds discontent
donde pongo el ojo pongo la bala {phrase} :: he shoots, he scores (used to say someone obtains something they set out to do)
dondequiera {adv} :: anywhere, wherever
donde tengas la olla no metas la polla {proverb} :: don't shit where you eat
doñear {v} :: To woo (a woman)
doner kebab {m} :: doner kebab
Donetsk {prop} :: Donetsk (city)
doñihuano {adj} :: from the Chilean city of Doñihue
Doñihue {prop} {m} :: Doñihue (city)
donjonado {adj} [heraldry] :: having a castle with the central tower higher than the side ones
donjonado {adj} [heraldry] :: turreted
donjuán {m} :: Don Juan, philanderer, womanizer
donjuanesco {adj} :: of or relating to Don Juan; philandering
don nadie {m} [idiom] :: nobody; zero; small fry (person of little value and unimportant)
donosamente {adv} :: amusingly
donosísimo {adj} :: superlative of donoso
donoso {adj} :: amusing
donostiarra {adj} :: Of or pertaining to San Sebastián
donostiarra {mf} :: Someone from San Sebastián
donosura {f} :: grace; elegance
Don Quijote {prop} {m} :: Don Quixote (the protagonist of a famous Spanish novel)
Don Quixote {prop} {m} :: obsolete spelling of Don Quijote [the original spelling]
donut {m} :: alternative form of dónut
dónut {m} :: donut, doughnut
doodle {m} :: doodle
doorman {m} :: doorman
dopaje {m} :: doping
dopamina {f} [neurotransmitter] :: dopamine
dopaminérgico {adj} :: dopaminergic
dopante {adj} :: doping
dopar {v} :: to dope; to do doping
doping {m} :: doping
doquier {adv} :: anywhere, wherever
doquiera {adv} :: everywhere
doquiera {adv} :: wherever
-dor {suffix} :: Forms nouns (usually agent nouns) and adjectives from verbs. The vowel before the suffix depends on the conjugation of the verb to which the suffix is added: -ar verbs use -ador (-adora), -er verbs use -edor (-edora) and -ir verbs use -idor (-idora)
-dor {suffix} :: Forms derivatives of other nouns
-dora {suffix} :: feminine noun of -dor
Dora {prop} {f} :: given name
doradito {adj} :: diminutive of dorado
dorado {adj} :: golden
dorado {m} :: various species of golden-colored fish (though not usually the pet goldfish)
dorado {m} :: plating with gold
Dorado {prop} [constellation] :: Dorado (a particular constellation)
dorador {adj} :: gilding
dorador {m} :: gilder (one who gilds)
doradora {f} :: feminine noun of dorador
doral {m} :: A type of flycatcher
dorama {m} :: dorama
dorar {v} :: to gild (to cover with gold)
dorar {v} [cooking] :: to brown
dorar {vr} :: to go brown
dorar la píldora {v} [idiom] :: to sugarcoat the pill
Dordoña {prop} {f} :: Dordoña (department)
Dordoña {prop} {f} :: Dordogne (river)
dorgi {m} :: dorgi
dórico {m} :: Doric (Ancient Greek dialect)
dórico {adj} :: Dorian, Doric (of or relating to the Dorians or the Doric order)
dorio {adj} :: Dorian
dormán {m} :: dolman
dormancia {f} :: dormancy
dormición {f} :: dormition
dormidera {f} :: opium poppy
dormidero {m} :: sleeper; sleeping house (place where cattle sleep)
dormidero {m} :: poppy
dormidina {f} :: sleeping pill
dormidito {adj} :: diminutive of dormido
dormido {adj} :: asleep, sleeping
dormilón {adj} :: sleepy
dormilón {m} :: Someone who sleeps a lot; sleepyhead, sleeper
dormilona {f} :: feminine noun of dormilón; Someone who sleeps a lot; sleepyhead
