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Deploying the Phonos in-line audio player to your Wiki

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Apologies if this message is not in your language, Por favor, ayuda a traducir a tu idioma to your language.

This wiki will soon be able to use the inline audio player implemented by the Phonos extension. This is part of fulfilling a wishlist proposal of providing audio links that play on click.

With the inline audio player, you can add text-to-speech audio snippets to wiki pages by simply using a tag:

<phonos file="audio file" label="Listen"/>

The above tag will show the text next to a speaker icon, and clicking on it will play the audio instantly without taking you to another page. A common example where you can use this feature is in adding pronunciation to words as illustrated on the English Wiktionary below.

{{audio|en|En-uk-English.oga|Audio (UK)}}

Could become:

<phonos file="En-uk-English.oga" label="Audio (UK)"/>

The inline audio player will be available in your wiki in 2 weeks time; in the meantime, we would like you to read about the features and give us feedback or ask questions about it in this talk page.

Thank you!

UOzurumba (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Language team

02:26 27 chul 2023 (UTC)

Cuentas temporales para editores no registrados

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Lee esto en tu idiomaPor favor, ayuda a traducir a tu idioma • Por favor, informa a otros usuarios sobre estos cambios

Bosquejo del historial de la página mostrando estilos nuevos y antiguos de nombres de usuarios. La dirección IP cambia a la cuenta temporal ~2024-23126-086, con un ícono revelando la dirección IP subyacente.
El próximo año, los editores no registrados comenzarán a usar cuentas temporales.

En 2024, los editores que no hayan registrado una cuenta comenzarán a utilizar cuentas temporales automáticamente. Estos editores a veces son llamados "editores IP" porque la dirección IP se muestra en el historial de la página.

El equipo de productos de Confianza y Seguridad dio una presentación en Wikimania sobre este cambio. Puedes verlo en YouTube.

Más información en m:Ediciones a través de IP: Mejora de privacidad y mitigación de abusos.

SGrabarczuk (WMF) (descutir) 02:05 30 set 2023 (UTC)[responder]

Plans to enable Content and Section Translation tool in your Wikipedia

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Hola Friends!

Apologies as this message is not in your native language, Por favor, ayuda a traducir a tu idioma.

The WMF Language team is pleased to let you know that we would like to enable the Section and Content translation tool in this Wikipedia. For this, our team will love you to read about the tool and test the Section Translation tool so you can:

  • Give us your feedback
  • Ask us questions
  • Tell us how to improve it

Below is background information about the tools and how you can test the Section translation tool.

Background information

Content Translation has been a successful tool for editors to create content in their language. More than one million articles have been created across all languages since the tool was released in 2015. However, the tool is not out of beta in this Wikipedia, limiting the discoverability of the tool and its use and blocking the enablement of the Section translation in your Wikipedia.

Section Translation extends the capabilities of Content Translation to support mobile devices. On mobile, the tool will:

  • Guide you to translate one section at a time in order to expand existing articles or create new ones
  • Make it easy to transfer knowledge across languages anytime from your mobile device

We plan to enable the tools in the next 2 weeks if there are no objections from your community. After it is enabled, we’ll monitor the content created with the tools and process all the feedback. In any case, feel free to raise any concerns or questions you may already have as a reply to this message or on the project talk page.

Try the Section translation tool

Before the enablement, you can try the current implementation of the tool in our testing instance. Once it is enabled, you’ll have access to with your mobile device. You can select an article to translate, and machine translation will be provided as a starting point for editors to improve.

Provide feedback

Please provide feedback about Section translation on the project talk page. We want to hear about your impressions on

  • The section translation tool
  • What you think about our plans to enable it
  • Your ideas for improving the tool

Thanks and we look forward to your feedback and questions.

UOzurumba (WMF) (descutir) 01:54 2 nov 2023 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team.[responder]

¡Muy pronto: ¡una nueva función de sub-referenciación - ¡pruébala!

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Hola. Durante muchos años, los miembros de la comunidad han solicitado una forma sencilla de reutilizar referencias con diferentes detalles. Ahora, llega una solución MediaWiki: la nueva función de sub-referencia funcionará para wikitexto y Editor Visual, y mejorará el sistema de referencia existente. Puedes seguir utilizando diferentes formas de referenciar, pero probablemente encontrarás sub-referencias en artículos escritos por otros usuarios. Más información en la página del proyecto.

Queremos tus comentarios para asegurarnos de que esta función funcione bien para ti:

El equipo de Technical Wishes de Wikimedia Deutschland tiene previsto incorporar esta función a los wikis de Wikimedia a finales de este año. Nos pondremos en contacto con los creadores y mantenedores de herramientas y plantillas relacionadas con las referencias con antelación.

Por favor, ayúdanos a difundir el mensaje. --Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 10:36, 19 August 2024 (UTC)

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Apologies for cross-posting in English. Please consider translating this message.Plantilla:Tracked

Hello everyone, a small change will soon be coming to the user-interface of your Wikimedia project. The Wikidata item sitelink currently found under the General section of the Tools sidebar menu will move into the In Other Projects section.

We would like the Wiki communities feedback so please let us know or ask questions on the Discussion page before we enable the change which can take place October 4 2024, circa 15:00 UTC 2. More information can be found on the project page.

We welcome your feedback and questions.
MediaWiki message delivery (descusión) 18:57 27 set 2024 (UTC)[responder]