dormir {vi} :: to sleep
dormir {vr} :: to fall asleep
dormir {v} [euphemistic] :: to die; to rest in death
dormir a pierna suelta {v} [idiomatic] :: to sleep like a log
dormir como una marmota {v} [simile] :: To sleep like a log
dormir como un ceporro {v} [simile] :: To sleep like a log
dormir como un lirón {v} [simile] :: To sleep like a log
dormir hasta tarde {v} :: to sleep in, to sleep late
dormirla {v} [idiom] :: To sleep off a hangover
dormir la mona {v} [idiomatic] :: to sleep off (a hangover)
dormirlas {m} :: hide and seek
dormirse {v} :: reflexive of dormir, to fall asleep
dormirse en los laureles {v} [idiom] :: to rest on one's laurels
dormitar {v} :: to doze or nap
dormitorio {m} :: bedroom
dormitorio {m} [colloquial] :: dormitory
Dorotea {prop} {f} :: given name
dorsal {adj} [anatomy] :: dorsal
dorsal {m} :: ridge
dorsal ancho {m} :: latissimus dorsi
dorsalmente {adv} :: dorsally
dorsiblanco {adj} :: white-backed (said of a number of species of birds)
dorsifijo {adj} :: dorsifixed
dorsiflexión {f} :: dorsiflexion
dorsigrís {adj} :: grey-backed (said of various species of birds)
dorsirrojo {adj} :: red-backed (said of various species of bird)
dorso {m} [anatomy] :: back
dorso {m} [Mexico] :: backstroke
dorsolateral {adj} :: dorsolateral
dorsoventral {adj} [anatomy] :: dorsoventral
dorsoventralmente {adv} :: dorsoventrally
dos {num} :: two
dos a dos {adv} :: mutually
dosañera {f} :: feminine noun of dosañero
dosañero {m} :: two-year-old horse
dos cabezas piensan mejor que una {phrase} :: two heads are better than one
dos cervezas, por favor {phrase} :: two beers please
doscientos {num} :: two hundred
Dos de Mayo {prop} {m} :: Dos de Mayo (province)
dosel {m} :: canopy
Dos Hermanas {prop} :: Dos Hermanas (city)
dosier {m} :: dossier
dosificación {f} :: dosage
dosificar {v} :: to dose, measure out
dosímetro {m} :: dosimeter
dosis {f} :: dose
dosmil {m} :: a mountain 2000-2999 metres high
dos patitos {mp} [Spain, colloquial] :: The number twenty-two, especially in bingo
dos puntos {mp} :: colon (punctuation mark)
dossier {m} :: dossier
dos tetas tiran más que dos carretas {phrase} :: alternative form of tiran más dos tetas que dos carretas
dos tiempos {mp} [weightlifting] :: clean and jerk
dotación {f} :: resource
dotación {f} :: staff (of workers)
dotación {f} :: array
dotación {f} :: prize money
dotacional {adj} :: non-residential
dotado {adj} :: talented, gifted, endowed
dotar {v} :: to endow; award
dote {f} :: dowry
dote {f} :: talent
dotrina {f} :: obsolete spelling of doctrina
doula {f} :: doula
dovela {f} [architecture] :: voussoir
dovelaje {m} [architecture] :: set of keystones or voussoirs
dovelar {v} :: to keystone
doverense {adj} :: Doverian (of or pertaining to Dover, Delaware)
doverense {adj} :: Doverian (of or pertaining to Dover, England)
doverense {adj} :: Doverian (of or pertaining to any other location bearing the name "Dover")
doverense {m} :: Doverian, Doverite (native or resident of Dover, Delaware)
doverense {m} :: Doverian (native or resident of Dover, England)
doverense {m} :: Doverian, Doverite (native or resident of any other location bearing the name "Dover")
downhill {m} :: downhill (skiing)
doxiciclina {f} [pharmaceutical drug] :: doxycycline
doxología {f} :: doxology
doxorrubicina {f} :: doxorubicin
dozavo {adj} :: twelfth
dozavo {m} :: twelfth
dozavos {adj} :: masculine plural of dozavo
DPN {f} [medicine] :: initialism of disnea paroxística nocturna (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea)
dpto {m} :: abbreviation of departamento
Dr. {m} :: abbreviation of doctor
Dra. {f} :: abbreviation of doctora
dracaena {f} :: dracaena
dracma {f} :: drachma (former currency of Greece)
dracma {f} :: dram
Draco {prop} [constellation] :: Draco (constellation)
Dracón {prop} {m} :: Draco
draconiano {adj} :: draconian
draconiano {adj} :: Draconian
Drácula {prop} :: Dracula
DRAE {prop} {m} [linguistics] :: initialism of Diccionario de la Real Academia Española
draft {m} :: draft (in sports)
draftear {v} [sports] :: to draft
dragado {m} :: dredging
dragador {m} :: dredger
dragadora {f} :: feminine noun of dragador
dragalina {f} :: dragline excavator
dragaminas {m} [nautical] :: minesweeper
dragante {m} [heraldry] :: dragon
dragar {v} :: to dredge
dragea {f} :: obsolete form of gragea
drago {m} :: the dragon tree
dragón {m} :: dragon (legendary serpentine creature)
dragón {m} :: dragoon (horse soldier)
dragón {m} [heraldry] :: dragon
dragona {f} [fantasy, mythology, folklore] :: (feminine noun of dragón); a dragoness, a female dragon
dragona {f} :: lanyard (a cord with a hook; once used to fire artillery)
dragoncillo {m} :: diminutive of dragón
dragón de Komodo {m} :: Komodo dragon
dragonear {v} [Latin America] :: To pose (as a professional)
dragonear {v} [Argentina, Peru] :: To show off; brag
dragonear {v} [Uruguay] :: To hit on; flirt with
dragonear {v} [Uruguay] :: To give the eye
drag queen {mf} :: drag queen
draguero {m} [Colombia] :: mystery
drama {m} :: drama (genre in art, film, theatre and literature or a work of said genre)
drama {m} :: drama, tragedy, plight (quality of intense or high emotion or situation of enormous gravity that heightens such emotions)
drama {m} :: drama (theatre studies)
drama {m} :: play (work of theatre)
drama {m} :: big deal, fuss, scene
dramáticamente {adv} :: dramatically
dramático {adj} :: dramatic
dramático {adj} :: drama king
dramatismo {m} :: dramatism
dramatización {f} :: dramatization
dramatizar {v} :: to dramatize
dramaturga {f} :: feminine noun of dramaturgo
dramaturgia {f} :: dramaturgy
dramatúrgico {adj} :: dramaturgical
dramaturgo {m} :: playwright, dramatist, dramaturge
dramita {m} :: diminutive of drama
drapeado {m} :: drapery
drapear {v} [textiles] :: to drape
drásticamente {adv} :: drastically
drásticamente {adv} :: dramatically
drástico {adj} :: drastic
drástico {adj} :: dramatical
drávida {adj} :: Dravidian
drávida {mf} :: Dravidian
drcha {n} :: rt; abbreviation of derecha
dreads {mp} :: dreads
drenador {m} :: drain
drenaje {m} :: drainage
drenante {adj} :: draining
drenar {v} :: to drain
drepanocítico {adj} :: drepanocytic
Dresde {prop} {f} :: Dresde (city)
dríada {f} :: alternative form of dríade
dríade {f} [Greek mythology] :: dryad
dribbling {m} [sport] :: dribbling
driblar {v} [sports] :: to dribble (to run with the ball)
driblear {v} :: alternative form of driblar
dril {m} :: drill (fabric)
driza {f} [nautical] :: halyard
droga {f} :: drug
droga {f} [Mexico] :: indebtedness, debt
drogadicción {f} :: drug addiction
drogadicta {f} :: feminine noun of drogadicto
drogadicto {adj} :: drug addict
drogadicto {m} :: drug addict
drogadicto {m} :: drughead
drogado {adj} :: high (on drugs)
drogado {adj} [Mexico, colloquial] :: indebted
drogar {v} :: to drug
droga recreativa {f} :: recreational drug
drogarse {v} :: reflexive of drogar
drogodependencia {f} :: drug addiction
drogodependiente {mf} :: drug addict
droguera {f} :: feminine noun of droguero
droguería {f} :: drugstore, pharmacy
droguero {m} :: drugstore worker
droguita {f} :: diminutive of droga
droide {m} :: droid
dromaeosáurido {f} :: dromaeosaurid
dromedario {m} :: dromedary
dromeosáurido {m} :: dromaeosaur
dromeosaurio {m} :: dromaeosaur
-dromo {suffix} :: -drome
dron {m} :: drone (remotely controlled aircraft)
drone {m} :: drone
dronte {m} [obsolete] :: dodo
drugo {m} :: droog
druida {m} :: druid
druídico {adj} :: druidic
druidismo {m} :: druidism
drupa {f} [botany] :: drupe
drusa {f} [mineralogy] :: druse
druso {m} :: Druze
dseda {f} :: zeta; the Greek letter Ζ, ζ
dseta {f} :: zeta; the Greek letter Ζ, ζ
DU {prop} :: abbreviation of Durango (Mexican state)
dual {adj} :: dual
dual {adj} [grammar] :: dual
dualidad {f} :: duality
dualismo {m} :: dualism
dualista {adj} :: dualist
dualista {mf} :: dualist
duartiano {adj} :: Of or relating to Juan Pablo Duarte
duatlón {m} :: duathlon
dub {m} [music] :: dub
Dubái {prop} :: Dubái (emirate)
Dubái {prop} :: Dubái (capital city)
dubaití {adj} :: Of or from Dubai
dubaití {mf} :: Someone from Dubai; Dubaite
dubdar {v} :: obsolete spelling of dudar
Dubinsky {prop} {mf} :: surname
dubitación {f} [formal, dated] :: doubt
dubitación {f} :: dubitation
dubitativo {adj} :: dubitative
dubitativo {adj} :: doubting
Dublín {prop} {m} :: Dublín (capital city)
dublinés {adj} :: Dubliner, from Dublin
dublinés {m} :: Dubliner
dublinesa {f} :: feminine noun of dublinés
dubnio {m} :: dubnium
Dubrovnik {prop} :: Dubrovnik (city)
dubstep {m} :: dubstep
ducado {m} :: duchy (a dominion or region ruled by a duke or duchess)
ducado {m} :: dukedom (the rank or title of a duke)
ducado {m} [historical] :: ducat (historical gold coin)
ducal {adj} :: ducal
ducentésimo {adj} :: two hundredth
ducha {f} :: shower (device)
ducha {f} :: shower (act of having a shower)
duchar {v} :: to shower
ducharse {vr} :: to take a shower
duchazo {m} :: Quick shower
duchita {f} :: diminutive of ducha
ducho {adj} :: experienced, skilled
ductal {adj} [anatomy] :: ductal (relating to a duct)
dúctil {adj} :: ductile
dúctil {adj} :: malleable
dúctil {adj} [figuratively] :: malleable; docile, gullible
ductilidad {f} :: ductility
ducto {m} :: duct
ductor {m} :: guide, conductor
ductor {m} :: probe [surgical]
dúcula {f} :: imperial pigeon
dud. {adj} :: abbreviation of dudoso
duda {f} :: doubt, second thought
dudar {v} :: to doubt
dudosamente {adv} :: doubtfully
dudoso {adj} [of a person] :: doubtful (having doubts)
dudoso {adj} [of a thing, situation, etc.] :: dubious, doubtful (inspiring doubt)
duecho {adj} :: obsolete spelling of ducho
duela {f} :: stave (of barrels, casks, etc.)
duela {f} [Mexico] :: floorboard
duelista {mf} :: duelist (a person who fights a duel)
duelo {m} :: duel
duelo {m} :: sorrow
duelo {m} :: mourning
dueña {f} :: feminine noun of dueño, owner
dueña {f} :: mistress
Dueñas {prop} :: surname
duende {m} [Iberian folklore] :: a small humanoid creature who invades homes at night to carry out mischief and scare the residents
duende {m} [by extension, fiction] :: goblin, leprechaun, pixie, elf, imp, brownie, gremlin, hobgoblin
duende {m} [by extension] :: charisma (the power to attract through personal magnetism and charm)
duende {m} [by extension] :: charm, magic
duendecillo {m} :: pixie, sprite
duendecillo {m} :: leprechaun
duendecillo {m} :: hobgoblin, gremlin
dueño {m} :: owner, proprietor, landlord
dueño {m} :: master
dueño y señor {m} [idiomatic] :: lord and master
duermevela {f} :: doze, drowsiness, the state of being half-asleep, either napping or from exhaustion
duermevela {f} :: dorveille, restless sleep; a period of wakefulness or partial wakefulness between periods of sleep
duermevela {f} :: The vivid sleep when one thinks one is still awake
Duero {prop} {m} :: Douro
Dueso {prop} {m} :: A town in Santoña, Cantabria
dueto {m} [music] :: duet (a musical composition for two performers)
Dufour {prop} {mf} :: surname
dugout {m} [sports] :: dugout
duhaldismo {m} :: The political beliefs of Eduardo Duhalde, Argentine politician
Duisburgo {prop} {m} :: Duisburgo (city)
dulcamara {f} :: A vine in the nightshade family, bittersweet, Solanum dulcamara
dulce {adj} :: sweet (having a pleasant taste, especially induced by sugar)
dulce {adj} [of water] :: fresh (without salt)
dulce {adj} :: sweet (having a pleasant disposition)
dulce {m} :: candy, sweet
dulce {m} :: sweet food, dessert
dulce {m} :: thick jelly or fudge
Dulce {prop} {f} :: given name
dulceacuícola {adj} :: freshwater
dulcecito {adj} :: diminutive of dulce
dulce de leche {m} [usually uncountable] :: dulce de leche
dulce de membrillo {m} :: quince cheese
dulcedumbre {f} :: sweetness
dulcedumbre {f} [figurative] :: pleasantness, softness
dulceina {f} :: a type of clarinet
dulcemente {adv} :: sweetly
dulcera {f} :: feminine noun of dulcero
dulcera {f} :: a dish, often of crystal, for storing or serving syrupy sweets, honey, etc
dulcería {f} [Latin America] :: confectioner's shop, candy store, sweetshop (shop selling confectionery)
dulcero {adj} :: sweet-toothed; fond of sweets
dulcero {m} :: confectioner, candy maker
dulces sueños {phrase} [idiomatic] :: sweet dreams
dulcificación {f} :: sweetening
dulcificar {v} :: to sweeten
dulcificar {v} :: to mollify
Dulcinea {prop} {f} :: given name
dulcísimamente {adv} :: superlative of dulcemente
dulcísimo {adj} :: superlative of dulce
dulcísimo {adj} :: very sweet
dullahan {m} [folklore] :: dullahan
dulzaina {f} :: dulzaina (musical instrument)
dulzainera {f} :: feminine noun of dulzainero
dulzainero {m} :: dulzaina player
dulzarrón {adj} :: sickly sweet
dulzón {adj} :: sickly sweet
dulzor {m} :: sweetness
dulzura {f} :: sweetness
dulzura {f} [colloquial] :: sweetie, sweetpea, sweetheart
-dumbre {suffix} [no longer productive] :: Used to form a noun from an adjective: -itude, -ness
dumping {m} :: dumping
dumplín {m} :: dumpling
duna {f} :: dune
dunar {adj} :: dunal
dungana {f} :: feminine noun of dungano
dungano {adj} :: Dungan
dungano {m} :: Dungan
dungano {m} :: Dungan
dunícola {adj} :: duney
dunita {f} :: dunite
duo- {prefix} :: duo-
dúo {m} :: duo (twosome, especially musicians)
duodécima {f} :: feminine noun of duodécimo
duodécimo {adj} :: twelfth
duodécimo {m} :: twelfth
duodenal {adj} [anatomy] :: duodenal
duodeno {m} [anatomy] :: duodenum
duopolio {m} :: duopoly
dupla {f} :: duo
dupla {f} [sports] :: doubles
dupleta {f} [Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru] :: double; double whammy
dúplex {m} :: duplex flat, duplex apartment
duplicación {f} :: duplication
duplicador {m} :: doubler
duplicador {m} :: duplicator
duplicar {vtr} :: to double; to be twice as much as
duplicar {vt} :: to duplicate, to copy
duplicar {vt} [legal] :: to rejoin
duplicarse {v} :: reflexive of duplicar
dúplice {adj} :: Of or monastery, where nuns and monks both live
duplicidad {f} :: duplicity
duplitectura {f} :: duplitechture
duque {m} :: duke
duquesa {f} :: duchess
duquesito {m} :: diminutive of duqués
-dura {suffix} :: Forms nouns from verbs. The form used depends on the suffix of verb being appended: for -ar verbs use -adura, for -er verbs -edura, and for -ir verbs -idura
durabilidad {f} :: durability
durable {adj} :: durable
duración {f} :: duration, length (time)
duraderamente {adv} :: harshly
duradero {adj} :: durable, enduring, permanent
duradero {adj} :: long-term, long-lasting, sustainable
duralex {m} :: Duralex
duraluminio {m} :: duralumin
duramadre {f} :: dura mater
duramente {adv} :: harshly, roughly, hard, severely
Durán {prop} :: surname
duraneña {f} :: feminine noun of duraneño
duraneño {adj} :: Of or from Durán Canton in Ecuador
duraneño {m} :: An inhabitant of Durán Canton in Ecuador
durangarra {adj} :: Of or from Durango, Biscay
durangarra {mf} :: Someone from Durango, Biscay
Durango {prop} {m} :: Durango (state)
duranguense {adj} :: Durangan, of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Durango
duranta {f} :: Duranta
durante {prep} :: during, in, over
durante {prep} :: for (as a duration)
durante la noche {adv} :: overnight
durante la noche {adv} :: during the night
durar {v} :: to last
durar {v} :: to take time
duraznense {adj} :: of or from Durazno, a city in Uruguay
duraznense {mf} :: a person from Durazno
duraznero {m} [Latin America] :: peach tree
duraznero {m} :: rufous-capped warbler (Basileuterus rufifrons)
duraznillo {m} :: diminutive of durazno
duraznillo {m} :: Any of a number of plants - see Spanish Wikipedia for the species
durazno {m} [Latin America] :: peach
durazno {m} [Latin America] :: peach tree
durbanés {adj} :: Durbanite (of or pertaining to Durban, South Africa)
durbanés {m} :: Durbanite (native or resident of Durban, South Africa)
durbanesa {f} :: feminine noun of durbanés
dureza {f} :: hardness
dureza {f} :: arduousness
dureza {f} :: harshness
dureza {f} :: toughness, hardiness
durián {m} :: durian
durísimo {adj} :: superlative of duro; extremely tough
durito {adj} :: diminutive of duro
durmiente {adj} :: sleeping, who sleeps
durmiente {adj} [heraldry] :: dormant
durmiente {mf} :: sleeper (person or creature who is sleeping)
durmiente {mf} [rail transport] :: railway sleeper, tie
duro {adj} :: hard
duro {adj} :: firm, solid
duro {adj} :: hard, difficult
duro {adj} :: tough, resilient, strong
duro {adj} :: harsh, cruel, severe
duro {adj} :: unbearable, heavy
duro {adj} :: rude, offensive
duro {adj} :: mean, stingy, ungenerous
duro {adj} :: rough, uncouth
duro {adj} :: stiff, rigid
duro {adj} [cooking] :: hard-boiled
duro {adj} [colloquial] :: hardcore
duro {adj} [Mexico] :: drunk, tipsy
duro {m} :: hardball (i.e. a no-nonsense attitude)
duro {m} [Spain, colloquial] :: a coin worth 5 pesetas
Dusambé {prop} :: Dusambé (capital)
dusambés {adj} :: of or pertaining to Dushanbe, Tajikistan
dusambés {m} :: a native or resident of Dushanbe, Tajikistan
dusambesa {f} :: feminine noun of dusambés
Dushambé {prop} :: alternative form of Dusambé
Düsseldorf {prop} :: Düsseldorf (capital city)
dux {m} :: doge (chief magistrate in the republics of Venice and Genoa)
DVD {m} :: DVD (digital video disc)
dylaniano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Bob Dylan